17 research outputs found

    Mutualistic relationships in evolution

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    Mutualizam je interspecijski odnos koji podrazumijeva međusobnu korist partnera, te je neizostavni faktor svakog ekosustava. Cilj je ovog rada dati općeniti pregled mutualizma, od svojstava koja utječu na uspostavljanje odnosa, opasnosti koje prijete njegovoj održivosti, do mehanizama kojima se kontrolira održavanje, te mogućih budućih smjerova istraživanja teme stabilnosti mutualizama. Naglasak rada je na propitkivanju stabilnosti mutualizma iz dva kuta ā€“ pobližem razmatranju a) utjecaja varalica na stabilnost i b) korelacije fluidnosti dinamike (pomaci u parazitizam-mutualizam kontinuumu u ekoloÅ”kom vremenu) i stabilnosti. Varanje se pokazalo kao pojava koja se učinkovito stabilizira sankcijama protiv varalica, reproduktivnom izolacijom vrsta varalica i vrsta mutualista na istom domaćinu, te asimetričnom kompeticijom. Dinamična priroda mutualizma (pokazana na primjeru Wolbachia/člankonožac mutualizam), tj. iznimna ovisnost prirode odnosa o ekoloÅ”kim čimbenicima, pokazala je da je mutualistički odnos ipak interakcija s previÅ”e varijabli da bi se donosile jasne hipoteze za evolucijsku budućnost odnosa. Genetička svojstva prisutna prije uspostave mutualističkih odnosa, uz koevoluciju mutualista, također su se pokazala kao važan faktor u uspostavljanju odnosa i održavanju stabilnosti. Dodatno, klimatske promjene su se pokazale kao značajna prijetnja održivosti mutualizma u budućnosti, čime se naglaÅ”ava kako je bitno u budućnosti usmjeriti pažnju na konzervaciju mutualističkih odnosa, za dobro planeta i održivosti ekosustava kakve poznajemo.Mutualism is an interspecies relationship that implies the mutual benefit of partners and is an indispensable factor of any ecosystem. The paper aims to give a general overview of mutualism, starting from the properties that affect the relationship, the dangers that threaten its sustainability, to the mechanisms for maintaining it, and possible future directions for research on the topic of mutualism stability. The emphasis of the paper is on two different points of view on the stability of mutualism - a closer examination of a) the influence of cheaters on the stability, and b) correlations between the fluidity of the dynamics (shifts in the parasitism-mutualism continuum in ecological time) and stability. Cheating has proven to be a phenomenon that is effectively stabilized by sanctions against cheaters, reproductive isolation of cheaters and mutualist types on the same host, and asymmetric competition. The dynamic nature of mutualism (exemplified by the Wolbachia/arthropod mutualism), i.e., the extreme dependence of the nature of relationships on the environmental factors, has shown that mutualistic relationships are in fact interactions with too many variables to hypothesize their evolutionary future. Genetic traits present before the establishment of mutualistic relationships have also proven to be, beside the co-evolution of mutualists, an important factor in establishing relationships and maintaining stability. Furthermore, the climate change has proven to be a substantial threat to the sustainability of mutualism in the future, thus emphasizing the importance of focusing on the preservation of mutualistic relations in the future, for the good of the planet, and the sustainability of the ecosystems as we know it

    Mutualistic relationships in evolution

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    Mutualizam je interspecijski odnos koji podrazumijeva međusobnu korist partnera, te je neizostavni faktor svakog ekosustava. Cilj je ovog rada dati općeniti pregled mutualizma, od svojstava koja utječu na uspostavljanje odnosa, opasnosti koje prijete njegovoj održivosti, do mehanizama kojima se kontrolira održavanje, te mogućih budućih smjerova istraživanja teme stabilnosti mutualizama. Naglasak rada je na propitkivanju stabilnosti mutualizma iz dva kuta ā€“ pobližem razmatranju a) utjecaja varalica na stabilnost i b) korelacije fluidnosti dinamike (pomaci u parazitizam-mutualizam kontinuumu u ekoloÅ”kom vremenu) i stabilnosti. Varanje se pokazalo kao pojava koja se učinkovito stabilizira sankcijama protiv varalica, reproduktivnom izolacijom vrsta varalica i vrsta mutualista na istom domaćinu, te asimetričnom kompeticijom. Dinamična priroda mutualizma (pokazana na primjeru Wolbachia/člankonožac mutualizam), tj. iznimna ovisnost prirode odnosa o ekoloÅ”kim čimbenicima, pokazala je da je mutualistički odnos ipak interakcija s previÅ”e varijabli da bi se donosile jasne hipoteze za evolucijsku budućnost odnosa. Genetička svojstva prisutna prije uspostave mutualističkih odnosa, uz koevoluciju mutualista, također su se pokazala kao važan faktor u uspostavljanju odnosa i održavanju stabilnosti. Dodatno, klimatske promjene su se pokazale kao značajna prijetnja održivosti mutualizma u budućnosti, čime se naglaÅ”ava kako je bitno u budućnosti usmjeriti pažnju na konzervaciju mutualističkih odnosa, za dobro planeta i održivosti ekosustava kakve poznajemo.Mutualism is an interspecies relationship that implies the mutual benefit of partners and is an indispensable factor of any ecosystem. The paper aims to give a general overview of mutualism, starting from the properties that affect the relationship, the dangers that threaten its sustainability, to the mechanisms for maintaining it, and possible future directions for research on the topic of mutualism stability. The emphasis of the paper is on two different points of view on the stability of mutualism - a closer examination of a) the influence of cheaters on the stability, and b) correlations between the fluidity of the dynamics (shifts in the parasitism-mutualism continuum in ecological time) and stability. Cheating has proven to be a phenomenon that is effectively stabilized by sanctions against cheaters, reproductive isolation of cheaters and mutualist types on the same host, and asymmetric competition. The dynamic nature of mutualism (exemplified by the Wolbachia/arthropod mutualism), i.e., the extreme dependence of the nature of relationships on the environmental factors, has shown that mutualistic relationships are in fact interactions with too many variables to hypothesize their evolutionary future. Genetic traits present before the establishment of mutualistic relationships have also proven to be, beside the co-evolution of mutualists, an important factor in establishing relationships and maintaining stability. Furthermore, the climate change has proven to be a substantial threat to the sustainability of mutualism in the future, thus emphasizing the importance of focusing on the preservation of mutualistic relations in the future, for the good of the planet, and the sustainability of the ecosystems as we know it

    Prvi nalaz Tinodes antonioi Botosaneanu & Taticchi-ViganĆ², 1974 (Insecta, Trichoptera) u Hrvatskoj s DNA barkod i ekoloÅ”kim podacima i noticom na bioraznolikost i rasprostranjenost roda Tinodes u Hrvatskoj

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    The species Tinodes antonioi, a new species in the fauna of Croatia, was determined in northern Istria. The paper provides information about T. antonioi in Croatia (DNA barcode data, period of the finds, localities of the finds, numbers of males and females collected) as well as the biodiversity and distribution of the Tinodes genus in Croatia. A reference is made to the species endemic in Croatia, Tinodes andrasi, established to date at only one site in the south of Croatia (Konavle, Dalmacija).Vrsta Tinodes antonioi, kao nova u fauni Hrvatske, zabilježena je po prvi puta u sjevernoj Istri. U radu se daju informacije o T. antonioi u Hrvatskoj (DNA barkod podaci, periodi nalaza, lokaliteti nalaza, broj prikupljenih mužjaka i ženki), kao i bioraznolikost i rasprostranjenost roda Tinodes u Hrvatskoj. Daje se osvrt i na endem Hrvatske, Tinodes andrasi, zabilježen samo na jednom lokalitetu u Hrvatskoj (Konavle, Dalmacija)

    Prvo DNA barkodiranje i novi nalazi mediteranske vrste tulara Micropterna wageneri Mal. (Trichoptera, Limnephilidae) u Hrvatskoj, s osvrtom na DNA barkodiranje i raznolikost roda Micropterna u Hrvatskoj

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    The paper brings data about the new findings of the rare Mediterranean caddisfly species Micropterna wageneri in Croatia with first data of DNA barcoding for this species. The species is recorded in Konavle region and on the Mt. Biokovo. We also present the diversity of the genus Micropterna in Croatia and discuss issues related to the DNA barcoding for this genus in Croatia and Europe.Rad donosi podatke o novim nalazima rijetke mediteranske vrste tulara Micropterna wageneri u Hrvatskoj, s prvim podacima o DNA barkodiranju te vrste. Vrsta je zabilježena u Konavlima i na Biokovu. Također se predstavlja raznolikost roda Micropterna u Hrvatskoj i raspravlja o DNA barkodiranju tog roda u Hrvatskoj i Europi

    Osobine faune tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) četiri jadranska otoka s noticom o DNA barkodiranju

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    To date, 13 species of Trichoptera from 11 genera and 8 families have been reported for the Adriatic islands of Cres, Krk, Pag and Hvar. Relatively recent research has been conducted on the islands of Cres, Krk and Pag, where 329 adults of Trichoptera belonging to 10 species from 8 genera and 6 families were collected. Most dominant was Ecnomus tenellus with 235 specimens collected (islands of Krk and Cres), followed by Leptocerus tineiformis (Krk) with 51 specimens collected. Only one specimen of the each species Stenophylax mitis (Cres) and Mystacides azurea (Krk) was recorded. Most of the species were recorded on the island of Krk (7), and the lowest on the island of Pag (2). Faunistically most interesting was the first finding of species Stenophylax mitis McL. for the fauna of Croatia.Na području jadranskih otoka (Cres, Krk, Pag, Hvar) utvrđeno je do sada 13 vrsta Trichoptera iz 11 rodova i 8 porodica. Novija istraživanja provedena su na otocima Cresu, Krku i Pagu u kojima je prikupljeno 329 adultnih oblika Trichoptera s 10 vrsta iz 8 rodova i 6 porodica. Najdominantnije vrste bile su Ecnomus tenellus s 235 prikupljenih primjeraka (Krk i Cres) i Leptocerus tineiformis (Krk) s 51 prikupljenim primjerkom, a samo s jednim primjerkom zabilježene su vrste Stenophylax mitis (Cres) i Mystacides azurea (Krk). Najveći broj vrsta utvrđen je na otoku Krku (7), a najmanji na otoku Pagu (2). Faunistički najzanimljiviji je nalaz vrste Stenophylax mitis McL. koja je ovim istraživanjima utvrđena po prvi puta u fauni Hrvatske

    DNA barkodiranje porodice Phryganeidae (Insecta, Trichoptera) u Hrvatskoj, s posebnim osvrtom na filogeniju, rasprostranjenost i konzervacijsku biologiju

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    In Europe the Phyrganeidae family comprises 7 genera and 20 species. In Croatia, 6 species have been recorded from this family, and four of them recorded and collected in the last five years have been DNA barcoded. In terms of faunistic research, most interesting is the record of Trichostegia minor Curtis, 1834 from the region of the Gacka River in Lika, in upland Croatia. Up to now four species have been included in the BOLD system with 6 DNA-barcoded specimens. From the Gacka River area, 10 specimens of 8 species, including T. minor, have been barcoded and included into the BOLD system. Phylogenetic research based on DNA barcode data has shown some interesting results. Specimen of T. minor collected in the area of the Gacka River is clustered with a specimen of this species from Austria into a separate subgroup, which shows minor molecular specifics. Phylogenetic analysis has confirmed the justification of the status of a subspecies from Mongolia, Phryganea grandis rotundata Ulmer, 1905. Future Trichoptera fauna research in Croatia will continue investigations of the family Phryganeidae in various parts of the country for the purpose of ascertaining the detailed distribution of all the species recorded, to enable finding some other previously missing species, as well as collecting and DNA barcoding of Hagenella clathrata (Kolenati, 1848) and Oligostomis reticulata (Linnaeus, 1761). With respect to these species, the data will also be useful for the area of conservation biology, necessary for their protection and for the protection of the sites in which they occur, for it is clear that these are very rare species in Croatia, T. minor also belonging to this group: 50% of the species from this family recorded in Croatia are rare and very rare species.Porodica Phyrganeidae broji u Europi 7 rodova i 20 vrsta. Iz ove porodice na području Hrvatske utvrđeno je 6 vrsta, od kojih su DNA barkodirane četiri vrste, zabilježene i prikupljene u posljednjih pet godina. Faunistički najzanimljiviji je nalaz vrste Trichostegia minor Curtis, 1834 s područja rijeke Gacke (regija Lika), gorska Hrvatska. U BOLD bazu upisane su četiri vrste sa Å”est DNA barkodiranih primjeraka. S područja rijeke Gacke je DNA barkodirano i upisano u BOLD bazu 10 primjeraka s osam vrsta, uključujući i vrstu T. minor. Filogenetska istraživanja temeljena na analizi DNA barkod podataka pokazala su zanimljive rezultate. Primjerak vrste T. minor prikupljen na području rijeke Gacke grupira se s primjerkom te vrste iz Austrije u zasebnu podrgrupu, Å”to ukazuje na manje molekularne specifičnosti. Filogenetska analiza potvrdila je i opravdanost statusa podvrste iz Mongolije, Phryganea grandis rotundata Ulmer, 1905. U budućim istraživanjima faune Trichoptera Hrvatske nastavit će se istraživanja porodice Phyrganeidae u različitim dijelovima Hrvatske u svrhu utvrđivanja detaljnijeg rasprostranjenja svih zabilježenih vrsta, potencijalnog nalaza neke joÅ” nezabilježene vrste, ali i nalaza te DNA barkodiranja vrsta Hagenella clathrata (Kolenati, 1848) i Oligostomis reticulata (Linnaeus, 1761). Za te vrste bit će potrebno utvrditi i određene značajke u području konzervacijske biologije potrebne za njihovu zaÅ”titu i zaÅ”titu lokaliteta na kojima žive, jer je očito da su to vrlo rijetke vrste u fauni Hrvatske, a u koje pripada i vrsta T. minor; naime, 50% zabilježenih vrsta porodice Phyrganeidae u Hrvatskoj su rijetke i vrlo rijetke vrste

    Nove vrste za Hrvatsku iz porodice Hydroptilidae, prikupljene u NP Krka, s posebnim osvrtom na bioraznolikost i DNA barkodiranje

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    In this study we present: two species of caddisflies new for Croatian fauna from the family Hydroptilidae (Hydroptila simulans Mosley, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis), first DNA barcoding of caddisfly species in the Krka National Park and a discussion about recorded caddisfly fauna in the Krka NP from this study. From a faunistic point of view several species are interesting: Hydropsysche mostarensis KlapĆ”lek, Hydroptila simulans Mosely, Hydroptila forfcipata Eaton, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis and Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan. For the species Oecetis notata Rambur we have recorded interesting taxonomical remarks. Furthermore, within this study we used DNA barcoding which showed to be a very good and useful method for identification of very small and morphologically similar species from the family Hydroptilidae, or females from the family Psychomyiidae.U ovome radu prikazujemo: dvije nove vrste zabilježene u fauni Hrvatske iz porodice Hydroptilidae (Hydroptila simulans Mosley, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis), prikaz DNA barkodiranja tulara u Nacionalnom parka Krka te osvrt na faunistički najzanimljivije vrste utvrđene tijekom ovih istraživanja. Faunistički najzanimljiviji su nalazi sljedećih vrsta: Hydropsysche mostarensis KlapĆ”lek, Hydroptila simulans Mosely, Hdroptila forfcipata Eaton, Orthotrichia costalis Curtis i Tinodes pallidulus McLachlan. Vrsta Oecetis notata Rambur nazanimljivija je s taksonomskog aspekta. U ovim istraživanjima metoda DNA barkodiranja pokazala se kao vrlo korisna u determinaciji vrlo malih i morfoloÅ”ki sličnih vrsta iz porodice Hydroptilidae te ženki iz porodice Psychomyiidae

    Faunal features of caddisflies (Insecta, Trichoptera) in Konavle region (Croatia) with notes on DNA barcoding and conservation biology

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    Throughout this research, 230 Trichoptera specimens were collected in the area of Konavle area, the southernmost region of Croatia. Altogether 21 species, 15 genera and 11 families were identified. DNA barcoding covered 41 specimens represented with 15 species collected in the Konavle region. The highest number of species was recorded at two localities: the spring of the River Ljuta (13) and a spring in the village Vodovađa (8). The highest number of taxa (4) was recorded within the following two families: Hydroptilidae and Hydropsychidae. From a faunistic point of view, the most interesting species in Konavle region are: Agapetus cf. kampos OlĆ”h (the first record for Croatia), Hydroptila martini Marshall (the first record for the Mediterranean part of Croatia), Oxyethira falcata Morton (the first record for Croatia), Tinodes andrasi OlĆ”h (type locality of the species is River Ljuta), Diplectrona cf. afra McLachlan (the first record from the Mediterranean part of Croatia) and Micropterna wageneri Malicky (the second record for Croatia). The first DNA barcoding data for the species Agapetus cf. kampos OlĆ”h and Tinodes andrasi OlĆ”h were entered into the BOLD database. The area of Konavle represents one of the most interesting regions for the fauna of Trichoptera and can be considered as a ā€hotspotā€ for caddisflies in Croatia. Thus, it is necessary to install high standards for their protectio

    Izvori: DNA barkodiranje tulara (Insecta, Trichoptera) u Hrvatskoj s napomenama o taksonomiji i konzervacijskoj biologiji

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    The paper provides the results of DNA barcoding based on the cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1 mitochondrial gene (mtCOI) of 110 Trichoptera specimens collected in 36 springs in the PannonianPeripannonian, central mountainous and Mediterranean part of Croatia. We barcoded 70 species from 32 genera and 15 families. The data obtained show interesting faunistic and taxonomic results, for, for example, the species Rhyacophila cabrankensis, R. balcanica, Crunoecia kempnyi, Allogmaus auricollis and emphasize the need for further faunistic research into springs, in their role as habitats with a specific and very interesting fauna. The mtCOI DNA barcoding should be included in such research, because it would enable better presentation of the results, especially regarding biodiversity, taxonomy, phylogeny and conservation biology, not just as a segment of a local but also of a global process of understanding biodiversity in a different way. The results of this study show a global need for the protection of springs, because they are specific not only as habitats, but also as localities with an interesting fauna and often endemic species of very limited distribution (for example Rhyacophila cabrankensis).U radu se prikazuju rezultati DNA barkodiranja temeljenog na mitohondrijskom genu za podjedinicu 1 citokrom c oksidaze (mtCOI), za 110 primjeraka Trichoptera prikupljenih u 36 izvora u panonsko-peripanonskom, srediÅ”nje-planinskom i mediteranskom području Hrvatske. DNA barkodirano je 70 vrsta iz 32 roda i 15 porodica. U studiji se ukazuje na neke zanimljive faunističke i taksonomske rezultate, npr. za vrste Rhyacophila cabrankensis, R. balcanica, Crunoecia kempnyi, Allogmaus auricollis te potrebu daljnjih faunističkih istraživanja izvora kao staniÅ”ta sa specifičnom i vrlo zanimljivom faunom. U ta istraživanja zbog kvalitetnije prezentacije rezultata, posebno u područjima bioraznolikosti, taksonomiji, filogeniji i konzervacijskoj biologiji, potrebno je uključiti i metodu DNA barkodiranja mtCOI, kao segment ne samo lokalnog, nego i globalnog procesa u spoznavanju bioraznolikosti na jedan drugačiji način. Navedeni rezultati ovog rada ukazuju na globalnu potrebu veće zaÅ”tite izvora jer su specifični ne samo kao staniÅ”ta, nego vrlo često i kao područja nalaza endemskih vrsta s vrlo malim područjem rasprostranjenja (npr. Rhyacophila cabrankensis)