25 research outputs found

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    Tijekom povijesti, kako se mijenjalo društvo tako su se mijenjali i odgojni utjecaji na dijete kao i sam položaj djeteta u odgojnom procesu. U prošlosti, nije se obraćala pozornost na djetetove potrebe, a često ga se i tjelesno kažnjavalo. Djeca su bila i radnici, a nerijetko i ratnici. Od djeteta se očekivala bezuvjetna poslušnost. Pojavom humanizma i renesanse dolazi do velikog obrata u odgoju i dijete dolazi u središte odgojnog procesa. Počinje se obraćati pažnja na njegove potrebe i želje te se zabranjuje tjelesno kažnjavanje. Dvadeseto stoljeće često se naziva stoljećem djeteta. Danas, u suvremenom društvu u velikoj većini razvijenih zemalja nastoje se zadovoljiti djetetove potrebe i razviti njegove sposobnosti. Brojne države različitim zakonskim propisima štite dijete i njegova prava. No nažalost, i danas ima djece koja teško žive i čija se prava svakodnevno krše. Cilj ovog rada je pobliže prikazati mijenjanje odgoja kroz povijest te ukazati na važnost istoga.During history, the educational influences on a child such as the position of a child in the educational process changed following the changes of society. In the past, a child's needs were not of concern and they were often punished physically. Children were worker and also quite often employed as soldiers. A child was expected to be unconditionally obdient. With the upcoming of humanity and the Renaissance large changes in a child's education were indulged, thus children were centralised in the educational process. The needs and wishes of a child were met with a larger degree of caution and the physical way of punishment was consequently prohibited. Hence, the twentieth century is often denominated as the century of the child. Nowadays, in the present society the majority of the developed countries in the world keeps on satisfying a child's needs and developing its abilities. Many countries enhance a child's protection and rights through various legal regulations. Yet, unfortunately, there a still children suffering from their living circumstances and whose rights are neglected on a daily basis. The aim of this paper is to approach the changes in education throughout time such as to demonstrate the importance of education

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    Tijekom povijesti, kako se mijenjalo društvo tako su se mijenjali i odgojni utjecaji na dijete kao i sam položaj djeteta u odgojnom procesu. U prošlosti, nije se obraćala pozornost na djetetove potrebe, a često ga se i tjelesno kažnjavalo. Djeca su bila i radnici, a nerijetko i ratnici. Od djeteta se očekivala bezuvjetna poslušnost. Pojavom humanizma i renesanse dolazi do velikog obrata u odgoju i dijete dolazi u središte odgojnog procesa. Počinje se obraćati pažnja na njegove potrebe i želje te se zabranjuje tjelesno kažnjavanje. Dvadeseto stoljeće često se naziva stoljećem djeteta. Danas, u suvremenom društvu u velikoj većini razvijenih zemalja nastoje se zadovoljiti djetetove potrebe i razviti njegove sposobnosti. Brojne države različitim zakonskim propisima štite dijete i njegova prava. No nažalost, i danas ima djece koja teško žive i čija se prava svakodnevno krše. Cilj ovog rada je pobliže prikazati mijenjanje odgoja kroz povijest te ukazati na važnost istoga.During history, the educational influences on a child such as the position of a child in the educational process changed following the changes of society. In the past, a child's needs were not of concern and they were often punished physically. Children were worker and also quite often employed as soldiers. A child was expected to be unconditionally obdient. With the upcoming of humanity and the Renaissance large changes in a child's education were indulged, thus children were centralised in the educational process. The needs and wishes of a child were met with a larger degree of caution and the physical way of punishment was consequently prohibited. Hence, the twentieth century is often denominated as the century of the child. Nowadays, in the present society the majority of the developed countries in the world keeps on satisfying a child's needs and developing its abilities. Many countries enhance a child's protection and rights through various legal regulations. Yet, unfortunately, there a still children suffering from their living circumstances and whose rights are neglected on a daily basis. The aim of this paper is to approach the changes in education throughout time such as to demonstrate the importance of education

    Odgoj nekada i sada

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    Tijekom povijesti, kako se mijenjalo društvo tako su se mijenjali i odgojni utjecaji na dijete kao i sam položaj djeteta u odgojnom procesu. U prošlosti, nije se obraćala pozornost na djetetove potrebe, a često ga se i tjelesno kažnjavalo. Djeca su bila i radnici, a nerijetko i ratnici. Od djeteta se očekivala bezuvjetna poslušnost. Pojavom humanizma i renesanse dolazi do velikog obrata u odgoju i dijete dolazi u središte odgojnog procesa. Počinje se obraćati pažnja na njegove potrebe i želje te se zabranjuje tjelesno kažnjavanje. Dvadeseto stoljeće često se naziva stoljećem djeteta. Danas, u suvremenom društvu u velikoj većini razvijenih zemalja nastoje se zadovoljiti djetetove potrebe i razviti njegove sposobnosti. Brojne države različitim zakonskim propisima štite dijete i njegova prava. No nažalost, i danas ima djece koja teško žive i čija se prava svakodnevno krše. Cilj ovog rada je pobliže prikazati mijenjanje odgoja kroz povijest te ukazati na važnost istoga.During history, the educational influences on a child such as the position of a child in the educational process changed following the changes of society. In the past, a child's needs were not of concern and they were often punished physically. Children were worker and also quite often employed as soldiers. A child was expected to be unconditionally obdient. With the upcoming of humanity and the Renaissance large changes in a child's education were indulged, thus children were centralised in the educational process. The needs and wishes of a child were met with a larger degree of caution and the physical way of punishment was consequently prohibited. Hence, the twentieth century is often denominated as the century of the child. Nowadays, in the present society the majority of the developed countries in the world keeps on satisfying a child's needs and developing its abilities. Many countries enhance a child's protection and rights through various legal regulations. Yet, unfortunately, there a still children suffering from their living circumstances and whose rights are neglected on a daily basis. The aim of this paper is to approach the changes in education throughout time such as to demonstrate the importance of education

    Croatian secondary school students’ errors in forming syntactic negation in English

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    Iako je ovladavanje negacijom u inome jeziku temom brojnih istraživanja (Cancino i dr., 1975, Meisel, 1997, Fuentes, 2008), sustavne analize o tome kako govornici hrvatskoga jezika ovladavaju negacijom u engleskome jeziku izostaju. Stoga je cilj rada dobiti bolji uvid u vrstu i učestalost odstupanja pri relativno slobodnoj produkciji negacije u engleskome kao inome jeziku. Istraživanje se temeljilo na pretpostavkama da će najučestalija odstupanja biti kada je pri tvorbi rečenične negacije nužno dodavanje pomoćnoga glagola do (do staviti u kurziv), zatim izostavljanje pomoćnoga glagola kao i dvostruko označavanje. Istraživanje se temelji na upitniku sa zadatkom preoblike potvrdnih rečenica u niječne. Odgovori su zatim svrstani u skupine sukladno vrsti odstupanja. Pokazalo se da se najučestalija odstupanja mogu svrstati u kategoriju ostala odstupanja (37 %), slijede dvostruko obilježavanje i sročnost (14 %), ispuštanje (12 %) te dodavanje (9 %). Rezultati potvrđuju pretpostavku o učestalosti odstupanja u rečenicama u kojima je bilo nužno dodati pomoćni glagol do pri tvorbi negacije, što je moguće tumačiti nepovoljnim prijenosom iz materinskoga hrvatskog jezika.The acquisition of negation in the second language has been investigated in numerous studies (Cancino et al., 1975; Meisel, 1997;Fuentes, 2008), however, there are no systematic studies of the acquisition of the English negation by speakers of the Croatian language. The aim of this paper is to gain a better insight into the types and frequency of errors in a relatively free production of negation in English as a second language. The analysis is based on the hypotheses that errors in sentences where the so called dummy do has to be inserted in the negative sentence, omissions of auxiliary verbs, and double marking errors are expected. The analysis is based on a questionnaire consisting of one task of positive to negative sentence transformations. The answers were grouped according to the error type. Errors classified as “other” were the most frequent (37 %), followed by double marking and congruency errors (14 %), omissions (12 %), and additions (9 %). The results corroborate the frequency hypothesis of errors in sentences where the so called dummy do had to be inserted in the negative sentence, which may be attributed to negative interference from Croatian as the first language

    Die Aufbereitung von kommunalem Abwasser druch Anwendung der Membranverfahren für die Bewässerung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen

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    Komunalna otpadna voda obrađena je hibridnim procesom koji se sastojao od membranskog bioreaktora (MBR), nanofiltracije (NF) i reverzne osmoze (RO) te je procijenjena primjena RO/NF permeata za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih površina. Električna provodnost, mutnoća, koncentracija suspendiranih čestica i kemijska potrošnja kisika smanjeni su s MBR-om za prosječno 19,1 %, 99,8 %, 100,0 % i 96,7 %. Dodatnom obradom MBR permeata s RO/NF membranama sniženi su svi parametri gdje je reverzno osmotska XLE membrana pokazala najveće smanjenje praćenih parametara, a nanofiltracijska NF270 najmanje. RO/NF permeati zadovoljavaju upute Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije uz prilagodbu električne provodnosti i natrijevog adsorpcijskog indeksa dodavanjem kalcijevih soli ili miješanjem MBR efluenta s permeatom NF270 membrane u omjeru 50:50. Prema uputama Europske unije RO/NF permeati spadaju u Klasu A kvalitete oporabljene vode.The urban waste water treatment was a hybrid process that included a membrane bioreactor (MBR), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). The application of RO/NF permeates for irrigation of agricultural land was assessed. Electrical conductivity, turbidity, concentration of suspended particles and chemical oxygen demand were reduced when using MBR by 19.1 %, 99.8 %, 100.0 % and 96.7 % on average. Additional treatment of MBR permeates using RO/NF membranes resulted in a reduction of all parameters. The reverse osmosis XLE membrane caused the biggest reduction in all monitored parameters, and the nanofiltration NF270 membrane caused the least. RO/NF permeates comply with the instructions of the World Health Organization, with adaptation of the electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio by the addition of calcium salts or mixing the MBR effluent with the permeate of the NF270 membrane in a 50:50 ratio. According to the European Union instructions, RO/NF permeates belong to Class A quality of reused water.Kommunales Abwasser wurde durch Anwendung eines Hybridverfahrens behandelt, das Membranbioreaktor, Nanofiltration und Umkehrosmose kombinierte, und die Anwendung des in Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeats für die landwirtschaftliche Bewässerung wurde beurteilt. Elektrische Leitfähigkeit, Trübheit, Schwebeteilchenkonzentration und chemischer Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden mit dem Einsatz des Membranbioreaktors durchschnittlich um 19,1%, 99,8%, 100,0% und 96,7% reduziert. Nach der zusätzlichen Filtration des durch den Membranreaktor filtrierten Permeats durch die Umkehrosmose- und Nanofiltrationsmembranen wurden alle Parameter reduziert, wobei die Membran XLE in der Umkehrosmose die höchste Reduzierung der beobachteten Parameter und die Membran NF270 in der Nanofiltration die kleinste Reduzierung zeigte. Die in der Umkehrosmose und der Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate erfüllen die Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation mit der Anpassung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit und des Natriumadsorptionsverhältnisses durch Zusatz von Kalziumsalzen oder durch Mischen des Abwassers im Membranreaktor mit Permeat aus der Nanofiltration mit der Membran NF270 im Mischverhältnis von 50:50. Nach den Anweisungen der Europäischen Union gehören die in der Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate zur Güteklasse A des aufbereiteten Wassers

    Die Aufbereitung von kommunalem Abwasser druch Anwendung der Membranverfahren für die Bewässerung landwirtschaftlicher Flächen

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    Komunalna otpadna voda obrađena je hibridnim procesom koji se sastojao od membranskog bioreaktora (MBR), nanofiltracije (NF) i reverzne osmoze (RO) te je procijenjena primjena RO/NF permeata za navodnjavanje poljoprivrednih površina. Električna provodnost, mutnoća, koncentracija suspendiranih čestica i kemijska potrošnja kisika smanjeni su s MBR-om za prosječno 19,1 %, 99,8 %, 100,0 % i 96,7 %. Dodatnom obradom MBR permeata s RO/NF membranama sniženi su svi parametri gdje je reverzno osmotska XLE membrana pokazala najveće smanjenje praćenih parametara, a nanofiltracijska NF270 najmanje. RO/NF permeati zadovoljavaju upute Svjetske zdravstvene organizacije uz prilagodbu električne provodnosti i natrijevog adsorpcijskog indeksa dodavanjem kalcijevih soli ili miješanjem MBR efluenta s permeatom NF270 membrane u omjeru 50:50. Prema uputama Europske unije RO/NF permeati spadaju u Klasu A kvalitete oporabljene vode.The urban waste water treatment was a hybrid process that included a membrane bioreactor (MBR), nanofiltration (NF) and reverse osmosis (RO). The application of RO/NF permeates for irrigation of agricultural land was assessed. Electrical conductivity, turbidity, concentration of suspended particles and chemical oxygen demand were reduced when using MBR by 19.1 %, 99.8 %, 100.0 % and 96.7 % on average. Additional treatment of MBR permeates using RO/NF membranes resulted in a reduction of all parameters. The reverse osmosis XLE membrane caused the biggest reduction in all monitored parameters, and the nanofiltration NF270 membrane caused the least. RO/NF permeates comply with the instructions of the World Health Organization, with adaptation of the electrical conductivity and sodium adsorption ratio by the addition of calcium salts or mixing the MBR effluent with the permeate of the NF270 membrane in a 50:50 ratio. According to the European Union instructions, RO/NF permeates belong to Class A quality of reused water.Kommunales Abwasser wurde durch Anwendung eines Hybridverfahrens behandelt, das Membranbioreaktor, Nanofiltration und Umkehrosmose kombinierte, und die Anwendung des in Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeats für die landwirtschaftliche Bewässerung wurde beurteilt. Elektrische Leitfähigkeit, Trübheit, Schwebeteilchenkonzentration und chemischer Sauerstoffverbrauch wurden mit dem Einsatz des Membranbioreaktors durchschnittlich um 19,1%, 99,8%, 100,0% und 96,7% reduziert. Nach der zusätzlichen Filtration des durch den Membranreaktor filtrierten Permeats durch die Umkehrosmose- und Nanofiltrationsmembranen wurden alle Parameter reduziert, wobei die Membran XLE in der Umkehrosmose die höchste Reduzierung der beobachteten Parameter und die Membran NF270 in der Nanofiltration die kleinste Reduzierung zeigte. Die in der Umkehrosmose und der Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate erfüllen die Richtlinien der Weltgesundheitsorganisation mit der Anpassung der elektrischen Leitfähigkeit und des Natriumadsorptionsverhältnisses durch Zusatz von Kalziumsalzen oder durch Mischen des Abwassers im Membranreaktor mit Permeat aus der Nanofiltration mit der Membran NF270 im Mischverhältnis von 50:50. Nach den Anweisungen der Europäischen Union gehören die in der Umkehrosmose und Nanofiltration produzierten Permeate zur Güteklasse A des aufbereiteten Wassers

    Removal of Dyes from Textile Wastewater by Ultrafiltration Membranes

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    Otpadne vode tekstilne industrije pripadaju kategoriji najjače onečišćenih industrijskih otpadnih voda te su posebna opasnost za vodeni okoliš. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je ispitati membransku učinkovitost zadržavanja bojila iz tekstilne otpadne vode (TOV) s komercijalnim ultrafiltracijskim (UF) membranama (GH, GK, PT, PU, PW, MW) širokog područja graničnih molekulskih masa (MWCO), od 2 do 50 kDa. Testirane UF membrane rezultirale su smanjenjem obojenja i intenziteta obojenja od 56,35 % do 97,93 %. Membrane nižih MWCO vrijednosti (ispod 3 kDa) mogu se smatrati prikladnim za uklanjanje bojila iz realnog uzorka TOV-a. Ovo djelo je dano na korištenje pod licencom Creative Commons Imenovanje 4.0 međunarodna.Wastewater from the textile industry belongs to the category of the most polluted industrial wastewaters and poses a special danger to the aquatic environment. The aim of this study was to examine the membrane retention efficiency of textile wastewater (TOV) with commercial ultrafiltration (UF) membranes (GH, GK, PT, PU, PW, MW) with a wide range of molecular weight cut-off (MWCO), 2–50 kDa. The tested UF membranes resulted in a reduction in colour and colour intensity from 56.35 % to 97.93 %. Membrane of lower MWCO values (below 3 kDa) may be suitable for removing dyes from the real TOV sample. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Utjecaj enzimske obrade i omekšavanja na estetska i uporabna svojstva pletiva od pamuka i mješavine pamuk/polipropilen

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    U radu je istražen utjecaj enzimske obrade protiv pilinga i za omekšavanje pletiva od pamuka i mješavine pamuk/polipropilen na estetska i uporabna svojstava, posebice na sposobnost upravljanja kapljevitom vlagom. U tu svrhu su pletiva od 100% pamuka i mješavine pamuk/polipropilen 50/50 % alkalno iskuhana, kemijski bijeljena i bojadisana konvencionalnim industrijskim postupcima. Jedan dio pletiva potom je omekšan, a drugi je enzimski obrađen protiv pilinga te dodatno omekšan. Nakon oplemenjivanja istražen je utjecaj postupaka na promjenu tona, sklonost pilingu i sposobnost upravljanja kapljevitom vlagom, budući da ta svojstva znatno utječu na kvalitetu odjeće izrađene od ovih pletiva. Pokazalo se da primjena celulaza dovodi do razlike u boji, ali znatno doprinosi smanjenju sklonosti stvaranja pilinga. Primjenom kombinacije, obradom celulazom i omekšivačem Tubingal RSK postižu izvrsna uporabna svojstva, a osim samim utjecajem polipropilenske komponete obradom se dodatno doprinosi sposobnosti upravljanja kapljevitom vlagom

    Hodgkin’s Lymphoma Variant of Richter’s Syndrome

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    Chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocitic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) is low-grade malignant lymphoprolipheration, that has tendency to conwert to a higher-grade neoplasam over time. More common is the development of a diffuse large cell lymphoma or transformation into prolymphocytic cell population. In rare cases, 0.1–0.5% of patients develop multiple myeloma or Hodgkin’s disease. We present 65-year old female with Hodgkin’s variant of Richter’s syndrome. On the basis of clinical simptoms, cytological, hystological and immunohistological finding in April 2008 CLL/SLL were diagnosed. The patient was treated with 8 courses of R-CHOP. After 10 month, FNA of the one of the enlarged lymph node on the neck was performed. The diagnosis was Hodgkin’s disease. Immuno-hystological studies of the lymph node was consistent with type I Hodgkin’s type of Richter’s syndrome. Patient was treated with 3 courses of ABVD and radiotherap