72 research outputs found

    Essays in Public Policy and Labour Economics

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    This thesis comprises three chapters that provide discussions for labour income taxation and labour market effects of immigration and minimum wage. Chapter 1 studies the optimal income taxation with a finite number of types. It is shown that Rawlsian social welfare and maximax social welfare functions constitute upper and lower bounds for the second-best optimal marginal tax schedules. Therefore, any marginal tax schedule with a higher tax rate than Rawlsian bound or with a lower tax rate than maximax bound would be inefficient. Moreover, it is shown that reasonable marginal tax schedules between these two benchmarks could be supported as a second-best tax schedule with appropriate social weights. These results are also valid when bunching is optimal. Additionally, some characterization for the total tax rates at the top and bottom of the income distribution are given. Chapter 2 analyses the labour market effects of the Syrian refugees on Turkish natives. Our results suggest that there are no negative effects on native employment but there is a compositional change in the labour market. On the contrary, we provide evidence for positive effects on formal employment which is confirmed by the administrative data. When we analyse the changes in labour outcomes by gender, results are differentiated in a systematic way. For males, while there is an increase in formal employment, informal employment decreases. Results are the opposite for females. There is a reduction in formal employment but an increase in informal female employment. These results suggest that while refugees are substitutes for females in the formal market, they are complements to formal male workers. Chapter 3 investigates wage and employment effects of the minimum wage in Turkey. Our analysis suggests that while formal wages are increasing with the minimum wage, there is no significant change in informal market wages. For the employment outcomes, we observe a significant increase in informal employment however there is no significant change in formal employment. The increased share of informal labour is mainly due to increased labour force participation. Since females are paid less than males, the wage and employment effects are much stronger for women. Although minimum wage is set for a calendar month, we observe no changes in formal and informal working hours

    The Study Of Three Different Layered Structures As Model Systems For Hydrogen Storage Materials

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    The strength and success of the hydrogen economy relies heavily on the storage of hydrogen. Storage systems in which hydrogen is sequestered in a solid material have been shown to be advantageous over storage of hydrogen as a liquid or compressed gas. Many different types of materials have been investigated, yet the desired capacity and uptake/release characteristics required for implementation have not been reached. In this work, porphyrin aggregates were investigated as a new type of material for hydrogen storage. The building blocks of the aggregates are porphyrin molecules that are planar and can assume a face to face arrangement that is also known as H-aggregation. The H-aggregates were formed in solution, upon mixing of aqueous solutions of two different porphyrins, one carrying positively charged and the other one carrying negatively charged functional groups. The cationic porphyrin used was meso-tetra(4- N,N,N-trimethylanilinium) porphine (TAP) and it was combined with four different anionic porphyrins, meso-tetra(4-sulfonatophenyl)porphine (TPPS), meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) porphine (TCPP), Cu(II) meso-tetra(4-carboxyphenyl) porphine, and Fe(III) meso-tetra(4- carboxyphenyl) porphine. The force of attraction that held two oppositely charged porphyrin molecules together was electrostatic attraction between the peripheral groups. Solid state aggregates were successfully isolated either by solvent evaporation or by centrifuging and freeze drying. TCPP-TAP and Cu(II)TCPP-TAP aggregates were shown to interact with hydrogen starting from 150 °C up to 250 °C. The uptake capacity was about 1 weight %. Although this value is very low, this is the first observation of porphyrin aggregates absorbing hydrogen. This opened the way for further research to improve hydrogen absorption properties of these iv materials, as well as other materials based on this model. Two other materials that are also based on planar building blocks were selected to serve as a comparison to the porphyrin aggregates. The first of those materials was metal intercalated graphite compounds. In such compounds, a metal atom is placed between the layers of graphene that make up the graphite. Lithium, calcium and lanthanum were selected in this study. Theoretical hydrogen capacity was calculated for each material based on the hydriding of the metal atoms only. The fraction of that theoretical hydrogen capacity actually displayed by each material increased from La to Ca to Li containing graphite. The weight % hydrogen observed for these materials varied between 0.60 and 2.0 %. The other material tested for comparison was KxMnO2, a layered structure of MnO2 that contained the K atoms in between oxygen layers. The hydrogen capacity of the KxMnO2 samples was similar to the other materials tested in the study, slightly above 1 weight %. This work has shown that porphyrin aggregates, carbon based and manganese dioxide based materials are excellent model materials for hydrogen storage. All three materials absorb hydrogen. Porphyrin aggregates have the potential to exhibit adjustable hydrogen uptake and release temperatures owing to their structure that could interact with an external electric or magnetic field. In the layered materials, it is possible to alter interlayer spacing and the particular intercalates to potentially produce a material with an exceptionally large hydrogen capacity. As a result, these materials can have significant impact on the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier

    A new training approach for vaccinators: cascade plus training.

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    Effective training of staff plays a major role in reaching and sustaining immunization goals. Training and updating health staff is the responsibility of all governments and immunization related organizations. The critical issue is finding the most efficient and effective way of providing initial and continuous training. Cascade training is thought to be one of the best methods. However, several researches showed that besides its advantages the classical cascade training approach has some disadvantages. A cascade training strategy is not an inappropriate choice, but the problems are initiated from inappropriate planning and implementation of it. Therefore, in order to have better trained health staff with high performance, rather than thinking of an alternative training strategy, the governments have to consider alternative ways of increasing the quality of the classical cascade training strategy. If the cascade training strategy is well planned, carried out by blending appropriate teaching techniques and is well monitored/supervised during the implementation phase it can be an effective strategy for training the health care staff and managers. In order to differentiate this understanding from the classical cascade approach, the authors propose the "Cascade-Plus Training" model, which is defined as "a well-planned and implemented cascade training strategy with an understanding of a holistic approach to the topic of training, which is practice oriented, flexible, delivered via multiple evidence based training-techniques, supported with effective supervision, monitoring, process evaluation and problem solving deliveries.

    Important Amendments Intended to be Made in the Swiss Civil Procedure Code

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    01.01.2011 tarihinde yürürlüğe giren İsviçre Medenî Usûl Kanunu, İsviçre’de medenî yargının ulusal düzeyde birleştirilmesini sağlamıştır. Böylece kanun temel amacını yerine getirmiş olsa da yürürlüğe girmesinden kısa süre sonra, uygulamada ortaya çıkan bazı sorunların giderilmesi için Federal Meclise birçok teklif sunulmuştur. Bu talepler üzerine Federal Konsey, 2018 yılının sonuna kadar Kanunda yapılacak değişiklikleri konu alan bir tasarı hazırlayıp Federal Meclis’e sunmakla görevlendirilmiştir. Böylece çalışmalara başlayan Federal Konsey, önce Mart 2018’de Ön Tasarı’yı, nihâyet 26.02.2020 tarihinde ise “Medeni Usul Kanunu’nda Değişiklik Tasarısı’nı (Uygulanabilirliğin ve Hukukun Uygulanmasının Geliştirilmesi)” sunmuştur. Tasarı hazırlanırken İsviçre Medeni Usul Kanunu’nun henüz çok genç bir kanun olduğu göz önünde bulundurulmuştur. Bu çerçevede, Kanunun dayandığı temel ilkeler korunmuş ve Kanunda esaslı değişiklikler yapılmasından kaçınılmıştır. Tasarı ile yapılmak istenen, bugüne kadar uygulamada yaşanan sorunlar ve Federal Mahkeme’nin kararları ile elde edilen tecrübe birikimi doğrultusunda adeta nokta değişiklikler yapılması suretiyle Kanunun geliştirilmesidir. Bu makale, Tasarı ile getirilen başlıca değişikliklerin Türk Hukukunda genel olarak tanıtılmasını amaçlamaktadır.The Swiss Civil Procedure Code, which entered into force on 01.01.2011, enabled the unification of the civil procedure in Switzerland at the national level. Although the law fulfilled its primary purpose, shortly after its entry into force, many proposals were made to the Parliament to address some of the problems that arose in its practice. Based on these requests, the Federal Council was tasked with preparing a draft on amendments to the Law by the end of 2018 and submitting it to the Federal Assembly. The Federal Council, which began its endeavours to this end, first submitted the Preliminary Bill in March 2018, then the Draft Amendment to the Civil Procedure Code (Improving the Applicability and Implementation of the Law) on 26.02.2020. While this draft was being prepared, the fact that the Swiss Civil Procedure Code is still a very young law was taken into consideration. In this framework, the basic principles on which the Law is based were preserved and substantial changes to the Law were avoided. The purpose of the draft is to improve the Law by performing almost surgical amendments in line with the problems experienced in practice so far and the experience accumulated via the decisions of the Federal Court. This article aims to introduce to the Turkish Law the primary amendments brought by the Draft

    Pazarlama Yönetiminde Kullanımı Açısından Toç Modelinin İçerik Analiziyle İncelenmesi

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    The purpose of the study is to investigatehow the Technology-Organization-Environment(TOE) framework is usedin social sciences and to discuss how it can be used especially in the field of marketingmanagement. Within the scope of the research,literature review is conducted and relevant studies are selected.Content analysis is applied to selectedstudies. The literature review isconducted without any timelimitation and only articles in social sciences areselected as restrictions. According to limited available resources, 33 studies deemed appropriate within the scope. The studies areevaluated and grouped according to; subjects, the sub-variables of the main context of the TOE model, sample, data collection, analysis method and research method.Results showed that, TOE framework ismostly used in social media and e-business adoption. When sub-contexts of the modelare analyzed, the most used variables are; relative advantage and compatibility in the technological context,firm size and top management support in organizational context, competitive pressure in environmentalcontext.Çalışmanın amacı, sosyal bilimlerde Teknoloji-Organizasyon-Çevre (TOÇ) modelinin nasıl kullanıldığını incelemekve özellikle pazarlama yönetimi alanında nasıl kullanılabileceğini tartışmaktır. Araştırma kapsamında literatür taraması yapılmış ve amaca yönelik olarak bazı çalışmalar tespit edilmiştir.Ulaşılan çalışmalar içerik analizi ile incelenmiştir. Araştırma kapsamında yıl sınırlaması olmadan veri tabanları üzerinden literatür taraması yapılmış, kısıt olarak sadece sosyal bilimler alanında yer alan makaleler seçilmiştir. Ulaşılabilenkaynaklar incelendiğinde içerik analizi kapsamında uygun bulunan 33 çalışmaya yer verilmiştir. Elde edilen çalışmalar;konular, TOÇ modeli ana bağlamlarının alt değişkenleri, örneklem, örneklem toplama yöntemleri, analiz yöntemi ve araştırma yöntemi açısından değerlendirilip gruplandırılmıştır.Analiz sonuçları, TOÇ modelininen çok sosyal medyanın ve e-ticaretin benimsenmesinde kullanıldığını göstermiştir. Modelalt bağlamları açısından incelendiğinde, araştırmacılar tarafından en çok kullanılan değişkenler; teknolojik bağlamda göreceli üstünlük ve uyumluluk; organizasyonel bağlamda firma büyüklüğü ve üst yönetim desteği, çevresel bağlamda rekabet baskısı olmuştur

    Vadeli işlem ve opsiyon borsası'nın (Vob) piyasa verimliliğinin spot ve futures getiriler arasındaki dinamik bağıntının modellenmesi ile test edilmesi

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    TÜBİTAK SOBAG Proje01.05.2015In this project we employ multivariate GARCH models with smooth transition in conditional correlation to investigate market efficiency of Turkish Derivatives Exchange. For the period June 2005-August 2013, we model the dynamic return correlations of “stock index futures” and “currency futures” with their underlying spot returns to uncover the timing and reasons of deviations from perfect correlation. Besides, the role of global volatility, market specific volatility and market trends, which are thought to affect correlation levels, are examined. The empirical results imply that the conditional correlations of stock index futures have increasing trend and reach to 0.95 levels which reveal that the market is efficient. But for currency futures we cannot find evidence of upward trend, the structure of correlation has a dynamic nature and fluctuate around 0.65. Thus it is not enough to conclude that they are efficient or to conclude that they are inefficient

    Optimal income taxation under labor interdependence

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    In this thesis, I consider optimal redistributive income taxation under a Mirrleesian framework while adding utility interdependence over labor choice and analyze whether the optimal tax schedule is regressive or progressive. In this environment, I show that optimal marginal income taxation could be progressive depending on the parameters of the model. There are two separate forces that are at work in determining the optimal tax schedule. First, due to the informational problems, there is a usual Mirrleesian force that works towards the regressivity of taxes. Second effect is a novel force that arises from labor externality and has a progressive effect on the income tax. This effect could be called as Pigouvian tax. Labor externality requires subsidies for agents which are asymmetric according to productivities. Because of this asymmetry, there should be higher subsidies for low types which has a progressive effect on the optimal tax schedule. Pigouvian and Mirrleesian effects are in a multiplicative form in the tax function, therefore the tax schedule is identified by the effect which is more powerful. I also show that, when we consider the labor interdependence, zero tax at the top of the skill distribution result is no longer valid. Additionally, I show that even under full information the market is not efficient and there is a need for progressive income taxes, as there is a need to correct the labor externality. Moreover, the numerical examples of the paper show the progressive effect of labor externality on the tax schedule. This additional concern about labor externality makes the income taxation schedule more consistent with the current tax policies

    Examination and evaluation on the proposed bill dated 20 March 2020 amending the code of civil procedure and other laws

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    “Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu ile Bazı Kanunlarda Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun Teklifi” 20.03.2020 tarihinde Türkiye Büyük Millet Meclisi Başkanlığı’na arz edilmiştir. Bu teklif ile 6100 sayılı Hukuk Muhakemeleri Kanunu’nun elli maddesinde değişiklik yapılması öngörülmektedir. Değişiklikler yapılırken HMK’nın ruhunu ve amacını muhafaza etmek bakımından özel bir titizlik gösterilmiş ve bu bağlamda değişikliklerde HMK’nın aksayan yönlerinin tespit edilmesi ve çözüm bulunması, ön inceleme kurumunun gözden geçirilmesi, yargılama usullerinin daha işlevsel hale getirilmesi gibi amaçlar ön planda tutulmuştur. Değişiklikleri hazırlayan Bilim Komisyonunda yer alan üyeler tarafından hazırlanan bu makalede, HMK’da yapılacak değişiklikler detaylı bir şekilde incelenip değerlendirilmiştir.“The Proposed Bill Amending the Code of Civil Procedure and Other Laws” was proposed to Grand National Assembly of Turkey on 20.03.2020. In this proposal, it is anticipated to amend the fifty articles of the Code of Civil Procedures No: 6100. A great care and ultimate attention have been taken to maintain the spirit and purpose of the Law while making amendments and in this context, objectives such as identifying and finding solutions to defunct aspects of the Code of Civil Procedure, reviewing the preliminary examination institution, and making the judicial procedures more functional have been prioritized. In this article prepared by the members of the Academic Council who prepared the amendments, the amendments to be made in Code of Civil Procedure were examined and evaluated in detail


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    Uluslar arası Bakalorya Programı bitirme tezi olarak hazırlanan bu çalışmada, Yaşar Kemal’in “Dağın Öte Yüzü” adlı üçlemesinde yansıtılan Anadolu gerçeğindeki sosyal ilişkiler ve bunlara bağlı oluşan kimi yapılar incelenecektir. İncelemek üzere Yaşar Kemal’in “Dağın Öte Yüzü” üçlemesinin seçilmesinin sebebi, Anadolu gerçeğini nesnel ve ayrıntılı bir şekilde yansıtmasıdır. Bu yapıtlar hakkında, yazarın benzer özellikteki diğer yapıtlarına göre daha az söz söylenmiş olması, bu çalışma için sözü edilen yapıtların seçilmesinin diğer sebebidir. Tezin ön çalışması sırasında, yapıtlar ayrıntılı biçimde okunmuş; konuyla ilgili kaynaklardan, gerekli araştırmalar yapılmıştır. Dağın öte yüzü üçlemesini oluşturan Ortadirek, Yer Demir Gök Bakır ve Ölmez Otu adlı yapıtlarda Anadolu gerçeğinde yaşanan toplumsal ilişkiler ve bu ilişkileri yönlendiren belirgin yapılar incelenecektir. Bu incelemenin kapsamı; köy, aile ve arkadaşlık ilişkileri; halk inancı ve çeteler başlıklarıyla sınırlandırılacaktır