10 research outputs found

    Edukacja i nauka jako miękkie narzędzie w Słowacji i krajach V4

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    Already in the Middle Ages, in times of the first universities, education was an important source of knowledge and social status. Nowadays, education, together with its quality and level of teaching, is used as a means of pursuing national interests abroad, as well as influencing local elites, and sometimes even a larger population. High level and good quality of education is one of factors contributing to the relationship between states. The role of education as regards international prestige and the position of individual states has risen in recent years chiefly due to major changes in the global economy and a corresponding shift of values, values which have become important for the modernization of societies. Thus, education has become increasingly important, especially due to the growing significance of knowledge in the globalized world. Education has become an increasingly important factor in international relations and it translates into the soft power of a state.Edukacja była już ważnym źródłem władzy i statusu w średniowieczu, w czasach pierwszych uniwersytetów. W dzisiejszych czasach edukacja, wraz z jakością i poziomem nauki, jest wykorzystywana jako środek promowania narodowych interesów za granicą, a także wywierania wpływu na lokalne elity, a czasem nawet na większą populację. Wysoki poziom edukacji wysokiej jakości jest jednym z czynników budujących relacje władzy międzypaństwowej. Rola edukacji w międzynarodowym prestiżu i pozycja krajów znacznie wzrosła w ostatnich latach, głównie z powodu poważnych zmian w światowej gospodarce i odpowiedniego przesunięcia wartości, które stały się ważne w procesach modernizacji społeczeństwa. Edukacja staje się zatem coraz ważniejsza, zwłaszcza wraz z rosnącym znaczeniem wiedzy w zglobalizowanym świecie. Edukacja staje się zatem coraz ważniejszym czynnikiem w stosunkach międzynarodowych i przekłada się na miękką siłę kraju

    Security dimensions of the current demographic problems

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    These days, demographic problems – especially population growth and its non-military aspect of security belong to the one of the most crucial problems in relation with the global problems of humankind. The problem of the world population belongs to one of the current key global problems of humankind. The fastening increase of the world population is a serious problem of the contemporary world. This problem’s gravity was realized by humankind at the beginning of the 60-ties of the 20th century, whereupon demographic development has achieved a great significance since then. The term- population problem- has thus become a subject for many scientific discussions. The population influenced and still influences the functioning of society, therefore great attention to demographic processes was paid in the past and is still being paid even nowadays

    Challenges and Sustainability of China’s Socio-Economic Stability in the Context of Its Demographic Development

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    Like many developed countries in the world, China currently faces many serious demographic challenges that pose a potential risk to the country’s socio-economic development and stability. The current demographic development and trend is characterized by a change in the reproductive behavior of the population, characterized by a decline in birth rates, a change in family behavior, and a shift in the value system. This paper is aimed at identifying the impact of population policy and the degree of its influence on both the economic and social system of the country. Based on a deterministic approach, the findings reveal and demonstrate the serious demographic challenges facing China, and we are noting that there is no guarantee that parametric adjustments, such as shifting the retirement age, will de facto ensure the financial health of the pension system by preventing bankruptcy. We point out the risks and prospects for the sustainability of China’s socio-economic development based on an analysis of past and current Chinese demographic policy

    Education and Science and Its Importance in Process of Supporting Economic Growth and Competitiveness in the European Union and Slovak Republic

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    As a part of its long-term strategic objectives, the European Union has set efforts to increase internal cohesion, improve economic growth levels, which will strengthen its position in the world economy area and also strengthen its competitiveness vis-à-vis other key players in the world economy. The level and quality of education, as well as the level and quality of science and research, are key areas for achieving this goal. Thus, the main attention at the level of the European Union and its individual member states should be focused on the implementation of systemic measures aimed at improving the educational process and research activities in all aspects (legislative, personnel, financial, procedural, etc.). The article focuses on the definition and analysis of the main developmental trends and tendencies in the area of education and support of science and research in the area of the European Union and the Slovak Republic


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    Questions regarding the water have a specific position in the context of environ-mental challenges. The possibility of escalating tensions between individuals, social groups, states or groups of states may even be higher for water-related issues than with other environmental problems. According to many pessimistic forecasts in the course of the 21st century water conflicts occur, which can have tragic consequences. Even though such conflicts have not yet reached a significant regional or global dimension, the risk of such a conflict cannot be ruled out. The aim of the research is to identify other potential risk areas where the water situation will most likely worsen, which may result in a threat of violence, conflict. At the same time, we were comparing the state of renewable water resources in individual countries of the world.Pytania dotyczące wody mają szczególne znaczenie w kontekście wyzwań środowiskowych. Możliwość eskalacji na-pięć między jednostkami, grupami społecz-nymi, państwami lub grupami państw może być nawet większa w przypadku problemów związanych z wodą niż w przypadku innych problemów środowiskowych. Zgodnie z wieloma pesymistycznymi prognozami w ciągu XXI wieku dochodzi do konfliktów wodnych, które mogą mieć tragiczne konsekwencje. Mimo że takie konflikty nie osiągnęły jeszcze znaczącego wymiaru regionalnego ani globalnego, nie można wykluczyć ryzyka takiego konfliktu. Celem badań jest zidentyfikowanie innych potencjalnych obszarów ryzyka, w których sytuacja wody najprawdopodobniej się pogorszy, co może skutkować groźbą przemocy, konfliktami. W tym samym czasie porównaliśmy stan odnawialnych zasobów wodnych w poszczególnych krajach świata

    Regional concentration of higher education

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    This research article focuses on the regional concentration of higher education. The purpose of the research is to examine the effects of this concentration and to devise some possible outcomes and implications for the regional economic growth and development. We discuss the endogeneity of higher education and evaluate the differences such as the official demographic projections or the growth-related factors, including student numbers predicted by official statisticians. Our article contributes to ongoing research on the role of higher education in promoting regional economic development and emerging inequalities in the regions around the world. In addition, it focuses on the existence of the multiple channels of activity through which tertiary education institutions (TEIs) benefit their regional economies. In addition, the paper tackles the issue of regional concentration of TEIs within and across regions and clearly demonstrates how the geography of higher education has evolved and developed in the recent years

    The specifics of selected agricultural commodities in international trade

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    Purpose. This paper evaluates the involvement of three selected agricultural commodities (rice, coffee and soya) in international trade. The aim is to analyze the specification of foreign trade in selected commodities and assess their different significance between representations in domestic markets and exports. This article will also assess other contexts related to international trade in these three commodities, including the negative effects on their trade. Based on the set goal, a research question was asked which evaluates the different position of the examined agricultural commodities on world export markets in relation to domestic consumption. Methodology / approach. The theoretical anchoring of the issue under study are the approaches taken to international economic relations with the emphasis on the specific features of agricultural trade. The methodological framework of the present study is based on the systematic analysis of the spatial distribution of production capacities, the territorial analysis of exports and imports within the world agricultural market and qualitative evaluation of the specifics of selected export commodities and their role in the economy of countries, including labour market importance and in the possibilities of their use. Results. The paper presents the results of the involvement of the rice, coffee and soya in international trade analysis. Most rice production is consumed on domestic markets. Unlike rice, most of the coffee produced is exported and less is consumed within the growing countries themselves. Although domestic coffee consumption is increasing, more than 70% of world production is exported. Soya bean production has increased significantly over the past 50 years as a result of the rising demand for animal feedstuff and biofuels. Almost three quarters of soya bean production is consumed as feedstuff. Originality / scientific novelty. The main contribution of the article is in the application level the elaboration of a comparative view of three selected agricultural commodities. At the theoretical level of the study, it represents a contribution to the discussion within the approaches to the organization of global agricultural trade, the interdependence of economic policies of states, trade ties and the impact on labour markets in relation to production. Agricultural commodities remain an important item in world international trade. However, their share in the total volume is gradually declining. They play an important role in the maintenance of individual countries, but at the same time they are of great economic importance, although we can also mention the less positive aspects of their production, including their impact on the environment. At the same time, it is necessary to realize that this sector is essential for human survival and also that agriculture is important from the point of food security for the population, which can contribute to and increase the level of agricultural protectionism (resilience to world market disruptions or uncontrolled import of genetically modified (GM) food and the transmission of animal diseases). Agriculture is one of the most sensitive economic sectors in the world. Nevertheless, agricultural exports have several economic benefits, including stimulating a wide range of agricultural-related industries, transport suppliers, processing and farm inputs. Practical value / implications. The production of agricultural commodities is of great importance to the economies of individual states, where it contributes to the creation of direct, indirect and induced jobs. The agrarian sector is a key sector, especially for less developed countries. The analysis confirmed the high tradability of all commodities examined and is documented by their involvement in the international division of labour in the global projection

    University collaboration for co-designing sustainable urban areas

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    Our article tackles the timely and important issue of the university collaboration aimed at shaping up the sustainable urban areas and contributing to their development through the teaching and research. Universities provided qualified labour force, yield novel research solutions and act as hubs for entrepreneurial activity in urban areas. In this article, we show that even though most of the universities are concentrated in large urban centres and capital regions, many of them are located in small rural areas and have a profound effect on them. We also demonstrate the impact of universities on the sustainable development which is done through the sustainable education as well as the R&D approaches. These effects are very relevant for the co-designing of sustainable rural areas that can follow the principles of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the green policies imposed by the majority of the local and central governments around the world