17 research outputs found

    Measuring workers' health and psychosocial work-environment on firm productivity

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    We discuss a model for analyzing and measuring workers' health and psychosocial work-environment on firm productivity. Productivity is measured through the Malmquist productivity index approach using Data Envelopment Analysis. A novel component of the model is that in addition to standard quantity (or tradable) vairables, we incorporate quality (or non-tradable) variables. Specifically we focus on two quality input variables: workers' health status and psychosocial work-environment. The two variables are modeled as latent or unobserved variables using Item Response Theory. Changes over time in productivity are decomposed to asses the contribution from the changes of the input quality variables. The model is illustrated using data from a worksite health promotion program conducted at three large Swedish manufacturing plants (2 paper mills, 1 steel factory) from 2000 to 2003. Over the four years we observe a general improvement in efficiency of 2-5 %, out of which half can be attributed to the improvement in the quality input variables

    All-Pay Auctions with Pre- and Post-Bidding Options

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    Motivated by the emergence of online penny or pay-to-bid auctions, in this study, we analyze the operational consequences of all-pay auctions competing with fixed list price stores. In all-pay auctions, bidders place bids, and highest bidder wins. Depending on the auction format, the winner pays either the amount of their bid or that of the second-highest bid. All losing bidders forfeit their bids, regardless of the auction format. Bidders may visit the store, both before and after bidding, and buy the item at the fixed list price. In a modified version, we consider a setting where bidders can use their sunk bid as a credit towards buying the item from the auctioneer at a fixed price (different from the list price). We characterize a symmetric equilibrium in the bidding/buying strategy and derive optimal list prices for both the seller and auctioneer to maximize expected revenue. We consider two situations: (1) one firm operating both channels (i.e. fixed list price store and all-pay auction), and (2) two competing firms, each operating one of the two channels

    Revenue management in sports, live entertainment and arts

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    The purpose of this special issue is to stimulate, advance and broaden the theoretical, empirical, and case study analysis of Revenue Management within sports, live entertainment and arts

    Neurocognitive profiles in treatment-resistant bipolar I and bipolar II disorder depression

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    Background The literature on the neuropsychological profiles in Bipolar disorder (BD) depression is sparse. The aims of the study were to assess the neurocognitive profiles in treatment-resistant, acutely admitted BD depression inpatients, to compare the neurocognitive functioning in patients with BD I and II, and to identify the demographic and clinical illness characteristics associated with cognitive functioning. Methods Acutely admitted BD I (n = 19) and BD II (n = 32) inpatients who fulfilled the DSM-IV-TR criteria for a major depressive episode were tested with the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB), the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, the National Adult Reading Test, and a battery of clinical measures. Results Neurocognitive impairments were evident in the BD I and BD II depression inpatients within all MCCB domains. The numerical scores on all MCCB-measures were lower in the BD I group than in the BD II group, with a significant difference on one of the measures, category fluency. 68.4% of the BD I patients had clinically significant impairment (>1.5 SD below normal mean) in two or more domains compared to 37.5% of the BD II patients (p = 0.045). A significant reduction in IQ from the premorbid to the current level was seen in BD I but not BD II patients. Higher age was associated with greater neurocognitive deficits compared to age-adjusted published norms. Conclusions A high proportion of patients with therapy-resistant BD I or II depression exhibited global neurocognitive impairments with clinically significant severity. The cognitive impairments were more common in BD I compared to BD II patients, particularly processing speed. These findings suggest that clinicians should be aware of the severe neurocognitive dysfunction in treatment-resistant bipolar depression, particularly in BD I.publishedVersio

    "Second heaven" : forestillinger om Vesten hos unge talenter ved et fotballakademi i Ghana

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    Denne oppgaven omhandler unge ghanesiske fotballtalenters forestillinger om Vesten og hvordan forestillingene konstrueres i møtet med den vestlige fotballindustrien. Oppgaven er skrevet pü grunnlag av sju müneders feltarbeid i Ghana, hvorav fire müneder ved et fotballakademi. Fotballakademier er blitt et viktig instrument for identifisering og trening av unge fotballspillere, og flere europeiske klubber var under feltarbeidsperioden involvert som eiere eller partnere ved akademier. Informantene ved akademiet gikk en usikker fremtid i møte hvis ikke fotballkarrieren tok av, mye pü grunn av mangel pü muligheter, men for spillerne og familiene deres var drømmen om ü komme seg opp og frem som fotballspiller en like realistisk strategi som noen annen. Med utgangspunkt i James Carriers (1995) anvendelse av oksidentalismebegrepet forsøker denne oppgaven ü vise betydningen av akademispillernes kulturmøte med representanter for den europeiske fotballindustrien og deres konstruksjon av Vesten. Oppgaven vil belyse hvilke livssituasjon spillerne levde under, og hvilke muligheter og begrensninger akademiet som handlingsrom skapte for spillerne. Ved ü knytte oksidentalisme til maktbegreper vil oppgaven argumenter for at fotballspillerne i stor grad konstruerte positive og generaliserte bilder og forestillinger om Vesten som en helhet

    Analytical and empirical models of online auctions

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    This thesis provides a discussion on some analytical and empirical models of online auctions. The objective is to provide an alternative framework for analyzing online auctions, and to characterize the distribution of intermediate prices. Chapter 1 provides a mathematical formulation of the eBay auction format and background to the data used in the empirical analysis. Chapter 2 analyzes policies for optimally disposing inventory using online auctions. It is assumed a seller has a fixed number of items to sell using a sequence of, possibly overlapping, single-item auctions. The decision the seller must make is when to start each auction. The decision involves a trade-off between a holding cost for each period an item remains unsold, and a cannibalization effect among competing auctions. Consequently the seller must trade-off the expected marginal gain for the ongoing auctions with the expected marginal cost of the unreleased items by further deferring their release. The problem is formulated as a discrete time Markov Decision Problem. Conditions are derived to ensure that the optimal release policy is a control limit policy in the current price of the ongoing auctions. Chapter 2 focuses on the two item case which has sufficient complexity to raise challenging questions. An underlying assumption in Chapter 2 is that the auction dynamics can be captured by a set of transition probabilities. Chapter 3 shows with two fixed bidding strategies how the transition probabilities can be derived for a given auction format and bidder arrival process. The two specific bidding strategies analyzed are when bidders bid: 1) a minimal increment, and 2) their true valuation. Chapters 4 and 5 provides empirical analyzes of 4,000 eBay auctions conducted by Dell. Chapter 4 provides a statistical model where over discrete time periods, prices of online auctions follow a zero-inflated gamma distribution. Chapter 5 provides an analysis of the 44,000 bids placed in the auctions, based on bids following a gamma distribution. Both models presented in Chapters 4 and 5 are based on conditional probabilities given the price and elapsed time of an auction, and certain parameters of the competing auctions. Chapter 6 concludes the thesis with a discussion of the main results and possible extensions.Business, Sauder School ofGraduat

    Bowel Perfusion Measured with Dynamic Contrast-enhanced Ultrasound Predicts Treatment Outcome in Patients with Crohn’s Disease

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    Background: To improve management of patients with Crohn's disease (CD), objective measurements of the degree of local inflammation in the gastrointestinal wall are needed. Increased microvessel density and perfusion are typical features of acute inflammation and can be estimated with contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS). The aim of the study was to investigate whether CEUS can provide prognostic information about patients treated medically for an acute exacerbation of CD. Methods: Fourteen patients with CD who received medical treatment for acute exacerbation with systemic steroids or tumor necrosis factor–α inhibitors were prospectively recruited. The patients were examined with clinical scoring, blood tests, and CEUS at time 0, 1, 3, and 12 months after initiation of the treatment. Outcome was treatment efficacy or treatment failure defined as change in medical treatment after 1 month or later. The perfusion analysis was performed with a commercially available software program that analyzes the contrast intensity in a selected area, fits the data to a standardized time-intensity curve, and derives several relative perfusion parameters. Results: Six of the 14 patients had treatment failure during the study period. There was a significant difference between the groups for peak contrast enhancement (P = 0.013), rate of wash-in (P = 0.020) and wash-out (P = 0.008), and the area under the time-intensity curve in the wash-in phase (0.013) at the examination 1 month after the start of treatment. Conclusions: Perfusion analysis of the intestinal wall with CEUS 1 month after starting treatment in patients with CD can provide prognostic information regarding treatment efficacy

    Neurocognitive profiles in treatment-resistant bipolar I and bipolar II disorder depression

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    Background The literature on the neuropsychological profiles in Bipolar disorder (BD) depression is sparse. The aims of the study were to assess the neurocognitive profiles in treatment-resistant, acutely admitted BD depression inpatients, to compare the neurocognitive functioning in patients with BD I and II, and to identify the demographic and clinical illness characteristics associated with cognitive functioning. Methods Acutely admitted BD I (n = 19) and BD II (n = 32) inpatients who fulfilled the DSM-IV-TR criteria for a major depressive episode were tested with the MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery (MCCB), the Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, the National Adult Reading Test, and a battery of clinical measures. Results Neurocognitive impairments were evident in the BD I and BD II depression inpatients within all MCCB domains. The numerical scores on all MCCB-measures were lower in the BD I group than in the BD II group, with a significant difference on one of the measures, category fluency. 68.4% of the BD I patients had clinically significant impairment (>1.5 SD below normal mean) in two or more domains compared to 37.5% of the BD II patients (p = 0.045). A significant reduction in IQ from the premorbid to the current level was seen in BD I but not BD II patients. Higher age was associated with greater neurocognitive deficits compared to age-adjusted published norms. Conclusions A high proportion of patients with therapy-resistant BD I or II depression exhibited global neurocognitive impairments with clinically significant severity. The cognitive impairments were more common in BD I compared to BD II patients, particularly processing speed. These findings suggest that clinicians should be aware of the severe neurocognitive dysfunction in treatment-resistant bipolar depression, particularly in BD I

    Systemdrift 2020

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    KUBE 2012 har i ürets sommerprosjekt svart pü problemstillingen: Hvordan bør Statnett drifte kraftsystemet i 2020? Utviklingen av systemdriften frem mot 2020 vil drives av en kraftig økning i utvekslingskapasitet mot kontinentet, storstilt utbygging av fornybar produksjon, og tett integrasjon av systemer og markeder i Europa. Dette vil gjøre kraftsystemet mer komplekst og stiller Statnett som systemoperatør overfor flere nye utfordringer. I dag gis utviklingen av neste generasjon sentralnett mye oppmerksomhet i Statnett, og det er en riktig prioritering. KUBE tror imidlertid at frem mot 2020 mü man ogsü rette søkelyset mot utviklingen av neste generasjon systemdrift. Det betyr nye markedsløsninger, mer effektiv bruk av reserver, risikoanalyser i sanntid og felles europeiske løsninger. Systemdrift er et omfattende og komplekst tema. KUBE har derfor valgt ü ta for seg balanseringen av systemet og hündteringen av et økende antall frekvensavvik man har opplevd over de siste 15 ürene. En svekket frekvenskvalitet kan ha store konsekvenser for driftssikkerheten, medføre utkobling av forbruk og i verste fall mørklegging av større deler av kraftnettet. Rapporten forsøker ü identifisere utfordringene man vil stü overfor i systemdriften frem mot 2020 og skissere noen forslag til hvordan de kan hündteres

    Systemdrift 2020

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    KUBE 2012 har i årets sommerprosjekt svart på problemstillingen: Hvordan bør Statnett drifte kraftsystemet i 2020? Utviklingen av systemdriften frem mot 2020 vil drives av en kraftig økning i utvekslingskapasitet mot kontinentet, storstilt utbygging av fornybar produksjon, og tett integrasjon av systemer og markeder i Europa. Dette vil gjøre kraftsystemet mer komplekst og stiller Statnett som systemoperatør overfor flere nye utfordringer. I dag gis utviklingen av neste generasjon sentralnett mye oppmerksomhet i Statnett, og det er en riktig prioritering. KUBE tror imidlertid at frem mot 2020 må man også rette søkelyset mot utviklingen av neste generasjon systemdrift. Det betyr nye markedsløsninger, mer effektiv bruk av reserver, risikoanalyser i sanntid og felles europeiske løsninger. Systemdrift er et omfattende og komplekst tema. KUBE har derfor valgt å ta for seg balanseringen av systemet og håndteringen av et økende antall frekvensavvik man har opplevd over de siste 15 årene. En svekket frekvenskvalitet kan ha store konsekvenser for driftssikkerheten, medføre utkobling av forbruk og i verste fall mørklegging av større deler av kraftnettet.publishedVersio