18 research outputs found

    Manager's Personality in Classical Music

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    The aim of the bachelor thesis is to describe in detail the personality of music manager, follow the development from the childhood to the employment possibilities, distinguish and emphasis the unique personality traits that are unconditionally necessary for his job. The thesis also points out some grave problems typical for Czech cultural market that would be vital to change. The work is based on books about general management and effective leading, and the second part draws from the literature focused on cultural and music management and specification of classical music world. A reader can largely find there also subjective author's opinions based on her acquired knowledge and experience. On the basis of the outcome is essential to change the attitude to music management from long-term point of view. The education of music managers has to be treated in the most responsible way. It has to be also created an unequivocally statute of music management in Czech Republic that can handle Czech national musical heritage

    Motivation at the Piano

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    The aim of this thesis was to analyse the process of the motivation related to the artistic activitie, specifically the piano in all its breadth. Introduction of this thesis is devoted to pure motives that led to deal with this issue. The ending of this thesis is conceptually the same as the introduction and it has the space for the author's personal contribution and feelings that have become the core for all the work, without which the topic of this work certainly would not arouse the author's attention and would not become the topic. The work is clearly built in two sections. The first is theoretical, which aims to build a clear view of all important psychological terms that are related to motivation, and without these the work would be hardly uniform and would not show a view to sort out the issue. More details define motivation terminology, explain the differences between categories, which could easily blend into confusion, and attempt to systematize the entire hierarchy of used definitions. In the second part there is the issue of motivation applied exclusively to piano as a single level. The proceed is clear, from chapters about young children and their understanding ability, to chapters about adult pianists and individuals in any role related to the piano, just who has an active attitude to the instrument. The second part aims at a comprehensive insight on the development of artistic personality, whether professiona

    Piano Works by Maurice Ravel

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    I decided to meet the target to compile solo-piano works by Ravel and I decided to describe each other of them. I must make a note of his two piano concertos and his piano version of the symphonic poem La Valse in the introduction of my thesis as compositions which I have decided willfully to cut out. I think these compositions should be compiled as an individual and independent theme of thesis because of their importance and extension, generally, they need much more space than I can afford here. On this race I have released them, so, they aren´t components of my thesis and analysis. My conception is following: I have divided my thesis into two crucial subsections. I wanted to give information about all main periods in Ravel´s life in the first subsection. I noted his birth, his beginning of music studies, including his first attempts to compose. Then I wanted to inform about Ravel´s affair with the Prix de Rome. Ravel tried to win for several times but he was not successful. I noted The First World War´s period and next important terms during Ravel´s life. I have show some of his orchestral works which I have found to point them out. I think these facts are useful to gain the better context. The second subsection consists of solo-piano works by Maurice Ravel. Works are sorted among their chronological sequence and I mostly have initiated source what Ravel used as an inspiration from. I wanted to describe more knowledge about the Impresionism not only about music but also about the art as making a whole. I have afforded to compare Ravel´s artistic personality with his older fellow, Claude Debussy, because they were the most important French representatives of the Impresionism. This comparison was shown as a part of the chapter named Ravel´s composing characteristics. In the last part I have looked back to previous chapters and I have recapitulated my thesis. I have shown the main contribution of Maurice Ravel. Finally, I have elavuated the most significant aspects which I had tried hard to explain

    Motivation at the Piano

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    Cílem diplomové práce bylo dopodrobna zpracovat problematiku motivace vztahující se k umělecké činnosti, konkrétně ke klavírní hře v celé její šíři. Úvod práce je věnován čirým pohnutkám, které vedly k zabývání se tímto tématem. Koncepčně podobně veden je též závěr, v němž je rovněž prostor vymezen pro osobní autorův vklad a pocity, které se staly stěžejními vůbec pro celou práci, bez nichž by téma jistě nevzbudilo autorovu pozornost a sotva by se tématem stalo. Práce je zřetelně postavena do dvou samostatných úseků, do části první, teoretické, která si staví za cíl objasnit z psychologického pohledu všechny důležité odbornější termíny, které se motivace týkají a bez kterých by práce sotva vykazovala jednotný a utříděný pohled na danou problematiku. Podrobnějším způsobem definuje motivační terminologii, vysvětluje rozdíly mezi kategoriemi, jež by mohly snadno splývat do nepřehlednosti, a snaží se systematizovat celou hierarchii používaných definic. V části druhé, takříkajíc aplikované, je problematika motivace vztahována již výlučně na klavírní hru, tedy do jediné roviny. Postupuje se zde od kapitol věnovaným malým dětem a jejich možnostem chápání po kapitoly dosahem již k umělci dospělému, pianistovi, jakékoliv role vztahující se ke klavíru, jednoduše kdo má aktivní přístup k nástroji. Druhá část usiluje o komplexní vhled na vývoj umělecké osobnosti, ať už profesionální či pouze amatérské úrovně, ústící do klíčového cíle,

    The Effect of Heat Flux to the Fire-Technical and Chemical Properties of Spruce Wood (Picea abies L.)

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    The paper assesses the influence of the heat flux on spruce wood (Picea abies L.) behavior. The heat flux was performed at 15, 20, 25, and 30 kW·m−2. The fire-technical properties, such as the mass burning rate, charring thickness, charring rate, as well as the chemical composition (contents of the extractives, lignin, cellulose, holocellulose), of wood were determined. The highest burning rate of spruce wood of 0.32%·s−1 was reached at the heat flux of 30 kW·m−2. The charring rate ranged from 1.004 mm·min−1 (15 kW·m−2) to 2.016 mm·min−1 (30 kW·m−2). The proposed model of the charring process of spruce wood in time and appropriate thickness as a selected parameter is applicable in validation of the results of computer fire models in the design of fire protection of wooden buildings. The decrease in the holocellulose content mostly caused by the degradation of hemicelluloses was observed during thermal loading. The biggest decrease in hemicelluloses (24.94%) was recorded in samples loaded at 30 kW·m−2. The contents of cellulose increased due to the structural changes (carbonization and crosslinking), the content of lignin increased as well due to its higher thermal stability compared to saccharides, as well as the resulting lignin condensation

    Vyhľadávanie významných konceptov v rámci konceptuálnej analýzy dát

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    Existuje množstvo prístupov a nástrojov, ktoré slúžia na extrakciu konceptuálnych štruktúr zo vstupného datasetu. Ich hlavným cieľom je pomôcť používateľovi lepšie porozumieť vstupným dátam a vzťahom medzi nimi. Jed-nou z takýchto metód je formálna konceptová analýza (FCA), ktorá je schopná spracovať a analyzovať vstupné dáta v tvare objekt-atribútov tabuľky na zákla-de ich vzťahov. FCA obsahuje niekoľko modelov, v tejto práci budeme praco-vať s modelom zovšeobecneného jednostranne fuzzy konceptového zväzu (GOSCL), ktorý je schopný pracovať s rozličnými typmi atribútov. Avšak jed-ným z problémov GOSCL je množstvo konceptov, ktoré generuje. Existuje nie-koľko prístupov, ktoré riešia problém generovania veľkého množstva koncep-tov. V tejto práci sa zameriame na získavanie len tých konceptov, ktoré môžu byť pre používateľa potencionálne užitočné na základe ním zadaného dopytu

    Chemical and Morphological Composition of Norway Spruce Wood (Picea abies, L.) in the Dependence of Its Storage

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    Chemical composition and morphological properties of Norway spruce wood and bark were evaluated. The extractives, cellulose, hemicelluloses, and lignin contents were determined by wet chemistry methods. The dimensional characteristics of the fibers (length and width) were measured by Fiber Tester. The results of the chemical analysis of wood and bark show the differences between the trunk and top part, as well as in the different heights of the trunk and in the cross section of the trunk. The biggest changes were noticed between bark trunk and bark top. The bark top contains 10% more of extractives and 9.5% less of lignin. Fiber length and width depends on the part of the tree, while the average of these properties are larger depending on height. Both wood and bark from the trunk contains a higher content of fines (fibers <0.3 mm) and less content of longer fibers (>0.5 mm) compared to the top. During storage, it reached a decrease of extractives mainly in bark. Wood from the trunk retained very good durability in terms of chemical composition during the storage. In view of the morphological characteristics, it occurred to decrease both average fibers length and width in wood and bark

    Charakterizace degradace celulózy v průběhu urychleného stárnutí pomocí GPC-MALS, GPC-DAD a A4F-MALS

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    In this work, we compared three methods of analysis of cellulose in paper subjected to accelerated ageing: size exclusion chromatography in combination with multiangle light scattering (SEC-MALS) detection, size exclusion chromatography in combination with diode-array detector and calibration using polystyrene standards (SEC-DAD), and asymmetric flow field–flow fractionation in combination with multiangle light scattering (A4F-MALS). Prior to separation, cellulose sample were derivatized with phenyl isocyanate to CTC and dissolved in tetrahydrofuran.Práce porovnává tři metody analýzy celulózy vystavené urychlenému stárnutí: gelová permeační chromatografie v kombinaci s víceúhlovým rozptylem světla (GPC-MALS), gelovou permeační chromatografii v kombinaci s detektorem diodového pole a kalibrací na polystyrenové standardy (GPC-DAD) a frakcionaci tokem v asymetrickém tokovém poli (A4F-MALS). Před separací byly vzorky derivatizovány fenyl izokyanátem na CTC a rozpuštěny v tetrahydrofuranu