10 research outputs found

    Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by single-photon emission computerized tomography/computerized tomography

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    A 30-year-old woman with hyperthyroidism was admitted to hospital. Although increased thyroid function was found, the gland was normal in ultrasonography (USG). Additionally, thyroid iodine uptake and Tc-99m pertechnetate scintigraphy was normal. Abdomen USG detected a cystic pelvic mass in left ovary. A whole-body scan was performed 48 hours after oral ingestion of 29.6 MBq (0.8 mCi) I-131 (iodine-131) revealed a round structure located to the left lower abdomen. Iodine uptake was detected in this cyst which was compatible with functional thyroid tissue demonstrated by SPECT/CT. The patient was underwent surgical operation and histopathology confirmed mature cystic teratoma. Accurate localization and depiction of thyroid tissue in ovary mass was provided with SPECT/CT

    Accurately localizing the thyroid tissue in mature cystic teratoma of ovary by single-photon emission computerized tomography/computerized tomography

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    A 30-year-old woman with hyperthyroidism was admitted to hospital. Although increased thyroid function was found, the gland was normal in ultrasonography (USG). Additionally, thyroid iodine uptake and Tc-99m pertechnetate scintigraphy was normal. Abdomen USG detected a cystic pelvic mass in left ovary. A whole-body scan was performed 48 hours after oral ingestion of 29.6 MBq (0.8 mCi) 1-131 (iodine-131) revealed a round structure located to the left lower abdomen. Iodine uptake was detected in this cyst which was compatible with functional thyroid tissue demonstrated by SPECT/CT. The patient was underwent surgical operation and histopathology confirmed mature cystic teratoma. Accurate localization and depiction of thyroid tissue in ovary mass was provided with SPECT/CT

    Petrol İstasyon Çalışanlarında Saç ve Serum Metal Düzeylerinin Belirlenmesi

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    The aim of this study is to determine some metals in hair and serum samples of petrol station workers. A total of 50 petrol station workers (exposure group) and 50 office workers (control group) were included in the study. Li, Ni, V, Tl, Ti and Sr levels in hair samples and Sr, Ti and V levels in serum samples were measured using the ICP-OES instrument. Li, Ni, V, Tl, Ti and Sr levels in hair samples were found to be significantly higher in the exposure group than in the control group. Ti level in serum samples was found to be significantly higher in the exposure group than in the control group. However, Sr and V levels in serum samples did not differ significantly between the two groups. These results show that petrol station workers are exposed to these toxic metals. For this reason, it may be recommended that petrol station workers should undergo regular biomonitoring and healthcare screening

    An Interesting Cause of Hyperandrogenemic Hirsutism

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    Mild clinical signs of hyperandrogenism such as hirsutism may appear during the menopausal transition as part of the normal aging process, but the development of frank virilization suggests a specific source of androgen excess. We report a case of a 68-year-old woman with signs of virilization that had started 6 months before. Clinical analyses revealed high levels of serum testosterone for a postmenopausal woman. Pelvic MRI and abdomen CT showed no evidence of ovarian and adrenal tumor. Postmenopausal hyperandrogenism can be the result of numerous etiologies ranging from normal physiologic changes to ovarian or rarely adrenal tumors. Our patient was found to have iatrogenic hyperandrogenism. This condition is rarely reported cause of virilization

    Relationship between serum DHEAS and oxidative stress levels of body mass index in healthy postmenopausal women

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    WOS: 000374633900002PubMed ID: 26024430Objectives: Menopause is a natural step in the process of aging. Postmenopausal women have decreased levels of antioxidants and increased oxidative stress, the latter of which plays an important role in atherogenesis. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the relationship of the body mass index (BMI) with serum catalase activity, malondialdehyde (MDA), and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS) levels in healthy postmenopausal women and estimate whether the MDA/DHEAS ratio is a possible marker of oxidative stress for determining cardiovascular risk in these women. Methods: We investigated serum catalase activity, MDA, and DHEAS levels, parity history, age, and BMI in 96 healthy postmenopausal women aged 50-82 years. The serum MDA levels and catalase activity were measured spectrophotometrically. The serum DHEAS levels were measured using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The ratio percentage of the serum DHEAS levels to serum MDA levels was designated as a biomarker for oxidative stress. Results: The mean BMI of the patients was 31.72 +/- 6.16 kg/m(2) (range = 20.5-47.94). The MDA/DHEAS ratio was significantly decreased in patients with a BMI over 30 compared to that of patients with a BMI between 25 and 30 (P = 0.025). Moreover, BMI was positively correlated with serum DHEAS levels (r = 0.285, P < 0.01) and negatively correlated with the MDA/DHEAS ratio (r = -0.241, P < 0.05) in postmenopausal women. Furthermore, BMI was observed to be a potential predictor of the MDA/DHEAS ratio based on covariance analysis (P = 0.039). Conclusions: Our results indicate that healthy, obese, postmenopausal women have a decreased MDA/DHEAS ratio. Additionally, BMI was observed to be a potential predictor of the MDA/DHEAS ratio

    Development of Agranulocytosis after Discontinuation of Methimazole: An Unusual Case

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    Agranulocytosis is a rare and critical adverse effect of antithyroid drugs (ATD). The occurrence of agranulocytosis in continuous ATD treatment patients is well known; however, a case of ATD agranulocytosis occurring following the discontinuation of methimazole (MMI) treatment is not a usual situation. We herein describe a case of a 41-year-old woman who was previously administered methimazole (MMI) for ten days and developed ATD-induced agranulocytosis and symptoms of an upper respiratory tract infection after three weeks following discontinuation of MMI treatment. A thorough hematologic and serological evaluation did not disclose an alternative cause for the agranulocytosis. After receiving empirical antibiotic treatment, she responded successfully with clinical improvement of her symptoms and resolved neutropenia on the seventh day. This case is atypical because agranulocytosis developed after discontinuation of MMI, which strengthens the importance of remaining alert for signs of agranulocytosis even after discontinuation of ATD treatment