13 research outputs found

    Pulse Oksimetre Tasarım ve Analizinin Yapılması

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    oksimetrenin medikal alanda kullanım amacı oksijen saturasyonunun ekran üzerinde takip edilmesidir. Noninvazif bir yöntem olup arterlerdeki kanda bulunan hemoglobinin ışık absorpsiyonunu ölçerek oksijen saturasyonunu ve kalp atım sayısını hesaplayan yöntemdir. Bu çalışmada, ATmega328 mikrodenetleyicisi içeren Arduino Uno kullanılmıştır. Max30100 sensörü ise nabız ve oksijen saturasyonunu hesaplayacak devre tasarımında kullanılmıştır. Sensörün yapısında 660 nm ve 880 nm dalga boylarında kırmızı ve kızılötesi ışık kullanılmıştır. Oksihemoglobin daha fazla kızılötesi ışığı absorbe ederken deoksihemoglobin kırmızı ışığa daha çok duyarlıdır. Hemoglobine gelen ışığın bir kısmı absorbe olduktan sonra fotodiyota düşer ve burada bir akım meydana gelir. Oluşan akımın işlenmesinin ardından kandaki oksijen saturasyonu hesaplanır. I2C( kablolu seri haberleşme standardı ) )haberleşme protokolü uygulanarak Arduino Uno ile Max30100 sensörüyle tasarlanan Pulse oksimetre ( oksijen saturasyon ölçümünün yapıldığı ) devresi arasında bağlantı kurulmuştur. Sensörün üzerine parmağın değdirilmesiyle başlayan ölçüm sonuçları Arduino’ya bağlanan lcd ekran üzerinde gösterilmiştir

    Embedded and Smart Systems Education and Laboratory in Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University

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    2000’li yıllarda başlayan teknolojik gelişmeler hepsi programlanabilen daha akıllı sistemlerin ev, iş ve endüstriyel ortamlardan, enerji üretim ve dağıtım alanlarına kadar çeşitli yerlerde yaygın olarak kullanılacağını göstermektedir. Her türlü akıllı nesneden veya sistemden veri alış verişinin, akıllı ortamlar üstünden akıllı şebekelere bağlanarak, taşınan ve kullanılan veri miktarında kısa sürede çok önemli artış olacağı görülmektedir. Ülkemizde bu alanda yetiştirilecek yani açığı kapatacak bir mühendis için kazandırılacak nitelikler ile teorik ve uygulama bilgi-becerisinin dikkatle belirlenmesi gerekmektedir. İş dünyasının üniversitelerden beklentisi, işyerine alacakları mühendislerin güncel teknolojik bilgi ve uygulama becerisi ile kolay uyum sağlaması, yeni teknolojileri araştırması ve geliştirmesi olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf Üniversitesi, Bilgisayar Mühendisliği Bölümündeki ders programı ile üst düzey teknolojiye sahip laboratuarlarda, Akıllı Sistemler, Akıllı Nesneler, Akıllı Ortamlar, Siber Fiziksel Sistemler, Nesnelerin İnterneti, Nesnelerin Webi gibi kavramlarla isimlendirilen teknolojilere ait teori-uygulama bilgi ve becerisinin kazandırıldığı öğretim yapımız açıklanacaktır. In the 2000s, starting with the technological advances, All Programmable and smarter systems for home, business and industrial environments, energy production and distribution so as to use the common areas of the various places. All kinds of smart object or system data is exchanged, over smart environments, connected through smart grids. The amount of data that is used in a short time would be very significant increase can be seen. In our country, will raise the deficit in this area, so an engineer for theoretical and application information-capability with the traits constituting will also carefully determination is required. New graduate engineers with up-to-date technology information and application ability to easily adapt to new technologies, to provide research and development capability would like to be. In this study, Fatih Sultan Mehmet Vakıf University, Department of Computer Engineering in courses and senior tech laboratories, Intelligent Systems, Smart Objects, Smart Media, Cyber Physical Systems, the object of the Internet, the object of the Web with concepts such as naming the technologies related to the theory-practice knowledge and skills our teaching is imparted structure will be described

    Labview Tabanlı Odyometre ve İşitme Cihazı Tasarımı

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    İşitme sisteminin değerlendirilmesi, işitme kaybı tanısının konulması ve işitme kaybının tespiti için odyometri testi yapılmaktadır. Hastanelerin odyoloji bölümlerinde yaygın olarak kullanılan önemli bir teşhis yöntemidir. Odyometreler aracılığı ile yapılan işitme testlerinde, yaygın olarak 125 Hertz (Hz) ile 8000 Hertz (Hz) arasındaki frekanslarda işitme ölçümleri yapılmaktadır. Ölçümler sonucunda izlenecek olan tedavi, kaybın nedenine bağlı olarak değişmektedir. İşitme kaybının tedavisi yoksa bu durumda işitme cihazları kullanılmaktadır. İşitme cihazı ile konuşmaların daha anlaşılır hale getirilmesi, tüm işitsel sinyallerin, gürültü ve müzik gibi çevresel seslerin daha rahat duyulması amaçlanır. LabVIEW ortamında geliştirilen yazılım ile işitme testi 0 Hertz (Hz) ile 20000 Hertz (Hz) arasında yapılabilmektedir. Ayrıca yapılan odyometri testi sonucunda, işitme aralığını kompanze edecek bir filtre, mümkün olduğunca düz bir işitme algılaması üretmek üzere tasarlanmıştır

    Thrombocytopenia Developing After Centipede Bite

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    Centipede bites have been reported rarely in humans. The mechanism of centipede toxin is not fully understood. Skin reactions develop more in centipede bites. In this text, we will present a case that developed thrombocytopenia after a centipede bite. An 18-month old female infant was bitten on the back of the right hand and the right side of the forehead. She applied to the emergency department with the complaint of redness and swelling that started in the morning hours after the bite. The vital signs of the patient were stable. The patient had no systemic complaints. The patient's laboratory tests, PLT was 28,000 K/UL were determined. During follow-up of the patient, bleeding symptoms developed associated with thrombocytopenia. The follow-up examination 10 days later, thrombocyte count was determined as 302,000 in the full blood count. Centipede bites are not greatly reported and the actual incidence is undoubtedly higher than assumed. Although the majority spontaneously recover with only simple local reactions that have formed, they can lead to serious complications such as acute myocardial infarcts, acute coronary ischemia, acute renal damage, anaphylaxis, or thrombocytopenia. Therefore, following a centipede bite, patients must be evaluated carefully and attention must be paid in respect of complications

    Methemoglobinemia and acute ıntravascular hemolysis after naphthalene poisoning in a pediatric patient

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    Poisoning by naphthalene is uncommon in children. It is a type of poisoning brought on by ingesting, inhaling, or coming into touch with naphthalene-containing substances on the skin. Patients typically present with an initial onset of dark brown urine, watery diarrhea, and bile vomit. The signs include fever, tachycardia, hypotension, and low pulse oximetry readings even with oxygen support. Hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia, renal failure, and hyperbilirubinemia are all detected in blood tests. Erythrocyte transfusion, ascorbic acid, methylene blue, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) therapies are provided to inpatients in addition to symptomatic treatment. We present a 23-month-old male patient who developed methemoglobinemia and acute ıntravascular hemolysis, who was followed up in the intensive care unit for five days due to naphthalene intoxication. Although naphthalene poisoning is very rare, it should be known that it has fatal consequences, and more care should be taken in its use and sal

    Design, development and construction of a vectorcardiograph.

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    A Practical Algorithm for Simulation of Transient Performance of Chopper-Controlled R-L and Dc Drive Loads

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    This paper presents a practical algorithm for obtaining transient response of chopper-controlled active and passive loads. Core algorithm given for simulating transient response of chopper-controlled R-L load is extended to chopper-controlled DC drive, covering both the continuous and discontinuous current modes of operation. Although chopper-controlled loads are taken as case studies, with a little effort the core algorithm can be readily extended to handle the transient response of the other system which manifests periodic discontinuous forcing functions of different types. Transient current and speed responses of chopper-controlled DC drive, which are obtained from application of the proposed algorithm are compared with their counterparts obtained from detailed numerical solution of the state-space model of the drive using fourthorder Runge-Kutta method, and the advantages of proposed algorithm are discussed

    Effect of quercetin on mRNA and protein expressions of vitamin D metabolizing CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 in human embryonic kidney cell line (HEK-293)

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    Vitamin D is essential compound for life having role not only in the regulation of calcium metabolism but also in the regulation of cell proliferation, immune responses, cardiovascular homeostasis and nervous system. These wide range of actions occur with the enzymatic conversion of vitamin D to 1a,25-dihydroxyvitamin D by cytochrome P450 enzymes (CYPs). While CYP27B1 provides the synthesis of hormonally active form of Vitamin D, 1,25(OH)2D, CYP24A1 involves in catabolism of vitamin D. Quercetin, as one of the important member of polyphenols, is widely studied due to its abundant consumption with a diet, important role in human health as activators or inhibitors for biochemical reaction, antioxidant and anticancer activities. Recently, interaction between vitamin D receptor and quercetin has been reported at molecular level in a few studies. Quercetin may affect the expressions of vitamin D metabolizing CYP enzymes. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of quercetin on mRNA and protein expressions of vitamin D metabolizing CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 in embryonic kidney HEK293 cell line. The effects of quercetin on CYP27B1 and CYP24A1 mRNA and protein expressions in HEK-293 cell line were determined by qPCR and western blotting techniques, respectively. Results showed that, quercetin inhibited the proliferation of HEK-293 cells in a concentration dependent manner. IC50 value of quercetin on HEK-293 cell line was found as 60.72 lM. Quercetin treatment did not significantly affect the mRNA expressions of CYP27B1 and CYP24A1. While CYP24A1 protein expression was upregulated significantly (1.38 fold), CYP27B1 protein expression was not affected significantly with quercetin treatment compared to 0.35% DMSO containing untreated cells. These results suggested that quercetin may affect vitamin D metabolism negatively in HEK293 cells due to increase in CYP24A1 protein expression.</p

    A Portable Wearable Tele-ECG Monitoring System

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    This paper introduces a wearable Tele-ECG and heart rate (HR) monitoring system which has a novel architecture including a stretchable singlet redesigned with textile electrodes (TEs), textile threads, snap fasteners, Velcro, sponges, and an ECG circuit. In addition, a Bluetooth low energy (BLE), a smartphone, a server, and a web page have been added to the system for remote monitoring. The TE can be attached to and removed from the singlet by a Velcro, which allows the user to dry-clean the TE easily for long-term use. A new holter-based ECG system has been designed to evaluate the TE-based ECG system and the average correlation between the recorded ECG signals is obtained as 99.23%. A filtered digital signal, with a high signal-to-noise ratio of 45.62 dB, is transmitted to the smartphone via BLE. The ECG signal is plotted, the HR is calculated with 1.83% mean absolute percentage error, and displayed. The data are sent to the server, allowing the patient's physician to analyze the signals in real time through the web page or the smartphone. If HR reaches beyond the normal range or user presses the “HELP” button on the smartphone screen, the physician is informed automatically by an short message service (SMS) with a location pin on the map. The battery lasts approximately 14 days and when it needs replacement, the system automatically alerts the users by an SMS and a flashing LED. This fast and uninterrupted telemonitoring system has the potential to improve the patient's life quality by providing a psychological reassuranc