165 research outputs found

    Dielektrične metapovršine za površinsko ojačeno Ramanovo spektroskopijo

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    I present the use of high refractive index dimers for the realisation of a surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy substrate. The use of low loss dielectric materials is favourable to metallic ones because of their lower light absorption and consequently much lower heating of the substrate. By combining different mechanisms of field enhancement we can overcome the main weakness of dielectric dimers: a low enhancement factor compared to the plasmonic ones. Results of finite element method simulations for two designed structures are presented. The first structure employs a gold mirror for additional field enhancement, while the second one is adapted for easier fabrication. The enhancement factors and absorption of both structures are compared to the plasmonic and other dielectric substrates.V tem magistrskem delu predstavim uporabo parov delcev z visokim lomnim količnikom za izdelavo površine za površinsko ojačano Ramanovo spektroskopijo. Uporaba dielektričnih materialov z nizkimi izgubami je v primerjavi s kovinskim materialom primernejša, zaradi manjše absorpcije in posledično manjšega segrevanja površine. S kombinacijo različnih ojačevalnih mehanizmov polja lahko premagamo glavno šibkost dielektričnih parov delcev: to je nizek ojačitveni faktor v primerjavi s plazmonskimi sipalci. Predstavljeni so rezultati simulacij z metodo končnih elementov za dve oblikovani strukturi. Pri prvi uporabimo zlato zrcalo za dodatno ojačenje polja, med tem ko je druga prilagojena za lažjo izdelavo. Ojačitveni faktorji in absorpcija obeh struktur so primerjani s plazmonskimi in dielektričnimi strukturami

    Parental problems in Balancing Paid Work and Family Life in Slovenia

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    Cilj rada je predstaviti problematiku odnosa između roditeljstva i plaćenog rada. Predstavljeni su podaci o zapošljavanju žena i roditelja u Sloveniji te institucionalni okvir usklađivanja rada i roditeljstva. Problemi skrbničkog rada i majčinskih/očinskih/roditeljskih dopusta sagledani su u kontekstu novijih promjena na području rada i zapošljavanja te iz rodne perspektive. Empirijski dio rada predstavljaju rezultati telefonske ankete koja je provedena na uzorku 608 roditelja djece stare do 7 godina. Rezultati govore da anketirani roditelji, posebice očevi, imaju duge radne dane, dok žene obavljaju većinu skrbničkog rada. Negativna iskustva sa zapošljavanjem, kao i na radnom mjestu, zbog roditeljstva ima više žena nego muškaraca. Rezultati analize u Sloveniji mogu biti korisni i prilikom analize razvoja socijalnih politika u drugim europskim zemljama i dokumenata institucija EU-a na tom području.The aim of the paper is to present problems of parents in reconciliation of parenthood and paid work.The data on employment of women and parents in Slovenia is presented and institutional framework related to the reconciliation of formal paid work and parenthood is described. Problems concerning care work and maternal/paternal/parental leaves are analysed in the context of recent organizational and labour market changes and from the gender perspective. In the second part of the paper the results of a telephone survey are presented. The survey was conducted on the sample of 608 parents of children aged up to 7 years. Survey results show that employed parents, especially fathers, are working long hours and that women assume the major part of childcare work. Gender differences in the amount of negative experiences in employment and at work exist. Results of analysis in Slovenia could be useful in the analysis of the development of social policies in other European countries and documents of EU institutions in the analysed field

    Porting interactive web content from Flash to HTML5

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    The thesis focuses on the issue of transferring or porting Flash-based content to HTML5. We have explored options for moving from Flash to HTML5. Options are divided into two main sets, the conversion of existing products and the development from the beginning. We tested and compared the options on games for learning music theory. Games were converted using online converter Google Swiffy and authoring programs Adobe Flash Professional and Adobe Animate. We have developed a few games from the beginning. We used HTML5 game framework Phaser, game creation program Construct 2 and JavaScript library JCanvas. We concluded that development from the beginning with chosen tools is better option for porting. Although we need more resources, games work and we have an opportunity for improvements


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    Basically, social psychology is centered around the only question: the relationship between the individual and society. Is the society just a sum of individuals or are individuals just elements of the society? We can approach the essence of this question by studying the work of some authors who could be regarded as predecessors of social psychology. First we have Wilhelm Wundt and Émile Durkheim as historically acknowledged forefathers of social psychology's both parent disciplines, namely psychology and sociology. Then we have George Herbert Mead, whose life was dedicated to the integration of these two disciplines and who could therefore be regarded as the first social psychologist. The article presents some basic ideas of these authors concerning the question about the relationship between the individual and the society

    Photochemical degradation of digoxin tested by Na,K-ATPase activity

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    The photochemical degradation of digoxin aqueous solution was obtained by Xelamp irradiation. The concentrations of digoxin in irradiated solutions were detected by measurements of Na,K-ATPase activity and by HPLC analysis. The excellent agreement using two independent methods for determination of digoxin concentration in the irradiated samples was achieved.Physical chemistry 2004 : 7th international conference on fundamental and applied aspects of physical chemistry; Belgrade (Serbia); 21-23 September 200

    Position and Activity of Farm Women

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    The purpose of this work is to review the characteristic features of the socio-economic position and behaviour patterns of farm women, as distinguished from other social groups of women (industrial workers, office workers, housewives). The data were collected by means of a questionnaire in the autumn of 1975, on a representative sample of inhabitants of Slovenia (N = 2014). Our results are from the study »Životni uvjeti i načini života Slovenaca« (Life Conditions and Ways of Life of Slovenes), I and II. Of the total number of women (N = 1087) in the representative sample, 20% were farm women; 57% living in part-time households, with an above average number of family members, and a below average household income. Almost all the farm women are religious; they have a conservative attitude towards the organization of family life; they devote much more time than other women to activities of an existential nature and conversation with neighbours and friends. Activities from the fields of sports, education and socio-political life are almost non-existent in the life of farm women. In some activities their participation is almost the same as that of the rest of the female population (housework, harvesting, listening to the radio and reading newspapers and magazines). In all other activities their participation is much lower, even lower than the participation of retired women and housewives. Aspirations towards changes in activities are low and unfied. They usually spend their leisure in physical passivity; they differ from the rest of the female population in that their leisure activities are expressively utilitarian. The values of the farm woman in most cases coincide with what she is really doing, not with her aspirations. Farm women have the lowest social status of all the group of women compared, and rather uniform patterns of behaviour. It seems that, with minimum changes, such patterns of behaviour will persevere. A low socio-economic status and tradition not only slow down, but prevent even the slightest change in patterns of behaviour outside the family circle

    Porting interactive web content from Flash to HTML5

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    The thesis focuses on the issue of transferring or porting Flash-based content to HTML5. We have explored options for moving from Flash to HTML5. Options are divided into two main sets, the conversion of existing products and the development from the beginning. We tested and compared the options on games for learning music theory. Games were converted using online converter Google Swiffy and authoring programs Adobe Flash Professional and Adobe Animate. We have developed a few games from the beginning. We used HTML5 game framework Phaser, game creation program Construct 2 and JavaScript library JCanvas. We concluded that development from the beginning with chosen tools is better option for porting. Although we need more resources, games work and we have an opportunity for improvements