12 research outputs found

    Internationale Konsenserklärung zu Screening, Diagnostik und Behandlung von Jugendlichen und Heranwachsenden mit Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung und gleichzeitigen Störungen durch Substanzgebrauch

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    International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder Abstract.Background: Childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for substance misuse and substance use disorder (SUD) in adolescence and (early) adulthood. ADHD and SUD also frequently co-occur in treatment-seeking adolescents, which complicates diagnosis and treatment and is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Research on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on the prevention of adolescent SUD is inconclusive, and studies on the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with ADHD and SUD are scarce. Thus, the available evidence is generally not sufficient to justify robust treatment recommendations. Objective: The aim of the study was to obtain a consensus statement based on a combination of scientific data and clinical experience. Method: A modified Delphi study to reach consensus based upon the combination of scientific data and clinical experience with a multidisciplinary group of 55 experts from 17 countries. The experts were asked to rate a set of statements on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on adolescent SUD and on the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of adolescents with comorbid ADHD and SUD. Results: After 3 iterative rounds of rating and adapting 37 statements, consensus was reached on 36 of these statements representing 6 domains: general (n = 4), risk of developing SUD (n = 3), screening and diagnosis (n = 7), psychosocial treatment (n = 5), pharmacological treatment (n = 11), and complementary treatments (n = 7). Routine screening is recommended for ADHD in adolescent patients in substance abuse treatment and for SUD in adolescent patients with ADHD in mental healthcare settings. Long-acting stimulants are recommended as the first-line treatment of ADHD in adolescents with concurrent ADHD and SUD, and pharmacotherapy should preferably be embedded in psychosocial treatment. The only remaining no-consensus statement concerned the requirement of abstinence before starting pharmacological treatment in adolescents with ADHD and concurrent SUD. In contrast to the majority, some experts required full abstinence before starting any pharmacological treatment, some were against the use of stimulants in the treatment of these patients (independent of abstinence), while some were against the alternative use of bupropion. Conclusion: This international consensus statement can be used by clinicians and patients together in a shared decision-making process to select the best interventions and to reach optimal outcomes in adolescent patients with concurrent ADHD and SUD

    Ketamine Self-Medication in a Patient with Autism Spectrum Disorder and Comorbid Therapy-Resistant Depression

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    In this case report, we present an adult male patient with autism spectrum disorder and a comorbid (treatment-resistant) mood disorder with suicidality. He has been treated with numerous psychopharmaceuticals, most recently risperidone and valproic acid. He has been hospitalized several times and has attempted suicide. He displayed limited social functioning, repetitive behaviors, sensory hypersensitivity, anxiety, depressed mood, anhedonia, low energy, and chronic suicidality. Despite intensive treatment, he remained highly symptomatic and unable to work. After repeatedly self-medicating with ketamine, the patient reported that his depression and suicidality disappeared and that his autism spectrum disorder symptoms were reduced. This case study – along with previous clinical studies – suggests that ketamine is likely to be effective against depression and suicidality and potentially effective against (certain) autism spectrum disorder symptoms. However, increasing public awareness of the beneficial effects of ketamine may lead to more unsupervised and thus risky use of ketamine for self-medication

    Treatment of adolescents with concurrent substance use disorder and attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder: A systematic review

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    Childhood attention‐deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for the development of substance abuse and substance use disorders (SUD) in adolescence and (early) adulthood. ADHD and SUD also frequently co‐occur in treatment‐seeking adolescents, which complicates diagnosis and treatment, and is associated with poor treatment outcomes. In this study, we provide a systematic review of controlled studies on the effectiveness of pharmacological, psychosocial, and complementary treatments of ADHD in adolescents with and without comorbid SUD. In addition, we review the longitudinal association between pharmacotherapy for childhood ADHD and the development of SUD in adolescence and early adulthood. We conducted a systematic review of the research literature published since 2000 using Medline, PsycINFO, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews databases to select randomized clinical trials, observational studies, and meta‐analyses. The quality of the evidence from each study was rated using the SIGN grading system. Based on the limited evidence available, strong clinical recommendations are not justified, but provisionally, we conclude that stimulant treatment in children with ADHD may prevent the development of SUD in adolescence or young adulthood, that high‐dose stimulant treatment could be an effective treatment for adolescents with ADHD and SUD comorbidity, that cognitive behavior therapy might have a small beneficial effect in these patients, and that alternative treatments are probably not effective. More studies are needed to draw definitive conclusions that will allow for strong clinical recommendations

    Jongeren met een stoornis in het gebruik van middelen en ADHD: internationale consensus1

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    Background Substance use disorder (SUD) is common among youths with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Co-morbid ADHD and SUD in youths complicates screening, diagnosis, and treatment of both disorders and is associated with worse treatment prognosis. Limited research in youths with SUD and co-morbid ADHD provides insufficient basis for firm recommendations. To offer clinicians some guidance on this topic, we present the results of an international consensus procedure. Aim To summarize an international consensus on diagnosis and treatment of young people with comorbid ADHD and SUD. Method In a modified Delphi-study, a multidisciplinary, international group of 55 experts strived to reach consensus on 37 recommendations. Results Consensus was reached on 36 recommendations. Routine screening of ADHD and/or SUD is important. For the treatment of co-morbid SUD and ADHD in youths, both psychosocial and pharmacological treatment should be considered. Psychosocial treatment should preferably consist of psychoeducation, motivational interviewing (MI), and cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) focused on SUD or both disorders. Long-acting stimulants are recommended as first choice pharmacotherapy, preferably embedded in psychosocial treatment. Experts did not agree on the precondition that patients need to be abstinent before starting stimulant treatment. Conclusion Clinicians and youths with co-morbid SUD and ADHD can use this international consensus to choose the best possible treatment

    Consensus international sur le dépistage, le diagnostic et le traitement des adolescents avec un trouble du déficit de l'attention avec ou sans hyperactivité en cas de comorbidité avec des troubles de l'usage de substances

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    International audienceRésumé Introduction Le trouble du déficit de l'attention/hyperactivité chez l'enfant (TDAH) est un facteur de risque de mésusage et de troubles de l'usage de substances (TUS) chez l'adolescent et le jeune adulte. Le TDAH et le TUS coexistent également fréquemment chez les adolescents en demande de soins, compliquant le diagnostic et le traitement et étant associé à de mauvais résultats thérapeutiques. Les recherches concernant l'effet du traitement du TDAH chez l'enfant sur la prévention du TUS à l'adolescence sont peu concluantes et les études sur le diagnostic et le traitement des adolescents atteints de TDAH et de TUS comorbides sont rares. Ainsi, les preuves disponibles ne sont pas suffisantes pour justifier des recommandations de traitement solides. Objectif Le but de cette étude était d'aboutir à une déclaration de consensus basée sur une combinaison de données scientifiques et d'expérience clinique. Méthode La méthode Delphi modifiée a été utilisée pour parvenir à un consensus basé sur la combinaison de données scientifiques et d'expérience clinique, avec un groupe multidisciplinaire de 55~experts provenant de 17~pays. Les experts ont été invités à évaluer un ensemble d'énoncés portant sur l'effet du traitement du TDAH de l'enfant sur le TUS à l'adolescence ainsi que sur le dépistage, le diagnostic et le traitement des adolescents souffrant de TDAH et de TUS comorbides. Résultats Après trois tours de cotation et d'adaptation de 37~énoncés, un consensus a été atteint sur 36~d'entre eux, représentant six domaines~: généralités (n=4), risque de développer un TUS (n=3), dépistage et diagnostic (n=7), prise en charges psychosociales (n=5), traitement pharmacologique (n=11) et traitements complémentaires (n=7). Le dépistage systématique du TDAH est recommandé auprès des patients adolescents vus en addictologie et du TUS auprès des patients adolescents souffrant de TDAH vus en santé mentale. Les stimulants à action prolongée sont recommandés comme traitement de première intention du TDAH chez les adolescents souffrant de la comorbidité TDAH-TUS et la pharmacothérapie doit de préférence être incluse dans une prise en charge psychosociale (psychoéducation, entretien motivationnel, thérapies comportementales et cognitives, prise en charge familiale). L'unique déclaration non consensuelle restante concerne l'exigence d'abstinence avant l'initiation d'un traitement pharmacologique chez les adolescents atteints de TDAH et de TUS concomitants. Contrairement à la majorité des experts, certains exigent une abstinence complète avant de débuter tout traitement pharmacologique, certains se positionnent contre l'utilisation de stimulants dans le traitement de ces patients (indépendamment de l'abstinence), tandis que d'autres n'approuvent pas l'utilisation alternative du bupropion. Conclusion Cette déclaration de consensus internationale peut être utilisée par les cliniciens et les patients dans un processus collaboratif de prise de décision partagée pour sélectionner les meilleures interventions et obtenir des résultats optimaux chez les patients adolescents souffrant de TDAH et de TUS comorbides. Background Childhood attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a risk factor for substance misuse and substance use disorder (SUD) in adolescence and (early) adulthood. ADHD and SUD also frequently co-occur in treatment-seeking adolescents, which complicates diagnosis and treatment and is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Research on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on the prevention of adolescent SUD is inconclusive, and studies on the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with ADHD and SUD are scarce. Thus, the available evidence is generally not sufficient to justify robust treatment recommendations. Objective The aim of the study was to obtain a consensus statement based on a combination of scientific data and clinical experience. Method A modified Delphi study to reach consensus based upon the combination of scientific data and clinical experience with a multidisciplinary group of 55 experts from 17 countries. The experts were asked to rate a set of statements on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on adolescent SUD and on the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of adolescents with comorbid ADHD and SUD. Results After 3 iterative rounds of rating and adapting 37 statements, consensus was reached on 36 of these statements representing 6 domains: general (n=4), risk of developing SUD (n=3), screening and diagnosis (n=7), psychosocial treatment (n=5), pharmacological treatment (n=11), and complementary treatments (n=7). Routine screening is recommended for ADHD in adolescent patients in substance abuse treatment and for SUD in adolescent patients with ADHD in mental healthcare settings. Long-acting stimulants are recommended as the firstline treatment of ADHD in adolescents with concurrent ADHD and SUD, and pharmacotherapy should preferably be embedded in psychosocial treatment. The only remaining no-consensus statement concerned the requirement of abstinence before starting pharmacological treatment in adolescents with ADHD and concurrent SUD. In contrast to the majority, some experts required full abstinence before starting any pharmacological treatment, some were against the use of stimulants in the treatment of these patients (independent of abstinence), while some were against the alternative use of bupropion. Conclusion This international consensus statement can be used by clinicians and patients together in a shared decision-making process to select the best interventions and to reach optimal outcomes in adolescent patients with concurrent ADHD and SUD

    International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder

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    Hintergrund: Eine Aufmerksamkeitsdefizit-/Hyperaktivitätsstörung (ADHS) im Kindesalter stellt einen Risikofaktor für Substanzmissbrauch und Störungen durch Substanzgebrauch (Substance Use Disorder, SUD) in der Pubertät und dem (frühen) Erwachsenenalter dar. ADHS und SUD treten auch häufig bei therapiesuchenden Jugendlichen auf, was die Diagnosestellung und Therapie erschwert sowie mit schlechten Behandlungsergebnissen verbunden ist. Forschungsergebnisse über die Wirkung der Behandlung von ADHS im Kindesalter auf die Prävention von SUD im Jugendalter sind nicht eindeutig und Studien über die Diagnose und Behandlung von Jugendlichen mit ADHS und SUD sind selten. Daher reicht die verfügbare Evidenz allgemein nicht aus, um starke Behandlungsempfehlungen zu rechtfertigen. Fragestellung: Ziel dieser Arbeit war es, eine Konsenserklärung auf der Grundlage von wissenschaftlichen Daten und klinischen Erfahrungen zu erhalten. Methodik: Es wurde eine modifizierte Delphi-Studie durchgeführt, um basierend auf der Kombination von wissenschaftlichen Daten und klinischer Erfahrung mit einer multidisziplinären Gruppe von 55 Expert_innen aus 17 Ländern einen Konsens zu erzielen. Die Expert_innen wurden gebeten, eine Reihe von Aussagen über die Wirkung der Behandlung von ADHS im Kindesalter auf die SUD bei Jugendlichen sowie über das Screening, die Diagnostik und die Behandlung von Jugendlichen mit komorbidem ADHS und SUD zu bewerten. Ergebnisse: Nach drei iterativen Bewertungsrunden und der Anpassung von 37 Aussagen wurde ein Konsens über 36 dieser Aussagen erzielt, die sechs Bereiche repräsentieren: allgemein (n = 4), Risiko der Entwicklung einer SUD (n = 3), Screening und Diagnostik (n = 7), psychosoziale Behandlung (n = 5), pharmakologische Behandlung (n = 11) und komplementäre Behandlungen (n = 7). Der Einsatz von Routinescreenings auf ADHS wird bei adoleszenten Patient_innen in einer Suchtbehandlung ebenso wie Routinescreenings auf SUD bei jugendlichen Patient_innen mit ADHS in allgemeinpsychiatrischen Therapiesettings empfohlen. Langwirksame Stimulanzien werden als Behandlung der ersten Wahl von ADHS bei Jugendlichen mit gleichzeitiger ADHS und SUD empfohlen. Die Pharmakotherapie sollte vorzugsweise in psychosoziale Behandlung eingebettet werden. Die einzige nichtkonsentierte Aussage betraf die Notwendigkeit von Abstinenz vor Beginn einer pharmakologischen Behandlung bei Jugendlichen mit ADHS und gleichzeitigem SUD. Im Gegensatz zur Mehrheit verlangten einige Expert_innen eine vollständige Abstinenz vor Beginn einer pharmakologischen Behandlung, einige waren gegen die Verwendung von Stimulanzien bei der Behandlung dieser Patient_innen (unabhängig von Abstinenz), während einige sich gegen die alternative Anwendung von Bupropion aussprachen. Schlussfolgerungen: Diese internationale Konsenserklärung kann von Kliniker_innen und Patient_innen zusammen in einem gemeinsamen Entscheidungsprozess genutzt werden, um die besten Interventionen auszuwählen und die bestmöglichen Ergebnisse bei adoleszenten Patient_innen mit gleichzeitiger ADHS und SUD zu erzielen

    International Consensus Statement for the Screening, Diagnosis, and Treatment of Adolescents with Concurrent Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Substance Use Disorder

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    frequently co-occur in treatment-seeking adolescents, which complicates diagnosis and treatment and is associated with poor treatment outcomes. Research on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on the prevention of adolescent SUD is inconclusive, and studies on the diagnosis and treatment of adolescents with ADHD and SUD are scarce. Thus, the available evidence is generally not sufficient to justify robust treatment recommendations. Objective: The aim of the study was to obtain a consensus statement based on a combination of scientific data and clinical experience. Method: A modified Delphi study to reach consensus based upon the combination of scientific data and clinical experience with a multidisciplinary group of 55 experts from 17 countries. The experts were asked to rate a set of statements on the effect of treatment of childhood ADHD on adolescent SUD and on the screening, diagnosis, and treatment of adolescents with comorbid ADHD and SUD. Results: After 3 iterative rounds of rating and adapting 37 statements, consensus was reached on 36 of these statements representing 6 domains: general (n = 4), risk of developing SUD (n = 3), screening and diagnosis (n = 7), psychosocial treatment (n = 5), pharmacological treatment (n = 11), and complementary treatments (n = 7). Routine screening is recommended for ADHD in adolescent patients in substance abuse treatment and for SUD in adolescent patients with ADHD in mental healthcare settings. Long-acting stimulants are recommended as the first-line treatment of ADHD in adolescents with concurrent ADHD and SUD, and pharmacotherapy should preferably be embedded in psychosocial treatment. The only remaining no-consensus statement concerned the requirement of abstinence before starting pharmacological treatment in adolescents with ADHD and concurrent SUD. In contrast to the majority, some experts required full abstinence before starting any pharmacological treatment, some were against the use of stimulants in the treatment of these patients (independent of abstinence), while some were against the alternative use of bupropion. Conclusion: This international consensus statement can be used by clinicians and patients together in a shared decision-making process to select the best interventions and to reach optimal outcomes in adolescent patients with concurrent ADHD and SUD