807 research outputs found

    Phytochemical and antioxidant analysis of eight Hypericum taxa from Central Italy

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    Symplectic Symmetry of the Neutrino Mass and the See-Saw Mechanism

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    We investigate the algebraic structure of the most general neutrino mass Hamiltonian and place the see-saw mechanism in an algebraic framework. We show that this Hamiltonian can be written in terms of the generators of an Sp(4) algebra. The Pauli-Gursey transformation is an SU(2) rotation which is embedded in this Sp(4) group. This SU(2) also generates the see-saw mechanism.Comment: 11 pages, REVTE

    Greater Expectations?

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    Physically Unclonable Functions (PUFs) are key tools in the construction of lightweight authentication and key exchange protocols. So far, all existing PUF-based authentication protocols follow the same paradigm: A resource-constrained prover, holding a PUF, wants to authenticate to a resource-rich verifier, who has access to a database of pre-measured PUF challenge-response pairs (CRPs). In this paper we consider application scenarios where all previous PUF-based authentication schemes fail to work: The verifier is resource-constrained (and holds a PUF), while the prover is resource-rich (and holds a CRP-database). We construct the first and efficient PUF-based authentication protocol for this setting, which we call converse PUF-based authentication. We provide an extensive security analysis against passive adversaries, show that a minor modification also allows for authenticated key exchange and propose a concrete instantiation using controlled Arbiter PUFs

    Multifont Ottoman character recognition

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    Ottoman characters from three different fonts are used character recognition problem, broadly speaking, is transferring a page that contain symbols to the computer and matching these symbols with previously known or recognized symbols after extraction the features of these symbols via appropriate preprocessing methods. Because of silent features of the characters, implementing an Ottoman character recognition system is a difficult work. Different researchers have done lots of works for years to develop systems that would recognize Latin characters. Although almost one million people use Ottoman characters, great deal of whom has different native languages, the number of studies on this field is insufficient. In this study 28 different machine-printed to train the Artificial Neural Network and a %95 classification accuracy for the characters in these fonts and a %70 classification accuracy for a different font has been found. © 2000 IEEE

    Biofortification and Localization of Zinc in Wheat Grain

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    Zinc (Zn) deficiency associated with low dietary intake is a well-documented public health problem, resulting in serious health and socioeconomic problems. Field experiments were conducted with wheat to test the role of both soil and foliar application of ZnSO4 in Zn concentration of whole grain and grain fractions (e.g., bran, embryo and endosperm) in 3 locations. Foliar application of ZnSO4 was realized at different growth stages (e.g., stem elongation, boot, milk, dough stages) to study the effect of timing of foliar Zn application on grain Zn concentration. The rate of foliar Zn application at each growth stage was 4 kg of ZnSO4 3 7H2O ha-1. Laser ablation (LA)-ICP-MS was used to follow the localization of Zn within grain. Soil Zn application at a rate of 50 kg of ZnSO4 3 7H2O ha-1 was effective in increasing grain Zn concentration in the Zn-deficient location, but not in the locations without soil Zn deficiency. In all locations, foliar application of Zn significantly increased Zn concentration in whole grain and in each grain fraction, particularly in the case of high soil N fertilization. In Zn-deficient location, grain Zn concentration increased from 11 mg kg-1 to 22 mg kg-1 with foliar Zn application and to 27 mg kg-1 with a combined application of ZnSO4 to soil and foliar. In locations without soil Zn deficiency, combination of high N application with two times foliar Zn application (e.g., at the booting and milk stages) increased grain Zn concentration, on average, from 28 mg kg-1 to 58 mg kg-1. Both ICP-OES and LA-ICP-MS data showed that the increase in Zn concentration of whole grain and grain fractions was pronounced when Zn was sprayed at the late growth stage (e.g., milk and dough). LA-ICP-MS data also indicated that Zn was transported into endosperm through the crease phloem. To our knowledge, this is the first study to show that the timing of foliar Zn application is of great importance in increasing grain Zn in wheat, especially in the endosperm part that is the predominant grain fraction consumed in many countries. Providing a large pool of Zn in vegetative tissues during the grain filling (e.g., via foliar Zn spray) is an important practice to increase grain Zn and contribute to human nutritio

    L-MYC gene polymorphism and risk of thyroid cancer

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    L-myc gene polymorphism is a representative genetic trait responsible for an individual’s susceptibility to several cancers. However, there have been no reports concerning the association between thyroid cancer and L-myc gene polymorphism. Aim: To analyze the distribution of L-myc gene polymorphism in Turkish patients with thyroid disorders and thyroid cancers. Methods: We used a molecular genotyping method, polymerase chain reaction-based restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP). We studied 138 patients of whom 47 had multinodular goiter, 13 had follicular cancer and 69 had papillar cancer, in comparison with control group of 109 healthy individuals. Results: No significant difference in the distribution of genotypes was observed between thyroid patients and controls. Carrying SS or LS genotype revealed a 1.96-fold (95% CI 0.573–6.706) risk for the occurrence of follicular cancer when compared with controls, and 3.11-fold (95% CI 0.952–10.216), when compared with multinodular goiter patients (p = 0.04). Conclusion: We suggest that L-myc genotype profiling together with other susceptibility factors, may be useful in the screening for thyroid nodular malignancy.Для ряда опухолей человека показана корреляция между риском развития опухоли и определенным вариантом гена L-MYC. Данные о наличии такой связи при раке щитовидной железы к настоящему времени отсутствуют. Цель: проанализировать распределение полиморфных типов гена L-MYC в популяции больных с доброкачественными и злокачественными поражениями щитовидной железы, включая рак щитовидной железы, в Турции. Методы: для анализа полиморфизма гена L-MYC использован метод молекулярного генотипирования, в частности, метод определения полиморфизма длины рестрикционных фрагментов, основанный на полимеразной цепной реакции (PCR-RFLP). Определение проводили в лейкоцитах 138 больных, в том числе 48 больных с узловым зобом, 13 больных фолликулярным раком щитовидной железы и 69 больных папиллярным раком. Контрольную группу составляли 109 здоровых лиц. Результаты: статистически достоверных различий в распределении исследуемых генотипов у больных с патологией щитовидной железы и здоровых лиц не выявили. Показано, что относительный риск фолликулярного рака щитовидной железы у больных-носителей генотипа SS или LS составляет 1,96 по сравнению со здоровыми лицами (при 95% доверительном интервале от 0,573 до 6,706) и 3,11 по сравнению с больными с узловым зобом (при 95% доверительном интервале от 0,952 до 10,216) (р = 0,04). Выводы: по нашему предположению, определение профиля полиморфизма гена L-MYC с учетом других факторов, определяющих предрасположенность к развитию опухолей, может быть полезным при скрининге озлокачествления узелковых образований щитовидной железы