659 research outputs found
The effects of color scheme on the appraisal of an office environment and task performance
Ankara : The Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design and the Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 2010.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 2010.Includes bibliographical references leaves 86-90.The purpose of this study is to explore the differences between achromatic and
chromatic schemes in the appraisal of an office environment and task
performance. To investigate only the hue effect on the subjective impressions of
the offices and participants’ performance, it was important to use the colors with
the same value (lightness) on the surfaces of achromatic and chromatic scheme.
The study has two phases. In the first phase, a field survey was conducted at the
Fine Arts Faculty of Bilkent University to obtain data in order to determine the
artificial lighting and color specifications of the experiment room that was to be
used in the experimental study. In the second phase, an experimental study was
conducted. The same sample group participated in the experiment for two color
schemes which were achromatic and chromatic. The participants were sixty office
workers who are academic and administrative staff from different departments of
Bilkent University in Ankara. The study was carried out in an office room at the
Department of Interior Architecture and Environmental Design at Bilkent
University, and the room was redesigned according to the purposes of the study.
In the first stage of the experiment participants were tested for color vision
deficiencies and after a few minutes of adaptation, they were given performance
tasks consisting of problem-solving and proofreading tests while the coordinator
of the experiment was timing this process. Later, the participants evaluated the
task they performed (self-report of the task) and the presented office setting by
filling out the questionnaire, consisting of a set of bipolar adjective pairs,
preference and association questions in 5 point scale likert-type and open-ended
questions. In the second stage, the same procedure was followed for the other
color scheme (achromatic or chromatic). Statistical Package for the Social
Science (SPSS) 13.0 was used to analyze the data. It was found that the office
environment with chromatic scheme was found more pleasant, attractive,
satisfying and dynamic than the achromatic scheme. In terms of task
performance the results showed that participants’ performances were better in
the chromatic scheme than their performance in the achromatic scheme.Öztürk, ElifM.S
Development of a hybrid model for large-scale plant RUL prediction based on data and physical models
Large plants in the process industry are monitored and maintained at regular intervals and repeatedly maintenance is either too early or too late. This causes unnecessary costs due to technicians, spare parts procurement as well as delivery issues and to high downtime costs due to unexpected shutdowns. In this context, the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) plays a major role, as it is an indicator of how long a machine or component can run without breakdown, repair or replacement. By predicting RUL using predictive maintenance, maintenance can be better planned, operational efficiency optimized, and unplanned downtime avoided. Optimizing the prediction accuracy should therefore always be in the foreground and is therefore the topic of this paper
Nursing students’ attitudes towards cancer and affecting factors in Turkey: A descriptive study
Aim:The aim of this study was to investigate the attitudes of nursing students towards cancer as well as affecting factors.
Method:This descriptive study was conducted with 949 nursing students at two state universities in Turkey. The population of this study included 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th year students in the nursing programs in two universities in the academic year. In collecting data, “Demographic Information Form” and “Questionnaire for Measuring Attitudes Toward Cancer - Community Version” scales were used. The data were analysed by number, percentage, mean, standard deviation, Mann-Whitney U test, Kruskall-Wallis H test and linear regression analysis. Mann Whitney U test with Bonferroni correction was used as post-hoc test.
Findings: While 63.3% of the students were at the range of 17-20 years, 87.8 % of them were female and 36.8% of them were first year students. It was determined that 51.4% of the students participated in the care and treatment practices of a patient diagnosed with cancer during clinical practices. The mean score of the Questionnaire for Measuring Attitudes Toward Cancer was 3.23±0.47. In this study, a statistically significant relationship was found between the students’ year in the program and the subscale of impossibility of recovery, between gender and the scale, having an individual diagnosed with cancer among family members and his/her immediate environment with disclosure, and the dissemination of cancer diagnosis (p< 0.05). According to the stepwise method completed in the linear regression analysis, gender and informing a patient about his/her cancer diagnosis had a significant effect on the scale (p< 0.05).
Conclusions: In this study, the students were found to have negative attitudes toward cancer. In this regard, healthcare professionals should organise training programs in order to change negative thoughts and attitudes of the students during educational processes
Sanal Alanda Yurt Edinmek: Kuryeler
Kitap (Açık Erişim)Bu çalışma her gün sokaklarda renkli kıyafetlerle gördüğümüz
kuryelerin pandemi sürecinde çalışma koşullarının nasıl olduğunu merak etmemizle başladı. Pandemide herkes evindeyken
ve sokağa çıkma yasakları uygulanırken kuryeler “normalden”
daha fazla çalışmaya başlamışlardı.
Bu süreç ile insanlar, davranışlarını değiştirmiş ve yeni alışkanlıklar edinmiştir. Pandemi süreci ekonomik, sosyal, kültürel vb.
alanlarda karamsar bir havada ilerlerken bazı girişimler ise
parlamış ve ciddi ilerlemeler kaydedilmiştir. İlerlemelerden biri
olan sanal marketler, pandeminin oluşturduğu krizi fırsata çevirerek hızlı bir büyüme gerçekleştirmiştir. Bu dönemde e-ticaret oranları artmış özellikle gıda ve süpermarket alanlarındaki
artış %434 ile yüksek bir seviyeye ulaşmıştır. Gıda ürünlerine
artan talepler ile birlikte yeni işletme usulleri ortaya çıkmıştır.
Diğer taraftan bu dönemde sanal market uygulaması olan Getir yurtdışından yatırım alarak unicorn girişim haline gelmiştir.
Peki, bu girişimler başarıyı nasıl yakaladı? Kuryeler pandemi
sürecinin belirsizliğinden nasıl sıyrıldı? Konya’da sanal marketlerde çalışan 20 kuryeyle yaptığımız nitel görüşmeler sonucunda inovatif bir çalışma sistemi kurulduğunu gördük. Burada, kullanıcı ve çalışanların ihtiyaçlarının merkeze alındığı çift
yönlü bir sistem oluşturulmuştur. Bu girişimler kullanıcılara şehirlerde en çok ihtiyaçları olan hız, zaman, güvenlik ve koruma
alanında hizmet vermiştir. Diğer taraftan kuryelerin çalışma
koşullarının iyileştirilmesi, takip, izleme ve denetimin sağlanması sistemin devam etmesini sağlamıştır.
Kuryelerin hızı ve virajlardan dönme kontrollerinin yapılması,
trafik yoğunluğu, hava durumu, mesafe vb. durumlara göre sipariş teslim süresinin hesaplanması; sunulan hizmetin puanlanması, online bahşiş, yorumlarla geri bildirimde bulunulması;
mesai saatlerinin belirli olması, mesai sonrası ücretin alınması,
ekonomik kazancın ortalamanın üzerinde olması; sağlık sigortası ve koruyucu ekipmanların temin edilmesi yeni bir çalışma
sisteminin oluşmasını sağlamıştır. Aynı zamanda gençler için
istihdam alanı sağlayan bu girişimler gençlerin yatırım yapmasını ve kendi girişimlerini kurmasına ortam hazırlamıştır.
Pandemi, e-ticaretin yükselmesi, unicron girişimlerin oluşması
yeni normal olarak adlandırılan süreçle beraber ortaya çıkmıştır. Bu gelişmeler toplumsal dönüşümün seyrini değiştirmiştir.
Eskiden postacıların girdiği sokaklara artık rengârenk kıyafetleriyle kuryeler girer hale gelmiştir. Bu süreci başarılı kılan ise
toplumsal ihtiyaç ve sorunlara yönelik çözümler sunmasıdır.
Kullanıcının ihtiyacı olan hız ve zamanın merkeze alınması aynı
şekilde çalışanların güvenlik, sosyal refah ve memnuniyetlerinin sağlanması ile inovatif bir çalışma sistemi kurulmuştur
Changes in wood properties of chestnut wood structural elements with natural aging
Knowing the effects of natural aging on wood properties is important both for the conservation of historical wooden material and for reuse of aged wood. The aim of this study was to investigate the wood properties
of old wooden elements not impregnated with any protective chemicals and taken from different parts of
Zeytinlik houses in Giresun, Turkey. Test samples were prepared from old wooden elements and freshly cut
chestnut timber. The anatomical, chemical, physical and mechanical properties were determined according to
standard procedure, and the results were compared with those of recent wood specimen. As a result of the anatomical identification, it was determined that the wooden elements used in traditional Zeytinlik houses belong
to species of Anatolian chestnut (Castanea sativa), and after an average service life of 88, 113 and 120 years,
there was no change in the anatomical structure of the old wooden elements. Fourier transform infrared band
characterization of old wood specimens revealed that hemicelluloses degraded and lignin structure changed on
the surface of almost all specimens. Especially, the wood density values of the facade elements were smaller
than that of recent wood specimen. Except for the modulus of rupture of window sill and rafter, all mechanical
properties were significantly greater compared with those of recent wood specimen. The results of this research
showed that old wood not damaged by fungi and insects could be evaluated for reuse
Electrochemical determination of aripiprazole based on aluminium oxide nanoparticles modified carbon paste electrode
The electrochemical oxidation of aripiprazole was explored at a carbon paste electrode modified with aluminium oxide nanoparticles by cyclic voltammetry and square-wave anodic adsorptive stripping voltammetry. Experimental parameters such as carbon paste composition, scan rate, buffer pH, accumulation time, and accumulation potential were optimized in order to obtain high analytical performance. The incorporation of aluminium oxide nanoparticles into the carbon paste matrix enhanced the effective surface area of the carbon paste electrode and improved the sensitivity. On the aluminium oxide nanoparticles modified carbon paste electrode, aripiprazole exhibited an irreversible anodic peak at +1.17 V in pH 1.8 BR buffer solution. Under optimum conditions, the peak current exhibited a linear dependence with aripiprazole concentration between 0.03 and 8.0 µM with a detection limit of 0.006 ?M. The analytical applicability of the voltammetric method was evaluated by quantification of ARP in human serum samples and pharmaceutical formulations. © TÜBİTAKNKUBAP.01, YGLA.16.018This study was supported by Tekirdağ Namık Kemal University Scientific Research Projects Coodination Unit (project no: NKUBAP.01.YGLA.16.018)
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