6 research outputs found

    Analysis of microvascularization and immunohistochemicalcharacteristics of ganglion and ectopic ganglion cells of trigeminal nerve

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    Posebne mikromorfološke karakteristike vaskularizacije trigeminalnog nerva i gangliona i bliski neurovaskularni odnosi sa okolnim sudovima, kao i njihov mogući klinički značaj bili su prvi razlozi ove studije. Drugi cilj studije bio je da se prouče morfološke i imunohistohemijske karakteristike ektopičnih i ganglijskih neurona u trigeminalnom nervu i ganglionu. Krvni sudovi 25 trigeminalnih nerava odraslih osoba, posle injiciranja mešavine tuša i želatina u arterijski sistem, mikrodisekovani su i proučavani pod stereomikroskopom. Četrdeset humanih trigeminalnih nerava i gangliona poreklom od 20 osoba, dobijenih rutinskom obdukcijom, proučavani su posle histološkog bojenja metodom Klüver-Barrera, trihromnih bojenja Azan i Masson tehnikom i imunohistohemijskih reakcija na neke od neuronskih markera, neuropeptida i neurotransmitera. Trigeminalne grančice namenjene nervu, od dve do pet, polazile su od dve ili tri od sledećih arterija: superolateralna pontinska (92%), a. cerebelli inferior anterior (ACIA) (88%), inferolateralna pontinska (72%) i a. cerebelli superior (ACS) (12%). Trigeminalne arterijice su bile prosečnog prečnika od 0,220 mm. Jedan sud je vaskularizovao bilo motorni deo trigeminalnog stabla, ili senzorni deo ili oba. Trigeminalni sudovi su formirali proksimalni i distalni arterijski prsten oko nerva. Proksimalni prsten se nalazio u nivou spoja korenog dela nerva i ponsa. Njegove centralne grane su pratile trigeminalni nerv na putu ka glavnom senzornom i motornom jedru, dok su periferne longitudinalne grančice pratile snopove nerva ka ganglionu. Distalni arterijski prsten, često nekompletan, obuhvatao je središnji deo nerva, neposredno pre njegovog ulaska u arahnoidni omotač. Najčešće uočen neurovaskularni kontakt trigeminalnog nerva bio je sa ACS (20%), sa petroznom ili Dendijevom venom (24%) i sa ACIA (12%). Inferolateralno stablo i meningohipofizialno stablo, koja polaze od unutrašnje karotidne arterije, kao i grane srednje moždanične arterije su bili glavni sudovi koji su vaskularizovali trigeminalni ganglion. Trigeminalne arterijice koje su od njih polazile su bile prosečnog prečnika od 0,220 mm...Specific micromorphological characteristics of the trigeminal nerve and ganglion blood supply and close neurovascular relationships with surrounding vessels, as well as their possible clinical significance were the first reasons for this study. The second aim of this study was to examine the morphology and the immunohistochemical features of displaced and ganglion cells in the trigeminal nerve and ganglion. The vasculature of 25 adult trigeminal nerves and ganglions were microdissected and examined under the stereoscopic microscope, after injecting their arteries with a mixture of India ink and gelatin. Forty human trigeminal nerves and ganglions of twenty persons, obtained during routine autopsy, were examined following Klüver-Barrera, Azan and Masson trichrome histological stainings, and immunohistochemical reactions against certain neuronal markers, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. The trigeminal nerve vessels, which varied between two and five in number, arose from two or three of the following arteries: the superolateral pontine (92%), anterior inferior cerebellar (AICA) (88%), inferolateral pontine (72%), and superior cerebellar (SCA) (12%). The trigeminal vascular twigs had a mean diameter of 0.220 mm. A single vessel may supply either the motor portion of the nerve root, or the sensory portion or both. The trigeminal vasculature formed the proximal and distal rings. The proximal ring was located at the trigeminal root entry zone. Its central branches extended along the trigeminal nerve to the principal sensory and motor trigeminal nuclei while its peripheral longitudinal twigs followed the trigeminal nerve fascicles. The incomplete distal arterial ring embraced the middle portion of the trigeminal nerve before the level of its entrance into the arachnoid sleeve. The most frequent contact of the trigeminal nerve was noticed with the SCA (20%), the petrosal or Dandy’s vein (24%), and the AICA (12%). The inferolateral trunk, the meningohypophyseal trunk, branches of the internal carotid artery, and the middle meningeal artery were the main vessels supplying the trigeminal ganglion..

    Razvoj novih antidijabetičkih lekova na bazi polioksometalatnih nanoklastera

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    Zahvaljujući brojnim istraživanjima koja su ispitivala biološka svojstva strukturno različitih polioksometalata, došlo se do zapažanja da ova kompleksna neorganska jedinjenja, pored antimikrobnog i antitumorskog delovanja, mogu biti delotvorna u snižavanju hiperglikemije kod pacova sa eksperimentalno izazvanim dijabetesom. Stoga, cilj ove studije je bio da se ispitaju antidijabetički potencijal i mogući toksični efekti dva polioksovolframata:(NH4 )14[NaP5 W30O110]·31H2 O, {NaP5 W30} i K14[AgP5 W30O110]·22H2 O·6KCl, {AgP5 W30}. U cilju realizacije postavljenog cilja, korišćena su tri eksperimentalna modela: (1) antihiperglikemijska screening studija u kojoj je ispitivan uticaj jednokratne intraperitonealne primene {NaP5 W30} i {AgP5 W30} (5, 10 i 20 mg/kg) na snižavanje hiperglikemije kod dijabetičkih pacova, (2) akutna peroralna toksikološka studija koja je istraživala hepato- i nefrotoksične efekte odabranih heteropolivolframata kod zdravih pacova i (3) studija posvećena rasvetljavanju mogućih mehanizama antidijabetičkog delovanja heteropolivolframata. Rezultati screening studije su pokazali da su oba ispitivana heteropolivolframata efikasna u snižavanju hiperglikemije, s tim što se {NaP5 W30}, u odnosu na {AgP5 W30}, pokazao kao moćniji antihiperglikemijski agens. Rezultati biohemijskih parametara funkcije i patohistološka analiza jetre i bubrege korišćenjem konvencionalne svetlosne i transmisione elektronske mikroskopije pokazuju da dvonedeljna primena {NaP5 W30} i {AgP5 W30} (20 mg/kg) izaziva blagi do umereni stepen hepato- i nefrotoksičnosti kod zdravih životinja. U poslednjem eksperimentalnom protokolu, pokazano je da tronedeljna peroralna primena {NaP5 W30} (20 mg/kg) povećava koncentraciju insulina u serumu dijabetičkih pacova, što može biti jedan od mehanizama njegovog antidijabetičkog delovanja. Takođe, pokazano je da {NaP5 W30} ispoljava hepato-, nefro-, kardio- i neuroprotektivno dejstvo kod dijabetičkih pacova, što je procenjeno na osnovu analize: (1) relativne mase organa, (2) biohemijskih parametara funkcije, (3) parametara oksidativnog stresa u homogenatu tkiva, (4) aktivnosti acetilholinesteraze, Na+ /K+-ATPaze i ecto-ATPaza u sinaptozomima i (5) patohistoloških promena u tkivima korišćenjem konvencionalne svetlosne i transmisione elektronske mikroskopije. Stoga, {NaP5 W30} i {AgP5 W30} mogu se smatrati mogućim neinsulinskim lekovima-kandidatima u terapiji dijabetesa tipa 2, koji bi se podvrgli daljim pretkliničkim istraživanjima.Simpozijum „Stremljenja i novine u medicini“ Medicinskog fakulteta u Beogradu, Beograd, 04-08. decembra, 2023

    Analysis of microvascularization and immunohistochemicalcharacteristics of ganglion and ectopic ganglion cells of trigeminal nerve

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    Posebne mikromorfološke karakteristike vaskularizacije trigeminalnog nerva i gangliona i bliski neurovaskularni odnosi sa okolnim sudovima, kao i njihov mogući klinički značaj bili su prvi razlozi ove studije. Drugi cilj studije bio je da se prouče morfološke i imunohistohemijske karakteristike ektopičnih i ganglijskih neurona u trigeminalnom nervu i ganglionu. Krvni sudovi 25 trigeminalnih nerava odraslih osoba, posle injiciranja mešavine tuša i želatina u arterijski sistem, mikrodisekovani su i proučavani pod stereomikroskopom. Četrdeset humanih trigeminalnih nerava i gangliona poreklom od 20 osoba, dobijenih rutinskom obdukcijom, proučavani su posle histološkog bojenja metodom Klüver-Barrera, trihromnih bojenja Azan i Masson tehnikom i imunohistohemijskih reakcija na neke od neuronskih markera, neuropeptida i neurotransmitera. Trigeminalne grančice namenjene nervu, od dve do pet, polazile su od dve ili tri od sledećih arterija: superolateralna pontinska (92%), a. cerebelli inferior anterior (ACIA) (88%), inferolateralna pontinska (72%) i a. cerebelli superior (ACS) (12%). Trigeminalne arterijice su bile prosečnog prečnika od 0,220 mm. Jedan sud je vaskularizovao bilo motorni deo trigeminalnog stabla, ili senzorni deo ili oba. Trigeminalni sudovi su formirali proksimalni i distalni arterijski prsten oko nerva. Proksimalni prsten se nalazio u nivou spoja korenog dela nerva i ponsa. Njegove centralne grane su pratile trigeminalni nerv na putu ka glavnom senzornom i motornom jedru, dok su periferne longitudinalne grančice pratile snopove nerva ka ganglionu. Distalni arterijski prsten, često nekompletan, obuhvatao je središnji deo nerva, neposredno pre njegovog ulaska u arahnoidni omotač. Najčešće uočen neurovaskularni kontakt trigeminalnog nerva bio je sa ACS (20%), sa petroznom ili Dendijevom venom (24%) i sa ACIA (12%). Inferolateralno stablo i meningohipofizialno stablo, koja polaze od unutrašnje karotidne arterije, kao i grane srednje moždanične arterije su bili glavni sudovi koji su vaskularizovali trigeminalni ganglion. Trigeminalne arterijice koje su od njih polazile su bile prosečnog prečnika od 0,220 mm...Specific micromorphological characteristics of the trigeminal nerve and ganglion blood supply and close neurovascular relationships with surrounding vessels, as well as their possible clinical significance were the first reasons for this study. The second aim of this study was to examine the morphology and the immunohistochemical features of displaced and ganglion cells in the trigeminal nerve and ganglion. The vasculature of 25 adult trigeminal nerves and ganglions were microdissected and examined under the stereoscopic microscope, after injecting their arteries with a mixture of India ink and gelatin. Forty human trigeminal nerves and ganglions of twenty persons, obtained during routine autopsy, were examined following Klüver-Barrera, Azan and Masson trichrome histological stainings, and immunohistochemical reactions against certain neuronal markers, neuropeptides and neurotransmitters. The trigeminal nerve vessels, which varied between two and five in number, arose from two or three of the following arteries: the superolateral pontine (92%), anterior inferior cerebellar (AICA) (88%), inferolateral pontine (72%), and superior cerebellar (SCA) (12%). The trigeminal vascular twigs had a mean diameter of 0.220 mm. A single vessel may supply either the motor portion of the nerve root, or the sensory portion or both. The trigeminal vasculature formed the proximal and distal rings. The proximal ring was located at the trigeminal root entry zone. Its central branches extended along the trigeminal nerve to the principal sensory and motor trigeminal nuclei while its peripheral longitudinal twigs followed the trigeminal nerve fascicles. The incomplete distal arterial ring embraced the middle portion of the trigeminal nerve before the level of its entrance into the arachnoid sleeve. The most frequent contact of the trigeminal nerve was noticed with the SCA (20%), the petrosal or Dandy’s vein (24%), and the AICA (12%). The inferolateral trunk, the meningohypophyseal trunk, branches of the internal carotid artery, and the middle meningeal artery were the main vessels supplying the trigeminal ganglion..

    Angiosome of the fibular artery as anatomic basis for free composite fibular flap

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    Introduction. The free osteoseptocutaneus fibular flap is, anatomically, an angiosome of the fibular artery. Knowledge of detailed topography anatomy of the fibular artery and its branches is necessary for successful creation and elevation of the flap. Objective. The aim of the study was to determine topography of the tissue of the leg supplied only by the fibular artery, to describe topography relations of the branches of the fibular artery, their number, anastomoses, vascular plexus and the way of vascularization of the skin, muscle and bone tissue. Method. The popliteal artery was cannulated in 15 cadaveric legs, flushed with ink and then with 10% ink-gelatin. Fixation of tissue was performed with formalin and then micropreparation of the side branches of the fibular artery was performed. Also, two corrosive models were made. Localization of foramen nutrition was determined by measuring 50 fibulas. Results. The skin supplied by the fibular artery forms distal two thirds of the lateral-posterior aspect of the leg. Vascularization of the skin arises from the side branches of the fibular artery forming a rich fascia plexus at the deep fascia level. From 3 up to 7 side branches of the fibular artery are incorporated in the fascia arterial plexus and can be separated as septocutaneus and myocutaneus, according to topography relations. The nutritive artery enters the fibula cortex at a spot that, measured from the top of the fibula, lies in the area between 32% and 65% of the whole length of the fibula. Periosteal circulation of the fibula originates from the short side branches of the fibular artery that anastomoses at the periosteum level. Conclusion. The axial line of flap has to be marked 2 cm posterior to the line from caput fibulae to malleolus lateralis. Numerous anastomoses between the side branches of the fibular artery in the fascia plexus enable good circulation of the skin even when some of the branches are not included in the flap. The middle third of fibula has to be used as bone graft because of localization of the foramen nutrition.

    Arterial supply of the trigeminal ganglion, a micromorphological study

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    Background: In this study, we explored the specific microanatomical properties of the trigeminal ganglion (TG) blood supply and its close neurovascular relationships with the surrounding vessels. Possible clinical implications have been discussed. Materials and methods: The internal carotid and maxillary arteries of 25 adult and 4 fetal heads were injected with a 10% mixture of India ink and gelatin, and their TGs subsequently underwent microdissection, observation and morphometry under a stereoscopic microscope. Results: The number of trigeminal arteries varied between 3 and 5 (mean 3.34), originating from two or three of the following sources: the inferolateral trunk (ILT) (100%), the meningohypophyseal trunk (MHT) (100%), and from the middle meningeal artery (MMA) (92%). In total, the mean diameter of the trigeminal branches was 0.222 mm. The trigeminal branch of the ILT supplied medial and middle parts of the TG, branch of the MHT supplied the medial part of the TG, and the branch of the MMA supplied the lateral part of the TG. Additional arteries for the TG emerged from the dural vascular plexus and the vascular network of the plexal segment of the trigeminal nerve. Uniform and specific intraganglionic dense capillary network was observed for each sensory trigeminal neuron. Conclusions: The reported features of the TG vasculature could be implied in a safer setting for surgical approach to the skull base, in relation to the surrounding structures. The morphometric data on TG vasculature provide anatomical basis for better understanding the complex TG blood supply from the internal and external carotid arteries

    In vivo toxicity evaluation of two polyoxotungstates with potential antidiabetic activity using Wistar rats as a model system

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    In this study, thein vivohypoglycemic effect of a donut-shaped polyanion salt (NH4)14[Na@P5W30O110]31H2ONaP5W30anditsAgcontainingderivativeK14[Ag@P5W30O110]31H2O{NaP5W30} and its Ag-containing derivative K14[Ag@P5W30O110]22H2O$6KCl {AgP5W30}, as wellas their hepatotoxicity and nephrotoxicity, was evaluated. In the screening hypoglycemic study,Wistaralbinorats with streptozotocin induced diabetes were treated intraperitoneally with three single doses (5,10, and 20 mg per kg per b.w.) of both investigated polyoxotungstates. The blood glucose levels,measured before and after 2, 4 and 6 h polyoxotungstate application, showed that both studiedcompounds induced the most pronounced and time dependent glucose lowering effects at the doses of20 mg kg1. Thus, daily doses of 20 mg kg1were administered toWistar albinorats orally for 14 days infurther toxicity examinations. The serum glucose concentration and biochemical parameters of kidneyand liver function, as well as a histopathological analysis of kidney and liver tissues were evaluated 14days after the polyoxotungstate administration. Both investigated compounds did not induce statisticallysignificant alterations of the serum glucose and uric acid concentrations, as well as some of the liverfunction markers (serum alanine and aspartate aminotransferases, and alkaline phosphatase activities).However, the significant decrease in serum total protein and albumin concentrations and the increase inbiochemical parameters of renal function–serum urea (up to 63.1%) and creatinine concentrations (upto 23.3%) were observed for both polyoxotungstates. In addition, the detected biochemical changeswere in accordance with kidney and liver histhopathological analysis. Accordingly, the hepatotoxic andnephrotoxic effects of these potential antidiabetic polyoxotungstates could be considered as mild