35 research outputs found

    La desurbanizaci贸n y el derecho a la ciudad desurbanizada

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    Cities are historically created as a collaborative work of different generations and derive from the possibilities created bylocal and climatic conditions, social relations and culture. Today, urbanization may appear as a way of organizing everyday hierarchical, exclusive, discriminatory and exploitative life through industrialized mass production of temporary, privatized, homogenized, fragmented, and power-oriented spaces. This mind-set and application generates several social and ecological problems. This article discusses the right to the city concept, and links it to the deurbanization approach as a social and ecological answer to the problems associated with current urban development. The methodology is supported by a review of the literature and an analysis of examples of works created in the De-Urban Design Studio. Results indicate that the deurbanization approach envisions creating resilient, equitable, non-hierarchical cities composed of communities that replace consumption via harmony with nature, that replace individualism and competition viacollaboration and solidarity, and that replace hegemonic relations via an equitable distribution of powerLas ciudades se crean hist贸ricamente como un trabajo colaborativo de diferentes generaciones y derivan de las posibilidades de las condiciones locales y clim谩ticas, las relaciones sociales y la cultura. Hoy en d铆a, la urbanizaci贸n puede aparecer como una forma de organizar la vida cotidiana jer谩rquica, exclusiva, discriminativa y explotadora a trav茅s de la producci贸n en masa industrializada de espacios temporales, privatizados, homogeneizados, fragmentados y orientados hacia el poder. Esta mentalidad y aplicaci贸n genera varios problemas sociales y ecol贸gicos. Este art铆culo pretende discutir el concepto de derecho a la ciudad y vincularlo con el enfoque de desurbanizaci贸n como una respuesta social y ecol贸gica a los problemas de la urbanizaci贸n actual. La metodolog铆a se apoya en la revisi贸n de la literatura y el an谩lisis de ejemplos de los trabajos creados en De-UrbanDesign Studio.Los resultados indican que el enfoque de desurbanizaci贸n prev茅 crear ciudades resilientes, equitativas y no jer谩rquicas, compuestas por comunidades que reemplazan el consumo por la creaci贸n en armon铆a con la naturaleza; que reemplazan el individualismo y la competencia por la colaboraci贸n y la solidaridad y que reemplazan las relaciones hegem贸nicas por la distribuci贸n equitativa del poder

    Industrialization and Urbanization in Turkey at the beginning of the 20th Century

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    The starting point of this study is the fact that every production system entails a specific spatial organization and changes its physical environment.聽 This research is an attempt to understand the industrialization period of Turkey鈥檚 Early Republican Period (1930鈥檚) and the spatial effects of the new production system. Right after the Turkish War of Independence, The Republican Government of Turkey had aimed to establish an independent country and started to carry out a modernization and contemporization project. This project had different dimensions appealing to the institutional, economical, social and civic aspects of Turkey.聽 The economical dimension included the industrialization and economical independence of Turkey. Besides its economical, political and social goals, the Republican Government had aimed to change the physical appearance of the country. The Government鈥檚 first goal was to turn the country into the space of the National Turkish Republic State from an empire鈥檚 land. Secondly, the small towns or settlements of the country we're supposed to become modern cities, the places of modernity, just like the modern cities of the industrial and developed countries of the world.聽 That explains why the factories which were set up all around the country had played such a crucial role in the modernization period of Turkey at the beginning of the Republican era. They were not only economic achievements of the state; they also affected their physical and social environments and introduced the modern way of living particularly where they were set up

    The Scale of Public Space: Taksim Square in Istanbul

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    This article aims at following the traces of the transformation of public sphere in Turkey through its manifestations on urban public spaces with the case study of Taksim Square. In this attempt, the article illustrates how Taksim square, as a public space, has been shaped by struggles between different ideologies, discourses, political decisions and daily activities taking place at personal, interpersonal, local, national, supranational and global scales. Through this way this article also aims at understanding how these contestations at different scales are affecting people, individually and collectively, from daily life practices to political integration. The article also discusses that our daily life practices and preferences are political decisions and our participation in public sphere occurs through those daily actions of the personal spheres. Therefore, the article suggests that a paradigm shift is needed in the design and production of the built environments that will facilitate the coexistence of multiple counter publics. Copyright 漏 2017 Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs

    Oeuvre vs. Abstract Space: Appropriation of Gezi Park in Istanbul

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    The Gezi Park incidents of summer 2013 in Istanbul have marked a turning point in the political life and democracy in Turkey. The peaceful environmentalist protestations in central Gezi Park have turned into a countrywide upheaval against the neo-liberal and conservative policies of the government, pouring millions of people into streets in different cities. It was a time that Turkey witnessed the formation of a new type of public sphere that encompasses a variety of counter publics, and its spatial incarnation 鈥搕he Gezi Commune-, reclaimed, created, shaped and inhabited by the free will of people. This was the instant creation of oeuvre through the appropriation of the urban space, and a spatial manifestation of reclaiming the right to the city. This article is a reflection on the possibility of creation of oeuvre in contemporary society, and a new way of architectural thinking and practice that can pave the way for it

    City, Urban Transformation and the Right to the City

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    聽This article investigates the relationship between the transformation of cities and the right to the city. To be able to do this, the problems that are created by contemporary urbanization such as social exclusion, poverty and environmental degradation are discussed in the first part. After that, with a special focus on the period starting with the industrial revolution up until today, the article explains economic and political motivations behind the urban transformation. This part emphasizes how urban change under different forms of capitalism creates and deepens social inequalities in cities. The final part of this article will be a discussion on the right to the city, and its relation to these urban issues


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    Potted Artichoke Seedling Propagation by Using Different Vegetative Materials and Techniques

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    8th International Symposium on Artichoke, Cardoon and their Wild Relatives -- APR 10-13, 2012 -- Viterbo, ITALYWOS: 000323640500044In Turkey studies are made to overcome/repair the sparseness of perennial artichoke plantations. By the planting of offshoots, dormant stumps or dormant stump pieces on the place of dead plants procedures have been adopted by the growers. These methods will be not fully successfully due to the potential wilting of newly planted offshoots, late awakening of the dormant stumps, or pieces of dormant stumps and also being in competition with the older more established neighbouring plants resulting in a heterogenic plantation in terms of growth. In this study, the potential of different planting materials for obtaining potted sprouted seedlings, which were thought to be more efficient to regenerate the old artichoke plantations during the vegetation period, was investigated. The study was held in a grower field in Seferihisar town of Izmir in 2011. Two artichoke cultivars ('Sakiz' and 'Bayrampasa') were used. The influence of (i) three different pot volumes, (ii) five different dormant stump pieces (in terms of sizes and/or typologies used) and (iii) the humic acid application before rooting were assessed. The investigated criteria were: 1) percentage of the rooted plants with respect to the number of vegetative materials planted in different volumes of pots and treated with humic acid or not; 2) quality of seedlings propagated by these techniques; 3) survival percentage of these one month old seedlings and dormant stump pieces after their plantation in the field. While no statistical effect determined from humic acid applications was observed, higher pot and stump sizes gave higher results. Different results were also obtained from different stump types in terms of rooting ratios and some seedling quality. With this study, satisfactory rates were obtained in terms of produced seedling ratios (86.9-100%) and their survival performance in the field (95-100%).Int Soc Hort Sci (ISHS

    Further contributions to the Turkey Aphid (Hemiptera: Aphidoidea) Fauna

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    WOS: 00029821680001011 aphid species are reported as new records for Turkey aphid fauna at the end of the study carried out in Samsun Province of Turkey between 2009 and 2010. New records are Aphis gerardianae Mordvilkoi, Aphis loti Kaltenbach, Aphis middletoni Thomas, Aphis pashtshenkoae Remaudiere, Aphis proffti (Borner), Aphis pseudocardui Theobald, Chaitophorus lapponum Ossiannilsson, Cinara watanabei Inouye, Lachnus longirostrum David and Ghosh, Sipha arenarii Mordvilko and Uroleucon kashmiricum (Verma). With these new records, the number of species of aphids listed for Turkey has increased to 475.Ondokuz Mayis University Scientific Research Projects Commission [PYO.FEN.1904.09.030]The financial support of the Ondokuz Mayis University Scientific Research Projects Commission for Project No. PYO.FEN.1904.09.030 is gratefully acknowledged. The authors also thank Gregory T. Sullivan of OYDEM at the same university for editing the English in an earlier version of this manuscript

    Researches on pollen germination ability of some caprifig varieties

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    In this study, KI staining and agar plate methods were used to test the pollen viability and germination of some caprifig cultivars. Effects of different sucrose concentrations, boric acid, Ca(NO3)2, KNO3, MgSO4 and Ca on pollen germination were investigated. It was seen that 5% sucrose gave the best results