12 research outputs found
Inhalation of ZnO nanoparticles: Splice junction expression and alternative splicing in mice
Despite the wide application of nanomaterials, toxicity studies of nanoparticles (NP) are often limited to in vitro cell models, and the biological impact of NP exposure in mammals has not been thoroughly investigated. Zinc oxide (ZnO) NPs are commonly used in various consumer products. To evaluate the effects of the inhalation of ZnO NP in mice, we studied splice junction expression in the lungs as a proxy to gene expression changes analysis. Female ICR mice were treated with 6.46 x 10(4) and 1.93 x 10(6) NP/cm(3) for 3 days and 3 months, respectively. An analysis of differential expression and alternative splicing events in 298 targets (splice junctions) of 68 genes involved in the processes relevant to the biological effects of ZnO NP was conducted using next-generation sequencing. Three days of exposure resulted in the upregulation of IL-6 and downregulation of BID, GSR, NF-kB2, PTGS2, SLC11A2, and TXNRD1 splice junction expression; 3 months of exposure increased the expression of splice junctions in ALDH3A1, APAF1, BID, CASP3, DHCR7, GCLC, GCLM, GSR, GSS, EHHADH, FAS, HMOX-1, IFN, NF-kB1, NQO-1, PTGS1, PTGS2, RAD51, RIPK2, SRXN1, TRAF6, and TXNRD1. Alternative splicing of TRAF6 and TXNRD1 was induced after 3 days of exposure to 1.93 x 10(6) NP/cm(3). In summary, we observed changes of splice junction expression in genes involved in oxidative stress, apoptosis, immune response, inflammation, and DNA repair, as well as the induction of alternative splicing in genes associated with oxidative stress and inflammation. Our data indicate the potential negative biological effects of ZnO NP inhalation.Web of Science168120019
Determination of inorganic anions in air by modernized aerosol sampler
Combination of original ACTJU sampler with water-based condensation growth unit (CGU) located upstream of the ACTJU allows quantitative sampling of aerosol particles down to a few nm in diameter. The ACTJU effluent is permanently sucked out from the sampler and online analysed for particulate water-soluble species by ion chromatography
On-line simultaneous determination of ammonia/ammonium in ambient air
Presented paper describes methods for on-line determination of gaseous ammonia and particulate ammonium in ambient air
Determination of dicarboxylic acids in air by aerosol sampler
Dicarboxylic acids (DCAs) are important components of water soluble aerosol compounds. Aerosol particles are quantitatively collected using a continous aerosol sampler, CGU-ACTJU, into deionized water. The ACTJU effluent is permanently sucked out from the sampler and on-line analysed for DCAs content by means of ion chromatography
Application of spectrophotometry for determination of drug residua in waters
Rezidua léčiv jako biologicky aktivní látky jsou schopna rušit některé čistící procesy v ČOV. Běžné provozní laboratoře ČOV i úpraven vod jsou vybaveny spektrofotometry pracujícími v oblasti UV a VIS. Proto bylo hlavním cílem práce vypracovat metodický postup na bázi spektrofotometrie, a to ve viditelné oblasti, který by umožnil detekci a stanovení vybraných léčiv.Residua of pharmaceuticals represent biologically active compounds which can interfere with some purification processes in WWTP. Control laboratories of many WWTP and water works are equipped with UV-VIS spectrophotometers. Therefore, the main goal of this thesis was the elaboration of the method for the determination of selected drugs in water based on the VIS spectrophotometry.
Determination of dicarboxylic acids in atmospheric aerosols using ion chromatography with on-line connected preconcentration unit
A method for the fast and sensitive detection of dicarboxylic acids in atmospheric\naerosols was optimized. The method is based on the online sampling and subsequent\nanalysis with ion chromatography. The system was applied to the determination of\nDCAs in urban aerosols in Brno. The method was verified using a laboratory generated\nstandard aerosol of DCAs. A sampling of aerosol particles on parallel filter was used\nas a reference method
Use of Capillary Zone Electrophoresis for Determination of Selected Analgetics in Water
V posledních letech se z hlediska environmentální analýzy stala na celém světě velmi po-pulární otázka průniku reziduí léčiv do složek životního prostředí. Tyto kontaminanty patří mezi biologicky aktivní látky, odlišující se svými fyzikálně-chemickými a biologickými vlastnostmi, vykazující vysoký sklon k bioakumulaci. Do životního prostředí pronikají zejména se stále zvyšující se spotřebou, případně také nesprávnými postupy při jejich likvidaci. Mezi nejčastěji využívaná farmaka patří léky proti bolesti – analgetika a z této skupiny tzv. nesteroidní protizánětlivé látky. Důvodem jejich často nadměrného užívání je jejich snadná dostupnost. Z této velmi obsáhlé skupiny látek byla pro monitoring vybrána léčiva diklofenak, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, kyselina salicylová, naproxen a paracetamol, jelikož jsou jako účinné látky obsažené v nejvíce používaných preparátech. Sledovanou matricí byla odpadní voda ze dvou čistíren odpadních vod (ČOV), odebíraná na přítoku a odtoku, aby mohly být porovnány nejenom rozdílné koncentrace cílových analytů, ale zejména zjištěna účinnost jejich odstranění, a to v závislosti na použitých technologiích čištění. Pro extrakci sledovaných kontaminantů byla využita extrakce pevnou fází (SPE) a jako analytická koncovka kapilární zónová elektroforéza (CZE) s detekcí diodovým polem (DAD). V rámci experimentu byla identifikována a následně kvantifikována všechna sledovaná analgetika, a to jak na přítoku, tak i odtoku ČOV; bylo potvrzeno, že se tyto polutanty dostávají do povrchových vod i do dalších složek životního prostředí.From viewpoint of environmental analysis in the whole world became popular in the latest years the question of drugs’ breakthrough to the component of environment. These contami-nants belong to the biological active compounds, with different physical-chemical and biolog-ical properties and evince great tendency to bioaccumulation. They penetrate to the environ-ment because of their increasing of usage and wrong techniques of liquidation. The most often use drugs are preparations against pain – analgetics, and from this category there are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The frequent usage of this compounds relate to their easy accessibility. From this large group of compounds was chosen for monitoring: diclofenac, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, salicylic acid, naproxen and acetaminophen; because they include in favorite preparations. The monitoring matrix was the wastewater from two waste water treat-ment plants (WWTP). The sampling was performed in inflow and outflow because the com-paring of concentration of selected contaminants and discovering of efficiency of removing the polutants reliance on treatment technology. For extraction of selected contaminants was used solid phase extraction (SPE) and for determination was used capillary zone electrophore-sis (CZE) with diode array detection (DAD). There was identified and quantified all of se-lected analgetics in inflow and so in outflow of WWTP. That means, this polutants infuse into surface water and then into other components of environment.
System for fast analysis of explosives in the enviromnemt
Detection of explosives is the subject of many investigations by law enforcement agents and forensic scientist. The identification and discrimination of evidence taken from crime scenes is a common practice in forensic investigations. The higher demands on simple and fast determination of hazard materials or strange objects are required in connection with worldwide often repeated terrorist activities
Manufacturing and mechanical characterization of bio-based laminates and sandwich structures
Jute fabric is well-known reinforcing material in composite science, however, there is a necessity to treat these fabrics to reduce moisture uptake and improve properties. Nevertheless, every modification increases the cost and reduces the possible applications. Presented research deals with an investigation of possibility to use untreated jute in various fabric weight as a reinforcing material in sandwich structures facings. Untreated jute reinforcements andtwo types of cork coreswere saturated in one step during vacuum infusion creating a lightweight sandwich composite. All samples were mechanically tested in three-point bending test. Experimental results showed the most appropriate material combination and produced sandwich structure are proposed for design applications. © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland
Detecting water in composite sandwich panels by using infrared thermography
Honeycomb composite structures widely used in aviation are sturdy and light-weight but they may accumulate water from the atmosphere during aircraft operation. The presence of water in honeycomb cells leads to a higher airplane mass and excessive corrosion of aluminum cores, while the frozen water endangers panel integrity. This work describes the use of infrared thermography for detecting water trapped in aviation honeycomb cells. © 2017 Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland