799 research outputs found

    Standardized gene nomenclature for the Brassica genus

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    The genus Brassica (Brassicaceae, Brassiceae) is closely related to the model plant Arabidopsis, and includes several important crop plants. Against the background of ongoing genome sequencing, and in line with efforts to standardize and simplify description of genetic entities, we propose a standard systematic gene nomenclature system for the Brassica genus. This is based upon concatenating abbreviated categories, where these are listed in descending order of significance from left to right (i.e. genus – species – genome – gene name – locus – allele). Indicative examples are provided, and the considerations and recommendations for use are discussed, including outlining the relationship with functionally well-characterized Arabidopsis orthologues. A Brassica Gene Registry has been established under the auspices of the Multinational Brassica Genome Project that will enable management of gene names within the research community, and includes provisional allocation of standard names to genes previously described in the literature or in sequence repositories. The proposed standardization of Brassica gene nomenclature has been distributed to editors of plant and genetics journals and curators of sequence repositories, so that it can be adopted universally

    Integrated and seamless?:Single Parents’ Experiences of Cross-Organizational Interaction

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    The lack of integration of public organizations and services is a recurring challenge for scholars, policymakers, and citizens. Within the e-government field, scholars have presented web-stage models, which predict that digitization will lead to a fully integrated public sector and seamless user journeys for citizens. Although these models have not delivered on their promises, scholars and policymakers still regard digitization as a means to integrate the public sector, achieve efficiency gains, and improve service quality. We argue that the web-stage models overlook barriers to integration, as they are mostly conceptual, and primarily focus on the potential of technology, rather than its actual implementation and use. Moreover, the models occur on the organizational level of analysis and ignore citizens and their actual experiences. Therefore, we present an empirical study of how citizens experience crossorganizational interaction during benefit application following a family break-up or divorce. Through observations, contextual interviews, focus group discussions and workshops we identify seven challenges citizens experience. These challenges make citizens aware that they are interacting with different organizations and break their experience of an integrated public sector. Further, the challenges cause citizens to turn from the digital channels towards traditional channels to complete their interaction. Thus, the lack of integration challenge both citizens’ satisfaction and efficiency gains from public sector digitalization

    A molecular framework controlling style morphology in Brassicaceae

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    Organ formation in multicellular organisms depends on the coordinated activities of regulatory components that integrate developmental and hormonal cues to control gene expression and mediate cell-type specification. For example, development of the Arabidopsis gynoecium is tightly controlled by distribution and synthesis of the plant hormone auxin. The functions of several transcription factors (TFs) have been linked with auxin dynamics during gynoecium development; yet how their activities are coordinated is not known. Here, we show that five such TFs function together to ensure polarity establishment at the gynoecium apex. The auxin response factor ETTIN (ARF3; herein, ETT) is a central component of this framework. Interaction of ETT with TF partners is sensitive to the presence of auxin and our results suggest that ETT forms part of a repressive gene-regulatory complex. We show that this function is conserved between members of the Brassicaceae family and that variation in an ETT subdomain affects interaction strengths and gynoecium morphology. These results suggest that variation in affinities between conserved TFs can lead to morphological differences and thus contribute to the evolution of diverse organ shapes


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    Lars Østergaard: RengÞring

    Teori-praksis kobling i idrétsundervisningen – hvad er meningen?

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    PÄ Aalborg Universitet er praksisundervisningen smeltet sammen med teoriundervisningen, sÄ nÄr de studerende bliver undervist om fx krÊfter og kraftmomenter i biomekanik foregÄr det i svÞmmehallen, hvor de studerende i bassinet selv kobler teori med praksis. Den valgte undervisningstilgang bygger pÄ lÊringsteoretikere som Dewey and Bentley (1960) og Mezirow (2006), der har fokus pÄ refleksion over egen praksis. Idet de studerende arbejder med videnselementer basereret pÄ egen erfaring og praksis i en kendt kontekst, giver det anledning til refleksioner i og om meningsfulde handlinger, der stimulerer og fremmer den transformative lÊringsproces, som er essentiel for de studerendes lÊring. Vi der underviser er overbeviste om at det virker, men hvad synes de studerende selv? PÄ tvÊrs af Ärgangene er i alt 16 studerende, 13 drenge og 3 piger pÄ hhv. 2., 4. og 6. semester pÄ idrÊtsbacheloruddannelsen, blevet interviewet i grupper om deres holdning til teori-praksis koblingen, og pÄ baggrund af en tematisk analyse (Braun, Clarke, &amp; Weate, 2016) af de indsamlede interview blev der identificerede temaer som Aktiv involverende undervisningen, Meningsfuld og motiverende undervisning, Teori/ praksiskoblinger understÞtter lÊring samt Det knap sÄ ideelle ved teori/ praksiskoblede undervisning. FÞlgende blev resultaterne diskuteret ift. teorier om lÊring, motivation og didaktik/ pÊdagogik (bl.a. Mezirow, 2006, Ryan &amp; Deci, 2000, Hiim &amp; Hippe, 2002).Undervisningsformen, som den udÞves pÄ Aalborg Universitets idrÊtsuddannelse, bliver af de studerende opfattet som motiverende, de fÞler sig inddraget i undervisningen pÄ en mÄde, der gÞr at lÊringsstoffet er lettere at huske og genkalde, og de teorier, der udfoldes i lÞbet af den teori-praksiskoblede undervisning, bliver perspektiveret og kontekstualiseret pÄ en mÄde, der giver mening for de studerende og som derigennem understÞtter deres lÊringsprocesser. Dog er der ogsÄ eksempler pÄ uheldige teori-praksis koblinger, ligesom de praktiske egenfÊrdigheder kun i begrÊnset omfang bliver trÊnet og optimeret. I forbindelse med prÊsentationen pÄ konferencen vil den teori-praksiskoblede undervisning bliver diskuteret ift. MENING. Give undervisningsmetoden mening i andre uddannelseskontekster, er der noget i metoden der ikke giver mening, og pÄ hvilken mÄde kan metoden understÞtte de studerendes meningsfulde arbejde med bevÊgelse ?LitteraturBraun, V., Clarke, V., &amp; Weate, P. (2016). Using thematic analysis in sport and exercise. In B. Smith &amp; A. C. Sparkes (Eds.), Routledge handbook of qualitative research in sport and exercise (pp. 191-205). London: Routledge. Dewey, J., &amp; Bentley, A. F. (1960). Knowing and the known (Vol. 111): Beacon press Boston. Hiim, H., &amp; Hippe, E. (2002). LÊring gennem oplevelse, forstÄelse og handling: en studiebog i didaktik. Gyldendal Uddannelse.Mezirow, J. (2006). An overview on transformative learning. Lifelong learning: Concepts and contexts, 24-38. Ryan, R. M., &amp; Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68.<br/

    Inquiry Based Science Education og den sociokulturelt forankrede dialog i naturfagsundervisningen.

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    Through study, investigation and discussion of the concept Best Practice in science education (Ellebék &amp; Østergaard, 2009) it was shown, that the dialogue in the teaching sequences was an important factor for the children’s understanding, engagement and interest for the science subjects and phenomena. In this article we will discuss dialogue in the light of sociocultural learning theories, and relate it to Inquiry Based Science Education (IBSE), as the pedagogical and didactical method, which are promoted most strongly these years (e.g. in the inter-European Pollen and Fibonacci projects). The method is central in the action research project NatSats, where focus is on children’s hypothesizing and the way teacher’s use dialogue in their teaching or guiding of children in kindergarten and primary school. Results from the project indicate that an open and interrogative dialogue based on the student’s premises is able to support hypothesizing, which initiates explorative and investigative challenges for the students.</jats:p

    Med videnskaben pĂ„ tur – Dansk Naturvidenskabsfestival 2012 - Hvor motiverende er det at hĂžre foredrag om lyn og torden?

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    I forbindelse med Dansk Naturvidenskabsfestivals tilbud Videnskaben pĂ„ besĂžg blev dersat fokus pĂ„ elevernes motivation under og efter Lyt og LĂŠr-foredraget “Lyn og Torden – et ordentligtbrag” som det blev formidlet til tre hold elever (N = 90) under festivalen i 2012. Data blev indsamlet iform af videoobservationer, elevinterviews samt en mindre spĂžrgeskemaundersĂžgelse. Resultatet visteat eleverne i nogen grad var motiverede for foredraget, og at de fagligt tilegnede sig ny viden pĂ„ fleretaksonomiske niveauer. Foredragsordningen Lyt og LĂŠr kan dog godt forbedres sĂ„ den i hĂžjere gradstimulerer elevernes motivation for at beskĂŠftige sig med naturfag – og dermed for at danne grobundfor udviklingen af en varig individuel interesse. As a part of Danish Science Festival, Science on visit, is focus in this project on the students motivationin relation to the Listen and Learn lecture: “Thunder and lightning – a huge bang”, as it wasdisseminated to three classes (90 students) during the festival 2012. Data were collected as videorecordings, interview with students, and a minor questionnaire (task evaluation questionnaire).The results showed that the students were partly motivated for the lecture, and that they actual hadgained knowledge at different taxonomic levels. Yet Listen and Learn lecturers can be improved, soit better can support students’ interest for science
