28 research outputs found

    NLRP3 inflammasome promotes myocardial remodeling during diet-induced obesity

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    Background: Obesity is an increasingly prevalent metabolic disorder in the modern world and is associated with structural and functional changes in the heart. The NLRP3 inflammasome is an innate immune sensor that can be activated in response to endogenous danger signals and triggers activation of interleukin (IL)-1ÎČ and IL-18. Increasing evidence points to the involvement of the NLRP3 inflammasome in obesity-induced inflammation and insulin resistance, and we hypothesized that it also could play a role in the development of obesity induced cardiac alterations. Methods and Results: WT, Nlrp3−/−, and ASC−/− (Pycard−/−) male mice were exposed to high fat diet (HFD; 60 cal% fat) or control diet for 52 weeks. Cardiac structure and function were evaluated by echocardiography and magnetic resonance imaging, respectively. Whereas, NLRP3 and ASC deficiency did not affect the cardiac hypertrophic response to obesity, it was preventive against left ventricle concentric remodeling and impairment of diastolic function. Furthermore, whereas NLRP3 and ASC deficiency attenuated systemic inflammation in HFD fed mice; long-term HFD did not induce significant cardiac fibrosis or inflammation, suggesting that the beneficial effects of NLRP3 inflammasome deficiency on myocardial remodeling at least partly reflect systemic mechanisms. Nlrp3 and ASC (Pycard) deficient mice were also protected against obesity-induced systemic metabolic dysregulation, as well as lipid accumulation and impaired insulin signaling in hepatic and cardiac tissues. Conclusions: Our data indicate that the NLRP3 inflammasome modulates cardiac concentric remodeling in obesity through effects on systemic inflammation and metabolic disturbances, with effect on insulin signaling as a potential mediator within the myocardium.publishedVersio

    DNA glycosylase Neil3 regulates vascular smooth muscle cell biology during atherosclerosis development.

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    BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Atherogenesis involves a complex interaction between immune cells and lipids, processes greatly influenced by the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) phenotype. The DNA glycosylase NEIL3 has previously been shown to have a role in atherogenesis, though whether this is due to its ability to repair DNA damage or to other non-canonical functions is not yet clear. Hereby, we investigate the role of NEIL3 in atherogenesis, specifically in VSMC phenotypic modulation, which is critical in plaque formation and stability. METHODS: Chow diet-fed atherosclerosis-prone Apoe-/- mice deficient in Neil3, and NEIL3-abrogated human primary aortic VSMCs were characterized by qPCR, and immunohistochemical and enzymatic-based assays; moreover, single-cell RNA sequencing, mRNA sequencing, and proteomics were used to map the molecular effects of Neil3/NEIL3 deficiency in the aortic VSMC phenotype. Furthermore, BrdU-based proliferation assays and Western blot were performed to elucidate the involvement of the Akt signaling pathway in the transdifferentiation of aortic VSMCs lacking Neil3/NEIL3. RESULTS: We show that Neil3 deficiency increases atherosclerotic plaque development without affecting systemic lipids. This observation was associated with a shift in VSMC phenotype towards a proliferating, lipid-accumulating and secretory macrophage-like cell phenotype, without changes in DNA damage. VSMC transdifferentiation in Neil3-deficient mice encompassed increased activity of the Akt signaling pathway, supported by cell experiments showing Akt-dependent proliferation in NEIL3-abrogated human primary aortic VSMCs. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings show that Neil3 deficiency promotes atherosclerosis development through non-canonical mechanisms affecting VSMC phenotype involving activation of the Akt signaling pathway

    Coaggregetion properties of Trimeric Autotransporter Adhesins

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    Trimeric autotransporter adhesins (TAAs) comprise a group of virulence‐related proteins in Gram‐negative bacteria. Members of this family bind to extracellular matrix components such as collagen and fibronectin, but also they exhibit several other functions, such as conferring serum resistance and autoaggregation. Autoaggregation promoted by TAAs is homotypic and mediated by the sticky, globular head domains of these lollipop‐like molecules. However, whether TAAs mediate heterotypic interactions (i.e., coaggregation) has not been studied. To address this question, we investigated the coaggregation of two model TAA groups: YadA from the enteropathogenic Yersiniae and the immunoglobulin‐binding Eib proteins from Escherichia coli. To study TAA coaggregation, we coexpressed a fluorescent label together with a particular TAA and followed the aggregative interactions using fluorescence microscopy and quantified the interactions using a novel script implemented in Fiji. Our results show that there is coaggregation between some populations expressing different TAAs, which can be explained by relatively high sequence similarity between the interacting TAAs. Generally, the level of coaggregation correlated with the sequence similarity. However, some TAAs did not interact despite high sequence similarity, showing exclusion of bacteria producing a noncompatible TAA. These data demonstrate that TAAs can mediate bacterial coaggregation, but in some cases prevent coaggregation of bacteria with disparate TAAs. Our results have implications for the ecology of TAA‐producing bacteria, where coaggregation may promote co‐operation whereas exclusion might be an indication of competition

    Microbial exposure during early life regulates development of bile duct inflammation

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    The early life microbiome has been linked to inflammatory diseases in adulthood and a role for the microbiome in bile duct inflammation is supported by both human and murine studies. We utilized the NOD.c3c4 mouse model that develops a spontaneous immune-driven biliary disease with a known contribution of the microbiome to evaluate the temporal effects of the early life microbiome. Germ-free (GF) NOD.c3c4 mice were conventionalized into a specific pathogen free environment at birth (conventionally raised, CONV-R) or at weaning (germ-free raised, GF-R) and compared with age and gender-matched GF and conventional (CONV) NOD.c3c4 mice. At 9 weeks of age, liver pathology was assessed by conventional histology and flow cytometry immunophenotyping. Neonatal exposure to microbes (CONV-R) increased biliary inflammation to similar levels as regular conventional NOD.c3c4 mice, while delayed exposure to microbes (GF-R) restrained the biliary inflammation. Neutrophil infiltration was increased in all conventionalized mice compared to GF. An immunophenotype in the liver similar to CONV was restored in both CONV-R and GF-R compared to GF mice displaying a proportional increase of B cells and reduction of T cells in the liver. Microbial exposure during early life has a temporal impact on biliary tract inflammation in the NOD.c3c4 mouse model suggesting that age-sensitive interaction with commensal microbes have long-lasting effects on biliary immunity that can be of importance for human cholangiopathies.</p

    Complement component C3 and the TLR co-receptor CD14 are not involved in angiotensin II induced cardiac remodelling

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    Inflammation is centrally involved in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and the processes of remodelling. The complement system and Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, two upstream arms of the innate immune system, have previously been reported to be involved in cardiac remodelling. However, the role of complement component 3 (C3), TLR co-receptor CD14 and the synergy between them have not been addressed during pressure overload-induced cardiac remodelling. Here, we examined angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy and remodelling for 7 days in male C57Bl/6 J mice deficient in C3, CD14, or both (C3CD14), and WT controls. Angiotensin II infusion induced a mild concentric hypertrophic phenotype in WT mice with increased left ventricle weight, wall thicknesses and reduced ventricular internal diameter, associated with increased cardiac fibrosis. However, there were no differences between WT mice and mice deficient for C3, CD14 or C3CD14, as systolic blood pressure, cardiac function and structure and levels of fibrosis were comparable between WT mice and the three other genotypes. C5a did not change in angiotensin II treated mice, whereas Mac2 levels were increased in angiotensin II treated mice, but did not differ between genotypes. The inflammatory IL-6 response was comparable between WT and C3 deficient mice, however, it was decreased in CD14 and C3CD14 deficient mice. We conclude that deficiency in C3, CD14 or C3CD14 had no effect on cardiac remodelling following angiotensin II-induced pressure overload. This suggests that C3 and CD14 are not involved in angiotensin II-induced adverse cardiac remodelling

    Complement component C3 and the TLR co-receptor CD14 are not involved in angiotensin II induced cardiac remodelling

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    Inflammation is centrally involved in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and the processes of remodelling. The complement system and Toll-like receptor (TLR) family, two upstream arms of the innate immune system, have previously been reported to be involved in cardiac remodelling. However, the role of complement component 3 (C3), TLR co-receptor CD14 and the synergy between them have not been addressed during pressure overload-induced cardiac remodelling. Here, we examined angiotensin II-induced cardiac hypertrophy and remodelling for 7 days in male C57Bl/6 J mice deficient in C3, CD14, or both (C3CD14), and WT controls. Angiotensin II infusion induced a mild concentric hypertrophic phenotype in WT mice with increased left ventricle weight, wall thicknesses and reduced ventricular internal diameter, associated with increased cardiac fibrosis. However, there were no differences between WT mice and mice deficient for C3, CD14 or C3CD14, as systolic blood pressure, cardiac function and structure and levels of fibrosis were comparable between WT mice and the three other genotypes. C5a did not change in angiotensin II treated mice, whereas Mac2 levels were increased in angiotensin II treated mice, but did not differ between genotypes. The inflammatory IL-6 response was comparable between WT and C3 deficient mice, however, it was decreased in CD14 and C3CD14 deficient mice. We conclude that deficiency in C3, CD14 or C3CD14 had no effect on cardiac remodelling following angiotensin II-induced pressure overload. This suggests that C3 and CD14 are not involved in angiotensin II-induced adverse cardiac remodelling

    Toll-like receptor 9-activation during onset of myocardial ischemia does not influence infarct extension.

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    Myocardial infarction (MI) remains a major cause of death and disability worldwide, despite available reperfusion therapies. Inflammatory signaling is considered nodal in defining final infarct size. Activation of the innate immune receptor toll-like receptors (TLR) 9 prior to ischemia and reperfusion (I/R) reduces infarct size, but the consequence of TLR9 activation timed to the onset of ischemia is not known.The TLR9-agonist; CpG B was injected i.p. in C57BL/6 mice immediately after induction of ischemia (30 minutes). Final infarct size, as well as area-at-risk, was measured after 24 hours of reperfusion. CpG B injection resulted in a significant increase in circulating granulocytes and monocytes both in sham and I/R mice. Paradoxically, clear evidence of reduced cardiac infiltration of both monocytes and granulocytes could be demonstrated in I/R mice treated with CpG B (immunocytochemistry, myeloperoxidase activity and mRNA expression patterns). In addition, systemic TLR9 activation elicited significant alterations of cardiac inflammatory genes. Despite these biochemical and cellular changes, there was no difference in infarct size between vehicle and CpG B treated I/R mice.Systemic TLR9-stimulation upon onset of ischemia and subsequent reperfusion does not alter final infarct size despite causing clear alterations of both systemic and cardiac inflammatory parameters. Our results question the clinical usefulness of TLR9 activation during cardiac I/R

    Selective and marked decrease of complement receptor C5aR2 in human thoracic aortic aneurysms: A dysregulation with potential inflammatory effects

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    Objective - The aetiology of thoracic aortic aneurysm (TAA) is largely unknown, but inflammation is likely to play a central role in the pathogenesis. In this present study, we aim to investigate the complement receptors in TAA. Methods - Aortic tissue and blood from 31 patients with non-syndromic TAA undergoing thoracic aortic repair surgery were collected. Aortic tissue and blood from 36 patients with atherosclerosis undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery or aortic valve replacement were collected and served as control material. The expression of the complement anaphylatoxin receptors C3aR1, C5aR1 and C5aR2 in aortic tissue were examined by quantitative RT-PCR and C5aR2 protein by immunohistochemistry. Colocalisation of C5aR2 to different cell types was analysed by immunofluorescence. Complement activation products C3bc and sC5b-9 were measured in plasma. Results - Compared with controls, TAA patients had substantial (73%) downregulated gene expression of C5aR2 as seen both at the mRNA (p=0.005) level and protein (p=0.03) level. In contrast, there were no differences in the expression of C3aR1 and C5aR1 between the two groups. Immunofluorescence examination showed that C5aR2 was colocalised to macrophages and T cells in the aortic media. There were no differences in the degree of systemic complement activation between the two groups. Conclusion - Our findings suggest downregulation of the C5aR2, regarded to act mainly anti-inflammatory, in electively operated TAA as compared with non-aneurysmatic aortas of patients with aortic stenosis and/or coronary artery disease. This may tip the balance towards a relative increase in the inflammatory responses induced by C5aR1 and thus enhance the inflammatory processes in TAA

    ErnĂŠringens betydning for skinn-, tarm-, og gjellehelse hos laks

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    Prosjektets hovedmÄl var Ä skaffe kunnskap om hvordan ulike nivÄer av sink (Zn) og EPA+DHA i dietten pÄvirker sammensetning, funksjon og robusthet til barrierevev hos laks. ForsÞk med laks fÎret 3 ulike nivÄer av Zn og omega-3 i dietten fra parr til postsmolt-stÞrrelse, viste at nivÄet av omega-3-fettsyrer i dietten pÄvirker opptaket av Zn i tarmen og Zn-nivÄet i helkropp. Zn-nivÄet i fÎret pÄvirker pÄ sin side sammensetningen av membranfosfolipidene, noe som igjen vil vÊre av betydning for funksjonen til transportproteiner i tarmen. Histologiske analyser av skinnkvalitet viste at lave nivÄer av bÄde omega-3 og Zn ga dÄrligere skinnkvalitet enn hÞyere nivÄer. omega-3 og Zn hadde effekter pÄ ulike lag i skinnet, der omega-3 pÄvirket mest de dypere lagene i skinnet, pÄvirket Zn mest det ytre laget. BÄde lave doser omega-3 og Zn i fÎret ga i tillegg dÄrligere sÄrhelingsevne. Lavt nivÄ av omega-3 i fÎret fÞrte til endret funksjon og sammensetning av tarmmembranen, inkludert reduksjon i aktiv ionetransport og endret kapasitet til osmoregulering. Ulike nivÄer av bÄde Zn og omega-3 fÞrte til endret uttrykk av et stort antall gener i gjeller, endringer knyttet til en rekke funksjoner som vevsorganisering, metabolisme, signaloverfÞring m.m., men betydningen av disse endringene for fysiologisk funksjon er ikke kjent. Gjeller fra alle diettgrupper hadde normal morfologi. VÄre observasjoner tyder pÄ at samspillet mellom nivÄene av omega-3 (EPA+DHA) og Zn i dietten pÄvirker en rekke funksjoner i barrierevev. Omega-3 er en begrenset ressurs, og bruken av Zn i fÎr er regulert. Derfor er det er viktig Ä sikre effektivt opptak og utnyttelse av disse nÊringsstoffene i laksen. Samspillseffekten mellom Zn og omega-3 og deres helseeffekt bÞr vÊre et viktig fokus for videre studier