10 research outputs found

    Eating disorders, primary care, and stigma: an analysis of research trends and patterns

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    Eating disorders (EDs) are a growing concern affecting millions worldwide. Early detection and treatment are crucial, but stigma can prevent people from seeking help. Primary care providers can play a critical role in early detection by coordinating care with other professionals. Understanding the research landscape on EDs, primary care, and stigma is essential for identifying knowledge gaps to direct future research and improve management. In this study, we aimed to analyze the scientific trends and patterns in research about EDs, primary care, and stigma. A bibliometric analysis was conducted using the Web of Science database to collect articles published between May 1986 and May 2023. Bibliometric indicators were utilized to examine authorship, collaboration patterns, and influential papers. Topic analysis was performed to identify stigma-related terms within the dataset. A total of 541 research articles were analyzed, and it was found that the average number of publications per year has increased linearly from nearly zero in 1986 to 41 in 2022. One of the study’s main findings is that despite this linear increase over the years, the subject of stigma did not take a prominent place in the literature. Only a few stigma concepts could be identified with the topic analysis. The authors in the field are also interested in; screening, neurotic symptoms, training, adolescent, obesity-related conditions, and family. One-third of all publications were from 15 journals. However, only two of them were primary healthcare journals. Leading authors’ collaborations were another critical finding from the network analysis. This may help to expand primary care related EDs research to end the mental health stigma. This study provides insights into the research trends and patterns regarding eating disorders, primary care, and stigma. Our findings highlight the need to address primary care’s impact and stigma on EDs. The identified research gaps can guide future studies to improve the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of eating disorders in primary care settings

    In-Depth Analysis of Obese and Overweight Women that Participated in Group Visits to Address their Weight Problems.

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    TEZ11811Tez (Uzmanlık) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2016.Kaynakça (s. 138-148) var.x, 155 s. : tablo ; 29 cm.Amaç: Kilo sorunları için grup görüGmelerine katılan kilolu ve obez kadınlarla yapılacak derinlemesine görüGmelerle obezite, kilo verme çabası ve grup görüGmelerinin niteliksel bir çalıGmayla incelenmesi amaçlandı. Yöntem: Sağlıklı yaGam tarzı değiGikliği için altı ay boyunca grup görüGmelerinin tümüne katılan kadınlardan amaçlı örneklemle 20’si çalıGmaya, alındı. Katılımcılarla, yarı-yapılandırılmıG sorular kullanılarak derinlemesine görüGmeler yapıldı. GörüGmelerin ses kaydı alınarak transkriptleri yazıldı. Transkriptlerin analizinde triangülasyon sağlanarak önce kodlama daha sonrasında da kategorizasyon yapıldı. Bulgular: ÇalıGmanın bulgularında dört ana temaya ulaGıldı. Ana temalar; “duygu, düGünce ve davranıG döngüsünün, obezite ve kilo verme çabasına etkisi”, “çevrenin obezite ve kilo verme çabasına etkisi”, “grup görüGmeleri ile ilgili deneyimleri”, “yaGam dönüm noktaları”dır. Birinci temanın alt temaları; “obezite konusundaki inanıGlarının davranıGlara etkisi”, “internal stigmatizasyon-kısıtlanma”, “kabul görme çabası”, “kısır döngüye girme”dir. Gkinci ana temanın alt temaları; “eksternal stigma”, “kilo sorununa yönelik hitap tercihleri”, “sağlık çalıGanlarının kilo sorununa yönelik hitapları”, “toplumsal cinsiyet ayrımcılığı” ve “çevrenin kilo verme çabasına etkisi”dir. Üçüncü temanın alt temanın alt temaları; “olumlu etkiler”, “olumsuz etkiler”, “sürdürebildikleri sağlıklı yaGam tarzı değiGiklikleri”, “motivasyonları” ve “önerileri”dir. Dördüncü ana temanın alt teması; “travmatik yaGam olaylarının obezite ve kilo verme çabasına etkileri” olarak bulunmuGtur. Sonuç: Obezitenin nedenleri ve kilo verme davranıGları birbiriyle iliGkili ve karmaGık bir yapıya sahiptir. Obeziteyle savaGımda bu karmaGık yapıya cevap verecek yöntemlere gereksinimi vardır. Aile hekimleri kilo sorunu olan bireylere biyopsikososyal-kültürel ve varoluGsal yaklaGımla etkin grup görüGmeleri yaparak yardımcı olabilirler.Aim: The aim of the study was to analyze obesity, weight loss struggle and the group visits, through a qualitative study conducted via in-depth interviews with overweight and obese women that attended the group visits for their weight problems. Method: Among women that attended all of the group visits through a period of six months for healthy life-style changes, 20 were selected through purposive sampling and were included in the study. Through semi-structured questions, in-depth interview was conducted with each participant. The interviews were recorded and transcribed afterwards. By obtaining triangulation in the analysis of the transcripts, first coding and afterwards categorization was performed. Results: Four main themes were identified in the findings of the study. The main themes are: “the influence of the emotion, thought and behavior cycle over the weightloss struggles and obesity”, “the influence of the social surrounding over weight-loss struggles”, “the experiences in group visits” and “the lifelong milestones”. The subcomponents of the first theme are: “the impact of personal beliefs on obesity over the behavior”, “internal stigmatization and self-restriction”, “the endeavor to be accepted by others”, “entering a vicious cycle”. The sub-components of the second theme are: “external stigmatization”, “preferences on how to address weight problems”, “the way healthcare professionals choose to address weight problems”, “social gender discrimination” and “the influence of the society over the struggles to lose weight”. The sub-components of the third theme are: “positive effects”, “negative effects”, “the healthy life-style changes the patients can maintain”, “patients’ motivation” and “patients’ suggestions”. The sub-component of the fourth main theme was determined as “the influence of traumatic experiences over obesity and weight loss struggles”. Conclusion: The causes of obesity and the weight loss behaviors share an interconnected and complex structure. The fight against obesity requires tools that can address this complex nature of the problem. Family physicians can help individuals with weight problems through efficient group visits with a bio-psychosocial-cultural and existential approach

    Aile Hekimliği Disiplinin Özgün Sorun Çözme Çekirdek Yeterliğinin Bir Olgu Eşliğinde İncelenmesi

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    Aile hekimliği disiplininin, çekirdek yeterlikleri, uygulandıkları sağlık sistemine bakılmaksızın, disiplinin evrenselliğini sağlamanın yanı sıra, verilen sağlık hizmetlerinin kalitesini de belirler. Bu çalışmada, polikliniğimize sağlık raporu isteğiyle başvuran ve yapılan incelemeler sonucunda nötropeni tespit edilen bir olgu, aile hekimliği çekirdek yeterliklerinden “özgül sorun çözme becerileri” bağlamında tartışılacaktır.Family medicine discipline’s core competencies, regardless of applied health system, not only provide universality of the discipline but also determine the quality of the health service. In this article, a case who had been appointed to our outpatient clinic for a health report and diagnosed as neutropenia will be discussed in the context of “specific problem solving” that is one of the family medicine core competencies