165 research outputs found

    Analiza performansi novih eksperimentalnih genotipova ječma za prinos zrna pomoću AMMI biplota

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    Presence of GE interaction reduces the correlation between genotypic and phenotypic parameters and complicates progress of selection. Among several methods proposed for evaluation of the GE interaction, the AMMI model is one of the most commonly used. The objective of this study was to estimate the GE interaction in new barley lines using the AMMI model, and to identify winter barley genotypes with stable and high yield. Multi-location trials with 25 winter barley advanced lines were conducted at four locations. The AMMI model was used to estimate GE interaction. The AMMI analysis of variance indicated that the genotype, environment and GE interaction had significant influence (p lt 0,01) on barley grain yield. Based on AMMI method, G8 and G18 could be recommended for further testing due their high and stable yields.Interakcija GxE je izvor varijacije koji uključuje uticaj genotipa i faktora spoljašnje sredine, koji otežava izbor superiornih genotipova u procesu selekcije. AMMI analiza predstavalja metod koji se često koristi za ocenu interakcije genotip/sredina. Cilj ovog rada je ocena interakcije genotip/sredina pomoću AMMI modela, i identifikacija genotipova ozimog ječma sa visokim i stabilnim prinosom. Multilokacijski ogledi sa 25 superiornih linija ječma su posejani na četiri lokaliteta. AMMI analizom varijanse je utvrđeno da su genotip, sredina i interakcija genotip/ sredina imali signifikantan uticaj (p lt 0,01) na prinos ječma. Na osnovu AMMI analize, genotipovi G8 i G18 se mogu preporučiti za dalje testiranje usled njihovog visokog i stabilnog prinosa

    Economic effects of establishment and exploitation of the carp fishponds in Serbia

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    Са порастом становништва на планети земљи питање производње довољних количина хране постаје све актуелнији проблем. Производи аквакултуре из године у годину све више учествују у билансу хране, при чему значајан допринос овом учешћу даје производња ципринидних врста риба. Од укупно произведене количине ципринидних риба у свету, производња шарана се креће на релативном нивоу од око 18% и у последњих десет година се кретала између 2,4 и 3 милиона тона. У Европи, поред лососа и калифорнијске пастрмке, шаран представља једну од најзначајнијих гајених врста риба. У Србији шаран је највише гајена врста риба. На сразмерно великом броју и површини шаранских рибњака у Србији врши се производња на полуинтензиван и интензиван начин са све већом применом комплетних крмних смеша. Већа производња као и све већа заинтeресованост инвеститора за улагања у шаранско рибарство намећу потребу за адекватнијим утврђивањем економских ефеката ове производње. У циљу утврђивања економске исплативости инвестиционих улагања у рибњаке за производњу топловодних врста риба, у раду је анализирано пет организационо- економских модела производње шарана, од којих је у три модела извршена анализа на две варијанте исхране. Модели су формирани у складу са специфичностима шаранског рибарства Србије, које је анализирано како на основу званичних статистичких података, тако и на основу података добијених из научно-стручне литературе, али и из производне праксе. У раду су коришћене динамичке методе за оцену економске ефективности инвестиција. Резултати анализе су показали да са повећањем површине под рибњацима, као и са повећањем интензитета производње у оквиру полуинтензивног система гајења, расте и финансијски резултат који се остварује на шаранским рибњацима.With an increase in population on earth the production of sufficient quantities of food becomes very actual problem. The aquaculture products from year to year have been increasingly involved in the balance of food, where a significant contribution to this production gives the participation of cyprinid kinds of fish. Of the total produced cyprinid fish quantity in the world, the carp production amounted to the relative level of about 18%, and in the last ten years it amounted to 2.4 and 3 million tons. In Europe, in addition to the salmon and rainbow trout, the carp is one of the most important cultivated species of fish. In addition to the preceding facts, an importance of the carp ponds products in the total quantity of caught and produced fish in Serbia is the highest one. In Serbia, the carp is the most cultivated species of fish. On the relatively large number and area of carp ponds in Serbia it has been carried out the production in semi-intensive and intensive way with increasing application of complete feed mixtures. Increased production and a growing interest of investors for the carp fisheries have imposed a need for adequate determination of economic effects in this production. In order to be determined the economic profitability of investments in the fisheries for warmwater types of fish, there have been analyzed in dissertation five organization and economic models of carp production, of which the three models include analysis of the two feed types. The models have been established in accordance with the specific features of the carp fisheries of Serbia, which was analyzed on the basis of data obtained both from the official statistics and scientific literature, but also from the production practices. In the analysis there have been used dynamic methods for evaluation the economic effectiveness of investments. The results showed that with an increase of the pond area, as well as with an increase of the production intensity in the semi-intensive fish breeding system, the financial results achieved in the carp fishponds are growing as well

    Perception of Hotel Rebranding from the Position of Tourism Professionals and the General Public

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    The aim of the paper is to analyse the perception of rebranding and repositio ning of Panorama Zagreb hotel into a new hotel, i.e., a new brand under the name Zonar Zagreb, among tourism professionals and the general public. Based on the research conducted on a sample of the tourism professionals, i.e., on a sample of hoteliers, restaurateurs and employees in tourism, as well as on the basis of an identical questionnaire on a sample of the general public, i.e., respondents of all occupational and educational profiles, by comparing the answers obtained, an attempt is made to determine the level of new brand recognition and the perception of the new brand, i.e., rebranding and repositioning among the professional and general public. The results of the research show that the professional public is very well ver sed in trends in the local hotel market, marketing terms, theory and practice, and more specifically, in the rebranding of the Zonar Zagreb hotel itself. On the other hand, due to the intensive marketing campaign, the general public is familiar with the new Zonar Zagreb brand, but the awareness of the finesse and details of the repositioning and rebranding process from Hotel Panorama Zagreb to the Zonar Zagreb hotel was mainly not present among the general public

    Proizvodni i ekonomski rezultati intenzivne proizvodnje šarana (Cyprinus Carpio) u Srbiji

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    Carp production in Serbia is traditionally conducted in large area fish farms under a semi-intensive farming system. Total area under fish farms in Serbia amounts to approximately 11 thousand hectares, with 8.5 thousand hectares being under exploitation each year. In 2004, a significant intensification of production began at fish farms in Serbia which have traditionally organized their production under a classic semi-intensive farming system. Intensification of production was undertaken with partial or complete feeding with pelleted complete feeds. That way carp production per area unit (kg/ha) was increased by over 50%. Apart from intensification by means of using the complete extruded feeds, construction of specialized fish farms for intensive carp production started in 2003. At this moment (2016) their area amounts to several hundred hectares. Data from intensive carp fish farms indicate that production of one- and two-year fish has been approximately 3t/ha in the period from 2003 until today, with a mild increase during the last couple of years. With the purpose of determining the cost effectiveness of investments in fish ponds for intensive carp production two organization-economic models have been analyzed in the study. The models have been formed based on in line with the specific features of the Serbian carp farming, which has been analyzed both on the basis of data obtained from the scientific and specialist literature but also from the production practice. Models of intensive carp production in technical and production sense have been defined in the study and production plans have been prepared. Therefore, based on such defined models, dynamic methods have been prepared for assessment of economic effects of the investments. The results of the analysis have demonstrated that investment in intensive carp production on 10ha fish farm is not, and on 50ha fish farm is barely economically justifiable, as well as methods for improvement of economic effectiveness.Proizvodnja šarana se u Srbiji tradicionalno sprovodi na ribnjacima velikih površina u poluintenzivnom sistemu uzgoja. Ukupne površine pod šaranskim ribnjacima u Srbiji iznose oko 11 hiljada hektara, pri čemu je oko 8.5 hiljada hektara godišnje u eksploataciji. U toku 2004 godine počinje intenzifikacija proizvodnje na šaranskim ribnjacima u Srbiji koji su tradicionalno obavljali proizvodnju u poluintenzivnom sistemu. Intenzifikacija je sprovedena uz delimičnu ili potpunu ishranu kompletnim peletiranim hranama. Na taj način proizvodnja po jedinici površine je povećana preko 50%. Sa druge strane, nevezano od intenzifikacije proizvodnje korišćenjem kompletnih hraniva, od 2003 godine počinje izgradnja specijalizovanih ribnjaka za intenzivnu proizvodnju šarana. U ovom momentu (2016) površine intenzivnih šaranskih ribnjaka iznose nekoliko stotina hektara. Proizvodnja na intenzivnim šaranskim ribnjacima u Srbiji iznosi oko 3t/ha, posmatrano u periodu od 2003 godine do danas, sa manjim povećanjem u poslednjih nekoliko godina. U svrhu utvrđivanja ekonomskih efekata investiranja u ribnjake za intenzivnu proizvodnju šarana, analizirana su dva organizaciono-ekonomska modela u ovom istraživanju. Modeli su definisani u skladu sa specifičnostima uzgoja šarana u Srbiji, koji su analizirani na osnovu podataka iz naučne i stručne literature, kao i prakse. Modeli intenzivne proizvodnje šarana su definisani u tehničkom i tehnološkom smislu, nakon čega su sastavljeni planovi proizvodnje. Nakon toga, na osnovu definisanih modela sastavljene su investicione kalkulacije pomoću kojih su obračunati dinamički pokazatelji efektivnosti investicija. Rezultati analize su pokazali da investicija u intenzivnu proizvodnju šarana na 10ha nije opravdana, dok je investicija u intenzivnu proizvodnju na 50ha opravdana. Takođe su dodatno ispitane mogućnosti za poboljšanje ekonomske efektivnosti obe investicije

    Značaj procesa čišćenja podataka sortnog ogleda za donošenje kvalitetnih odluka u oplemenjivanju

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    Field trials supposed to enable selection of the most successful genotypes which is critical because of the existence of Genotype by Environment interaction. To assess this interaction we are forced to conduct field trials in several environments and/or years. When we asses grain yield of maize hybrids during the breeding process, it is always based on multi-environment small plot field trial (MESPT). That is why this part of the breeding process is most demanding in terms of technical, financial and labor requirements. In this paper, one possible systematic approach to assessing multi-environment field trials conduction is described. The main goal of the described approach is to provide the best possible results with the use of reasonable resources. As the results of trials cannot be directly interpreted without previous statistical processing, quality of raw data as input for biometrical (statistical) analysis is essential for obtaining a relevant and objective measure of genotype relative value in terms of productivity and adaptability (reliability) of new advanced maize hybrids. There are many definitions of data quality but data is generally considered high quality if it is fit for intended uses in operations, decision making and planning. The main aim of this paper is to underline the importance of the data cleaning process in MESPT.Svrha poljskih ogleda u oplemenjivanju biljaka je da omogući odabir najuspešnijeg genotipa, što nije uvek jednostavan zadatak prevashodno zbog postojanja interakcija genotipa i spoljašnje sredine. Upravo zbog postojanja interakcija sortni ogledi se izvode u brojnim lokacijama i godinama, kako bi se dobila pouzdana procena vrednosti genotipa. U toku oplemenjivačkog procesa, procena prinosa, recimo, hibrida kukuruza, je zasnovana isključivo na rezultatima višelokacijskih sortnih mikro ogleda (VSMO). Ovaj deo oplemenjivačkog procesa je stoga najzahtevniji sa tehničkog i finansijskog aspekta ali i sa stanovišta angažovanja obučene radne snage i specifične opreme. U ovom radu prikazan je jedan od mogućih sistematskih pristupa u proceni višelokacijskog sortnog ogleda. Glavni cilj predstavljenog pristupa je da obezbedi najbolji mogući rezultat uz angažovanje razumnih resursa. Kako rezultati poljskog ogleda ne mogu biti direktno interpretirani bez prethodne obrade podataka, kvalitet ulaznih-sirovih podataka je od krucijalne važnosti za dobijanje relevantnih i objektivnih procena relativne vrednosti novostvorenih genotipova (hibrida kukuruza) u smislu njihove produktivnosti i stabilnosti. Postoje brojne definicije kvaliteta podataka, ali se podaci generalno mogu smatrati visoko kvalitetnim ako su odgovarajući za planirane statističke obrade, donošenje odluka i planova. Cilj izloženog rada je da naglasi značaj pročišćavanja/čišćenja podataka pre procesa statističke obrade podataka sortnih mikro ogleda

    Investigation of the antimicrobial effect of black cumin seed oil using staphylococcus aureus strains

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    As customer awareness grows, there is an increasing consumer demand for minimally processed food products containing reduced amounts of additives. In order to preserve the safety and stability of foodstuffs, the use of preservatives is necessary in most cases, but their amounts can be reduced or they can be replaced by using alternative preservatives. There are numerous research findings in the scientific literature that support the antimicrobial effect, oxidative stability and scavenger abilities of black cumin seed oil. These properties, combined with its beneficial physiological effects, make it particularly suitable for use as a natural preservative. The goal of this work was to investigate the antimicrobial effect of black cumin seed oil in the case of Staphylococcus aureus, a pathogen relevant from a food safety point of view. In order to be able to map the mode of action more accurately, we worked with erythromycin, and to test the suitability of the oil in a combined preservation process, it was combined with organic acids

    Feeding selectivity of brown trout Salmo cf. trutta (L.) as a factor of fishing success

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    Potočna pastrmka je u rekreativnom ribolovu cenjena riblja vrsta, otuda i neposustajuće interesovanje za ponašanje ove vrste sa aspekta njene ishrane. Vizuelni je predator, hrani se vodenim i kopnenim beskičmenjacima i sitnijim ribama, a većina autora smatra je generalistom i oportunistom. Ciljevi studije bili su ispitati sezonsku dinamiku ishrane potočne pastrmke na tri pastrmska vodotoka različitih karakteristika, razlike u rastu i produkciji pastrmke i njihovu korelaciju sa karakteristikama staništa, kao i značajnost i selektivnost različitih vrsta plena u ishrani pastrmke, gde je selektivnost tokom sezone izražena Electivity indeksom, kako bi se dala preporuka za uspešan pristup ribolovu na ovu vrstu na različitim tipovima staništa. Karakteristike staništa važne za izbor načina ribolova su geologija područja, abundanca i diverzitet plena, bogatstvo drifta i doba godine. Visoka provodljivost vode ima pozitivan uticaj na produkciju plena, a samim tim i produkciju pastrmke. Najzastupljeniji plen na staništu obično je negativno selekcionisan, osim na početku i/ili na kraju sezone kada je drugi plen manje dostupan. Za redak plen postoji pozitivna selekcija pa bi imitacije takvog plena mogle biti uspešnije. Imitacije bentosnog plena treba birati u skladu sa abundancom i sezonskom dinamikom, a različite imitacije terestričnog plena koristiti pred kraj sezone jer je tada izrazito pozitivno selekcionisan. Pastrmka brzo reaguje na promene u dostupnosti plena, ali je moguće predvideti koja će imitacija biti uspešna na osnovu karakteristika staništa i sezonske dinamike. Na staništima sa manjom abundancom ali visokim diverzitetom plena moguć je uspešan ribolov sa raznovrsnim imitacijama, dok će selektivnost biti izraženija na plenom bogatim staništima.Brown trout is a valuable species in recreational fishing, hence the persistant interest in its feeding behavior. It is a visual predator, that feeds on aquatic and terrestrial invertebrates and smaller fish. Many authors considered it both a generalist and opportunist. The aims of the study were to determine seasonal dynamics of brown trout diet on three salmonid watercourses with different characteristics, difference in trout growth and production and to examine their correlation to habitat characteristics, significance and selectivity of different prey, where the selectivity was assessed by Electivity index, so that successful fly fishing approach could be proposed for different habitats. The habitat characteristics important for choosing fishing approach are geology of the area, prey abundance and diversity, drift richness and time of the season. High water conductivity has a positive impact on prey production, and consequently high trout production. The most abundant prey in the habitat is usually negatively selected, except at the beginning and/or the end of the season when other preys are less available. Positive selection exists for rare preys so imitations of such prey can be more successful. Imitations of benthic prey should be chosen with respect to its abundance and seasonal dynamics, and various imitations of terrestrial prey should be used more near the end of the season when it is positively selected. Trout react quickly to changes in prey availability, but which imitation will be successful can be predicted based on habitat characteristics and seasonal dynamics. Successful fishing with various imitations is possible in habitats with lower abundance but high diversity of prey, while selectivity will be more pronounced in prey-abundant habitats

    Evaluation of Spring Barley Performance by Biplot Analysis

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    Unpredictable environmental conditions lead to occurrence of large genotype by environment (G x E) interaction. It reduces the correlation between genotypic and phenotypic values and complicates selection of superior genotypes. The objective of this study was to estimate genotype by year (G x Y) interaction using AMMI model, to identify spring barley genotypes with stable and high yield performance and to observe association of different meteorological variables with tested growing seasons. The trials with 15 spring barley genotypes were conducted during seven years (1999-2005) at the location of Rimski Sancevi. The results showed that the influence of year (Y), genotype (G) and G x Y interaction on barley grain yield were significant (p lt 0.01). Meteorological variables varied significantly from year to year and Y explained the highest percent of treatment variation (81%). The first three IPCA were significant and explained 83% of interaction variation. According to this study, it could be concluded that AMMI analysis provided an enhanced understanding of G x Y interaction in barley multi-years trials. Among the tested genotypes, LAV and NS 477 could be separated as highest yielding genotypes, however LAV could be recommended for further breeding program and large-scale production due to its stable and high yielding performance. It also provided better insight in specific association between spring barley grain yield and meteorological variables

    Varijacija NDVI vrednosti i veza sa prinosom kod ozimog dvoredog ječma

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    The simple methods used for indirect biomass determination are recognized as potentially important tools for crop growth prediction. The normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) is widely used for assessing crop biomass, yield, photosynthesis, and nitrogen management. Aims of this study were to determine the variation in NDVI values and relationship of the NDVI with the most significant agronomic properties in the elite genotypes of two-rowed winter barley. The experiment included elite two-rowed winter barley genotypes and was carried out in two growing seasons. NDVI were measured at mid-anthesis, while grain yield and grain yield components were determined from combine harvested samples at maturity. Results from this study showed that the influence of genotype was mainly responsible for variation in most studied traits. Grain yield of two-rowed barley cultivars was more related to high grain number per unit area than to grain weight. NDVI values at anthesis in both growing seasons were positively associated with grain yield (R2 = 0.444 and R2 = 0.386), grain number (R2 = 0.387 and R2 = 0.507) and plant height (R2 = 0.352 and R2 = 0.364), while relationship with grain weight was not significant. Significant genotypic variation for NDVI values and the presence of significant positive relationship with grain yield and grain number indicated that NDVI measurement at anthesis could be efficiently used for indirect identification of productive two-rowed winter barley genotypes.Jednostavne analize koje se koriste za indirektno određivanje biomase predstavljaju potencijalno značajne metode za predviđanje rasta useva. Normalizovani diferencijalni vegetacioni indeks (NDVI) se često upotrebljava za ocenu biomase, prinosa i drugih osobina. Cilj ovog istraživanja je bilo utvrđivanje varijacije u NDVI vrednostima i veze sa najznačajnijim agronomskim osobinama kod elitnih genotipova dvoredog ozimog ječma. Ogled sa elitnim genotipovima ozimog ječma je izveden tokom dve sezone. Očitavanje NDVI vrednosti je izvršeno tokom sredine cvetanje, dok su prinos zrna i komponente prinosa određene iz uzorka nakon kombajniranja u punoj zrelosti. Rezultati ovog istraživanja ukazuju da je uticaj genotipa predstavaljao osnovni izvor varijacije kod većine proučavanih osobina. Prinos zrna kod genotipova ozimog dvoredog ječma je bio u većoj vezi sa brojem zrna po jedinici površine u odnosu na masu zrna. NDVI vrednosti u cvetanju u obe sezone su bile u pozitivnoj vezi sa prinosom, brojem zrna i visinom biljaka, dok veza sa masom zrna nije bila značajna. Značajna genotipska varijacija za NDVI vrednosti i značajna pozitivna povezanost sa prinosom zrna i brojem zrna ukazuje da vrednosti NDVI u cvetanju mogu da se efikasno koriste za indirektnu identifikaciju produktivnih genotipova ozimog dvoredog ječma

    Masa 1000 semena suncokreta u zavisnosti od godine i genotipa

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    For a successful seed production, it is necessary to know the size, i.e. 1000-seed weight, since it affects the sowing rate, plant density over the vegetative period as well as the seed yield per unit area. The study was conducted in field conditions, on plots where seed production of sunflower hybrids parental components was organized. Seed production was based at three different localities. Observation was conducted during the course of three years. The study was performed on 18 different genotypes. Considering the total number of the observed genotypes, 10 genotypes represented lines based on CMS, while the remaining 8 genotypes represented restorer lines. The study showed that 1000-seed weight was higher with CMS based lines than with restorer lines, which was expected considering the branching of the restorer lines. Sunflower 1000-seed weight depended on the year of observation and the observed genotype. Year had a significant effect on 1000-seed weight.Za uspešnu semensku proizvodnju neophodno je poznavati krupnoću, tj. masu 1000 semena jer ona utiče na setvenu normu, optimalan sklop biljka u toku vegetacije, a samim tim i na prinos semena po jedinici površine. Ispitivanje je vršeno u poljskim uslovima na parcelama gde je organizovana semenska proizvodnja roditeljskih komponenti hibrida suncokreta. Semenska proizvodnja organizovana je na tri različita lokaliteta. Posmatranje se odvijalo tokom tri godine. Ispitivanje je obavljeno na 18 različitih genotipova. Od ukupnog broja posmatranih genotipova, 10 genotipova predstavljale su linije na bazi CMS-a, dok su preostalih 8 genotipova predstavljale restorer linije. Ispitivanja su pokazala da je masa 1000 semena veća kod linija na bazi CMS-a u odnosu na restorer linije, što je bilo i za očekivati s obzirom na granatost linija restorera. Masa 1000 semena suncokreta zavisila je od godine posmatranja i posmatranog genotipa. Godine kao faktor posmatranja imale su značajnog uticaja na masu 1000 semena