29 research outputs found

    Düzce Kentinde Dikey Bahçe Uygulanabilirliğinin Araştırılması

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    Dikey bahçeler, şehirlerde git gide azalan yeşil alan gereksinimini kısmen gidermek ve tek düze betonlaşma arasında alternatif yeşili yaşatmak için ortaya çıkmış en iyi buluşlardandır.“Yaşayan Duvar” adıyla da anılan dikey bahçeler, yapıların dış yüzeylerinde ve topraksız ortamda canlı bitki yetiştirilmesi esasına dayalıdır.Dış mekanda uygulanan dikey bahçeler kentlerde; yeşil alan miktarını, hava ve yaşam kalitesini artırma, biyolojik çeşitlilik sağlayarak ekolojik bilinci yaygınlaştırma etkileriyle beraber ısı-enerji bütçesi, toz partiküllerini tutarak karbondioksit salınımını azaltma gibi önemli konularda da iyileştirmeler yapmaktadır. Dikey bahçeler uygulandığı alandaki etkilerinin yanı sıra psikolojik olarak kişilerde olumlu hislere ve düşüncelere de sebep olmaktadır.Bu çalışma kapsamında Düzce’nin kimliğini yansıtabilecek kilit bölgeler (Çoban Dalçık, Asar Deresi, Düzce Şehirler Arası Otobüs Terminali) seçilerek alanlara uygun iki boyutlu ve üç boyutlu dikey bahçe tasarımları (Efteni Gölü, Akçakoca İlçesi, Konuralp Antik Kent Kalıntıları, Düzce İli’nde Yapılan Spor Dalları) yapılarak; yapay-doğal, estetik-estetik değil, yorucu-dinlendirici, uyumsuz-uyumlu, karışık-anlaşılır, sıradan-modern karşılaştırılmalı sıfatlarla tanımlanarak anket çalışmasıyla kullanıcılara sunulmuştur

    Eskişehir’deki tarım makinesi operatörlerinin kabin konforu hakkındaki düşüncelerinin belirlenmesi

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    Comfort has a great importance in the interior design of tractor and agricultural machinery cabins. Operators are exposed to muscoskeletal system disorders since they spend long time periods during the day in these vehicles. There is a few work in the literature reporting operators’ opinions about cabin comfort of these machineries. In this study, a questionnaire was conducted in order to get information about agricultural machinery operators’ opinions about the comfort of their vehicles. Tractor cabins and combine harvester machine cabins were selected as machineries. The study was conducted in Eskişehir in Turkey. Questionnaire was composed of four groups of questions and five ordered response levels were used in the Likert's scale. Demographic questions, general questions about the machine, personal evaluation questions and open ended questions were asked to the operators. After the questionnaire completed, collected data were classified according to the machine type. Frequency tables were used to present the results. Visibility and the accessibility were the most satisfied issues for the tractor operators with 55.9% and 55.4% percentages, respectively. Seat comfort has the highest satisfaction degree with 43.7% for the combine harvester operators. Cronbach Alpha reliability coefficient was used for the satisfaction questions in the applied questionnaire. The reliability of the study was high with coefficients of 0.878 and 0.940 for the tractor and combine harvester questionnaires, respectively. This study will support design and development process of new products by considering operator opinions.Traktör ve iş makinesi kabin içi tasarımında konfor büyük öneme sahiptir. Operatörlerin çoğu bir gün içinde uzun süreler boyunca söz konusu araçları kullandıkları için kas ve iskelet sistemi rahatsızlıklarına maruz kalmaktadırlar. Literatürde bu konuda operatörlerin fikirlerine yer veren çalışmalara az rastlanmaktadır. Bu nedenle bu çalışmada daha konforlu bir araç içi tasarımına ulaşabilmek için geliştirilmesi gereken konular üzerine operatörlerin fikirlerini almak için bir anket çalışması yürütülmüştür. Söz konusu anket çalışmasına konu olarak Türkiye'de yaygın olarak kullanılan traktör kabini ve biçerdöver kabini seçilmiştir. Çalışma Eskişehir/Türkiye'de yürütülmüştür. Operatörlere uygulanan ankette dört grup soru yer almaktadır ve ankette 5'li Likert ölçeği kullanılmaktadır. Operatörlere demografik sorular, makineyle ilgili genel sorular, kişisel değerlendirme soruları ve açık uçlu sorular sorulmuştur. Anket tamamlandıktan sonra toplanan veriler makine tipine göre sınıflandırılmıştır. Derlenen sonuçlar frekans tablolarıyla sunulmuştur. Görünürlük ve erişilebilirlik traktör operatörlerine göre sırasıyla %55.9 ve %55.4 oranlarıyla en çok memnuniyet duyulan konulardandır. Biçerdöver operatörleri için de oturma bölgesi konforu %43.7 oranıyla en çok memnun olunan konudur. Bu çalışmada memnuniyet soruları için Cronbach Alpha güvenilirlik katsayısı kullanılmıştır. Çalışmanın güvenilirliği traktör anketi için 0,878, biçerdöver anketi için 0,940 katsayılarıyla yüksektir. Bu çalışma operatörlerin fikirlerini dahil ederek yeni ürün tasarım ve geliştirme sürecini destekleyecekti

    Effects of Occupational Health and Safety on Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors of Workers Employed in a Private Company in Turkey

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    Background: It has been suggested that inappropriate working conditions and unsafe environments at construction sites, longer working hours, and inadequate workplaces adversely affect the health behaviors of workers. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of occupational health and safety (OHS) practices on healthy lifestyle behaviors of workers employed at a construction site of a private company in Gaziantep, Turkey. Methods: The sampling size of this descriptive study consisted of 400 employees working at the construction site between December 2014 and January 2015. In all, 341 employees still working or participating in the study during the period of this questionnaire study were included in the sampling. Data from the survey were derived from responses to questions regarding sociodemographic characteristics, OHS applications, health state, and working conditions, as well as to the questions in on the Healthy Lifestyle Behaviors Scale (HLBS), under direct surveillance. Findings: Male workers with a mean age of 30.61 ± 8.68 years constituted the study population. Of the workers, 41.9% had a primary school education. The majority received professional and OHS training (65.7% and 79.2%, respectively). Although 83.9% reported using personal protective equipment (PPE), only 2.1% said they had experienced an occupational accident. Total mean score of HLBS scale was 116.91 ± 25.62 points. Workers who had positive thoughts about their jobs demonstrated healthy lifestyle behaviors ('P' = .0001). A positive direct correlation was detected between the training the workers received and the use of PPE ('P' = .0001). In all, 38.1% of the workers reported experiencing work stress at the time of the study. Mean HLBS scores of those experiencing work stress were lower than the scores for workers not experiencing stress ('P' < .05). Conclusion: Receiving OHS and professional training and using of PPE favorably affect healthy lifestyle behaviors

    Antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Bituminaria sp. genotypes at different growth stages

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    302-309Plants have secondary metabolites that play a role in defense mechanism are known to have effects on microorganisms. These metabolites and their amounts vary depending upon various factors. Here, we studied the antimicrobial effect of secondary metabolites of Bituminaria sp. genotypes and explored whether this effect changes with different growing stages of the plant. The results show that extracts obtained from 12 B. bituminosa genotypes were not significantly effective on Gram-negative bacteria but highly effective on Gram-positive bacteria and eukaryotic yeast. Of these genotypes, 9 and 12 genotype were more effective than the rest. Observations suggest that the extracts from the plants are more effective during the beginning of flowering stage than the growth and budding stages for the bacteria studied. It could be due to the differences in the nature of the metabolites and their quantity

    Antimicrobial activity of leaf extracts of Bituminaria sp. genotypes at different growth stages

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    Plants have secondary metabolites that play a role in defense mechanism are known to have effects on microorganisms. These metabolites and their amounts vary depending upon various factors. Here, we studied the antimicrobial effect of secondary metabolites of Bituminaria sp. genotypes and explored whether this effect changes with different growing stages of the plant. The results show that extracts obtained from 12 B. bituminosa genotypes were not significantly effective on Gram-negative bacteria but highly effective on Gram-positive bacteria and eukaryotic yeast. Of these genotypes, 9 and 12 genotype were more effective than the rest. Observations suggest that the extracts from the plants are more effective during the beginning of flowering stage than the growth and budding stages for the bacteria studied. It could be due to the differences in the nature of the metabolites and their quantity

    Mineral contents of chickpea cultivars (Cicer arietinum L.) grown at different locations of Turkey

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    Mineral deficiency-induced diseases and health problems influence billions of people worldwide. Development of edible legumes with high mineral contents will provide significant contributions in reducing the frequency of such diseases. Among the edible legumes, chickpea has quite high nutritional values and quite low production costs, thus commonly grown and consumed worldwide. This study was conducted to determine mineral (potassium, phosphorus, sulphur, calcium, magnesium, sodium, zinc, iron, boron, manganese, copper) contents of eight different chickpea cultivars (Akçin-91, Azkan, Hisar, Akça, Gökçe, Yaşa-05, Işık-05 and Çakır) grown in two different locations (Afyonkarahisar and Yozgat provinces of Turkey) for two years (2015 and 2016). Experiments were conducted in randomized blocks design with three replications. Among the minerals, potassium was highest (6435.2-8231.7 mg kg-) followed by phosphorus (2573.9-3094.0 mg kg-1) and sulphur (1710.9-2060.7 mg kg-1). Among the minerals, copper was lowest followed by boron and manganese. Considering the average of locations, it was observed that Gökçe, Akçin-91, Azkan and Hisar cultivars were prominent with sulphur content; Akça with boron, sodium and calcium contents; Yaşa-05 and Işık-05 with potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, iron, magnesium, manganese and copper contents. Çakır cultivar was stable for all minerals. The concentrations of seed P, S, Ca, Mg, B and Mn were significantly affected by locations

    Ankaferd Hemostat' In Mcf-7 Meme Kanseri Hücre Hattına Etkisinin Proteomik Analizlerle İncelenmesi

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    Nowadays, a large number of cancer-related research is being conducted, which is one of the most difficult and deadly diseases to treat. Thanks to one of these studies, proteomics analysis, which is one of the omic techniques, cancer can be examined at the protein level and shed light on new alternatives as well as supporting current clinical studies related to the mechanism of diagnosis, treatment and diagnosis of cancer. In this study, after the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line was treated with Ankaferd Hemostat (ABS; Ankaferd Blood Stopper®) for different periods of time, comparative proteomic studies performed on ABS untreated (control, C group) and ABS treated cells (treated, T group). Thus, the effect of ABS was examined at molecular level after being applied in vitro on MCF-7 breast cancer cell line. In this study, proteins belonging to C and T groups were separated by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis. After ABS were applied, decreasing or increasing amounts of proteins were determined by image analysis studies. As a result of comparison of C and T groups, proteins which were Quantitatively differentiated at least 2-fold were analyzed by matrix assisted laser desorption/ionization, flight time mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS) and identified by peptide sequencing studies. The identified proteins were searched with the help of databases and their functions and protein-protein interactions were determined. The biological processes and pathways that ABS has affected on MCF-7 breast cancer cell have been identified with the database of String and KEGG. The obtained proteins were associated with the studies in the literature in order to explain the anticancer activity of ABS at the proteome level.Günümüzde tedavisi en zor olan ve ölümcül hastalıkların başında gelen kanserle ilgili çok sayıda araştırma gerçekleştirilmektedir. Bu araştırmalardan biri olan omik tekniklerden proteomik analizler; kanser, protein düzeyinde incelenerek kanser hastalığının oluşum mekanizması, teşhis ve tedavisi ile ilgili mevcut klinik çalışmalara destek olunmasının yanı sıra yeni alternatiflere ışık tutmaktadır. Bu tez çalışması, MCF-7 meme kanseri hücre hattının Ankaferd Hemostat (ABS; Ankaferd Blood Stopper®) ile farklı sürelerde muamele edilmesi sonucunda, ABS ile muamele edilmemiş (kontrol, C grubu) ve ABS ile muamele edilmiş hücrelerde (işlenmiş, T grubu) gerçekleştirilen karşılaştırmalı proteomik çalışmalar yapılmıştır. Böylece ABS’ nin etkisi, MCF-7 meme kanseri hücre hattına in vitro olarak uygulandıktan sonra moleküler düzeyde incelenmiştir. Bu çalışmada, C ve T gruplarına ait proteinler iki boyutlu jel elektroforez ile ayrılmıştır. ABS uygulandıktan sonra azalan veya artan miktarlarda ifade edilen proteinler imaj analizi çalışmaları yapılarak tespit edilmiştir. C ve T gruplarının karşılaştırılması sonucunda nicel olarak en az 2 kat farklılaşmış olan proteinler, matriks destekli lazer desorpsiyon/iyonizasyon, uçuş zamanlı kütle spektrometrisi (MALDI-TOF/TOF-MS) ile analiz edilmiş ve peptid dizileme çalışmaları ile tanımlanmıştır. Tanımlanan proteinler, veri bankaları yardımıyla taranmış ve fonksiyonları ile protein-protein etkileşimleri belirlenmiştir. String ve KEGG veri tabanları aracılığıyla da ABS’ nin, kanser hücrelerinde etkilediği biyolojik süreçler ve yolaklar tespit edilmiştir. Elde edilen proteinler, ABS’ nin antikanser aktivitesini proteom düzeyinde açıklamak amacıyla kaynaklardaki çalışmalarla ilişkilendirilmiştir

    Tritikale genotiplerinin tane verimi ve bazı kalite özellikleri

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    Triticale is used for different targets as human food and animal feed in the world. In particular, Triticale is an important alternative crop to use of marginal areas and to overcome the shortage of rising feed. This study was carried out for three years between 2012 and 2015 to determine the yield and quality aspects of triticale genotypes in Yozgat ecological conditions. Experiments were carried out in randomized complete block design with four replications. As a result of the variance analysis, year, genotype and year × genotype interactions were found to be significant in terms of all traits examined. According to the results including years averages; plant height, the number of spikes per square meter, harvest index, grain yield, thousand grain weight, hectoliter weight, crude protein content, crude fat content, starch content, ash content, acid detergent fiber (ADF), neutral detergent fiber (NDF) value, Zeleny sedimentation value, wet gluten, K, P and Mg were found between 84.1- 107.6 cm, 288.0-508.7 no, 28.6-38.8 %, 230.4- 366.1 kg da-1, 29.0-40.3 g, 66.7- 71.3 %, 12.3-14.8 %, 1.11- 1.76 %, 62.2-66.2 %, 1.68-2.17 %, 2.437-3.585 %, 17.5-19.1 %, 20.3-30.9 ml, 22.4-26.5 %, 0.525-0.668 %, 0.129-0.150 % and 0.366-0.408 %, respectively. The highest grain yield was obtained from numbered 14 (351.7 kg da-1), 15 (359.7 kg da-1), 23 (340.2 kg da-1) and 24 (366.1 kg da-1) triticale genotypes. Positive and significant correlation was found for plant height (r=0.422**), number of spikes per square meter (r=0.405**), harvest index (r=0.548**), 1000-grain weight (r=0.479**), hectoliter weight (r=0.559**) and P (r=0.129*) with grain yield. protein content (r= -0.238**), crude fat content (r= -0.126*), ADF (r= -0.119*), NDF (r= - 0.566**), Zeleny sedimentation value (r= -0.304**) and wet gluten (r= -0.496**) showed negative correlation with grain yield. According to the Biplot analysis graph, the 23 numbered genotype with high grain yield also appeared to be in the foreground in terms of properties such as plant height, 1000-grain weight, Zeleny sedimentation value, wet gluten, protein content, K, P and Mg. For grain yield, genotype 7 had good adaptation to all environments, genotypes 3, 4, 9 and 21 had moderate adaptation to good environment