7 research outputs found

    Decay resistance of scotch pine wood impregnated with Agaricus campestris bio-protective extract

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    In this study, it was investigated the possibilities of the use of fungal extract as wood protection solution against wood-degrading fungi. For that purpose, the decay resistance of Scotch pine wood samples, impregnated with Agaricus campestris fungal extract, was observed against the brown rot fungus Coniophora puteana. Impregnation procedure was applied at four different concentration levels and with two different extraction methods (hot water and methanol). The concentration levels were arranged as 1%, 3%, 5%, 7% for hot water and as 1.25%, 3.75%, 6.25%, 8.75% for methanol. The wood protective efficacy of extract solutions was determined by means of fungi decay test. The mass losses of the samples treated with both fungal extracts ranged from 3.53 to 20.91. The lowest mass losses in hot water (4.57%) and methanol extractions (3.53%) were seen in the samples treated at the highest concentration levels (7% and 8.75%). The wood samples impregnated at 7% and 8.75% concentration levels met the requirements of durability class 1 and were classified as very durable. Antifungal activity of methanol extract was stronger than that of the hot water extract. The variations which concentration levels were less than 7% did not have adequate protection to meet the requirements of the European norms


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    Bu çalışmanın amacı; çeşitli emprenye maddelerinin yongalevhanın eğilme direnci (ED), elastikiyet modülü (EM) ve levha yüzüne dik çekme direnci (ÇD) üzerine etkilerini ve bu etkilerin önem derecelerini belirlemektir. Araştırmada; endüstriyel odun yongaları, üre-formaldehit ve çeşitli emprenye maddeleri kullanılmıştır. Üre-formaldehid tam kuru yonga ağırlığına oranla, diğer kimyasallar ise tam kuru tutkal ağırlığına oranla uygulanmıştır. Levhalar, tutkal püskürtme makinasında emprenye edilen yongalar tutkallandıktan sonra, bu yongalar 150°C sıcaklık ve 25–28 kp/cm2 basınçta preslenerek üretilmiştir. Sonuç olarak; emprenye maddesi kullanım miktarı arttıkça, kontrole göre, ED %2.01–34.93, EM %2.67–49.18 ve ÇD %0.50-42.13 arasında artmıştır. Bu artış, ED ve EM için kolofan, alkid reçinesi, immersol-WR’li levhalarda önemsizken diğerlerinde önemli; ÇD için ise borik asit/boraks, tanalith-CBC, tanalith-CBC/borik asit/borakslı levhalarda anlamsızken diğerlerinde anlamlı bulunmuştur. Anahtar Kelimeler: Emprenye, Endüstriyel odun yongaları, Yongalevha, Mekanik özellikle

    Decay resistance of scotch pine wood impregnated with Agaricus campestris bio-protective extract

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    The effects of industrial-scale heat treatment and impregnation with boron compounds on water uptake and tangential swelling of some wood species

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    This study evaluated the effects of boron impregnation and heat treatment on water uptake and tangential swelling of spruce (Picea orientalis), pine (Pinus nigra), beech (Fagus orientalis) and poplar (Populus deltoides) wood species. The samples (10 x 5 x 40 - tangential x radial x longitudinal cm) were impregnated with 4 % boric acid and 4 % borax according to the ASTM D-1413 standard method. After the impregnation, heat treatment was applied on the impregnated test samples in an industrial plant, at four different temperatures and two different durations under steam atmosphere. Soft wood and hard wood samples were subjected to the heat treatment at 212 °C - 220 °C, and at 180 °C - 190 °C, respectively, for 90 and 120 min. Heat treated and impregnated test samples were reduced smaller sizes (3 x 3 x 1.5 cm - tangential x radial x longitudinal) for water uptake and tangential swelling tests. The tests were carried out based on TS 2472. Results indicated that the highest retension was 26.9 kg/m3 in pine wood samples impregnated with BA (26.93 kg/m3). Hardwood retention was lower than soft wood retention. In generally, water uptake and tangential swelling ratios of only heated samples was found lower than non-treated control samples.The combination of heat treatment and BX impregnation was negatively affected water uptake especially in spruce and poplar wood. Borax was more hygroscopic than boric acid. The tangential swelling rates of four wood species impregnated with boric acid and borax were found lower than the non-treated control samples. The tangential swelling rates of spruce and pine wood samples impregnated with boric acid decreased compared to the only heated samples. Heat treatment process significantly affected the remaining boron compounds in wood. Although the steam atmosphere in the oven during the heat treatment, the amount of boron leached from wood was low especially in BX treatment

    Effects of boron Impregnation and heat treatment on some physical and mechanical properties of spruce and pine wood

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    I. Uluslararası Türk-Japon Çevre ve Ormancılık Sempozyumu, Trabzon, TürkiyeThis study evaluated the effects of boron impregnation and heat treatment on some physical and mechanical properties of wood. Spruce and pine wood samples were treated with 4% aqueous solution of both boric acid (BA) and borax(BX) by using full cell method, and then were exposed to heat treatment at 212 ºC for 120 min in an industrial site system. After the treatments, the physical (water absorption and tangential swelling) and mechanical (bending and compression strengths) properties of the specimens were measured according to the related standards. In addition, the remained boron content in heat treated wood specimens was analyzed by means of Inductively Coupled Plasma (ICP). There were generally negative changes in mechanical properties of heat treated wood due to boron treatment. Boron treatment significantly increased water absorption and decreased tangential swelling values of heat treated wood. It appears that heat treatment provide boron retention of about 18-63 % of initial amount depending on boron compound and wood species

    Treatment of scots pine wood with oil in water and water in oil emulsion systems: effects on boron leaching and water absorption

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the water absorption and water repellent efficiency of oils and oil water emulsions [oil-in-water (O/W) and water-in-oil (W/O)] and possibilities of reducing the amount of boron leaching from treated wood. Scots pine wood samples treated with waste or sunflower oil and water formulations contained 3%BA. The level of water absorption and water repellent efficiency were determined with cyclical wetting tests, total of 14 days. The results show that emulsion systems could decrease water absorption of wood and improve water repellent efficiency compared to those of only boron treated and untreated control ones. Especially W/O emulsion systems showed almost equal water repellent efficiencies as with pure oil even though retentions of the emulsion in wood were lower than pure oil’s retentions. After leaching period, amount of boron remained in treated wood with W/O formulation gave some promising results to a degree of 35% based on the initial boron level whereas samples treated with O/W formulations did not show good performance to keep the boron in wood. The W/O emulsion systems might be a potential method to decrease boron leaching and increase water repellency of wood

    Kuru Sıcaklığın Kolofan İle Emprenye Edilmiş Ahşap Malzemenin Makroskopik Özellikleri Üzerine Etkisi

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    Araştırmanın amacı; kuru sıcaklığın, kolofan ile emprenye edilmiş ahşap malzemenin makroskopik özelliklerini etkileyip etkilemediğini belirlemek ve bu etkilerin boyutlarını ortaya koymaktır. Ladin (Picea orientalis L. Cavr.), Sarıçam (Pinus sylvestris L.), Kayın (Fagus orientalis L.) ve Kızılağaç (Alnus glutinosa Geart.) tomruklarının diri odunlarından 200 x 200 x 10 mm boyutlarında hazırlanan numuneler % 10 konsantrasyondaki kolofan çözeltisine 20, 180 ve 1440 dakika daldırılarak emprenye edilmiştir. Sonra, içinde su bulunan madeni bir kap, su kaynayıncaya kadar ısıtıldıktan sonra hemen numune yüzeyine bırakılmış ve 20 dakika bekletilmiştir. Numunenin makroskopik özelliklerindeki değişmeler, kap kaldırıldıktan 10 dakika sonra kontrol numunelerine ile karşılaştırılarak değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmanın sonuçlarına göre; kuru sıcaklık, kolofanlı ahşap malzemenin makroskopik özelliklerinde kontrol örneklerine göre olumlu bazı değişiklikler meydana getirmiştir. Bu bağlamda, ahşap malzemenin yüzeyinde yapışma olmamış, yıllık halkaları ve öz ışınları belirginleşmiş, parlaklığı artmış, renk ve desen uyumu bozulmamıştır