95 research outputs found

    Effects of dietary fermented sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima) on Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) intestinal morphology and redox status

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    The aquaculture industry is the world’s fastest growing food production sector and there is a demand for new feed ingredients from lower marine trophic levels to replace the marine and vegetable resources now used in aquafeeds. Seaweeds, such as sugar kelp (Saccharina latissima), have been suggested as one such candidate due to their low use of resources and potential for net zero environmental impact. The low protein and high crude fiber content have until now limited their use in feed for carnivore fish species like Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). A practical solution to this may be fermentation. However, little is known about how fermented sugar kelp (FSK) affects the intestinal health and redox status of fish. The aim of this study was to evaluate if an inclusion of FSK in feed for Atlantic salmon post- smolt would affect any gut morphological parameters and redox status in the first segment of the mid intestine. A dose- response study with FSK inclusions of 1, 2, 3, and 4% was performed with Atlantic salmon post- smolt in triplicate groups over 10 weeks. A commercial relevant fish meal- based diet was formulated as reference. Growth and feed utilization were studied, and a morphometric analysis as well as a semi- quantitative evaluation of the gut morphology in the mid intestine were performed. In the same intestinal segment, a quantifiable analysis of the mucous cells was performed. Additionally, the redox status in the mid intestine was evaluated with the GSH/GSSG ratio as a biomarker. The results demonstrated that the Atlantic salmon fed FSK inclusions ≤2% performed similar to the control group on growth performance and feed utilization, but a dose dependent decrease in final body weight and specific growth rate (SGR) was seen in fish fed FSK inclusions ≥3%. No morphometric changes due to dietary modulations were detected in the mid- intestine, but an increased amount of submucosal connective tissue was seen in the fish fed FSK 2% through semi- quantitative evaluation. Dietary FSK neither affected the number nor the size of mucous cells. An enhanced total glutathione (GSH) was seen in the fish fed FSK 1%, but the GSH/GSSG ratio was not affected by diet. Based on the results from this study, the suitable inclusion of fermented sugar kelp in diet for Atlantic salmon is sat to 2%. However, to determine the real potential of fermented sugar kelp as a feed ingredient for Atlantic salmon, further research is needed.Masteroppgave i biologiBIO399MAMN-HAVSJMAMN-BI

    In the Aftermaths of MA Dance Performance Taste of Purple

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    Norsk: En skriftlig refleksjon over skapelsen og utøvelsen av forestillingen Taste of Purple, av og med Oda Olivia Øverbø Lindegård, vist 28.-31. mars 2023 på Scene 1, Kunsthøgskolen i Oslo. Forestillingen har vokst ut fra en bevegelsespraksis som forsøker å tillate kroppen å være der den er i øyeblikket. Da essayet Eros the Bittersweet (1986) av Anne Carson også fikk en gjeldene rolle for prosessen ble arbeidet både tydeliggjort og komplisert gjennom dobbeltsidigheten i det å ville være helt til stede der man er og samtidig lengte etter noe utilgjengelig. Ønsket med teksten er både å reflektere den kunstneriske prosessen og å mate interessen for å utforske hvilken rolle det gjenkjennbare har i begjær. English: A written refelction on the creation and doing of the performance Taste of Purple, by and with Oda Olivia Øverbø Lindegård, shown 28th-31st of March 2023, at Scene 1, Oslo National Academy of the Arts. The performance was developed from a movement practice that seeks to allow the body to be how it is in the moment. When the essay Eros the Bittersweet (1986) by Anne Carson also got a crucial function in the process, the work was both clarified and complicated by the duality of wanting to be completely present and at the same time longing for something unavailable. The text is intended to both reflect this artistic process and to feed the interest of exploring what the recognizable has to do with desire

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    Very-high-precision solutions of a class of Schr{\"o}dinger equations

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    We investigate a method to solve a class of Schr{\"o}dinger equation eigenvalue problems numerically to very high precision PP (from thousands to a million of decimals). The memory requirement, and the number of high precision algebraic operations, of the method scale essentially linearly with PP when only eigenvalues are computed. However, since the algorithms for multiplying high precision numbers scale at a rate between P1.6P^{1.6} and PlogPloglogPP\,\log P\,\log\log P, the time requirement of our method increases somewhat faster than P2P^2.Comment: 4 page contribution to proceedings of the Conference on Computational Physics, June 23rd-26th 2010 in Trondheim (submitted to Computer Physics Communications

    A Cross-disciplinary, cross-organizational approach to sustainable design and product innovation in the aluminum industry

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    Aluminum is a promising sustainable and industrial resource that provides strong, lightweight structures with complex geometric possibilities, a high recovery rate in the recycling process, and low-emission production when produced by hydropower. Design and product innovations are enabling aluminum to increasingly replace steel in many industrial sectors (such as construction, automotive, and furniture), improving environmental (e.g., reduction of CO2 emission in transport) and financial (e.g., increased circularity and value creation) performance. However, key knowledge of the aluminum value chain is concentrated among the different actors. For instance, downstream actors possess a high level of technical expertise in the metallurgical properties and processing of aluminum, and they are typically situated a long distance from the end market or end user are unaware of the end user’s current and future needs. Investments in and investigations of new aluminum alloys, treatments, and machines are accompanied by high financial and time risks. Cross-disciplinary, cross-organizational collaborations might facilitate design and product innovations, including value creation and sustainability aspects and reducing financial and time risks. There is limited literature on how the different actors in the aluminum value chain should collaborate and which methods they should apply to increase sustainable design and product innovation. Therefore, this study applies a multiple case research approach to identify the benefits, enablers, and barriers of sustainable design and product innovation. Based on the findings, a sustainable design and product innovation framework was developed, highlighting actors, collaboration, and methods applied at different innovation project stages. The introduced approach supports the actors in the aluminum value chain to efficiently introduce sustainable design and product innovations to new and existing markets.publishedVersio

    High-energy expansion of Coulomb corrections to the e+e- photoproduction cross section

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    First correction to the high-energy asymptotics of the total e+ee^+e^- photoproduction cross section in the electric field of a heavy atom is derived with the exact account of this field. The consideration is based on the use of the quasiclassical electron Green function in an external electric field. The next-to-leading correction to the cross section is discussed. The influence of screening on the Coulomb corrections is examined in the leading approximation. It turns out that the high-energy asymptotics of the corresponding correction is independent of the photon energy. In the region where both produced particles are relativistic, the corrections to the high-energy asymptotics of the electron (positron) spectrum are derived. Our results for the total cross section are in good agreement with experimental data for photon energies down to a few MeVMeV. In addition, the corrections to the bremsstrahlung spectrum are obtained from the corresponding results for pair production.Comment: 22 pages, 7 figures, RevTeX.Typos are corrected. The numerical results, figures and conclusions remain unchanged as they were obtained using correct formula

    Protein purification and gene isolation of chlamysin, a cold-active lysozyme-like enzyme with antibacterial activity

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    AbstractAn antibacterial ∼11 kDa protein designated chlamysin was isolated from viscera of the marine bivalve Chlamys islandica. Chlamysin inhibited the growth of all Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria tested. The isolated protein was highly efficient in hydrolyzing Micrococcus luteus cells only at low pH (4.5–6.2) and at low temperature (4–35°C). No significant loss of enzyme activity was observed after 30 days storage at room temperature or after heating to 70°C for 15 min, suggesting relatively high protein structure stability. Sequence-analyzed fragments of the protein revealed data which guided the isolation of the cDNA gene, encoding a 137 amino acid chlamysin precursor in scallops. The deduced protein contains a high portion of cysteine, serine and histidine residues and has a predicted isoelectric point below 7. The chlamysin protein was found to have sequence homology to an isopeptidase and to a recently published bivalve lysozyme

    Postoperativ alveolitt : Reduksjon av forekomsten av postoperativ alveolitt etter kirurgisk ekstraksjon av tann 38/48 ved Tannlegesenteret Bergrådveien 13

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    Postoperativ alveolitt er en kjent komplikasjon ved ekstraksjon av tredje molar i underkjeven. Prevalensen er oppgitt til å være 20-30 %. Vi anser at det her er rom for forbedring og har derfor laget en plan for et kvalitetsforbedringsprosjekt for å redusere forekomsten ved tannlegesenteret Bergrådveien 13 (TB13). Ved å søke etter relevant litteratur i Cochrane Library og PubMed fant vi i flere studier at bruk av antibiotikaveke ved disse ekstraksjonene har vist seg å være det mest effektive tiltaket for å redusere forekomsten av alveolitt. Vårt planlagte tiltak ble dermed å innføre bruk av antibiotikaveke som en fast rutine blant kirurgene ved bruk av sjekklister for prosedyren. For å kunne måle en ev. endring brukte vi andel pasienter som utviklet alveolitt som resultatindikator mens prossessindikatoren ble andel ekstraksjoner hvor veke ble benyttet. De ansatte ved senteret ville bli innlemmet i de nye rutinene ved henholdsvis at tannlegesekretæren skal legge frem veke og antibiotikasalve på operasjonsbordet, kirurgene setter på plass veken og allmenntannlegen utfører kontrollen. Resultatene vil etter hvert som de kommer inn presenteres på morgenmøtet slik at de ansatte kan følge utviklingen. Det er i litteraturen beskrevet ARR på 12-31 % og NNT på 3-8, TB13 behandler ca 5-7 pas/uke og man forventer derfor å kunne se resultater etter to til tre måneder

    The Enzyme and the cDNA Sequence of a Thermolabile and Double-Strand Specific DNase from Northern Shrimps (Pandalus borealis)

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    Inge W. Nilsen et al...Background We have previously isolated a thermolabile nuclease specific for double-stranded DNA from industrial processing water of Northern shrimps (Pandalus borealis) and developed an application of the enzyme in removal of contaminating DNA in PCR-related technologies. Methodology/Principal Findings A 43 kDa nuclease with a high specific activity of hydrolysing linear as well as circular forms of DNA was purified from hepatopancreas of Northern shrimp (Pandalus borealis). The enzyme displayed a substrate preference that was shifted from exclusively double-stranded DNA in the presence of magnesium to also encompass significant activity against single-stranded DNA when calcium was added. No activity against RNA was detected. Although originating from a cold-environment animal, the shrimp DNase has only minor low-temperature activity. Still, the enzyme was irreversibly inactivated by moderate heating with a half-life of 1 min at 65°C. The purified protein was partly sequenced and derived oligonucleotides were used to prime amplification of the encoding cDNA. This cDNA sequence revealed an open reading frame encoding a 404 amino acid protein containing a signal peptide. By sequence similarity the enzyme is predicted to belong to a family of DNA/RNA non-specific nucleases even though this shrimp DNase lacks RNase activity and is highly double-strand specific in some respects. These features are in agreement with those previously established for endonucleases classified as similar to the Kamchatka crab duplex-specific nuclease (Par_DSN). Sequence comparisons and phylogenetic analyses confirmed that the Northern shrimp nuclease resembles the Par_DSN-like nucleases and displays a more distant relationship to the Serratia family of nucleases. Conclusions/Significance The shrimp nuclease contains enzyme activity that may be controlled by temperature or buffer compositions. The double-stranded DNA specificity, as well as the thermolabile feature, strengthens its potential for in vitro applications.This work was supported by the Research council of Norway, project number 138822/130, Nofima Marin and Biotec Marine Biochemicals. Since IWN and KØ are employees at Nofima Marin and LJH, ME, DRG and OL are employees at Marine Biochemicals the funders played a role in the design, data analysis and the decision to publish.Peer reviewe