304 research outputs found

    Asteroseismology and evolution of EHB stars

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    The properties of the Extreme Horizontal Branch stars are quite well understood, but much uncertainty surrounds the many paths that bring a star to this peculiar configuration. Asteroseismology of pulsating EHB stars has been performed on a number of objects, bringing us to the stage where comparisons of the inferred properties with evolutionary models becomes feasible. In this review I outline our current understanding of the formation and evolution of these stars, with emphasis on recent progress. The aim is to show how the physical parameters derived by asteroseismology can enable the discrimination between different evolutionary models.Comment: 13 pages, 6 figures, invited review to appear in Communications in Asteroseismology vol.159, "Proceedings of the JENAM 2008 Symposium No 4: Asteroseismology and Stellar Evolution

    J08069+1527: A newly discovered high amplitude, hybrid subdwarf B pulsator

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    We present our discovery of a new hybrid pulsating subdwarf B star, J08069+1527. The effective temperature and surface gravity of 28,500±\pm400\,K and 5.37±\pm0.04\,dex, respectively, place this object inside the instability strip and also among other pulsating hot subdwarfs of a hybrid nature, right next to another fascinating star: Balloon\,090100001. From this proximity, we anticipated this star could pulsate in both high and low frequency modes. Indeed, our analysis of photometric data confirmed our prediction. We detected two peaks in the high frequency region and two other peaks at low frequencies. In addition, the amplitude of the dominant mode is very high and comparable to the dominant peaks in other hybrid subdwarf B stars. Since this star is bright, we performed time-series low resolution spectroscopy. Despite a low signal-to-noise (S/N) ratio, we were able to detect the main peak from these data. All our results strongly indicate that J08069+1527 is a high amplitude pulsating hot subdwarf B star of hybrid nature. By analogy to the other pulsating sdB star, we judge that the dominant mode we detected here has radial nature. Future stellar modeling should provide us with quite good constrains as p- and g-modes presented in this star are driven in different parts of its interior.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    A search for new hot subdwarf stars by means of Virtual Observatory tools

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    Hot subdwarf stars are faint, blue objects, and are the main contributors to the far-UV excess observed in elliptical galaxies. They offer an excellent laboratory to study close and wide binary systems, and to scrutinize their interiors through asteroseismology, as some of them undergo stellar oscillations. However, their origins are still uncertain, and increasing the number of detections is crucial to undertake statistical studies. In this work, we aim at defining a strategy to find new, uncatalogued hot subdwarfs. Making use of Virtual Observatory tools we thoroughly search stellar catalogues to retrieve multi-colour photometry and astrometric information of a known sample of blue objects, including hot subdwarfs, white dwarfs, cataclysmic variables and main sequence OB stars. We define a procedure to discriminate among these spectral classes, particularly designed to obtain a hot subdwarf sample with a low contamination factor. In order to check the validity of the method, this procedure is then applied to two test sky regions: the Kepler FoV and to a test region of around (RA:225, DEC:5) deg. As a result, we obtained 38 hot subdwarf candidates, 23 of which had already a spectral classification. We have acquired spectroscopy for three other targets, and four additional ones have an available SDSS spectrum, which we used to determine their spectral type. A temperature estimate is provided for the candidates based on their spectral energy distribution, considering two-atmospheres fit for objects with clear infrared excess. Eventually, out of 30 candidates with spectral classification, 26 objects were confirmed to be hot subdwarfs, yielding a contamination factor of only 13%. The high rate of success demonstrates the validity of the proposed strategy to find new uncatalogued hot subdwarfs. An application of this method to the entire sky will be presented in a forthcoming work.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    The orbits of subdwarf-B + main-sequence binaries. II. Three eccentric systems; BD+29 3070, BD +34 1543 and Feige 87

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    The predicted orbital-period distribution of the subdwarf-B (sdB) population is bi-modal with a peak at short ( 250 days) periods. Observationally, many short-period sdB systems are known, but the predicted long period peak is missing as orbits have only been determined for a few long-period systems. As these predictions are based on poorly understood binary-interaction processes, it is of prime importance to confront the predictions with reliable observational data. We therefore initiated a monitoring program to find and characterize long-period sdB stars. In this paper we aim to determine the orbital parameters of the three long-period sdB+MS binaries BD+29 3070, BD+34 1543 and Feige 87, to constrain their absolute dimensions and the physical parameters of the components. High-resolution spectroscopic time series were obtained with HERMES at the Mercator telescope on La Palma, and analyzed to determine the radial velocities of both the sdB and MS components. Photometry from the literature was used to construct the spectral-energy distribution (SED) of the binaries. Atmosphere models were used to fit these SEDs and to determine the surface gravities and temperatures of both components of all systems. Spectral analysis was used to check the results of the SEDs. An orbital period of 1283 +- 63 d, a mass ratio of q = 0.39 +- 0.04 and a significant non-zero eccentricity of e = 0.15 +- 0.01 were found for BD+29 3070. For BD+34 1543 we determined P = 972 +- 2 d, q = 0.57 +- 0.01 and again a clear non-zero eccentricity of e = 0.16 +- 0.01. Last, for Feige 87 we found P = 936 +- 2 d, q = 0.55 +- 0.01 and e = 0.11 +- 0.01. BD+29 3070, BD+34 1543 and Feige 87 are long period sdB + MS binaries on clearly eccentric orbits. These results are in conflict with the predictions of stable Roche-lobe overflow models.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, Accepted by A&

    Seismic evidence for a weak radial differential rotation in intermediate-mass core helium burning stars

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    The detection of mixed modes that are split by rotation in Kepler red giants has made it possible to probe the internal rotation profiles of these stars, which brings new constraints on the transport of angular momentum in stars. Mosser et al. (2012) have measured the rotation rates in the central regions of intermediate-mass core helium burning stars (secondary clump stars). Our aim was to exploit& the rotational splittings of mixed modes to estimate the amount of radial differential rotation in the interior of secondary clump stars using Kepler data, in order to place constraints on angular momentum transport in intermediate-mass stars. We selected a subsample of Kepler secondary clump stars with mixed modes that are clearly rotationally split. By applying a thorough statistical analysis, we showed that the splittings of both gravity-dominated modes (trapped in central regions) and p-dominated modes (trapped in the envelope) can be measured. We then used these splittings to estimate the amount of differential rotation by using inversion techniques and by applying a simplified approach based on asymptotic theory (Goupil et al. 2013). We obtained evidence for a weak radial differential rotation for six of the seven targets that were selected, with the central regions rotating 1.8±0.31.8\pm0.3 to 3.2±1.03.2\pm1.0 times faster than the envelope. The last target was found to be consistent with a solid-body rotation. This demonstrates that an efficient redistribution of angular momentum occurs after the end of the main sequence in the interior of intermediate-mass stars, either during the short-lived subgiant phase, or once He-burning has started in the core. In either case, this should bring constraints on the angular momentum transport mechanisms that are at work.Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, accepted in A&

    First Kepler results on compact pulsators VIII: Mode identifications via period spacings in g−g-mode pulsating Subdwarf B stars

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    We investigate the possibility of nearly-equally spaced periods in 13 hot subdwarf B (sdB) stars observed with the Kepler spacecraft and one observed with CoRoT. Asymptotic limits for gravity (g-)mode pulsations provide relationships between equal period spacings of modes with differing degrees and relationships between periods of the same radial order but differing degrees. Period transforms, Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests, and linear least-squares fits have been used to detect and determine the significance of equal period spacings. We have also used Monte Carlo simulations to estimate the likelihood that the detected spacings could be produced randomly. Period transforms for nine of the Kepler stars indicate ell=1 period spacings, with five also showing peaks for ell=2 modes. 12 stars indicate ell=1 modes using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test while another shows solely ell=2 modes. Monte Carlo results indicate that equal period spacings are significant in 10 stars above 99% confidence and 13 of the 14 are above 94% confidence. For 12 stars, the various methods find consistent regular period spacing values to within the errors, two others show some inconsistencies, likely caused by binarity, and the last has significant detections but the mode assignment disagrees between methods. We find a common ell=1 period spacing spanning a range from 231 to 272 s allowing us to correlate pulsation modes with 222 periodicities and that the ell=2 period spacings are related to the ell=1 spacings by the asymptotic relationship 1/31/\sqrt{3}. We briefly discuss the impact of equal period spacings which indicate low-degree modes with a lack of significant mode trappings.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, 17 tables. Accepted for publication in Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Societ

    ICNP® in nursing documentation – when expectations meet reality

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    The International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP®) terminology was in 2016 implemented in three Norwegian municipalities through the introduction of five standardized care plans in the Electronic Patient Record (EPR) system. This poster provides results from an exploratory, qualitative study, investigating how nurses in these municipalities applied the care plans into their daily informational work. Keywords: Electronic Patient Records, Documentation, Terminolog
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