196 research outputs found
L’église de la Sainte Mère de Dieu à Mateič présente un concept architectural unique,
mélangeant des influences de Staro Nagoričino, Dečani et de l’église des Saints Archanges
à Prizren. Malgré sa signification culturelle et historique, l’église de la Sainte Mère de Dieu
à Mateič a subi des dommages importants dus aux conflits qui ont eu lieu en 2001. Des
appels urgents pour la restauration et la préservation ont été lancés par des spécialistes et
des personnalités publiques, mais le site a été négligé pendant longtemps. À l’approche du
vingt-deuxième anniversaire des dommages, les préoccupations concernant l’état du site et
la nécessité de sa restauration et de sa préservation ont augmenté. Le monastère de Mateič
est dédié à Dieu depuis huit siècles et bénéficie d’une végétation luxuriante, d’eau de source
et d’une nature apparemment intacte. L’église et les bâtiments auxiliaires ont été laissés en
ruines, avec l’église de l’Assomption comme seule structure intacte. La restauration de ce
site est cruciale non seulement pour la Macédoine du Nord, mais aussi pour le patrimoine
culturel mondial, et sa nomination en tant que site du patrimoine mondial de l’UNESCO est
une étape vitale dans sa préservation.http://www.nisandbyzantium.org.rs/doc/zbornik21/HTML%20files/Zbornik-XXI.pub.htmPublishe
Portals of Morava Serbia churches
Интересовање за архитектонски украс портала, њихову иконографију и значење одавно је присутно у медиевистици. За разлику од подробно испитаних романичких и готичких портала разматраних у бројним прегледима и опсежним студијама, литература о позновизантијским порталима као и порталима цркава Моравске Србије мањег је обима. Углавном су портали у историографији византијске уметности помињани узгредно, у монографским анализама и прегледима уметности византијског света. Портали цркава Моравске Србије међусобно се разликују по техничким одликма, положају, димензијама, начину клесања и изведеном архитектонском украсу. Уз формалне анализе којима историја уметности као идиографска дисциплина располаже, уочавање, формулисање и проницање у проблеме испитивања у вези са њиховом рецепцијом могу се пронаћи у форми трагања за досадашњим интерпретацијама у којима се уочавају различите олазне позиције интерпретатора и идејног контекста у којем су портали настали. Имајући у виду различите византијске текстове могуће је установити са колико минуциозности и прецизности се описују број, позиција, осветљење портала, као и одређене ритуално-култне радње у вези са порталима.
Будући да је исихазам свеприсутан у монашком животу и генерално духоввној клими друге половине четрнаестог столећа, врата и акт Преображења поседују дубоко симболичку функцију. Тако се ствара целина путем које се посредују вишеслојна значења проистекла из семантичког садејства клесаног и сликаног украса. Постајући визуелна форма разматра се
не само у међусобном односу са посланицом Ефежанима 2: 11 – 22 већ и како је материјалност експлицитно саопштавана у илустровању појединих библијских цитата. Циљ ствараоца портала је да га означи као физички објект и нагласи значај прелаза. Све приказане слике уз портал представљају nexus за визуелизацију древних библијских цитата. Подсећајући не само на древне библијске метафоре Христа као угаоног камена и главе Цркве који држи зидове храма скупа, већ и метафоре ,,Ја сам врата. Ко уђе кроза ме, спашће се“ (Јн. 10, 9) отварају се нове интерпретативне могућности за тумачење портала цркава Моравске Србије, као и могућности разрешења значења појединих просторних јединица храма.Interests for the architectural decoration of the portals, their iconography and meaning have long been present in medieval studies. Unlike thoroughly surveyed Romanesque and Gothic portals which were discussed in numerous extensive studies, literature on the late Byzantine portals and the portals of Morava Serbia churches are smaller volume. Portals of Morava Serbia churches differ from each other by technical characteristics, position, size, method of cutting and executed architectural decoration. In addition to the formal analysis which art history as a discipline as ideograph discipline, identification, formulation and insights into the problems of testing in relation to their reception can be found in the form of a search for previous interpretations in which the observed different starting positions performers and conceptual context in which portals are created. Bearing in mind the various Byzantine texts can be detected with much minuteness and precision describes the number, position, brightness portal, as well as certain ritual - cultic acts in conjunction with portals. Since hesychasm was ubiquitous in the monastic life and general spiritual climate of the second half of the 14th century, the door and act of Transfiguration have deep symbolic function. This creates a whole that is mediated through a multi-layered meanings arising from the interaction of semantic carved and painted decoration. Becoming a visual form, portals are considered not only in relation to Ephesians 2: 11-22 but materiality explicitly stated numerous Biblical metaphors. The purpose of the portal is to mark it as a physical object and emphasize the importance of the crossing. All displayed images with the portal are the nexus for the visualization. Recalling not only the Biblical metaphor of Christ as the cornerstone and the head
of the Church, which holds the walls together, but also a metaphor “I am the door. Whoever enters through me will be saved" (John 10, 9) opens up new interpretive possibilities for the interpretation of the portals of Moravia Serbia, and the possibility of resolving the meaning of individual spatial units of temple
Antimicrobial activity of secondary metabolites isolated from Centaurea spruneri Boiss. & Heldr.
Two coumarins, scopoletin (1) and isoscopoletin (2), two simple phenolic acids, protocatechuic acid (3) and isovanillic acid (4) and one flavonoid, eriodictyol (5) were isolated from the aerial parts of Centaurea spruneri. The structure of the compounds was established by spectroscopic methods. The in vitro antimicrobial activity of the isolated compounds was tested against eight bacteria and eight fungal species, using a microdilution method. All compounds tested showed moderate antibacterial and antifungal activities. Their minimum inhibitory concentrations were in the range 0.655-2.38 µmol ml-1 and their minimal bactericidal concentrations ranged from 0.694 to 4.15 µmol ml-1 against the tested bacterial species. All compounds showed fungistatic activity at 0.259-2.38 µmol ml-1 and fungicidal at 0.69-2.6 µmol ml-1 against all fungi tested.Iz nadzemnog dela Centaurea spruneri izolovana su dva kumarina skopoletin (1) i izoskopoletin (2), dve proste fenolske kiseline protokatehuinska kiselina (3) i izovanilinska kiselina (4) i flavonoid eriodiktiol. Hemijske strukture poznatih jedinjenja su utvrđene korišćenjem 1D i 2D NMR, MS i UV spektroskopskih analiza. U in vitro testu za određivanje antimikrobne aktivnosti izolovanih jedinjenja korišćena je mikrodiluciona metoda. Dobijena jedinjenja testirana su na po osam bakterijskih i gljivičnih vrsta. Sva jedinjenja su imala umerenu antibakterijsku i antifungalnu aktivnost. Minimalna inhibitorna koncentracija testiranih jedinjenja se kretala od 0,655 do 2,38 µmol ml-1, a minimalna baktericidna koncentracija 0,694-4,15 µmol ml-1. Testirana jedinjenja su pokazala fungicidnu aktivnost od 0,259-2,38 µmol ml-1 i fungistatičku 0,694-2,60 µmol ml-1, na sve testirane gljive.Projekat ministarstva br. 14304
Primena kukuruzne prekrupe pri siliranju lucerke, ježevice i njihove smeše
One of the solutions for the economical use of alfalfa and cocksfoot is making the silage. However, these plant species are difficult to be conserved without appropriate additives. The aim of this study was to determine the impact addition of cornmeal on the quality of silage of alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) cv. Kruševačka 22, cocksfoot (Dactilys glomerata L.) cv. Kruševačka 40 and their mixture (50% alfalfa, 50% cocksfoot). Mowing both species was carried out at the stage when 1/3 to 1/5 of the plants were in flowering in alfalfa or in stage appearance of inflorescence with cocksfoot. Corn grain is ground at the mill with a sieve ø 2 mm, then mixed with chopped fodder of alfalfa, cocksfoot and the mixture in the following amount: 6% (treatment A2), 3% (treatment A1), and without cornmeal addition (control A0). After six months was determined silage quality. Cornmeal addition, according to the basic indicators of the quality of silage had a significant impact on changing the quality silage of alfalfa, cocksfoot and their mixtures. It is evident that the addition cornmeal addition a significant impact on increasing the energy value (primarily the content inside BEM) of silage in all studied treatments.Jedno od rešenja za ekonomično korišćenje lucerke i ježevice je spravljanje silaže. Međutim ove biljne vrste se teško mogu konzervisati bez odgovarajućih dodataka. Cilj ovih ispitivanja bio je određivanje uticaja kukuruzne prekrupe na kvalitet silaže od lucerke, ježevice i njihove smeše (50% lucerka, 50% ježevica). Ispitivanje je sprovedeno na krmi: lucerke (Medicago sativa L.) sorte Kruševačka 22, ježevice (Dactilys glomerata L.) sorte Kruševačka 40 i njihove smeše (50% lucerka i 50% ježevica). Košenje obe vrste obavljeno je u fazi kada je 1/3 do 1/5 biljaka bilo u cvetu kod lucerke odnosno u klasanju kod ježevice. Kukuruzno zrno je mleveno na mlinu sa sitima ø 2 mm, zatim je mešano sa seckanom krmom lucerke, ježevice i smeše u količini: 6% (tretman A2), 3% (tretman A1), i bez prekrupe (kontrola A0). Nakon šest meseci utvrđen je kvalitet silaže. Dodatak kukuruzne prekrupe je prema osnovnim pokazateljima kvaliteta silaža imao značajan uticaj na promenu kvaliteta silaže lucerke ježevice i smeše. Evidentno je da dodavanje kukuruzne prekrupe značajno utiče na povećanje energetske vrednosti (pre svega sadržaja BEM) u silaži svih ispitivanih vrsta
Osetljivost referentnih sojeva i oralnih kliničkih izolata Candida spp. - na odabrana etarska ulja familije Apiaceae
The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activity of four essential oils from Apiaceae family, Pastinaca sativa, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum and Anethum graveolens, against Candida spp. reference strains and clinical isolates from human oral cavities. Chemical analysis of the essential oils (GCFID and GC/MS) showed that predominating chemical classes in the essential oil of A. graveolens was monoterpene hydrocarbons (49.4 %) and the major constituent of the oil was carvone (42.2 %): while in the oils of P. anisum, F. vulgare and P. sativa majority of compounds belong to phenylpropenes (80.9 %, 65.9 % and 49.4 %, respectively): and the major oil constituents were trans-anethole (65.1 % and 80.8 %) and myristicine (49.0 %): respectively. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum fungicidal (MFC) concentrations were determined using microdilution method. All the tested oils inhibited growth of Candida spp. The strongest antifungal activity was shown by A. graveolens essential oil (MIC 0.63-2.5 mg mL-1; MFC 1.25-5 mg mL-1). In addition to the common use of parsnip, fennel, anise and dill in traditional medicine, present study validates use of their essential oils in treatments intended for reduction and elimination of Candida spp. population in human patients with fungal infection.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita hemijski sastav i antifungalna aktivnost četiri etarska ulja familije Apiaceae, Pastinaca sativa, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum i Anethum graveolens, na referentne sojeve i kliničke izolate Candida spp. iz usne duplje ljudi. Hemijska analiza ispitivanih etarskih ulja (GC-FID i GC/MS) je pokazala da u uljima dominiraju sledeće hemijske klase: u ulju A. graveolens - monoterpenski ugljovodonici (49,4%) i glavni sastojak je karvon (42,2 %): dok u uljima P. anisum F. vulgare P. sativa većina jedinjenja pripada fenilpropenima (80,9 %, 65,9 % i 49,4 %, respektivno): pri čemu su glavne komponente prva dva ulja trans-anetol (65,1 % i 80.8 %): a trećeg, miristicin (49.0 %). Minimalne inhibitorne (MIC) i minimalne fungicidne koncentracije ulja (MFC) su određene primenom mikrodilucione metode. Ispitivana tri ulja su inhibirala rast svih Candida spp.; najjaču antifungalnu aktivnost je pokazalo ulje A. graveolens (MIC 0.63-2.5 mg ml-1; MFC 1.25-5 mg ml-1). Pored česte primene paškanata, morača, anisa i mirođije u tradicionalnoj medicini, ova studija potvrđuje upotrebu njihovih etarskih ulja u tretmanima redukcije i eliminisanju populacije Candida spp. kod humanih pacijenata sa gljivičnim infekcijama
Fresh hyperalkaline groundwaters contain polyurethane-degrading Flavobacterium
The examined groundwaters, orginating from the fractured type of aquifer formed by Pre-
Middle Jurassic ultramafic rocks, i. e. harzburgites, dunites, lherzolites and serpentinites, belong to the
fresh hyperalkaline cold groundwaters of OH, Cl – Ca, Na + K genetic type. Studied occurrence was
characterized by the presence of aerobic cultivable bacteria with ability to grow in a pH range of 7-12.
Bacterial isolates were screened using plastic,cellulosic and hemicellulosic polymeric substrates as
predominantcarbon source to assess their biotechnological potential. All 16 screened isolates (100%)
demonstrated growth and/or activity on at least one tested substrate. One isolate belonging to genus
Flavobacterium, produced prominent zone of clearing on Impranil® DLN-SD, a model substrate for
polyurethanes (PU). Plastic-degrading potential has been previously documented for members of
genus Flavobacterium. However, this is the first report of their PU-degrading activity. Accumulation of
PU in the environment is of special concern, due to its toxicity, high production rates and lack of
efficient recycling strategies. In the future, biotechnological potential of alkalophilic bacteria from
groundwater environments should be explored more intensly, especially from the aspect of their
application in the management of plastic waste and bioremediation treatments of plastic-polluted
groundwater resources.XIII International Conference Industrial Engineering and
Environmental Protection (IIZS 2023), Zrenjanin, 5-6th October 2023
Simultaneous determination of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in the human plasma by high performance liquid chromatography: Mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS)
Background/Aim. Quantitative analysis of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in biological matrices requires sensitive and specific methods which allow determination of therapeutic concentration in μg/mL range. Analytical methods for determination of their concentrations in body fluids described in literature include high performance liquid chromatography coupled to UV detector (HPLC-UV) and liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS). The aim of this study was to develop sensitive and specific ultra performance liquid chromatography/ mass spectrometry (UPLC/MS) method which could be used for the spectral identification and quantification of the low concentrations of amoxicillin and clavulanic acid in the human plasma. Method. A sensitive and specific UPLC/MS method for amoxicillin and clavulanic acid determination was developed in this study. The samples were taken from the adult healthy volunteers receiving per os one tablet of amoxicillin (875 mg) in combination with clavulanic acid (125 mg). Results. Plasma samples were pretreated by direct deproteinization with perchloric acid. Quantification limit of 0.01 μg/ml for both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid was achieved. The method was reproducible day by day (RSD < 7 %). Analytical recoveries for amoxicillin ranged from 98.82% to 100.9% (for concentrations of 1, 5 and 20 μg/mL), and recoveries for clavulanic acid were 99,89% to 100.1% (for concentrations of 1, 2 and 5 μg/mL). This assay was successfully applied to a pilot pharmacokinetic study in healthy volunteers after a single-oral administration of amoxicillin/ clavulanic combination. The determined plasma concentrations of both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid were in the range of the expected values upon the literature data for HPLC-UV and LC-MS methods. Conclusion. The described method provided a few advantages comparing with LC/MS-MS method. The method is faster using running time of 5 minute, has lower limit of quantification (LOQ ) and it could be used in pharmacokinetic studies of both amoxicillin and clavulanic acid
Sensitivity of clinical isolates of candida to essential oils from burseraceae family
The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activity of four commercial essential oils from the Burseraceae family - two Boswellia carterii Flueck oils, Canarium luzonicum (Blume) A. Gray oil, and Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl oil, against most common Candida spp. recovered from the human oral cavity. The essential oil samples were analyzed by GC- FID and GC/MS. The analysis showed that major essential oils' components were. - pinene (23.04 % and 31.84 %), limonene (45.62 %) and curzerene (34.65 %), respectively. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum fungicidal (MFC) concentrations were determined using a microdilution standardized technique. All tested Candida spp. clinical isolates and ATCC strains showed susceptibility to tested essential oils in a dose dependent manner. The strongest antifungal activity was shown by essential oil of B. carterii, sample 2; the average MIC values ranged from 1.25 to 1.34 mg/ml, and MFC values ranged from 2.50 to 3.75 mg/ml, depending on the fungus. This study supports the possible use of essential oils from the Bursecaceae family in reduction and elimination of Candida spp. populations in patients with oral cavity fungal infections
Antimicrobial activity of three Lamiaceae essential oils against common oral pathogens
Chemical composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of commercial essential oils ' samples from the aerial plant parts of H. officinalis, R. officinalis and S. officinalis were investigated. Analyses by GC-FID and GC-MS confirmed 52 oil components. The major constituent of the H. officinalis oil was cis-pinocamphone (34.4%), followed by trans- pinocamphone (23.3%), and β-pinene (11.3%). Analysis of R. officinalis oil revealed 1.8-cineol as a major constituent (43.8%), as well as trans- pinocamphone (12.5%), α-pinene (11.5%) and β-pinene (8.2%). The most dominant constituent of S. officinalis oil was cis-thujone (32.7%), in addition to camphor (17.2%), 1.8-cineol (10.1%), α-pinene (8.6%), trans- thujone (7.7%) and camphene (7.3%). The essential oil antimicrobial activity assay was performed by the use of microdilution method against oral Candida spp. and bacteria, the major causative agents of a number of human oral disorders; all of them were susceptible to tested concentrations of H. officinalis, R. officinalis and S. officinalis essential oils, although the oil of S. officinalis exhibited the lowest antimicrobial potential. The results obtained in this study encourage use of investigated essential oils from Lamiaceae family in development of safe natural agents for prevention and/ or alternative therapy of human oral diseases. However, a special care during development of an effective natural preparation is required
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