508 research outputs found

    An Empirical Investigation on Consumer Credit Default Risk

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    This paper explores the relationship between consumer credit clients’ payment performance i.e. credit default risk and some demographic and financial variables. Data to examine this relationship is obtained from the customer records of a private bank in Turkey. A logistic binary regression is used to evaluate the data. Financial variables rather than the demographic characteristics of clients have a significant influence on customers’ pay back performance. Thus, the longer the maturity time, the higher the interest rate, and the higher the credit default risks. This suggests bankers apply appropriate adjustments to financial variables in order to minimize credit default risk.

    Whose problem is it anyway? The depiction of Syrian refugee influx in political cartoons

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    Political cartoons demonstrate the Syrian refugee crisis and their influx into bordering and European countries from different perspectives by using both visual and verbal metaphors in a caricaturised way. For this reason, this research aims to reveal how political cartoons represent the perilous journey of Syrian refugees and their families visually and verbally. In this regard, twelve political cartoons were selected randomly from the international political cartoon website cagle.com between March 2011 and February 2016, referencing the Syrian refugee crisis, and have been analysed in accordance with metaphorical analysis. From this point of view, as the theoretical framework, this paper uses a semiotic approach that points out the relationship between signs and meanings. Representation of the Syrian refugee crisis, the political stances of the different countries, and their perceptions as reflected in political cartoons are the focus point of this research. Results show that countries remain generally indifferent to Syrian refugee movement. In fact, they do not see the issue as their own problem, and they only consider the threats to their security and socio-economic interests posed by the influx. Moreover, Syrian refugees are represented as lonely, vulnerable and unwanted.Publisher PD

    Market Forces and Price Ceilings: A Classroom Experiment

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    The effect of price controls on competitive equilibrium is a standard topic in many undergraduate economics courses. This classroom experiment demonstrates the effect of rent control (price ceilings) on the market for apartments. As participants in the experiment, students experience the effect of a price ceiling as buyers (renters) and sellers (landlords). The classroom-posted offer market exhibits a shortage under a binding price ceiling. Further, we explore a secondary response to rent control. When given the opportunity, landlords lower the quality of the apartments by reducing maintenance expenditures under the price ceiling, thus moving the market back to equilibrium. Since many students are themselves renters, they should relate to changes in quality due to lower maintenance by landlords. This experiment will stimulate discussion on market forces and on public policy aimed at restricting prices. In many cases rent control appears to be the most efficient technique presently known to destroy a city - except for bombing. (Lindbeck, 1972, p. 39) © 2005 Economics Network, University of Bristol

    Disaster Loses in the Developing World: Evidence from the August 1999 Earthquake in Turkey

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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the impacts of a natural disaster on a developing country’s economy. In that sense, we look at the impact of August 1999 earthquake in Turkey on two important macroeconomic indicators of the Turkish economy (Real Output and Employment) with recovery policies followed by the government and international donors. Our results indicate that the earthquake had a significant immediate negative impact on both output and employment growth in Turkey. While output growth reverted back to its predisaster pattern after the initial shock, employment growth did not recover. The earthquake had both a short run and long run influence on the Turkish economy. This study will develop understanding of the possible effects of future earthquakes. Also, it will help the Turkish Government evaluate already-applied mitigation measures (like Turkish Catastrophe Insurance Pool etc.) and guide the preparation for forthcoming disasters since scientists have reached a consensus that a major earthquake is expected in Istanbul.

    Physiotherapy in Women with Urinary Incontinence

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    Urinary incontinence is a complex and serious condition that can affect all age groups around the world. It is not only a serious medical condition but also an undeniable psychosocial problem creating embarrassment and negative self‐perception, and it has a severe impact on a patient\u27s quality of life. Today, there are wide different treatment options in urinary incontinence from surgery to conservative modalities. Among these, conservative management approaches are recommended as the first‐line treatment to manage with urinary incontinence. The choice of the most suitable option to treat for urinary incontinence differs according to the underlying pathophysiological mechanism defining subtypes of urinary incontinence and severity of symptoms. In this chapter, we addressed the different components of physiotherapy management of urinary incontinence, including pelvic floor muscle training, electrical stimulation, biofeedback, vaginal cones, mechanical devices and magnetic stimulation. We concluded that the optimal physiotherapy care should be individualised to ensure applicability the clinic setting for each patient

    Conservative Management of Chronic Venous Insufficiency

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    Chronic venous insufficiency (CVI) is a common medical condition with major socioeconomic impact. Prevalence in adult population is estimated to be 5–30%. Its pathology is based on venous hypertension on the lower extremities. This results in edema, subcutaneous fibrosis, pigmentation, chronic pain and ulceration. The severity of chronic venous disease is closely related to the magnitude of venous hypertension. Treatment options for CVI include medical, interventional, surgical and physical treatments. The initial management of CVI involves conservative approaches to reduce symptoms and prevent development of secondary complications and progression of disease. It includes the elevation of the limb together with the supportive methods, pharmacotherapy and structured exercise program, as well as complex decongestive physiotherapy (CDP), intermittent pneumatic compression (IPC), compression stocking (CS), patient education and kinesio tape. CVI is a chronic disease that needs a lifelong care. In this review, we present a discussion about pathophysiology and risk factors for CVI development and conservative treatment options

    Mikro kredilerin kadının güçlendirilmesi üzerindeki etkileri: Gaziantep örneği

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    Gaziantep ilindeki Mikrofinans Kurumundan mikro kredi kullanan kadınların sosyo-ekonomik hayatlarına olası çeşitli demografik değişkenler bağlamında tespit etmek araştırmanın ana amacını teşkil etmektedir. Araştırmada belirlenen hipotezlerin analizi için anket yöntemi kullanmıştır. Mikro kredi kullanan 151 kadın ile gerçekleştirilen saha araştırmasında; Gaziantep ilindeki Mikrofinans Kurumundan mikro-kredi kullanan kadınlardan toplanan veriler ışığında oluşturulan modele ilişkin analizler şöyle özetlenebilir; “Veri Toplama Yöntemi ve Ölçüm Araçları” başlığında detaylı bir şekilde bilgileri verilen ölçeklerin, araştırma verilerine uyumluluğunu tespit etmek için Doğrulayıcı Faktör Analizi (DFA) uygulanmıştır. Daha sonra hipotezlerin test edilmesi için de One-Way ANOVA (Tek Yönlü Varyans Testi) uygulanmıştır. Çalışma 5 Bölümden oluşmaktadır. 1. Bölümde girişle beraber çalışma hakkında genel bilgi verilmiştir. 2. Bölümde mikro kredi ile ilgili genel bilgiler anlatılmaktadır. 3. Bölümde mikro kredinin Dünya’da ve Türkiye’deki örnekleri ve mikro kredinin faydaları yer almaktadır. 4. Bölümde örnek uygulama çerçevesinde araştırmanın nasıl yapıldığı ve elde edilen bulgulara yönelik bilgiler yer almaktadır. Son olarak 5. Bölümde araştırma sonucunda elde edilen sonuçlar ve bu sonuçlar doğrultusunda önerilerde bulunulmuştur

    Whose Problem Is It Anyway? The Depiction of Syrian Refugee Influx in Political Cartoons

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    In Isolating Dissent, Punishing the Masses: Siege Warfare as Counter-Insurgency, Will Todman analyses the intricate relationship between the nature of the Syrian regime and the military tactics it opted to use to supress those opposed to it, both during the insurgency phase, and the subsequent civil war. Sieges were effective because they allowed the regime to make optimal use of its military advantage. Once you have a segment of the population in a restricted area, you not only control food and medical supplies, but you can also unleash an indiscriminate bombardment campaign, as the regime indeed did. Todman provides a historic context to the use of these tactics by the Syrian regime (i.e. Hama), and addresses the important question of whether or not siege warfare helped the regime surive

    A research on symbols used in the writing of contemporary piano works

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    Bu çalışmada, 20. yüzyılın başlarından itibaren çalgı müziğinde ortaya çıkmış olan yeni notasyonlar ele alınmıştır. Yapılan literatür taraması sonucunda inceleme, 1945 öncesi doğmuş olan, kendilerinden sonra da kullanılmış piyano notasyonları oluşturmuş bestecilerden alınan örneklerle ile sınırlandırılmıştır. Sırasıyla, piyanonun 20.yy’da uğradığı değişiklikler verilmiş, çağdaş müzik ve piyano notasyonu açıklanmış ve teknikler görsellerle desteklenerek sunulmuştur. Sonuç olarak notasyon ögelerinde standardizasyon ihtiyacı olduğu ve bu yöndeki ilerlemenin daha çok akademik çalışmalarla devam ettiği gözlemlenmiştir. Ayrıca her bir sembolün ve notasyon öğesinin anlamlarını ortak noktada buluşturmaya yönelik bir ihtiyaç gözlemlendiğinden, bu alanda yeni çalışmalar yapılması önerilmektedir.In this study, contemporary music notations appeared in instrumental music at the beginning of 20th century was discussed. The research was limited after the literature research with the pieces of the composers who were born before 1945 and created piano notation styles that used after them by other composers. In the study, respectively, the changes in the piano structure in the 20th century were given, contemporary music and piano notation was explained, and the notation techniques were presented with images. As a result, it has been observed that there is a need for standardization in notation and the progress is being pursued by academic studies. Also, new studies were recommended because there is a need to unite the meanings of notation elements and symbols at a common point

    A New Problem of Adolescents: "Bonsai"

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    Synthetic cannabinoids have been increasingly used by adolescents in the recent years. In our country, synthetic cannabinoids are known as "bonsai". They may cause neuropsychiatric effects such as psychosis, agitation, ataxia, convulsion, hallucinations, and may also cause cardiovascular symptoms such as tachycardia, systolic hypertension, postural hypotension and chest pain. In this article, three adolescent males are reported, who were admitted to the emergency department with severe chest pain and significantly higher cardiac enzymes, and who claimed to have used "bonsai"