603 research outputs found

    Pseudo-spherical submanifolds with 1-type pseudo-spherical Gauss map

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    In this work, we study the pseudo-Riemannian submanifolds of a pseudo-sphere with 1-type pseudo-spherical Gauss map. First, we classify the Lorentzian surfaces in a 4-dimensional pseudo-sphere Ss4(1)\mathbb{S}^4_s(1) with index s, s=1,2s=1, 2, and having harmonic pseudo-spherical Gauss map. Then we give a characterization theorem for pseudo-Riemannian submanifolds of a pseudo-sphere Ssm1(1)Esm\mathbb{S}^{m-1}_s(1)\subset\mathbb{E}^m_s with 1-type pseudo-spherical Gauss map, and we classify spacelike surfaces and Lorentzian surfaces in the de Sitter space S14(1)E15\mathbb{S}^4_1(1)\subset\mathbb{E}^5_1 with 1-type pseudo-spherical Gauss map. Finally, according to the causal character of the mean curvature vector we obtain the classification of submanifolds of a pseudo-sphere having 1-type pseudo-spherical Gauss map with nonzero constant component in its spectral decomposition

    Karate Zeon pestisitinin mutajenik aktivitesinin ames testi ile değerlendirilmesi

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    Pesticides widely used in the agricultural market led to an increase in the quality and yield of crops. However, pesticides are a major concern in the environment as they also harm non-target creatures, because of pesticide resistance, and mutagenic and carcinogenic effects. In this study, we aimed to research the potential mutagenicity of Karate Zeon which is a synthetic pyrethroid insecticide. Salmonella typhimurium mutagenicity assay (Ames test) was used to evaluate the mutagenicity of Karate Zeon insecticide in the absence and presence of the S9 fraction on two strains (TA98 and TA100). In this study, doses of 250, 25, 2.5, 0.25, 0.025 μg/plate of Karate Zeon were used. Karate Zeon pesticide showed mutagenic activity at 250 μg/plate concentration on both TA98 and TA100 with and without metabolic activation.Pestisitler, ürünlerin kalitesi ve veriminin artmasında tarımda yaygın olarak kullanılırlar. Ancak pestisitler, hedef olmayan organizmalar üzerinde pestisit direnci, mutajenik ve karsinojenik etkilerinden dolayı çevre için büyük bir endişe kaynağı haline gelmiştir. Bu çalışmada, sentetik bir piretroid insektisit olan Karate Zeon'un potansiyel mutajenitesinin araştırılması amaçlanmıştır. Salmonella typhimurium mutajenite testi (Ames testi), S9 fraksiyonunun varlığı ve yokluğunda Karate Zeon insektisitinin iki suş (TA98 ve TA100) üzerindeki mutajenitesini değerlendirmek için kullanılmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Karate zeonun 250, 25, 2.5, 0.25, 0.025 µg/plak dozları kullanılmıştır. Karate Zeon pestisiti, hem TA98 hem de TA100 üzerinde metabolik aktivasyon varlığı ya da yokluğunda 250 μg/plak konsantrasyonunda mutajenik aktivite göstermiştir

    Continuous Time Least Square PI Control Method for Quasi-Z Source Inverter

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    This paper presents the proposed model of proportional Integral (PI) controller using continuous time least square method (CT-LSM) for a quasi-Z source inverter (qZSI). PI control is one of the most applicable control methods in power systems. Then, CT-LSM is mainly a statistical optimization method including parameter estimation for nonlinear systems to control. The proposed model is designed to set a control structure without using the nonlinear loads of qZSI and also improve PI control applications against the nonlinear system dynamics. Controller design for qZSI is divided into two parts which are explained as dc side and ac side in both two mode operations. For the dc side of the system, PI controller is designed according to approved system and its estimated parameters which are calculated from state space analysis of qZSI. As for the ac side, the voltage and current regulations are controlled in order to transfer the power to inverter legs based on design criteria. Simulation results by using the current qZSI model on Matlab/Simulink are used to research and analyze the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed control design

    A Qualitative Research on Administration Ethics at School

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    The aim of the research is to reveal the opinions of the school administrators about the administration ethics. In this study, 30 administrators working in the middle schools of Eskişehir province center in the 2016–2017 academic year were reached. In the study, data were gathered by interview technique which is one of the qualitative research methods. All of the interviews were conducted by the researcher individually. During the interviews, voice recordings were made with the interviewers who consented to this and note-taking system was used with the interviewers who did not consent to voice recording. Data were analyzed by content analysis method. Analyzing the content of the interview, themes and sub-themes were created according to thematic coding. According to the results of the research, the administrators stated that there was no written professional ethical principles in the school and they did not need them. However, there are officially written professional ethical principles. According to school administrators, the source of unethical behavior is inadequacy and being under pressure by many factors. However, some administrators can ignore unethical behavior. School administrators prefer to give punishment to the staff directly who will act unethically. Ethical practices in school administrators' schools are not at the level as it is supposed to be and are not functional. School administrators indicate that there is a professional difference between men and women. It is obvious that school administrators who participated in this study have deficiencies in ethics in school administration

    Pesticides, Environmental Pollution, and Health

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    In recent years, people have been exposed to several types of substances with broad spectrum due to the rapidly evolving technology. One of these chemical substance groups are pesticides. Pesticides have been an essential part of agriculture to protect crops and livestock from pest infestations and yield reduction for many decades. Despite their usefulness, pesticides could pose potential risks to food safety, the environment, and all living things. Concern about the environmental impact of repeated pesticide use has prompted research into the environmental fate of these agents, which can emigrate from treated fields to air, other land, and water bodies. The importance of agricultural pesticides for developing countries is undeniable. However, the issue of human health and environmental risks has emerged as a key problem for these countries in accordance to a number of studies. In the last five decades, pesticide usages increased the quantity and improved the quality of food. However, with the increasing amounts of their usage, concern about their adverse effects on nontarget organisms, including human beings, has also grown. The purpose of this publication is to explain the nature of pesticides and their history, classification, risks, and effects on health and the environment


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    In this work we define Quasi-Recurrent Weyl spaces and examine the hypersurfaces of them

    Examination of the primary first grade students‘ self -perceptionİlköğretim birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin benlik algısı düzeyinin incelenmesi

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    In this research, it is aimed to decide self-perception levels of 1st grade primary school students, who start a different environment like primary school for the first time after a secure environment like family. 66-76 month-old students, who continue 1st grade in a primary school and who have not had any preschool education in the city center of Antalya, constitute the universe of the research. 85 children, who are chosen by random sample method from the 1st grades of government schools in Antalya’s one of the central counties, Kepez, and their mothers (n=85) and teachers (n=10), constitute the sample of the research. Data of research is collected with Demoulin’s Self-Perception Scale for Children (6-year-old), which is translated into Turkish and tested for validity and reliability by Kuru-Turaşlı (2006). It is decided that perceptions of mother, teacher and student groups’ about primary school 1st grade students’ levels of self-respect, self-efficacy and self-perception show parallelism. Özetİlköğretim birini sınıf öğrencilerinin benlik algısı düzeyini belirlemek amacıyla yapılan bu çalışmanın evrenini, Antalya İl merkezinde okul öncesi eğitimi almamış İlköğretim birinci sınıfa devam eden 66-76 aylar arasındaki öğrencileri oluşturmaktadır. Örneklemini ise, 2012-2013 eğitim öğretim yılında Antalya merkez ilçelerinden Kepez ilçesine bağlı devlet okullarının birinci sınıfına yeni başlayan çocuklar evreninden tesadüfî örneklem yöntemi ile seçilen 85 çocuk, anneleri ve öğretmenleri (n=10) oluşturmuştur. Araştırmada veri toplama aracı olarak, Demoulin Çocuklar için Benlik Algısı Ölçeği (6 yaş) kullanılmıştır. Araştırmadan elde edilen sonuçlara göre birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin öz saygı, öz yeterlilik ve benlik algısı düzeylerine ilişkin anne, öğretmen ve öğrenci gruplarının algılarının paralellik gösterdiği görülmüştür. Örnekleme alınan her üç grubun değerlendirmesine göre birinci sınıf öğrencilerinin benlik algısı düzeylerinin düşük olduğu belirlenmiştir