15 research outputs found

    An Innovative Holistic Approach to an E-flow Assessment Model

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    River water resources provide a wide range of necessary ecosystem services, including regulating, provisioning, supporting and cultural services. Ecosystem services are linked to an appropriate level of functionality of river water resource processes, which can be connected with river basin environmental objectives. Environmental objectives can be achieved only if appropriate flow and sediment regimes and related river morphology quality are guaranteed. The obligation to define environmental flow (E-flow) in the European Union Water Framework Directive European (WFD) is not explicit, and the implementation of the WFD is more focused on water quality. Considering the specific climatic, hydrographic and hydrological conditions and the definition of E-flow, each EU country has developed procedures for their investigation and determination. In the Republic of Croatia, no methodology has been elaborated, nor is there any legal regulation to define E-flow downstream of a dam or water intake site. This paper presents the significant pressures that have affected the transboundary rural Sutla River basin between Croatia and Slovenia. These pressures can cause changes in the hydrological regime and biological elements of water quality. The holistic approach defines the E-flow for a profile on the Sutla River by linking hydrological, morphological, and ecological characteristics based on the exploration of the Sutla River and its biological communities. The full implementation of a holistic approach and the transition to Level III of the E-flow definition requires the enhancement of exploratory hydrological and biological monitoring that enables the use of habitat modelling.Ā Doi: 10.28991/cej-2020-03091611 Full Text: PD

    Combined approach to surface water management

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    Kombinirani pristup ODV-a je ključni element integralnog upravljanja vodama, no njegova je primjena nedovoljno je operativna, pa je u Hrvatskoj donesen priručnik Metodologija kombiniranog pristupa. Smjernice zona mijeŔanja i prognostičkih modela EU-a pridonose primjeni kombiniranog pristupa uz operativni i istraživački monitoring. Problem je primjene prikazan na primjerima prijamnika UPOV-a u slivu rijeke Save. Cilj rada je kritička analiza i doprinos praktičnoj provedbi kombiniranog pristupa.Although the WFD combined approach is a key component of integrated water management, its use is not sufficiently operational, and so the Combined Approach Methodology manual has been adopted in Croatia. Guidelines for mixing zones and prognostic models of the EU have contributed to the implementation of the combined approach, in addition to the operational and investigative monitoring. The problem of application is presented on WWTP recipient examples in the Sava River Basin. The aim of this paper is to provide a critical analysis and contribute to practical implementation of the combined approach

    Integrated water quality management model for rural transboundary river basin

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    Cilj ovog doktorskog rada je razviti inovativni model integralnoga upravljanja kakvoćom voda ruralnog prekograničnog riječnog sliva, unutar integralnog upravljanja vodama, radi postizanja okoliÅ”nih ciljeva riječnog sliva. Razvijeni model testiran je na ruralnom prekograničnom slivu rijeke Sutle, između Slovenije i Hrvatske. Temelji se na implementaciji DPSIR pristupa s ArcGIS-om radi izrade sveobuhvatne analize, te definiranja ključnih problema i izvora pritisaka u riječnom slivu. Za kvantifikaciju pritisaka odabran je matematički model SWAT, koji je prikladan za manje ruralne prekogranične riječne slivove. Modelirani su različiti scenariji uz primjenu osnovnih i dodatnih mjera, i to: scenariji sadaÅ”njeg stanja, scenariji proÅ”log stanja ā€žsā€œ i ā€žbezā€œ akumulacije Vonarje/Sutlanskog jezera, te scenariji budućeg stanja ā€žsā€œ i ā€žbezā€œ akumulacije Vonarje/Sutlanskog jezera uključujući i utjecaje klimatskih promjena. Za scenarij sadaÅ”njeg stanja izrađena je analiza, izdvojeni su kritični slivovi s ā€žhot spotsā€œ pritisaka nutrijenata i sedimenta i primijenjene dopunske mjere ā€žpo mjeriā€œ riječnog sliva. Rezultati primjene razvijenog inovativnog modela i učinkovitost predloženih mjera, ukazuju na mogućnosti primjene navedenog pristupa i primijenjenih mjera za sve podslivove i sve scenarije. Razvijeni inovativni model omogućuje unaprjeđenje upravljanja kakvoćom voda, te uz razvijene/unaprjeđene metode i metodologije u njemu, može se primijeniti i na druge riječne slivove vodnih tijela panonske ekoregije, ali i za druge regije kontinentalne klime. Temeljem novih znanja o procesima u slivu koriÅ”tenjem razvijenoga inovativnog modela, moguće je izraditi procjenu rizika nepostizanja okoliÅ”nih ciljeva riječnog sliva, kao i rizike postizanja dobrog stanja voda i eutrofikacije voda.This doctoral thesis aims to develop an innovative integrated water quality management model of a rural transboundary river basin within integrated water management to achieve the environmental goals of the river basin. The developed model was tested on Slovenia and Croatia's rural transboundary Sutla River basin. The model is based on the implementation of the DPSIR approach with ArcGIS to create a comprehensive analysis, to define the key problems of the river basin, as well as the key sources of pressure in the river basin. The SWAT mathematical model was implemented to be suitable for smaller rural transboundary river basins and was selected for the quantification of pressures. Different scenarios were modelled with the application of basic and additional measures, namely: current state scenarios, past state scenarios "with" and "without" the Vonarje reservoir /Sutlansko lake, and future state scenarios "with" and "without" the Vonarje reservoir/Sutlansko lake including the impacts of climate change. An analysis was made for the scenario of the current state, critical sub-basins with "hot spots" of nutrient and sediment pressures were singled out, and supplementary "tailor-made" measures for the river basin were applied. The results of the developed innovative model application and the effectiveness of the proposed measures indicate the possibility of applying the mentioned approach and applied measures for all sub-basins and all scenarios. The developed innovative model enables the improvement of water quality management, and with the developed/improved methods and methodologies in it, it can be applied to other river basins of water bodies of the Pannonian ecoregion, as well as to other regions with a continental climate. Based on new knowledge about the processes in the river basin with the developed innovative model, it is possible to create an assessment of the risk of not achieving the environmental goals of the river basin, as well as the risks of achieving good water status and water eutrophication

    Integrated water quality management model for rural transboundary river basin

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    Cilj ovog doktorskog rada je razviti inovativni model integralnoga upravljanja kakvoćom voda ruralnog prekograničnog riječnog sliva, unutar integralnog upravljanja vodama, radi postizanja okoliÅ”nih ciljeva riječnog sliva. Razvijeni model testiran je na ruralnom prekograničnom slivu rijeke Sutle, između Slovenije i Hrvatske. Temelji se na implementaciji DPSIR pristupa s ArcGIS-om radi izrade sveobuhvatne analize, te definiranja ključnih problema i izvora pritisaka u riječnom slivu. Za kvantifikaciju pritisaka odabran je matematički model SWAT, koji je prikladan za manje ruralne prekogranične riječne slivove. Modelirani su različiti scenariji uz primjenu osnovnih i dodatnih mjera, i to: scenariji sadaÅ”njeg stanja, scenariji proÅ”log stanja ā€žsā€œ i ā€žbezā€œ akumulacije Vonarje/Sutlanskog jezera, te scenariji budućeg stanja ā€žsā€œ i ā€žbezā€œ akumulacije Vonarje/Sutlanskog jezera uključujući i utjecaje klimatskih promjena. Za scenarij sadaÅ”njeg stanja izrađena je analiza, izdvojeni su kritični slivovi s ā€žhot spotsā€œ pritisaka nutrijenata i sedimenta i primijenjene dopunske mjere ā€žpo mjeriā€œ riječnog sliva. Rezultati primjene razvijenog inovativnog modela i učinkovitost predloženih mjera, ukazuju na mogućnosti primjene navedenog pristupa i primijenjenih mjera za sve podslivove i sve scenarije. Razvijeni inovativni model omogućuje unaprjeđenje upravljanja kakvoćom voda, te uz razvijene/unaprjeđene metode i metodologije u njemu, može se primijeniti i na druge riječne slivove vodnih tijela panonske ekoregije, ali i za druge regije kontinentalne klime. Temeljem novih znanja o procesima u slivu koriÅ”tenjem razvijenoga inovativnog modela, moguće je izraditi procjenu rizika nepostizanja okoliÅ”nih ciljeva riječnog sliva, kao i rizike postizanja dobrog stanja voda i eutrofikacije voda.This doctoral thesis aims to develop an innovative integrated water quality management model of a rural transboundary river basin within integrated water management to achieve the environmental goals of the river basin. The developed model was tested on Slovenia and Croatia's rural transboundary Sutla River basin. The model is based on the implementation of the DPSIR approach with ArcGIS to create a comprehensive analysis, to define the key problems of the river basin, as well as the key sources of pressure in the river basin. The SWAT mathematical model was implemented to be suitable for smaller rural transboundary river basins and was selected for the quantification of pressures. Different scenarios were modelled with the application of basic and additional measures, namely: current state scenarios, past state scenarios "with" and "without" the Vonarje reservoir /Sutlansko lake, and future state scenarios "with" and "without" the Vonarje reservoir/Sutlansko lake including the impacts of climate change. An analysis was made for the scenario of the current state, critical sub-basins with "hot spots" of nutrient and sediment pressures were singled out, and supplementary "tailor-made" measures for the river basin were applied. The results of the developed innovative model application and the effectiveness of the proposed measures indicate the possibility of applying the mentioned approach and applied measures for all sub-basins and all scenarios. The developed innovative model enables the improvement of water quality management, and with the developed/improved methods and methodologies in it, it can be applied to other river basins of water bodies of the Pannonian ecoregion, as well as to other regions with a continental climate. Based on new knowledge about the processes in the river basin with the developed innovative model, it is possible to create an assessment of the risk of not achieving the environmental goals of the river basin, as well as the risks of achieving good water status and water eutrophication

    Integrated Water Quality Management Model for the Rural Transboundary River Basinā€”A Case Study of the Sutla/Sotla River

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    The intensive use of soil and water resources results in a disbalance between the environmental and economic objectives of the river basin. The water quality management model supports good water status, especially downstream of dams and reservoirs, as in the case of the Sutla/Sotla river basin. This research aims to develop a new, improved integrated water quality management model of rural transboundary basins to achieve environmental objectives and protection of the Natura 2000 sites. The model uses river basin pressure analysis to assess the effects of climate and hydrological extreme impacts, and a programme of basic and supplementary measures. The impact assessment of BASE MODEL, PAST, and FUTURE scenarios was modelled using the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) based on land use, climate and hydrological data, climate change, presence or lack of a reservoir, and municipal wastewater and agriculture measures. Eight future climate change scenarios were obtained with optimistic (RCP4.5) and pessimistic (RCP8.5) forecasts for two periods (2020ā€“2050 and 2070ā€“2100), both with and without a reservoir. The model shows that the most significant impacts on the waterbody come from the nutrients and sediment hotspots, also shows the risk of not achieving good water status, and water eutrophication risk. The modelled average annual increase in sediment is from 4 to 25% and in total N from 1 to 8%, while the change in total P is from āˆ’5 to 6%. The conducted analysis provides a base for the selection of tailor-made measures from the catalogue of the supplementary measures that will be outlined in future research

    Integrated water quality management model for the rural transboundary river basinā€”a case study of the Sutla/Sotla River

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    The intensive use of soil and water resources results in a disbalance between the environmental and economic objectives of the river basin. The water quality management model supports good water status, especially downstream of dams and reservoirs, as in the case of the Sutla/Sotla river basin. This research aims to develop a new, improved integrated water quality management model of rural transboundary basins to achieve environmental objectives and protection of the Natura 2000 sites. The model uses river basin pressure analysis to assess the effects of climate and hydrological extreme impacts, and a programme of basic and supplementary measures. The impact assessment of BASE MODEL, PAST, and FUTURE scenarios was modelled using the soil and water assessment tool (SWAT) based on land use, climate and hydrological data, climate change, presence or lack of a reservoir, and municipal wastewater and agriculture measures. Eight future climate change scenarios were obtained with optimistic (RCP4.5) and pessimistic (RCP8.5) forecasts for two periods (2020ā€“2050 and 2070ā€“2100), both with and without a reservoir. The model shows that the most significant impacts on the waterbody come from the nutrients and sediment hotspots, also shows the risk of not achieving good water status, and water eutrophication risk. The modelled average annual increase in sediment is from 4 to 25% and in total N from 1 to 8%, while the change in total P is from āˆ’5 to 6%. The conducted analysis provides a base for the selection of tailor-made measures from the catalogue of the supplementary measures that will be outlined in future research