24 research outputs found

    Child maltreatment: Abuse and neglect

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    Each year, millions of children around the world are the victims and witnesses of physical, sexual and emotional violence. Child maltreatment is a major global problem with a serious impact on the victims’ physical and mental health, well-being and development throughout their lives and, by extension, on society in general. Family physicians who are involved in the care of children are likely to encounter child abuse and should be able to recognize its common presentations. There is sufficient evidence that child maltreatment can be prevented. The ultimate goal is to stop child maltreatment before it starts.In this paper, the characteristics of the perpetrators and victims of child maltreatment, maltreatment types, risk factors, differential diagnosis and discuss about strategies for preventing were summarized

    Guttate psoriasis-like lesions following BCG vaccination

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    A 7-year-old boy presented to our clinic with a 1-week history of guttate psoriasis-like lesions after BCG vaccination. Although the patient did not have any history of psoriasis, his father and uncle had a history of psoriasis vulgaris. He was treated successfully with topical corticosteroid. Complete healing was seen after 3 weeks and the patient was still in remission 4 months after the cessation of the therapy. We proposed that patients who have psoriasis or predisposition to psoriasis must be carefully followed after BCG vaccination. © Oxford University Press 2004; all rights reserved

    Evaluation of serum adenosine deaminase, xanthine oxidase activities and uric acid levels in coal miners

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    Bu çalışma kömür madeni işçileri serum adenozin deaminaz (ADA), ksantin oksidaz (XO) aktiviteleri ve ürik asit düzeylerini araştırmak üzere planlandı. T lenfositlerin fonksiyonu ve matürasyonuna katkıda bulunan ADA, hücresel immuni-tenin bir göstergesi olarak kabul edilmektedir. ADA aynı zamanda inflamatuar cevap ve sitokin üretimi ile ilişkili olan adenozinin plazma seviyesini düzenler. XO, ADA ile birlikte pürin metabolizması enzimidir ve ürik asit oluşumu reaksiyonunu katalizlemektedir. Mesleksel kömür madeni tozuna maruz kalma pnömokonyoz, bronşit, amfizem ve silikozis gibi bir çok akciğer hastalığına neden olmaktadır. Maden işçisi akciğer has-talıklarının patogenezi ile ilgili önemli faktörlerden birisi de kömür tozunun hücresel ve humoral immun sistemi etkilemesidir. Bu çalışmada kömür madeninde çalışan 51 erkek çalışma grubu ve kömür madeninde çalışmayan 51 erkek kontrol grubu olarak alındı. Her iki gruptan alınan kan örneklerinden ADA, XO aktiviteleri ve ürik asit düzeyleri çalışıldı. İşçi grubu serum ADA ve XO aktivitesi ve ürik asit düzeyi kontrol grubundan anlamlı derecede düşük bulundu (p<O.OOl, p<0.05, p<0.01). Sonuç olarak; maden kömürü işçileri ADA enzim aktivitesindeki azalma nedeni ile immun yetmezlik sendromu gelişimi riski altındadırlar. Bu nedenle kömür madeni işçilerinin plazma ADA aktivitelerinin belirli periyotlarla değerlendirilmesi hem immun sistem fonksiyonlarını hem de akciğer patolojileri gelişim riskini değerlendirme açısından faydalı olabilir.This study was planned in order to investigate serum adenosine deaminase (ADA) and xanthine oxidase activities and uric acid levels in coal miners. ADA contributes to maturation and functions of T-lymphocytes and is accepted as an indicator of cellular immunity. Besides, ADA regulates plasma level of adenosine, which is related with inflammatory response and cytokine produc-tion. XO, like ADA, is an enzyme of purine metabolism, and catalyzes reaction for uric acid formation. Occupational exposure to coal dust is the cause of pneumoconiosis, bronchitis, emphysema, silicosis and many other respiratory diseases. One of the most important factors related with pathogenesis of respiratory diseases in coal miners is that coal dust effects both cellular and humoral immune systems. In this study, 51 male coal miners were taken as study group and 51 males not working in coal mines were taken as control group. Serum ADA, XO activities and uric acid levels were studied in blood samples of both groups. Serum ADA and XO activities and uric acid levels were found to be significantly lower than the control group (p<O.OOl, p<0.05, p<0.01, respectively). As a result, coal miners are under risk of immune deficiency due to decrease in ADA enzymatic activity. Evaluation of plasma ADA activities of coal miners periodically can be beneficial for evaluation of immune system functions and risk of development of respiratory diseases

    Les statuts des apothicaires de Foligno (1504) : Accademia Italiana di Storia della Farmacia, Corpus statutorum apothecariorum Italicorum. Quaderno 1. Série A. Statuti degli speziali di Foligno

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    Julien Pierre. Les statuts des apothicaires de Foligno (1504) : Accademia Italiana di Storia della Farmacia, Corpus statutorum apothecariorum Italicorum. Quaderno 1. Série A. Statuti degli speziali di Foligno. In: Revue d'histoire de la pharmacie, 69ᵉ année, n°251, 1981. pp. 294-295