21 research outputs found

    ODGOVOR MEĐUNARODNE ZAJEDNICE NA KLIMATSKE PROMENE - Rezultati postignuti na samitu u Durbanu –

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    The author in this paper reviews all-important state initiatives in combating against climate changes, starting with the establishment of Intergovernmental panel for climate changes to the last in series, recently held meeting of the Conference parties in Durban. Unfortunately, the analyze shows that the most important results, whish were reflected in the adopting of legally binding agreements were reached at the beginning of deliberation and negotiation as the best ways to solve this problem. In this paper as the most important issue is pointed out the importance of adopting the Framework Convention on climate changes and Kyoto Protocol, which further elaborate the provisions of the Convention. All initiatives that followed the adoption of the Kyoto Protocol showed the general consent of states about the necessity in reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but, also the lack of willingness to determine more detailing and stronger obligations in this regard.Autor je u ovom radu kritički prikazao sve važnije inicijative država u borbi protiv klimatskih promena, počevši od osnivanja Međuvladinog panela za klimatske promene do nedavnog održavanja poslednjeg u nizu sastanaka Konferencije strana u Durbanu. Nažalost, analiza pokazuje da su najznačajniji rezultati, koji su se ogledali u usvajanju pravno obavezujućih sporazuma postignuti na samom početku razmatranja i pregovaranja o najboljim načinima za rešavanje ovog problema. U radu se prevashodno ističe značaj usvajanja Okvirne konvencije o promeni klime i Kjoto protokola kojim su dalje razrađene odredbe konvencije. Sve inicijative koje su usledile nakon usvajanja Kjoto Protokola pokazale su opšte slaganje država oko neophodnosti smanjenja emisije gasova staklene bašte, ali i nedovoljnu spremnost da se utvrde detaljnije i strože obaveze država u tom pogledu


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    In this paper the author presents the principal innovations in European Union Jurisdictional system envisaged by the Lisbon Treaty. The modifications related to the organization concerning the change of the name of courts, the procedure of election of judges and advocates general and the establishment of the specialized courts. The other modifications refer to the procedures in front of the European Court of Justice and The Court of the First Instance such as: actions for annulment, actions for failure or fulfill obligations and references for preliminary rulings.Autor je ovom prilikom predstavio osnovne novine u pravosudnom sistemu Evropske unije predviđene Ugovorom iz Lisabona. Deo izmena je organizacione prirode i ogleda se u promeni naziva sudova, načinu izbora sudija i opštih pravozastupnika i obrazovanju specijalizovanih sudova. Druge vrste izmena tiču se određenih postupaka pred Evropski sudom pravde i Prvostepenim sudom i to su postupak po tužbi za poništaj, postupak za sakcionisanje država članica i postupak davanja prethodnog mišljenja

    Evropski sud pravde i prostor slobode, bezbednosti i pravde

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    Istraživanje je rezultat potrebe da se razvoj u oblasti krivičnopravne saradnje država-članica Evropske unije zabeleži i analizira. Pri tome, mora se napomenuti da je u pitanju samo izbor najvažnijih pitanja koja su od značaja za tzv. treći stub Evropske unije, jer razgranate aktivnosti i mnoštvo propisa koji su doneti ili su u pripremi predstavljaju obimnu materiju koja nije mogla u potpunosti da bude obuhvaćena publikacijom. Reč je o jednoj od najperspektivnijih oblasti prava EU, kada je reč o njegovom budućem razvoju. Istovremeno, mora se primetiti da postojeći sistem već poprima oblike organizovane, koherentne celine, koja se sve češće u literaturi naziva krivičnim pravom EU. Kako bi pokušali da daju odgovor koliko su ambiciozni ovakvi planovi i kakve sve prepreke stoje na putu prevazilaženja klasičnog modela suverenosti država, prema kojem je krivično pravo u isključivoj nacionalnoj nadležnosti, autori su odlučili da knjigu podele u dva dela tako da se prvi deo knjige bavi izmenama koje su predviđene Ugovorom iz Lisabona u ovoj materiji, dok se drugi deo tiče različitih oblika krivičnopravne saradnje


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    Policy Solutions to the Clean Air Challenge

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    Taking a breath of air is such an instinctive human reaction that we rarely pause to consider how clean our air is, or how clean it could or should be. The quality of the air we breathe is linked to human and ecosystem health, wellbeing, economic productivity and healthcare costs, climate and environmental amenity. The latest science is now able to characterise the particles and gases in our air in great detail, but also detect pollutant fingerprints that can unequivocally identify emission sources – and hence inform policies to deliver cleaner air. It can also quantify the burden from poor air quality: around 30,000 premature deaths each year in the UK, and up to 7 million globally. This challenge represents a call for action – one which requires integrating insights ranging from technological interventions to governance solutions. In the follow up from the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP26), the University of Birmingham is pursuing research that matters, to address global environmental challenges, including clean air. How clean can our air be? Who is responsible in law – and who is not? Are electric vehicles the solution? How can natural solutions help? What are the secondary consequences of technical interventions? This edited collection offers a comprehensive examination of the nexus between different disciplines that are important in addressing air pollution, as well as discussion on implementing innovative clear air solutions and their policy implications. Covering a diverse range of topics, including outdoor and indoor pollution, trees, vehicle design and compliance with legal rules on air quality, this collection presents contemporary research to inform evidence-based policy actions relevant to audiences beyond academia, in particular policy makers and industry. In this publication, we explore some of these questions and many others. We hope that these briefing papers will not only inform the debate, but will also drive progress towards clean air for all, on scales ranging from the domestic to the global

    Addressing the climate challenge

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    In 2021, colleagues from across the University of Birmingham community were invited to write articles about topics relevant to the COP26 climate change summit. In this series of articles, experts from across many different disciplines provide new insight and evidence on how we might all understand and tackle climate change


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    The paper focuses on the main differences between the common law systems and continental systems (in particular the Serbian system) in respect of the conveyance of titles and other interests and land registries. Common law systems recognise the conveyance of title by the delivery of deeds or any other instruments, unlike the Serbian system which requires the registration of title in the land registry. The structure and effects of land registries are different between the two systems, whereby the Serbian system provides better protection of future purchaser and of current holders of titles and other interests. Despite those differences there are significant efforts to introduce the internet access to land registries into both systems.U ovom radu prikazane su osnovne razlike između anglosaksonskog i kontinentalnog pravnog sistema u materiji sticanja prava svojine i drugih prava, kao i samih registara nepokretnosti, s posebnim osvrtom na osobenosti sistema u Srbiji u odnosu na anglosaksonski sistem. Anglosaksonski sistemi predviđa sticanje prava svojine na osnovu pravnog posla predajom isprave o sticanju ovog prava ili bilo koje propisane isprave, dok se prema pozitivnim pravu u Srbiji zahteva upis u javnu knjigu ili na drugi odgovarajući način određen zakonom ukoliko se radi o sticanju prava svojine na nepokretnosti na osnovu pravnog posla. Struktura i dejstvo registara nepokretnosti se razlikuju između ova dva sistema, tako da sistem u Srbiji pruža bolju zaštitu budućih sticalaca i trenutnih imaoca prava svojine i drugih stvarnih i obligacionih prava. Uprkos tim razlikama u oba sistema se pokušava sa uvođenjem internet pristup registrima nepokretnosti