36 research outputs found

    The relationship between learning strategies and oral performance of Turkish EFL graduate science students in preparatory programs

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    Ankara : Faculty of Humanities and Letters and The Institute of Economics and Social Sciences of Bilkent University, 1993.Thesis (Master's) -- Bilkent University, 1993.Includes bibliographical references leaves 35-36.This study investigated the possible relationship between learning strategies and oral performance of Turkish graduate science students. A total of 62 EFL graduate science students participated in the study. The participants were given a questionnaire which identified their learning strategy preferences. Rebecca Oxford's Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) Version 7.0 was used as the questionnaire. After students filled out the questionnaire they were interviewed so that they could be given a score for their oral performances, evaluated with the John Test, an oral proficiency test developed by ESL teachers at City University of New York. Finally, learning strategy scores and oral performance scores of the participants were compared through simple linear regression. This statistical procedure was found appropriate since the researcher had sought a possible relationship between the dependent variable (oral performance) and the independent variables (learning strategies). The study had two hypotheses and two research questions. The first hypothesis was that among EFL learners those who apply more strategies to their learning have higher oral performances than those learners employing fewer strategies. Analysis of the data rejected the first hypothesis. The second hypothesis was that students who demonstrate use of more direct strategies have higher oral performances than those who use more indirect strategies. Analysis of the data confirmed this hypothesis and it was found that cognitive and compensation strategies correlated positively with higher oral performance than metacognitive, memory, or affective strategies. The p value for cognitive strategies was p < 0.005 and for compensation strategy it was p < 0.025. The first research question was about learning strategy preferences of EFL graduate science students. Analysis of the data revealed that students used compensation, metacognitive, and social strategies with a 62 students, 16 reported using compensation strategies, 29 metacognitive strategies, and 12 social strategies. The second research question investigated the relationship between learning strategies and oral performances of EFL learners. Statistical analysis of the study indicated that there was not a direct relationship between the frequency of the use of learning strategies and oral performance.Özseven, SedatM.S

    Alan Tözü ve Kurumsal Mantıklar: Türk Sağlık Alanının Evrilmesinde Sağlık Tözünün Rolü

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    Bu çalışma, alan tözü ile kurumsal mantık tözü arasındaki uyumun örgütsel alanların evrilmesinde nasıl bir rol oynadığını ortaya koyabilmeyi amaçlamaktadır. Çalışmada, özellikle, Türk sağlık alanındaki uygulamaların hayata geçirilmesinde sağlık tözünün etkisine odaklanılmıştır. Yapılan doküman incelemeleri sağlık tözünün kamusal fayda ve özgecilik tözleriyle uyum gösterdiğine, şahsi menfaat tözüyle ise uyum göstermediğine işaret etmektedir. Araştırma bulguları, sağlık alanında devletçi ve meslek kurumsal mantıklarının ortodoksi, piyasa mantığının da heterodoksi oluşturduğunu göstermektedir. This study aims to find out how the (in)compatibility between the substances of field and the institutional logics plays a role in the evolution of organizational fields. The study especially focuses on the effect of health substance in the implementation of the practices in the Turkish health care field. The document examinations done in the field indicate that health substance displays compatibility with the public utility and altruism substances; however it doesn’t show compatibility with the self-interest substance. Research results show that in the health care field; state and professional institutional logics bring forth orthodoxy, while market logic creates heterodoxy

    The Effect of Habitus on Practices Developed Under Multiple Institutional Logics

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    In this study, the effect of habitus on the practices developed by physicians under multiple institutional logics has been investigated. This study, examining the dynamics of practices developed at the micro-level through Bourdieu’s concept of habitus, shows how the historicity of the actors in the field is reflected in practices developed under multiple institutional logics. Particularly due to the consideration of the notions of capital and field, a different perspective is presented for the studies of multiple institutional logics in the study. This theoretical contribution has been demonstrated by an empirical study in the Turkish healthcare field, where multiple institutional logics have become highly visible since 2003. With the practices implemented after 2003, it has been observed that the cultural and symbolic capital of physicians has changed. Accordingly, it has been demonstrated that practices develop depending on ‘new type of medical habitus’ with the change in institutional logic and diversification in the field dynamics. Research findings have shown that different habituses are effective in the development of the logic of different applications, and that different sub-practices can be developed under these logics. As a result, it has been revealed that the concept of ‘habitus’, which refers to the reflection of ‘social’ dynamics in the actor, should be taken into consideration while analyzing the practices of actors under multiple institutional logics

    The Effect of Long-Term Waterlogging on Flag Leaf Chlorophyll Content in Some Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes

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    Bu çalışma Gıda, Tarım ve Hayvancılık Bakanlığı, Sakarya Mısır Araştırma Enstitüsü Müdürlüğü’nde 2013-2014buğday yetiştirme döneminde 20 genotip ile, genotipler 3-4 yapraklı dönemdeyken, 0 (kontrol), 10, 20, 30, 40 ve 50 gün sürelerleyapay su baskını oluşturularak kasa denemesi şeklinde, tesadüf parsellerinde bölünmüş parseller deneme desenine göre 4tekrarlamalı olarak yürütülmüştür. Bayrak yaprağı klorofil içeriği, klorofili oransal olarak belirleyerek SPAD biriminde ölçenklorofilmetre kullanılarak yapılmıştır. İlk ölçüme her genotip için ayrı ayrı olmak üzere çiçeklenme döneminde başlanmış ve10’ar gün arayla 4 defa tekrarlanmıştır. Bu ölçümler bayrak yaprağı klorofil-1 içeriği, bayrak yaprağı klorofil-2 içeriği, bayrakyaprağı klorofil-3 içeriği ve bayrak yaprağı klorofil-4 içeriği olarak adlandırılmıştır. Araştırma sonuçlarına göre tüm bayrakyaprağı klorofil içerikleri su baskını sürelerinden önemli derecede etkilenmişlerdir. Genotipler de bayrak yaprağı klorofiliçerikleri bakımından istatistiki anlamda birbirlerinden önemli derecede farklı bulunmuştur. Kate A-1 genotipi 44,6 SPAD ilegenel ortalamada en yüksek bayrak yaprağı klorofil-1 içeriğine sahip genotiptir. Su baskını uygulanmayan kontrol (0)parsellerinde en yüksek bayrak yaprağı klorofil-1 içeriği Atay-85 genotipinde 49,0 SPAD olarak ölçülmüştür. Tane verimiylebayrak yaprağı klorofil-1 içeriği (0,39) ve bayrak yaprağı klorofil-2 içeriği (0,33) arasında istatistiki anlamda 0,01 düzeyinde vepozitif yönlü korelasyon bulunmuştur. Bu sonuçlara göre su baskınları ile ilgili araştırmalarda toleranslı genotiplerin seçimi içinbayrak yaprağının klorofilini oransal olarak belirleyen klorofilmetrelerin kullanılması önerilebilir.This study was carried out as a container trial at Sakarya Maize Research Institute of The Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock in 2013-2014 wheat growing season. The experiment was organized in Randomized Plots Design with Split Plots and 4 replications with 20 genotypes. Waterlogging (hypoxia) was applied as 0 (control), 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 days when genotypes were in 3-4 leaf stages. Flag leaf chlorophyll content was determined by using chlorophyllmeter which measured chlorophyll proportionally in SPAD unit. The first measurement was in the flowering time of each genotype and repeated 4 times with 10 days interval. These measurements were called flag leaf chlorophyll-1 content, flag leaf chlorophyll-2 content, flag leaf chlorophyll-3 content and flag leaf chlorophyll-4 content. Results showed that, all flag leaf chlorophyll contents were significantly affected by the waterlogging. Genotypes were also significantly different from each other in terms of chlorophyll content of flag leaf. Kate A-1 genotype with 44.6 SPAD is the genotype with the highest flag leaf chlorophyll-1 content in average. The highest flag leaf chlorophyll-1 content was measured as 49.0 SPAD in the Atay-85 genotype in the 0 (control) parcels that were not applicated to waterlogging. Positive correlation was found between grain yield and the flag leaf chlorophyll-1 content (0.39) and flag leaf chlorophyll-2 content (0.33) in the statistically meaningful level of 0.01. Based on these results the chlorophyll content of the flag leaf measured by the chlorophyllmeters can be used in selection of tolerant genotypes for waterlogging

    Evaluation of patient organ doses from kilovoltage cone-beam CT imaging in radiation therapy

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    BACKGROUND: Currently, CBCT system is an indispensable component of radiation therapy units. Because of that, it is important in treatment planning and diagnosis. CBCT is also an crucial tool for patient positioning and verification in image-guided radiation therapy (IGRT). Therefore, it is critical to investigate the patient organ doses arising from CBCT imaging. The purpose of this study is to evaluate patient organ doses and effective dose to patients from three different protocols of Elekta Synergy XVI system for kV CBCT imaging examinations in image guided radiation therapy. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Organ dose measurements were done with thermoluminescent dosimeters in Alderson RANDO male phantom for head &amp; neck (H&amp;N), chest and pelvis protocols of the Elekta Synergy XVI kV CBCT system. From the measured organ dose, effective dose to patients were calculated according to the International Commission on Radiological Protection 103 report recommendations. RESULTS: For H&amp;N, chest and pelvis scans, the organ doses were in the range of 0.03–3.43 mGy, 6.04–22.94 mGy and 2.5–25.28 mGy, respectively. The calculated effective doses were 0.25 mSv, 5.56 mSv and 4.72 mSv, respectively. CONCLUSION: The obtained results were consistent with the most published studies in the literature. Although the doses to patient organs from the kV CBCT system were relatively low when compared with the prescribed treatment dose, the amount of delivered dose should be monitored and recorded carefully in order to avoid secondary cancer risk, especially in pediatric examinations

    Evaluation of proptosis using image processing and analysis

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    Amaç: Proptozisli hastaların orbita manyetik rezonans görüntüleri üzerinde görüntü işleme ve analizle elde edilen antropometrik ölçümleri değerlendirmek. Gereç ve Yöntem: Geriye dönük olan bu çalışmada hastane kayıt sisteminde değerlendirilen 1-18 yaş arası çocukların orbita manyetik rezonans görüntüleri üzerinde ekzoftalmometre yapıldı. Proptozis olduğu belirlenmiş 17 hasta (hasta grubu) ile proptozis olmayan 17 hastanın (kontrol grubu) T2 ağırlıklı manyetik rezonans görüntülerinden en net alınan aksiyel ve koronal kesitleri üzerinde 15 adet ant- ropometrik ölçüm yapıldı. Bu görüntüler Matlab yazılım programında analiz edildi. Her iki grubun analiz sonuçları birbirleri ile karşılaştırıldı. Analizlerde istatistiksel anlamlılık düzeyi p≤0,05 olarak belirlendi. Bulgular: Hasta grubu (9±5.65 yaş) (6 kız, 11 erkek) ve kontrol grubu (7.82±5.46 yaş) (7 kız, 10 erkek) arasında cinsiyet ve yaş açısından anlamlı farklılık gözlenmedi (sırasıyla p=0,360, p=0,734). Hastaların %82’sinde sağ gözde proptozis mevcuttu. Hasta grubunun ant - ropometrik ölçümleri ile kontrol grubunun antropometrik ölçümleri birbirleri ile istatistiksel olarak karşılaştırıldı. İstatistiksel analiz sonucuna göre hasta grupta göz küresinin arkası ile temporal kemik iç tabulası arasında ölçülen mesafenin her iki göz arasındaki farkı, her iki göz küresinin dış kenarının birbirlerine olan uzaklığı ve her iki göz küresi nazal sınırının frontal lob ve nazal septum anteriorunu birleştiren orta hatta olan uzak farkı anlamlı oranda daha yüksek; sağ göz lens kalınlık ölçümleri ise anlamlı oranda daha düşük saptandı (sırasıyla p=0,003, p=0,030, p=0,014 ve p=0,05). Sonuç: Orbital patolojileri olan hastaların orbita manyetik rezonans görüntülerinin görüntü işleme ve analizle yapılan antropometrik ölçümleri proptozisli hastalarda önemli farklılıklar göstermiştir. Bu çalışma, bu konuda ileride yapılacak çalışmalar için temel bir çalışma işlevi görebilirObjectives: Evaluating the anthropometric measurements of patients with proptosis obtained by image processing and analysis on orbital magnetic resonance images. Material and Method: In this retrospective study, an exophthalmometer was performed on orbital magnetic resonance images of children aged 1-18 years, evaluated in the hospital registry system. Anthropometric measurements were performed on the most clearly obtained axial and coronal sections from T2-weighted magnetic resonance images of 17 patients (patient group) with proptosis (patient group) and 17 patients without proptosis (control group). These images were processed and analyzed in the Matlab software program. Analysis results of both groups were compared with each other. The statistical significance level was determined as p≤0.05. Results: No significant difference was observed between the patient group (9±5.65 years) and the control group (7.82±5.46 years) in terms of gender and age (p=0.360, p=0.734, respectively). Proptosis was present in the right eye in 82% of the patients. The anthropometric measurements of the patient group and the anthropometric measurements of the control group were statistically compared with each other. According to statistical analysis, the difference between two distances measured from the back of both globs to the temporal bone inner tabula, the distance of the outer border of both globs to each other and the difference between the distances from the nasal border of the globs to the midline connecting the frontal lobe and anterior nasal septum were found to be significantly higher; whereas lenticular thickness of right eyes were measured significantly lower in the patient group. (p=0.003, p=0.030, p=0.014, p=0.05, respectively). Conclusion: Anthropometric measurements performed by image processing and analysis of orbital magnetic resonance images of patients with orbital pathologies showed significant differences in patients with proptosis. This study can serve as a basic study for future studies on this subject

    Relative bioavailability study of a generic effervescent tablet formulation of dexketoprofen and thiocolchicoside versus the originator 25 mg film coated tablet (dexketoprofen) and 8 mg capsule (thiocolchicoside)

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    Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the pharmacokinetic profiles and the relative bioavailability of dexketoprofen and thiocolchicoside of the test preparation (dexketoprofen / thiocolchicoside 25 mg / 8 mg effervescent tablet) in comparison with the reference preparations (Keral 25 mg film coated tablet, containing dexketoprofen trometamol equivalent to 25 mg dexketoprofen (Menarini International Operations Luxembourg S.A.) (R1) and Muscoril 8 mg capsule, containing 8 mg thiocolchicoside (Sanofi Aventis İlaçları Ltd. Şti.) (R2) under fasting conditions. Methods: 25 healthy male subjects were enrolled in the study. Volunteers were hospitalised from the evening before drug administration (Day 0) until after the 24-hour blood sampling time on Day 2. Results: 24 subjects completed the study. Relative bioavailability (AUCT/AUCR1) of dexketoprofen from the test preparation was 100.99 %; (AUCT/AUCR2) of 3-O-glucuronide of thiocolchicoside (aglycone) from the test preparation was 100.47 %; (Cmax,T/Cmax,R1) of dexketoprofen from the test preparation was 122.59 %; (Cmax,T/Cmax,R2) of 3-O-glucuronide of thiocolchicoside (aglycone) from the test preparation was 111.43 %. Conclusions: The relative bioavailability AUCT /AUCR of the test preparation compared with both reference preparations is comparable, as shown by the geometric mean ratios of 100.59 % (dexketoprofen) and of 98.20 % (3-O-glucuronide of thiocolchicoside (aglycone)

    Understanding public speakers’ performance: first contributions to support a computational approach

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    Communication is part of our everyday life and our ability to communicate can have a significant role in a variety of contexts in our personal, academic, and professional lives. For long, the characterization of what is a good communicator has been subject to research and debate by several areas, particularly in Education, with a focus on improving the performance of teachers. In this context, the literature suggests that the ability to communicate is not only defined by the verbal component, but also by a plethora of non-verbal contributions providing redundant or complementary information, and, sometimes, being the message itself. However, even though we can recognize a good or bad communicator, objectively, little is known about what aspects – and to what extent—define the quality of a presentation. The goal of this work is to create the grounds to support the study of the defining characteristics of a good communicator in a more systematic and objective form. To this end, we conceptualize and provide a first prototype for a computational approach to characterize the different elements that are involved in communication, from audiovisual data, illustrating the outcomes and applicability of the proposed methods on a video database of public speakers.publishe

    The Acoustic Cues of Fear : Investigation of Acoustic Parameters of Speech Containing Fear

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    Speech emotion recognition is an important part of human-machine interaction studies. The acoustic analysis method is used for emotion recognition through speech. An emotion does not cause changes on all acoustic parameters. Rather, the acoustic parameters affected by emotion vary depending on the emotion type. In this context, the emotion-based variability of acoustic parameters is still a current field of study. The purpose of this study is to investigate the acoustic parameters that fear affects and the extent of their influence. For this purpose, various acoustic parameters were obtained from speech records containing fear and neutral emotions. The change according to the emotional states of these parameters was analyzed using statistical methods, and the parameters and the degree of influence that the fear emotion affected were determined. According to the results obtained, the majority of acoustic parameters that fear affects vary according to the used data. However, it has been demonstrated that formant frequencies, mel-frequency cepstral coefficients, and jitter parameters can define the fear emotion independent of the data used