106 research outputs found


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    The usage of wavelets is widespread in many fields nowadays, especially in signal processing. Their nature provides some advantages in comparison to the Fourier transform, and therefore many applications rely on wavelets rather than on other methods. The decomposition of wavelets into detail and approximation coefficients is one of the methods to extract representative audio features. They can be used in signal analysis and further classification. This paper investigates the usage of various wavelet families in the wavelet decomposition to extract audio features of direct current (DC) motor sounds recorded in the production environment. The purpose of feature representation and analysis is the detection of DC motor failures in motor production. The effects of applying different wavelet families and parameters in the decomposition process are studied using sounds of more than 60 motors. Time and frequency analysis is also done for the tested DC motor sounds


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    In this paper a portable system for acquisition of sound generated by passenger vehicles powered by internal combustion engines is described and analyzed. The acquisition system is developed from scratch and tested in order to satisfy the requirements such as high-quality of audio recordings, high mobility, robustness and privacy respect. With this acquisition system and adequate signal processing, the main goal was to collect a large amount of clear audio recordings that will form a quality dataset. In further research, this dataset will be used for machine learning model training and testing, i.e. for developing a system for automatic recognition of the type of car engine based on fuel

    Analiza hemijskog sastava etarskih ulja snažne efikasnosti na referentni soj ATCC 29212 i kliničke izolate Enterococcus faecalis

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    Twenty one essential oils (EOs) documented their significant antimicrobial effect with regard to our pre-set criterion of the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC ≤ 200 μL / mL) of EOs towards Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212 and or clinical isolates); the best effect MIC 0.4 μL / mL (approx. 0.26 μg / mL) achieved Satureja horvatii L. EO, while the EOs with the lowest antimicrobial efficacy were Rosmarinus officinalis L. and Achilea milefolium L., both with MIC s160.0 μg / mL. Analysis of the MIC values within the groups revealed that ATCC strain of E. faecalis is generally lower, ranging from 0.26 to 156 μg / mL, in comparison to those for clinical isolateswhich ranged from 10 to 160 μg / mL. Twelve 12 components that are common in EOs whith MIC s ≤ 200 μg / mL in testings towards both, the clinical and referent strains are given in descending order according to number of oils they are present in: trans-β-caryophyllene (13) > myrcene (8) > α-pinene (8) > linalool (7) > p-cymene (7) > borneol (7) > geraniol (6) > camphene (6) > limonene (5) > 1,8- cineol (5) > γ -terpinene (5) > α- terpinene (4). Comparison of EO constituents reviled that only, geraniol and 1,8-cineol, contributed with ≥ 10 % to more than one EO (MIC 0.3-200 μg / mL) efficient against both E. faecalis strains. Thirteen components in 11 EOs with MIC ≤ 200 μg / mL towards ATCC 29212 were representative based on their contents in EOs: eugenol 82.9 % > thymol 63.7 % > hexadecanoic acid 47.8 % > menthol 46.6 % > cis-b-ocimene 44.2 % > geranial 42.1 % > trans-β-caryophyllene 40.8 % > citronellal 36.7 % > α-pinene 31.2 % > neral 30.5 % > α-eudesmol 22.4 % > citronellol 13.1 % > menthone 11.3 %. Following seven components, representative in 10 EOs with MIC ≤ 200 μg / mL towards clinical isolates, are presented in order of their contribution to EOs: phenylethyl alcohol 57.7 % > geranial 32.9 % > neral 22.2 % > p- cymene 20 % > carvacrol 14 % > α-pinene 11.5 % > linalool 11.4 %. Out of 21 highly efficient EOs selected in this study, six EOs proved to be the most efficient (MIC ≤ 30 μg / mL ); three oils in control of E.faecalis ATCC strain (Satureja horvatii, Mentha pulegium and Rosmarinus officinalis) and other three in control of E. faecalis clinical isolates (Leptospermum petersonii, Thymus algeriensis, Thymus serpyllum). Thymol is a major component in three out of the six aforementioned most efficient EOs. The aim of our study was to investigate differences in efficacy of selected EOs that proved to possess great antimicrobial activity, towards the referent strain ATCC 29212 and clinical isolates of E. faecalis on, and to estimate which of their constituents might contribute to desired activity, as 'markers compunds'.Pregledom literature odabrano je 21 etarsko ulje (EU) koje pokazuje izuzetno značajan antimikrobni efekat prema kriterijumima koje smo zadali (MIC ≤ 200 μL / mL) na Enterococcus faecalis (ATCC 29212 referentni soj ili klinički izolat); Najbolji antimikrobni efekat sa MIC 0.4 μL / mL (približno 0.26 μg / mL) pokazalo je etarsko ulje Satureja horvatii L., dok su sa najslabijim antimikrobnim efektom bila ulja Rosmarinus officinalis L. i Achilea milefolium L. (MIC 160.0 μg / mL). Međugrupnom analizom MIC vrednosti, utvrđeno je da se MIC vrednosti, i u grupi u kojoj su testirana ulja na referentne sojeve i u grupi na kliničkim izolatima, razlikuju. MIC vrednosti ulja koja su delovala na referentni soj E. faecalis ATCC 29212, variraju od 0.26 to 156 μg / mL , dok je opseg MIC vrednosti koja pokazuju ulja efikasna na kliničke izolate E. faecalisa bio između 10 to 160 μg / mL. Dvanaest komponenti koje su zajedničke za etarska ulja testirana i na referentnom soju i na kliničkim izolatima, a čiji MIC ≤ 200 μg / mL , iskazana su u opadajućem nizu u odnosu na broj ulja u kojima su sadržana: trans-β-kariofilen (13) > mircen (8) > α-pinen (8) > linalool (7) > p-cymen (7) > borneol (7) > geraniol (6) > kamfen (6) > limonen (5) > 1,8-cineol (5) > γ-terpinen (5) > α-terpinen (4). Poređenjem komponenti utvrđeno je da su samo dve komponente, geraniol i 1,8-cineol, prisutne u procentualnoj zastupljenosti ≥ 10 % u više od jednog etarskog ulja (MIC opseg ulja 0.3-200 μg / mL ), a koja su pokazala efikasnost i na ATCC i na kliničke sojeve E. faecalis. Geraniol i 1,8-cineol su glavne komponente sadržaja ≥ 10 % u više ulja efikasnih i protiv ATCC soja i kliničkih izolata (MIC 0.3-200 μg / mL). U 11 ulja sa MIC ≤ 200 μg / mL na E. faecalis ATCC 29212, uočeno je 13 reprezentativnih komponenti, predstavljanih opadajućem nizu u odnosu na zastupljenost u uljima: eugenol 82.9 % > timol 63.7 % > heksadekanoanska kiselina 47.8 % > mentol 46.6 % > cis-b-ocimen 44.2 % > geranial 42.1 % > trans-β-kariofilen 40.8 % > citronelal 36.7 % > α-pinen 31.2 % > neral 30.5 % > α-eudesmol 22.4 % > citronelol 13.1 % > menton 11.3 %. U 10 etarskih ulja sa MIC ≤ 200 μg / mL efikasnim na klinički izolat, 7 je reprezentativnih i one su prikazane u opadajućem nizu u odnosu na njihovu zastupljenost u EU: feniletil alkohol 57.7 % > geranial 32.9 % > neral 22.2 % > p-cimen 20 % > karvakrol, 14 % > α-pinen 11.5 % > linalool 11.4 %. Od 21 EU iz ovog pregleda, šest su se izdvojila kao najefikasnija (MIC ≤ 30 μg / mL); 3 na referentni E. faecalis ATCC soj (Satureja horvatii, Mentha pulegium and Rosmarinus officinalis) i druga 3 na E faecalis klinički izolat (Leptospermum petersonii, Thymus algeriensis, Thymus serpyllum). Timol je bio procentualno najzastupljenija komponenta u 3 od 6 najefikasnijih EU. Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se utvrde razlike u efikasnosti etarskih ulja koja su odabrana zbog njihove jake antimikrobne aktivnosti na kliničke izolate E. faecalis kao i na referentni soj ATCC 29212, i da se izvrši procena njihovog hemijskog sastava vezano za komponente koje svojim učešćem doprinose antimikrobnoj aktivnosti i mogu poslužiti kao 'markeri efikasnosti'

    Osetljivost referentnih sojeva i oralnih kliničkih izolata Candida spp. - na odabrana etarska ulja familije Apiaceae

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activity of four essential oils from Apiaceae family, Pastinaca sativa, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum and Anethum graveolens, against Candida spp. reference strains and clinical isolates from human oral cavities. Chemical analysis of the essential oils (GCFID and GC/MS) showed that predominating chemical classes in the essential oil of A. graveolens was monoterpene hydrocarbons (49.4 %) and the major constituent of the oil was carvone (42.2 %): while in the oils of P. anisum, F. vulgare and P. sativa majority of compounds belong to phenylpropenes (80.9 %, 65.9 % and 49.4 %, respectively): and the major oil constituents were trans-anethole (65.1 % and 80.8 %) and myristicine (49.0 %): respectively. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum fungicidal (MFC) concentrations were determined using microdilution method. All the tested oils inhibited growth of Candida spp. The strongest antifungal activity was shown by A. graveolens essential oil (MIC 0.63-2.5 mg mL-1; MFC 1.25-5 mg mL-1). In addition to the common use of parsnip, fennel, anise and dill in traditional medicine, present study validates use of their essential oils in treatments intended for reduction and elimination of Candida spp. population in human patients with fungal infection.Cilj ovog istraživanja bio je da se ispita hemijski sastav i antifungalna aktivnost četiri etarska ulja familije Apiaceae, Pastinaca sativa, Foeniculum vulgare, Pimpinella anisum i Anethum graveolens, na referentne sojeve i kliničke izolate Candida spp. iz usne duplje ljudi. Hemijska analiza ispitivanih etarskih ulja (GC-FID i GC/MS) je pokazala da u uljima dominiraju sledeće hemijske klase: u ulju A. graveolens - monoterpenski ugljovodonici (49,4%) i glavni sastojak je karvon (42,2 %): dok u uljima P. anisum F. vulgare P. sativa većina jedinjenja pripada fenilpropenima (80,9 %, 65,9 % i 49,4 %, respektivno): pri čemu su glavne komponente prva dva ulja trans-anetol (65,1 % i 80.8 %): a trećeg, miristicin (49.0 %). Minimalne inhibitorne (MIC) i minimalne fungicidne koncentracije ulja (MFC) su određene primenom mikrodilucione metode. Ispitivana tri ulja su inhibirala rast svih Candida spp.; najjaču antifungalnu aktivnost je pokazalo ulje A. graveolens (MIC 0.63-2.5 mg ml-1; MFC 1.25-5 mg ml-1). Pored česte primene paškanata, morača, anisa i mirođije u tradicionalnoj medicini, ova studija potvrđuje upotrebu njihovih etarskih ulja u tretmanima redukcije i eliminisanju populacije Candida spp. kod humanih pacijenata sa gljivičnim infekcijama

    Sensitivity of clinical isolates of candida to essential oils from burseraceae family

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activity of four commercial essential oils from the Burseraceae family - two Boswellia carterii Flueck oils, Canarium luzonicum (Blume) A. Gray oil, and Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl oil, against most common Candida spp. recovered from the human oral cavity. The essential oil samples were analyzed by GC- FID and GC/MS. The analysis showed that major essential oils' components were. - pinene (23.04 % and 31.84 %), limonene (45.62 %) and curzerene (34.65 %), respectively. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum fungicidal (MFC) concentrations were determined using a microdilution standardized technique. All tested Candida spp. clinical isolates and ATCC strains showed susceptibility to tested essential oils in a dose dependent manner. The strongest antifungal activity was shown by essential oil of B. carterii, sample 2; the average MIC values ranged from 1.25 to 1.34 mg/ml, and MFC values ranged from 2.50 to 3.75 mg/ml, depending on the fungus. This study supports the possible use of essential oils from the Bursecaceae family in reduction and elimination of Candida spp. populations in patients with oral cavity fungal infections

    Antimicrobial activity of three Lamiaceae essential oils against common oral pathogens

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    Chemical composition, antimicrobial and cytotoxic activities of commercial essential oils ' samples from the aerial plant parts of H. officinalis, R. officinalis and S. officinalis were investigated. Analyses by GC-FID and GC-MS confirmed 52 oil components. The major constituent of the H. officinalis oil was cis-pinocamphone (34.4%), followed by trans- pinocamphone (23.3%), and β-pinene (11.3%). Analysis of R. officinalis oil revealed 1.8-cineol as a major constituent (43.8%), as well as trans- pinocamphone (12.5%), α-pinene (11.5%) and β-pinene (8.2%). The most dominant constituent of S. officinalis oil was cis-thujone (32.7%), in addition to camphor (17.2%), 1.8-cineol (10.1%), α-pinene (8.6%), trans- thujone (7.7%) and camphene (7.3%). The essential oil antimicrobial activity assay was performed by the use of microdilution method against oral Candida spp. and bacteria, the major causative agents of a number of human oral disorders; all of them were susceptible to tested concentrations of H. officinalis, R. officinalis and S. officinalis essential oils, although the oil of S. officinalis exhibited the lowest antimicrobial potential. The results obtained in this study encourage use of investigated essential oils from Lamiaceae family in development of safe natural agents for prevention and/ or alternative therapy of human oral diseases. However, a special care during development of an effective natural preparation is required

    Sensitivity of clinical isolates of candida to essential oils from burseraceae family

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the chemical composition and antifungal activity of four commercial essential oils from the Burseraceae family - two Boswellia carterii Flueck oils, Canarium luzonicum (Blume) A. Gray oil, and Commiphora myrrha (Nees) Engl oil, against most common Candida spp. recovered from the human oral cavity. The essential oil samples were analyzed by GC- FID and GC/MS. The analysis showed that major essential oils' components were. - pinene (23.04 % and 31.84 %), limonene (45.62 %) and curzerene (34.65 %), respectively. Minimum inhibitory (MIC) and minimum fungicidal (MFC) concentrations were determined using a microdilution standardized technique. All tested Candida spp. clinical isolates and ATCC strains showed susceptibility to tested essential oils in a dose dependent manner. The strongest antifungal activity was shown by essential oil of B. carterii, sample 2; the average MIC values ranged from 1.25 to 1.34 mg/ml, and MFC values ranged from 2.50 to 3.75 mg/ml, depending on the fungus. This study supports the possible use of essential oils from the Bursecaceae family in reduction and elimination of Candida spp. populations in patients with oral cavity fungal infections

    Nutritional value, chemical composition, antioxidant activity and enrichment of cream cheese with chestnut mushroom Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing

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    A very well-known and appreciated mushroom, Agrocybe aegerita (Brig.) Sing, was the subject of chemical profiling, antioxidant assays and sensory evaluation test in creamcheese. Methanolic extract obtained from a wild sample of A. aegerita fruiting body was fully chemically identified. Sample was found to be rich in carbohydrates (84.51 g/ 100 g dw), ash and proteins (6.69 g/100 g dw and 6.68 g/ 100 g dw, respectively). Trehalose was the main free sugar while malic acid was the most abundant organic acid. Four isoforms of tocopherols were identified; γ- tocopherol was the dominant isoform with 86.08 μg/100 g dw, followed by β- tocopherol, δ-tocopherol and α-tocopherol (8.80 μg/ 100 g dw, 3.40 μg/100 g dw and 2.10 μg/100 g dw, respectively). Polyunsaturated fatty acids were predominant, with linoleic acid as the most prominent one (78.40 %). Methanolic extract of chestnut mushroom exhibited high antioxidant activity. Sensory evaluation test included grading by panelists and comparing the overall acceptability of cream cheese alone and enriched cream cheese with dry powder of A. aegerita. General conclusion of the participants was that the newly developed product was more likeable in comparison to cream cheese alone. Due to the health-beneficial effects of antioxidants and wealth of chemically identified nutrients, A. aegerita is a promising starting material for incorporation on larger scale products

    Antioxidant and antimicrobial activity of Cynara cardunculus extracts

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    The whole, fresh involucral bracts of cardoon, Cynara cardunculus L. (Compositae), were extracted with EtOH and an aqueous suspension of the obtained EtOH extract was partitioned successively with CHCl3, EtOAc and n-BuOH, leaving a residual water extract. All obtained extracts were evaluated for their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The antioxidant potential was evaluated using following in vitro methods: FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) assay, and scavenging of 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical. Antimicrobial activity was estimated using a microdilution technique against food-borne, mycotoxin producers and human pathogenic bacteria and micromycetes. The following bacteria were tested: Salmonella typhimurium, Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Staphylococcus aureus, as well as micromycetes: Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus ochraceus, Aspergillus flavus, Penicillium ochrochloron, Penicillium funiculosum, Trichoderma viride, Fusarium tricinctum and Alternaria alternata. Results showed that all extracts possessed concentration-dependent antioxidant activity. In biological assays, C. cardunculus extracts showed antimicrobial activity comparable with standard antibiotics.This is peer-reviewed version of the folowing article: Kukić, J.; Popović, V.; Petrović, S.; Mucaji, P.; Ćirić, A.; Stojković, D.; Soković, M. Antioxidant and Antimicrobial Activity of Cynara Cardunculus Extracts. Food Chem. 2008, 107 (2), 861–868. [https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2007.09.005

    Chemical composition and biological properties of Pelargonium graveolens, Leptospermum petersonii and Cymbopogon martinii var. motia essential oils and of Rosa centifolia absolute

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    Chemical composition of the essential oils (EO) of Pelargonium graveolens, Leptospermum petersonii and Cymbopogon martinii var. motia, and the absolute of Rosa centifolia and their bioactivity were examined. Major compounds in P. graveolens EO were monoterpene alcohols citronellol, geraniol and linalool; in L. petersonii EO monoterpene aldehydes geranial, neral and citronellal; in C. martiniii var. motia EO monoterpene alcohol geraniol and ester geranyl acetate, while in absolute of R. centifolia aromatic alcohol 2-phenylethanol. The EO of L. petersonii showed the strongest antibacterial while the EO of C. martinii var. motia the strongest antifungal potential. The best biofilm inhibition capacity was observed with R. centifolia absolute. The results of scanning electron microscopy analysis indicated that the EOs of L. petersonii and P. graveolens changed the number and morphology of C. albicans cells. The L. petersonii EO was the most potent toward tumour cells and exhibited the best biological activity. This is first comparative report summarizing efficacy of studied aromatic samples against pathogenic microbes, providing deeper insight into the modes of antimicrobial action, and at the same time describing their cytotoxicity against cell lines.The authors are grateful to the Ministry of Education, Science and Technological Development of Serbia (Grants No. 451-03-9/2021-14/200007 and 451-03-9/2021-14/200003).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio