639 research outputs found


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    We were evaluating the effectiveness of disinfecting appliance Dusept on mixture of G+ and G- bacteria and on the micro-organisms of heat-treated milk by three methods. By using the qualitative method effective action of 2% reagent was found on mixture of G+ and G- bacteria. By the qualitative method with carrier the 2% reagent was also effective on the mixture of G+ and G- bacteria, 1% and 0,1% reagents were not effective. The 2% reagent was not effective on the micro-organisms of milk on a carrier. The 2% solution was effective when applying the quantitative method by 20 minutes actuation on bacteria contained in milk.V experimente sme hodnotili účinnosť dezinfekčného prípravku na báze chlóru tromi metódami na zmes G+ a G- baktérií a na mikroorganizmy obsiahnuté v pasterizovanom mlieku. Pri použití kvalitatívnej platňovej metódy bolo účinné pôsobenie 2 %-ného roztoku na zmes G+ a G- baktérií. Pri kvalitatívnej metóde s použitím skleneného nosiča bol 2 %-ný roztok taktiež účinný na zmes G+ a G- , 1 %-ný a 0,1 %-ný roztok nebol účinný. Pre mikroorganizmy mlieka na nosiči 2 %-ný roztok bol neúčinný. Pri kvantitatívnej metóde bol 2 %-ný roztok po 20 minútovom pôsobení na baktérie obsiahnuté v mlieku účinný

    Measurement of Moisture Storage Parameters of Building Materials

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    The moisture storage parameters of three different building materials: calcium silicate, ceramic brick and autoclaved aerated concrete, are determined in the hygroscopic range and overhygroscopic range. Measured sorption isotherms and moisture retention curves are then combined into moisture storage functions using the Kelvin equation. A comparison of measured results with global characteristics of the pore space obtained by mercury intrusion porosimetry shows a reasonable agreement; the median pore radii by volume are well within the interval given by the beginning and the end of the characteristic steep parts of the moisture retention curves

    Obrada čelika P2-04BCH kutno kanalnom ekstruzijom (KKE)

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    The article presents results of investigation of structure and properties of low-carbon steel grade P2-04BCH after application of ECAE at temperature of approx. 290C. The ECAE method leads to significant improvement of strength of investigated material. Investigation of structure was made by combination of TEM and FEG SEM together with EBSD. It was proven the ECAE method enables obtaining of ultra fine-grained ferritic structure formed by recrystallised grains with very low density of dislocations and with a small portion of spheroidised carbides, which occurred usually on the boundaries of ferritic grains.Članak prikazuje rezultate istraživanja strukture i svojstava niskougljičnog čelika kvalitete P2-04BCH nakon kanalno kutne ekstruzije (KKE) pri temperaturi od oko 290°C. Zabilježen je značajan porast čvrstoće materijala. Struktura je ispitana kombinacijom transmisijskog elektronskog mikroskopa (TEM), skenirajućeg elektronskog mikroskopa s emisijom polja (FEG SEM) te elektronskom difrakcijom (EBSD). Dokazano je da se jednakokanalnom kutnom ekstruzijom postiže izuzetno sitnozrnata feritna struktura rekristalizacijom zrna, uz vrlo nisku gustoću dislokacija i mali udio sferičnih karbida s rasporedom, obično na granicama feritnih zrna

    Pendulum Energy Harvester with Amplifier

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    This paper presents a new principle of inductive vibration power harvester. Harvester is a pendulum that uses energy capacitor which is the mass. The mass is connected to the pendulum via a gearbox to achieve greater movement of the pendulum that generates an electromagnetic voltage. The harvester is developed at a very low frequency (1-10 Hz) which uses the rectified magnetic fluxes. Magnets are statically placed in the harvester case, and relative motion is carried out by the coil. Magnets are static, and the coil moves due to the weight ratio of magnets which the steel leads of the magnetic flux and the coil itself. This paper is focused on a harvester with a mechanical amplifier with the proposed technique is brings the plow harvester access with an auxiliary force. The experimental results indicate that the optimal results of the harvester with an accumulator for the resonant zone are 3.75 Hz, 7 Hz, and 10 Hz

    Measuring the Process Parameters of the IBAD Method

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    Chromium nitride films are known as good protective layers for against both corrosion and wear. These coatings have been studied in detail during recent years. Their protective capability strongly depends on the deposition conditions. A modern method for preparing chromium nitride is the IBAD (Ion Beam Assisted Deposition) method. The main parameter determining the composition and properties of the films prepared by the IBAD method is the arrival ratio of impinging nitrogen ions to chromium atoms. In order to calibrate the ion beam XY-mechanical scanner with a Faraday cup, a detector was designed and constructed. By mathematical processing of the data, the flux of the nitrogen atoms was found. To obtain the flux of the chromium atoms the RBS and Talystep methods were used. Now, on the basis of this data, we can perform CrNx, coatings with controlled composition and properties

    Near-Optimal Scheduling for LTL with Future Discounting

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    We study the search problem for optimal schedulers for the linear temporal logic (LTL) with future discounting. The logic, introduced by Almagor, Boker and Kupferman, is a quantitative variant of LTL in which an event in the far future has only discounted contribution to a truth value (that is a real number in the unit interval [0, 1]). The precise problem we study---it naturally arises e.g. in search for a scheduler that recovers from an internal error state as soon as possible---is the following: given a Kripke frame, a formula and a number in [0, 1] called a margin, find a path of the Kripke frame that is optimal with respect to the formula up to the prescribed margin (a truly optimal path may not exist). We present an algorithm for the problem; it works even in the extended setting with propositional quality operators, a setting where (threshold) model-checking is known to be undecidable

    Diversification and limited information in the Kelly game

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    Financial markets, with their vast range of different investment opportunities, can be seen as a system of many different simultaneous games with diverse and often unknown levels of risk and reward. We introduce generalizations to the classic Kelly investment game [Kelly (1956)] that incorporates these features, and use them to investigate the influence of diversification and limited information on Kelly-optimal portfolios. In particular we present approximate formulas for optimizing diversified portfolios and exact results for optimal investment in unknown games where the only available information is past outcomes.Comment: 11 pages, 4 figure

    Reset thresholds of automata with two cycle lengths

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    We present several series of synchronizing automata with multiple parameters, generalizing previously known results. Let p and q be two arbitrary co-prime positive integers, q > p. We describe reset thresholds of the colorings of primitive digraphs with exactly one cycle of length p and one cycle of length q. Also, we study reset thresholds of the colorings of primitive digraphs with exactly one cycle of length q and two cycles of length p.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figures, submitted to CIAA 201

    On edge intersection graphs of paths with 2 bends

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    An EPG-representation of a graph G is a collection of paths in a grid, each corresponding to a single vertex of G, so that two vertices are adjacent if and only if their corresponding paths share infinitely many points. In this paper we focus on graphs admitting EPG-representations by paths with at most 2 bends. We show hardness of the recognition problem for this class of graphs, along with some subclasses. We also initiate the study of graphs representable by unaligned polylines, and by polylines, whose every segment is parallel to one of prescribed slopes. We show hardness of recognition and explore the trade-off between the number of bends and the number of slopes. © Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany 2016