1,050 research outputs found

    Hymenaphorura uzicensis, a new cave species of springtails (Onychiuridae: Collembola) from West Serbia

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    A new species of the collembolan family Onychiuridae, Hymenaphorura uzicensis n. sp., has been described from the Potpećska Pećina Cave, nr. Užice, West Serbia. It is phenetically closest to Hymenaphorura polonica Pomorski. This new taxon is endemic and probably restricted only to its cave habitat

    On two new cave species of Pseudoscorpions (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from Herzegovina and Dalmatia

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    A careful analysis of samples of pseudoscorpions (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones) from two underground habitats, one near Trebinje (Herzegovina) and the other from the National Park Paklenica (Croatia), has yielded two species of the genus Roncus L. Koch new to science, Roncus tribunus n. sp. and R. argyrunti n. sp. Both new species are described thoroughly, illustrated, and diagnosed. Some biogeographical and evolutionary characteristics of the two taxa are briefly discussed. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038

    Biodiversity of Roncus L. Koch in Montenegro - Roncus teutae n. sp. from Mt. Orjen (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones)

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    A single species of Roncus L. Koch, 1873, which was collected in the Baretina Lokva on Mt. Orjen, Montenegro, is new to science (R. teutae n. sp.) and described herein. Its diagnostic characters are illustrated and their distribution is provided. The possible establishment of this species of Roncus is presented briefly in view of the importance and analysis of its diagnostic characters. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038

    A new cave pseudoscorpion from Dalmatia - Microchthonius tragurion n. sp. (Chthoniidae, Pseudoscorpiones)

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    A new eyeless pseudoscorpion, Microchthonius tragurion n. sp., from a cave in Blizna Donja (near Trogir), from the Jama kod Gomilje Pit, Dalmatia, is described. This new false scorpion differs from all other congeners. There exists a probability that this new taxon is a relict of a tropical fauna incorporating the once northern and tropical area, now representing the subtropical part of the Mediterranean. Morphometric ratios, figures and linear measurements of the new taxon are presented in detail. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. 173038

    A new cave Pseudoscorpion (Pseudoscorpiones: Chthoniidae): Chthonius (Chthonius) lupinus n.sp. from Bosnia-Herzegovina

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    A new cavernicolous pseudoscorpion pertaining to the genus Chthonius (Chthonius) C. L. Koch, from Herzegovina (Bosnia-Herzegovina) is erected. Its relations with close congeners are briefly discussed. The new species Chthonius (Chthonius) lupinus n. sp. is an endemic form presently known only from its type locality (Vučija pećina Cave, Mt. Leotar, nr. Trebinje, Herzegovina)

    Rozajella jovanvladimiri gen. N., sp. n. (Leptodirini, Leiodidae, Coleoptera), from east Montenegro, with notes on its phylogeny

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    A new genus and species of cave-dwelling leiodid beetles (Rozajella jovanvladimiri gen. n., sp. n.) has been diagnozed and described from the Pećina u Dubokom Potoku Cave, village of Donje BiÅ”evo, near Rožaje, Eastern Montenegro. This new genus clearly differs from all other close genera in the following correlative traits: body size; shape of head; presence of occipital carina, length of antennae; morphometric ratios and form of certain antennomeres; head/pronotum width ratio; pronotum length/width ratio; form of lateral pronotal margins; pronotal/elytral base length ratio; form of femora and protarsi; presence of apical rows of spines on tibiae; form of elytra; existence of elytral shoulders; length of elytral setae; form of median lobe and its apex; form of inner sac; length of basal bulbus; form of parameres and their apices; distribution of parameral setae; and distribution in the Balkan Peninsula. Rozajella gen. n. belongs to a separate phyletic lineage (sĆ©rie phylĆ©tique de "Leptodirus" - sensu Perre au 2000) which includes five other genera, Leptostagus Z. Karaman (from Macedonia), Petkovskiella GuĆ©orguiev (from Macedonia), Astagobius Reitter (from Slovenia and Croatia), Albanodirus Giachino & Vailati (from Albania), and Leptodirus Schmidt (from Slovenia, Croatia, and Italy). The new genus is present in Eastern Montenegro only. The Rozajella-Leptostagus-Petkovskiella-Astagobius-Albanodirus-Leptodirus complex is probably of early Tertiary age, its species having originated during the Alpine Orogeny, which affected vast areas of the Balkan Peninsula, including the Dinarids, otherwise their terra typica.

    Immunization of pupils population against infections diseases

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    Imunizacija je preventivna mjera zaÅ”tite stanovniÅ”tva od zaraznih bolesti. Njezin osnovni cilj je sprečavanje, suzbijanje i iskorjenjivanje zaraznih bolesti. Iako imunizacija ima dugu povijest, ona svoj procvat doživljava početkom 20. stoljeća. Najopasnije bolesti koje se Å”tite imunizacijom su dječja paraliza, difterija, tetanus, tuberkuloza, hripavac, ospice, zauÅ”njaci, hepatitis B, bolesti uzrokovane Haemophilusom influenzae tipa B, rubeola. Prije pronalaska cjepiva te bolesti bile su smrtonosne. Cijepljenje djece ima veliki značaj, budući da su zarazne bolesti česte i osobito opasne u dječjoj dobi. Svaka država ima svoj program obveznog cijepljenja i bitno je pridržavati ga se. Danas, brojni roditelji strahuju za imunoloÅ”ki sustav svog djeteta nakon cijepljenja te o Å”tetnim nuspojavama koje cjepiva uzrokuju. Zbog nepouzdanih informacija koje dobivaju putem interneta i medija, roditelji se tako odlučuju za necijepljenje svoje djece. Najtočnije informacije i odgovore na pitanja roditelji mogu dobiti od liječnika, medicinskog osoblja te putem edukacija od strane osoba koje su za to kompetentne. Službeni stav medicine je da cjepiva imaju nuspojave, ali da su one uglavnom blage i da prolaze spontano bez ikakvih posljedica, a da vrlo rijetko mogu biti ozbiljne i ostaviti trajne posljedice te da korist od primjene cjepiva u postojećem programu, sa svim svojim nesavrÅ”enostima i ograničenjima joÅ” uvijek uvelike nadmaÅ”uje potencijalne rizike. Time se sprečavaju vrlo ozbiljne bolesti koje mogu ostaviti trajne, teÅ”ke posljedice i biti smrtonosne. Uskraćivanje cijepljenja povećava rizik od obolijevanja djeteta ako se jednog dana izloži zarazi, a povećava i rizik za cijelu populaciju.Immunization is a preventive measure of the population protection from the infectious diseases. Its main goal is the prevention, suppression and eradication of infectious diseases. Although immunization has a long history, it reached its highest peak at the beginning of the 20th century. The most dangerous diseases which are prevented with immunization are infantile paralysis, diphtheria, tetanus, tuberculosis, whooping cough, smallpox, mumps, hepatitis B, diseases caused by Haemophilusom influenzae type B and measles. Before the vaccination was invented, these diseases were deadly. Child immunization is of great importance because infectious diseases are often and particularly dangerous at the age of childhood. Every country has its own compulsory immunization program and it is important to adhere to it. Today, many parents are afraid for their children's immune system after the vaccination and they are afraid of the side effects caused by the vaccines. Based on the unreliable information they get on the Internet or through the media, parents decide not to vaccinate their children. The most accurate information and answers parents can get from the doctors, the medical staff and through the education from the professional staff. The official attitude of the medicine is that the vaccines have side effects which are mild and they usually wear off spontaneously without any consequences, and only in rare cases they can be serious and leave permanent consequences; and the benefit of the vaccine application in the existing program, with all its imperfections and limitations, still surpasses the potential risks. Immunization prevents very serious diseases that can leave permanent severe consequences and can even be deadly. Vaccine denial increases the risk of child infection in case of exposure to the disease, but it also increases the risk for the whole population

    Roncus ivansticae (Neobisiidae, Pseudoscorpiones): A new epigean species from eastern Serbia

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    A single species of Roncus L. Koch, 1873, which was collected in eastern Serbia and is new to science (R. ivansticae n. sp.) is described herein; the diagnostic characters are illustrated and their distribution is provided. The possible establishment of two species (or supraspecific?) groups of Roncus is presented briefly in view of the importance of some diagnostic characters

    A new endemic representative of the genus Rascioduvalius S. B. Ćurčić, Brajković, Mitić & B. P. M. Ćurčić from Mt. Zlatibor, Western Serbia (Trechini, Carabidae, Coleoptera)

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    A new species of cavernicolous and endemic trechine ground beetles Rascioduvalis zlatiborensis n. sp., is described and diagnosed in the present paper. Also, all important taxonomic features are considered and illustrated. The type specimens of the new species were collected from the Markova (= RÅ”umska) Pećina Cave, village of Gornji LjubiÅ”, Mt. Zlatibor, Western Serbia. The new species and its congeners belong to a separate phyletic lineage of Tertiary age. All members of Rascioduvalius S. B. Ćurčić, Brajković, Mitić & B. P. M. Ćurčić are distributed in Western Serbia only, where they have gone through intense differentiation and radiation due to evolution of the karstic relief
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