11 research outputs found

    Arganovo ulje

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    Although known for centuries as an excellent oil for skin and hair care, argan oil has become increasingly popular as indispensable ingredient in cosmetology or pharmacy. Argan oil is the most expensive edible oil in the world, obtained by cold press from argan (Argania spinosa L. Skeels) plant seeds, which only grows in the area of southwestern Morocco. Major constituents of argan oil are triglycerides containing up to 80 % of monounsaturated including oleic and linolenic acids alongside with polyphenols, squalens and tocopherols. Th ese constituents are responsible for biological properties of argan oil that include antiinfl ammatory, cardioprotective and antioxidant among others

    Graphen application in design of electrochemical sensor for quetiapine analysis

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    Kvetiapin je dibenzotiazepinski antipsihotik druge generacije. Danas je jedan od najčešće propisivanih lijekova za liječenje shizofrenije. U ovom radu, ispitan je utjecaj modifikacije površine elektrode od staklastog ugljika s grafenom u 0.1%-tnoj otopini Nafiona na voltametrijski odgovor lijeka. Svrha ispitivanja bila je odrediti može li modifikacija elektrode grafenom poslužiti za razvoj nove analitičke metode za određivanje kvetiapina. Mjerenja na modificiranoj elektrodi pokazala su da je strujni vrh oksidacije kvetiapina pri vrijednosti potencijala od 1.06 V veći i izraženiji u odnosu na nemodificiranu elektrodu. Grafen povećava strujni vrh ispitivanog analita jer značajno povećava površinu te olakšava oksidaciju lijeka (prijenos elektrona). Nafion kao polimer pridonosi boljem vezanju grafena na površinu elektrode. Također, Nafion kao kationsko izmjenjivačka smola omogućava adsorpciju pozitivno nabijenih molekula lijeka na površinu elektrode. Snimljeni su ciklički voltamogrami otopine lijeka u Britton-Robinsonovom puferu različitih pH vrijednosti. Rezultati su pokazali da se porastom pH vrijednosti potencijal oksidacije pomiče prema manje pozitivnim vrijednostima, što dokazuje da prijenos protona sudjeluje u oksidaciji kvetiapina. Također, pH vrijednost 4 odabrana je kao optimalna za daljnja mjerenja. Kako bi se dobio što osjetljiviji voltametrijski odgovor za analitička mjerenja praćena je promjena struje vrha zabilježena na modificiranoj elektrodi mijenjanjem instrumentalnih parametara diferencijalne pulsne voltametrije.Quetiapine is a dibenzothiazepine antipsyhotic medicine of second-generation. Today, it is one of the most prescribed drugs for treating schizophrenia. In this thesis, the influence of surface modification of glassy carbon electrode with graphene in 0.1% Nafion solution on quetiapine voltammetric response was investigated. The purpose of this research was to define can the modification of electrode with graphene lead to development of a new electroanalytical method for the determination of quetiapine. Measurements on modified electrode have shown that the peak current observed at the potential of 1.06 V was higher and well-defined compared to the peak current obtained at unmodified electrode. Graphene enhances the peak current of examined medicine because it significantly increases electrode surface area and facilitates the electron transfer reaction. Nafion as polymer contributes to better binding of graphene on the electrode surface. Also, Nafion as cation-exchange polymer provides the adsorption of positively charged drug molecules on the electrode surface. Cyclic voltammograms of quetiapine in Britton-Robinson buffer solutions at various pH values were recorded. The results have shown that the oxidation peak potentials were shifted to the less positive values by increasing the pH, suggesting that the proton transfer is involved in the oxidation reaction of quetiapine. Also, the pH value of 4 was selected as optimal for further measurements. To obtain a much more sensitive voltammetric response for analytical studies, the variation of the peak current recorded at modified electrode was monitored while changing instrumental differential pulse voltammetric parameters


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    Poticaj za istraživanje provedeno u ovom diplomskom radu bio je upravo istraživanje učinkovitosti nastavnika i kvalitete nastavnog procesa iz perspektive studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 12 studentica dvopredmetnih preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija koje su primjenom polustrukturiranog intervjua procjenjivale uspješnost nastavnika u organiziranju i izvođenju online nastave te motiviranju studenata, kao i kvalitetu nastavnog ozračja u online nastave. Očekivano, iz dobivenih iskaza sudionica istraživanja uočljivo je da je na početku online nastave trebalo nastavnicima određeno vrijeme da se snađu u novom nastavnom okružju. Međutim, nakon prvotnog (ne)snalaženja potvrdilo se ono što se pokazalo i brojnim drugim istraživanjima, a to je da nastavnici koji umiju i vole poučavati, koji motiviraju studente i paze na kvalitetu nastavnog ozračja u učionici isto mogu i žele napraviti u online okruženju.The impetus for the research carried out in this thesis was precisely the research into the effectiveness of teachers and the quality of the teaching process from the perspective of the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. 12 students of two-subject undergraduate and graduate studies took part in the research, who evaluated the success of teachers in organizing and conducting online classes and motivating students, as well as the quality of the teaching atmosphere in online classes, using a semi-structured interview. As expected, from the obtained statements of the research participants, it can be seen that at the beginning of the online classes, it took the teachers a certain amount of time to get used to the new teaching environment. However, after the initial (un)coping, it was confirmed what has been shown in numerous other researches, namely that teachers who know how to and love to teach, who motivate students and pay attention to the quality of the teaching atmosphere in the classroom, can and want to do the same in an online environment


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    Poticaj za istraživanje provedeno u ovom diplomskom radu bio je upravo istraživanje učinkovitosti nastavnika i kvalitete nastavnog procesa iz perspektive studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 12 studentica dvopredmetnih preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija koje su primjenom polustrukturiranog intervjua procjenjivale uspješnost nastavnika u organiziranju i izvođenju online nastave te motiviranju studenata, kao i kvalitetu nastavnog ozračja u online nastave. Očekivano, iz dobivenih iskaza sudionica istraživanja uočljivo je da je na početku online nastave trebalo nastavnicima određeno vrijeme da se snađu u novom nastavnom okružju. Međutim, nakon prvotnog (ne)snalaženja potvrdilo se ono što se pokazalo i brojnim drugim istraživanjima, a to je da nastavnici koji umiju i vole poučavati, koji motiviraju studente i paze na kvalitetu nastavnog ozračja u učionici isto mogu i žele napraviti u online okruženju.The impetus for the research carried out in this thesis was precisely the research into the effectiveness of teachers and the quality of the teaching process from the perspective of the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. 12 students of two-subject undergraduate and graduate studies took part in the research, who evaluated the success of teachers in organizing and conducting online classes and motivating students, as well as the quality of the teaching atmosphere in online classes, using a semi-structured interview. As expected, from the obtained statements of the research participants, it can be seen that at the beginning of the online classes, it took the teachers a certain amount of time to get used to the new teaching environment. However, after the initial (un)coping, it was confirmed what has been shown in numerous other researches, namely that teachers who know how to and love to teach, who motivate students and pay attention to the quality of the teaching atmosphere in the classroom, can and want to do the same in an online environment


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    U ovom radu obrađena je materija koja se tiče dobrobiti djece predškolske dobi u Republici Hrvatskoj i zemljama članicama Europske Unije, posebno u kontekstu svjetske ekonomske krize koja je dovela do pojave siromaštva u suvremeno doba. Cilj je ovog rada izložiti problematiku dječjeg siromaštva, njegove uzroke i posljedice te posebno razmotriti mjere njegova suzbijanja. Ključni predmet analize politika i mjera suzbijanja dječjeg siromaštva u Republici Hrvatskoj te zemljama članicama Europske Unije čine dječji doplatak te troškovi naknade za funkciju obitelj/djeca u ukupnim socijalnim troškovima. Dječji doplatak analiziran je i prikazan u svim zemljama članicama, pri čemu su primjetne velike razlike između zemalja glede općih uvjeta njegova ostvarivanja te dobi i broja djece, kao i mjesečnog iznosa doplatka. Analiza troškova naknada provedena je prema podacima EUROSTATA za četverogodišnje razdoblje, od 2008. do 2012. godine. Rezultati kod analize troškova naknada pokazali su prisutnost velikih razlika među zemljama, pri čemu je pad udjela naknade zabilježen u čak 23 zemlje članice, među kojima je i Hrvatska s padom od 2,7%, a rast u svega 5 zemalja. Primjetno je kako u većini zemalja članica rizik od siromaštva djece prelazi 20%. Potrebno je uložiti kontinuirane napore na području edukacije, ciljanih naknada, zapošljavanja, predškolskog odgoja, stambenih uvjeta i osvještavanja javnosti kako bi se problem dječjeg siromaštva spriječio ili kako bi se ublažile njegove posljedice.This paper discuss the problem concerning poverty and benefit of preschool children in Croatia and EU member states, especially in the context of the global economic crisis that has led to the creation of poverty in modern times. The aim of this paper is to expose the issue of child poverty, its causes and consequences, and especially to consider measures for suppression. The key subject of analysis of policies and measures to repress child poverty in the Republic of Croatia and EU member states make child benefit and the cost of charge for the function of the family / children in total social costs. Child allowance is analysed and presented in all member states, with the notable big differences between countries, regarding the general conditions of its realisation and the age, the number of children, as well as the monthly amount of the allowance. Cost analysis of the charge was conducted according to Eurostat data for the four-years period, from 2008 to 2012. Results in the analysis of the cost benefits showed the presence of large differences between countries, with the decline in the share of compensation recorded in 23 member countries, including Croatia and with a drop of 2.7% and growth in five countries. It is noticeable that in most member states the risk of child poverty exceeds 20%, There is a need to make continuous efforts in the field of education, targeted programs, employment, preschool education, housing conditions and increasing public awareness so the problem of child poverty can be prevent or to mitigate its consequences


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    Muškarci i žene u mnogočemu se razlikuju te ta razlika utječe na svaki aspekt života, a razvoj rodnih uloga još od samog djetinjstva glavni je problem jer ograničava razvoj pojedinčevih vještina te društveni život i obveze. Istovremeno se razlike između dva roda unutar grupa često nesvjesno precjenjuju te svjesno podcjenjuju što objašnjava težinu i nestabilnost ove teme. Rodne uloge usko su povezane s rodnim stereotipima, odnosno one su odraz vjerovanja o sklopu ponašanja primjerenih za određeni spol u svakodnevnom životu. Na razvoj rodnih uloga, stereotipa te rodno tipiziranog ponašanja utječe rodni identitet, odnosno percipira li pojedinac sebe kao osobu relativno maskulinih ili femininih obilježja. Teorija socijalnog učenja predstavlja široku, povezanu mrežu naučenih ponašanja koja se stječu iskustvom te su brojna rodno tipizirana ponašanja ishod identičnih principa učenja kojima se uče i ostala ponašanja. Mnoge spolne diferencijacije u kognitivnim sposobnostima i ponašanju nisu samo rezultat gena, ali se ne umanjuje važnost ni bioloških razlika između muškarca i žene. S generacije na generaciju roditelji, učitelji, vršnjaci i mediji prenose rodne stereotipe koji istovremeno pojednostavljuju kompleksne okolinske utjecaje, no isto tako dovode i do rodne neravnopravnosti što se zrcali u području školovanja, zapošljavanja i napredovanja žena. Razlike među spolovima nisu neizbježne te se one konstantno mijenjaju ovisno o uvjetima društva i iskustvu.Men and women vary in many things and that difference affects every aspect of life; the development of gender roles in childhood is the major problem because it limits the development of individual skills and social life and responsibilities. Simultaneously, differences between the two genders within groups are unknowingly overestimated and consciously underestimated, which explains the difficulty and instability of this topic. Gender roles are closely related to gender stereotypes, that is, they reflect beliefs about appropriate gender patterns in everyday life. The development of gender roles, stereotypes and gender-typed behavior is influenced by gender identity, that is, whether an individual perceives himself or herself as a person of relatively masculine or feminine characteristics. Social learning theory is a broad, interconnected network of learned behaviors that are gained through experience and many gender-typed behaviors are the outcome of identical learning principles that are used to teach other behaviors. Many gender differentiations in cognitive abilities and behavior are not only the result of genes, the importance of biological differences between men and women is not diminished. From generation to generation, parents, teachers, peers and the media transmit gender stereotypes that at the same time simplify complex environmental influences but also lead to gender inequalities which are reflected in women's education, employment and promotion. Gender differences are not inevitable and they are constantly changing depending on social conditions and one’s own experience


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    U ovom radu obrađena je materija koja se tiče dobrobiti djece predškolske dobi u Republici Hrvatskoj i zemljama članicama Europske Unije, posebno u kontekstu svjetske ekonomske krize koja je dovela do pojave siromaštva u suvremeno doba. Cilj je ovog rada izložiti problematiku dječjeg siromaštva, njegove uzroke i posljedice te posebno razmotriti mjere njegova suzbijanja. Ključni predmet analize politika i mjera suzbijanja dječjeg siromaštva u Republici Hrvatskoj te zemljama članicama Europske Unije čine dječji doplatak te troškovi naknade za funkciju obitelj/djeca u ukupnim socijalnim troškovima. Dječji doplatak analiziran je i prikazan u svim zemljama članicama, pri čemu su primjetne velike razlike između zemalja glede općih uvjeta njegova ostvarivanja te dobi i broja djece, kao i mjesečnog iznosa doplatka. Analiza troškova naknada provedena je prema podacima EUROSTATA za četverogodišnje razdoblje, od 2008. do 2012. godine. Rezultati kod analize troškova naknada pokazali su prisutnost velikih razlika među zemljama, pri čemu je pad udjela naknade zabilježen u čak 23 zemlje članice, među kojima je i Hrvatska s padom od 2,7%, a rast u svega 5 zemalja. Primjetno je kako u većini zemalja članica rizik od siromaštva djece prelazi 20%. Potrebno je uložiti kontinuirane napore na području edukacije, ciljanih naknada, zapošljavanja, predškolskog odgoja, stambenih uvjeta i osvještavanja javnosti kako bi se problem dječjeg siromaštva spriječio ili kako bi se ublažile njegove posljedice.This paper discuss the problem concerning poverty and benefit of preschool children in Croatia and EU member states, especially in the context of the global economic crisis that has led to the creation of poverty in modern times. The aim of this paper is to expose the issue of child poverty, its causes and consequences, and especially to consider measures for suppression. The key subject of analysis of policies and measures to repress child poverty in the Republic of Croatia and EU member states make child benefit and the cost of charge for the function of the family / children in total social costs. Child allowance is analysed and presented in all member states, with the notable big differences between countries, regarding the general conditions of its realisation and the age, the number of children, as well as the monthly amount of the allowance. Cost analysis of the charge was conducted according to Eurostat data for the four-years period, from 2008 to 2012. Results in the analysis of the cost benefits showed the presence of large differences between countries, with the decline in the share of compensation recorded in 23 member countries, including Croatia and with a drop of 2.7% and growth in five countries. It is noticeable that in most member states the risk of child poverty exceeds 20%, There is a need to make continuous efforts in the field of education, targeted programs, employment, preschool education, housing conditions and increasing public awareness so the problem of child poverty can be prevent or to mitigate its consequences


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    Poticaj za istraživanje provedeno u ovom diplomskom radu bio je upravo istraživanje učinkovitosti nastavnika i kvalitete nastavnog procesa iz perspektive studenata Filozofskog fakulteta u Splitu. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo 12 studentica dvopredmetnih preddiplomskih i diplomskih studija koje su primjenom polustrukturiranog intervjua procjenjivale uspješnost nastavnika u organiziranju i izvođenju online nastave te motiviranju studenata, kao i kvalitetu nastavnog ozračja u online nastave. Očekivano, iz dobivenih iskaza sudionica istraživanja uočljivo je da je na početku online nastave trebalo nastavnicima određeno vrijeme da se snađu u novom nastavnom okružju. Međutim, nakon prvotnog (ne)snalaženja potvrdilo se ono što se pokazalo i brojnim drugim istraživanjima, a to je da nastavnici koji umiju i vole poučavati, koji motiviraju studente i paze na kvalitetu nastavnog ozračja u učionici isto mogu i žele napraviti u online okruženju.The impetus for the research carried out in this thesis was precisely the research into the effectiveness of teachers and the quality of the teaching process from the perspective of the students of the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in Split. 12 students of two-subject undergraduate and graduate studies took part in the research, who evaluated the success of teachers in organizing and conducting online classes and motivating students, as well as the quality of the teaching atmosphere in online classes, using a semi-structured interview. As expected, from the obtained statements of the research participants, it can be seen that at the beginning of the online classes, it took the teachers a certain amount of time to get used to the new teaching environment. However, after the initial (un)coping, it was confirmed what has been shown in numerous other researches, namely that teachers who know how to and love to teach, who motivate students and pay attention to the quality of the teaching atmosphere in the classroom, can and want to do the same in an online environment


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    Muškarci i žene u mnogočemu se razlikuju te ta razlika utječe na svaki aspekt života, a razvoj rodnih uloga još od samog djetinjstva glavni je problem jer ograničava razvoj pojedinčevih vještina te društveni život i obveze. Istovremeno se razlike između dva roda unutar grupa često nesvjesno precjenjuju te svjesno podcjenjuju što objašnjava težinu i nestabilnost ove teme. Rodne uloge usko su povezane s rodnim stereotipima, odnosno one su odraz vjerovanja o sklopu ponašanja primjerenih za određeni spol u svakodnevnom životu. Na razvoj rodnih uloga, stereotipa te rodno tipiziranog ponašanja utječe rodni identitet, odnosno percipira li pojedinac sebe kao osobu relativno maskulinih ili femininih obilježja. Teorija socijalnog učenja predstavlja široku, povezanu mrežu naučenih ponašanja koja se stječu iskustvom te su brojna rodno tipizirana ponašanja ishod identičnih principa učenja kojima se uče i ostala ponašanja. Mnoge spolne diferencijacije u kognitivnim sposobnostima i ponašanju nisu samo rezultat gena, ali se ne umanjuje važnost ni bioloških razlika između muškarca i žene. S generacije na generaciju roditelji, učitelji, vršnjaci i mediji prenose rodne stereotipe koji istovremeno pojednostavljuju kompleksne okolinske utjecaje, no isto tako dovode i do rodne neravnopravnosti što se zrcali u području školovanja, zapošljavanja i napredovanja žena. Razlike među spolovima nisu neizbježne te se one konstantno mijenjaju ovisno o uvjetima društva i iskustvu.Men and women vary in many things and that difference affects every aspect of life; the development of gender roles in childhood is the major problem because it limits the development of individual skills and social life and responsibilities. Simultaneously, differences between the two genders within groups are unknowingly overestimated and consciously underestimated, which explains the difficulty and instability of this topic. Gender roles are closely related to gender stereotypes, that is, they reflect beliefs about appropriate gender patterns in everyday life. The development of gender roles, stereotypes and gender-typed behavior is influenced by gender identity, that is, whether an individual perceives himself or herself as a person of relatively masculine or feminine characteristics. Social learning theory is a broad, interconnected network of learned behaviors that are gained through experience and many gender-typed behaviors are the outcome of identical learning principles that are used to teach other behaviors. Many gender differentiations in cognitive abilities and behavior are not only the result of genes, the importance of biological differences between men and women is not diminished. From generation to generation, parents, teachers, peers and the media transmit gender stereotypes that at the same time simplify complex environmental influences but also lead to gender inequalities which are reflected in women's education, employment and promotion. Gender differences are not inevitable and they are constantly changing depending on social conditions and one’s own experience


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    Muškarci i žene u mnogočemu se razlikuju te ta razlika utječe na svaki aspekt života, a razvoj rodnih uloga još od samog djetinjstva glavni je problem jer ograničava razvoj pojedinčevih vještina te društveni život i obveze. Istovremeno se razlike između dva roda unutar grupa često nesvjesno precjenjuju te svjesno podcjenjuju što objašnjava težinu i nestabilnost ove teme. Rodne uloge usko su povezane s rodnim stereotipima, odnosno one su odraz vjerovanja o sklopu ponašanja primjerenih za određeni spol u svakodnevnom životu. Na razvoj rodnih uloga, stereotipa te rodno tipiziranog ponašanja utječe rodni identitet, odnosno percipira li pojedinac sebe kao osobu relativno maskulinih ili femininih obilježja. Teorija socijalnog učenja predstavlja široku, povezanu mrežu naučenih ponašanja koja se stječu iskustvom te su brojna rodno tipizirana ponašanja ishod identičnih principa učenja kojima se uče i ostala ponašanja. Mnoge spolne diferencijacije u kognitivnim sposobnostima i ponašanju nisu samo rezultat gena, ali se ne umanjuje važnost ni bioloških razlika između muškarca i žene. S generacije na generaciju roditelji, učitelji, vršnjaci i mediji prenose rodne stereotipe koji istovremeno pojednostavljuju kompleksne okolinske utjecaje, no isto tako dovode i do rodne neravnopravnosti što se zrcali u području školovanja, zapošljavanja i napredovanja žena. Razlike među spolovima nisu neizbježne te se one konstantno mijenjaju ovisno o uvjetima društva i iskustvu.Men and women vary in many things and that difference affects every aspect of life; the development of gender roles in childhood is the major problem because it limits the development of individual skills and social life and responsibilities. Simultaneously, differences between the two genders within groups are unknowingly overestimated and consciously underestimated, which explains the difficulty and instability of this topic. Gender roles are closely related to gender stereotypes, that is, they reflect beliefs about appropriate gender patterns in everyday life. The development of gender roles, stereotypes and gender-typed behavior is influenced by gender identity, that is, whether an individual perceives himself or herself as a person of relatively masculine or feminine characteristics. Social learning theory is a broad, interconnected network of learned behaviors that are gained through experience and many gender-typed behaviors are the outcome of identical learning principles that are used to teach other behaviors. Many gender differentiations in cognitive abilities and behavior are not only the result of genes, the importance of biological differences between men and women is not diminished. From generation to generation, parents, teachers, peers and the media transmit gender stereotypes that at the same time simplify complex environmental influences but also lead to gender inequalities which are reflected in women's education, employment and promotion. Gender differences are not inevitable and they are constantly changing depending on social conditions and one’s own experience