213 research outputs found

    The effect of pre-service science teachers’ prior experiences on their interests about chemistry experiments

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    AbstractThe aim of the study was to examine the learners’ interests about chemistry experiments based on their previous science experiences. Sample of the study consisted of 52 first year pre-service science teachers. The data gathered through chemistry experiments which preferred by the learners and an open ended survey. Results showed that participants prepared a chemistry experiment which they found easy to implement and understandable. It was also concluded that the experiments that have been chosen by most of the students have not been tried before for reasons such as lack of equipment or teachers not demonstrating experiments at the school

    Sex ratio estimations of Chelonia mydas hatchlings at Samandağ Beach, Turkey

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    Samandağ Beach, an important nesting location for endangered green turtles (Chelonia mydas), is located at the most eastern part of the Mediterranean in Turkey. Hatchling sex ratio can be one of the key factors for green turtle protection, which is under the threat of global climate change. In this study, sex ratios of hatchlings were estimated by histological examination of dead hatchlings (n = 190) and by nest temperatures (n = 14) at Samandağ Beach between the 2003 and 2007 nesting seasons. The histological examination of dead C. mydas hatchlings and temperature-recorded nests indicated a female-biased sex ratio on Samandağ Beach. By histological examination, top and bottom levels of nests were recorded as 94% and 64% of females. Sex ratios during the middle third of the incubation period ranged from 39% to 97% for females with a mean of 74%. Distance from the sea was correlated with the middle third of incubation temperature (r = –0.604, P = 0.022) and female ratio (r = –0.573, P = 0.032). While nest temperatures and nest parameters such as hatching success, clutch size, nest distance from the sea and from vegetation, nest depth, and the day of emergence were not found significantly different among years (P > 0.05), incubation duration was found significantly different among years (P < 0.05). The results showed a female-dominated sex ratio by both histology and nest temperature. The knowledge of hatchling sex ratios provides information on demographic parameters, and coupled with appropriate conservation measures this can make important contributions to studies of climate change effects on green sea turtle populations. © TÜBİTAK

    Valeur hédonique des terrains à usage résidentiel unifamilial sur l'île de Montréal

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    Thèse numérisée par la Direction des bibliothèques de l'Université de Montréal

    Open-Cube: Towards an Open-Source Architecture

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    Architecture is a means of production, a means of spatio-temporal intervention, a use of force against what already exists in natural and cultural environments. “In addition to being a means of production,” as Henri Lefebvre subtly puts, architecture is also “a means of control, and hence of domination, of power.” Architecture thus, is ontologically a political endeavor in the original sense of the word politikos, since it simply affects the everyday life of citizens and the way they interact with their social and spatial environments. ABOUTBLANK’s experiment in this regard, is positioned in the liminal space between architectural design theory and practice. The experiment is, (1) about overthrowing the problematic structure of power and the elitist hierarchy inherent in the profession among spatial actors, (2) about dissolving the antagonistic relationship of architecture with time, change, and movement, shrouded by its fetishistic preference for atemporality, inertia, and permanence, and finally (3) about a radical pursuit towards an Open-Source Architecture which, contrary to the exclusionary nature of the conventional profession, empowers all spatial actors to become creative architectural co-producers within a horizontal, performative, and process-driven network. This theoretical framework was tested in Antalya, Turkey as an open-source architectural experiment during the summer of 2013, under the code-name “Open-Cube.” It was attempt to defy the logic of pre-determined function, allowing users to activate cubes according to their needs and desires, to defy the logic of pre-determined static composition, allowing users to move, relocate, and displace cubes as mobile containers, and to defy the logic of pre-determined hierarchical power organization, allowing users to get rid of their subordinate position and empower themselves as egalitarian spatial actors in the architectural milieu. In Antalya, the participating spatial actors of this experiment started to realize in a preliminary but promising way, in good old Nietzschean terms, the transvaluation of architecture’s problematic conventional values

    Environmental Attitude Scale Developed by Structural Equation Modeling

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    Dumlupınar ve Sakarya üniversitelerinde öğrenim gören Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Yüksekokulu öğrencilerinin boş zaman etkinliklerine katılım nedenleri ve düzeylerinin karşılaştırılması

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    The aim of this study is &ldquo;Dumlupınar and Sakarya Universities&rsquo; Physical Education and Sport School Students&rsquo; Participation Reasons and Participation Level in Leisure Time Activities&rdquo;. The system of this reseach contains the students of Physical Education and Sport in Sakarya and Dumlupınar Universities&rsquo;.The exemplification of the study is formed with 336 students (from Sakarya University 167 and Dumlupınar University 169 students). A questionnaire including demographyc information and participation reasons in leisure time activities have been aplied to the students. As a statistical method chi-square and cross-tabulation were performed for finding significance about features (p &gt; 0.05). SPSS 11.5 (Statistical Package Program) has been used the data and to final the calculated mean.Bu &ccedil;alışma; &ldquo;Dumlupınar ve Sakarya &Uuml;niversitelerinde &Ouml;ğrenim G&ouml;ren Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Y&uuml;ksekokulu &Ouml;ğrencilerinin Boş Zaman Etkinliklerine Katılım Nedenleri ve D&uuml;zeylerini&rdquo; tespit etmek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Araştırmanın &ccedil;alışma evrenini Dumlupınar ve Sakarya &Uuml;niversiteleri Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Y&uuml;ksekokulu &ouml;ğrencileri, &ouml;rneklemini ise Sakarya ve Dumlupınar &Uuml;niversiteleri Beden Eğitimi ve Spor Y&uuml;ksekokullarından toplam 336 &ouml;ğrenci (169 &ouml;ğrenci Dumlupınar &Uuml;niversitesinden, 167 &ouml;ğrenci Sakarya &Uuml;niversitesinden) oluşturmuştur. &Ouml;ğrencilerin demografik bilgilerini ve katılım nedenlerini belirlemeye y&ouml;nelik 22 sorudan oluşan bir anket uygulanmıştır. Anketlerden elde edilen verilerin y&uuml;zde ve frekans dağılımları &ccedil;ıkarılmış, bazı sorular i&ccedil;in Ki-Kare &ccedil;&ouml;z&uuml;mlenmesinin istatistiki anlamda kabul&uuml; i&ccedil;in p &gt; 0.05 anlamlılık d&uuml;zeyi belirlenmiş, verilerin değerlendirilmesinde ve hesaplanmış değerlerin bulunmasında SPSS 11.5 istatistik programı kullanılmıştır

    The effects of aquaculture activities on species composition and diversity of native freshwater fish populations

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    The rapid development of the aquaculture industry in recent years and the increase in the intensity of production has raised questions regarding potential environmental impacts. Understanding intra- and interspecific relationships between native and cultured species is important for sustainable use of natural resources. This study investigated the spatial and temporal effects of a fish farm constructed next to a river on the relative abundance and diversity of natural fish populations. Sampling was conducted at three stations, upstream and down stream from a trout farm and at a control site, on Kocabas stream in Çanakkale (Turkey) monthly between August 2015 and July 2016. There was no significant difference among the three stations in fish diversity. However, a remarkable seasonal and spatial variation in the composition and relative proportion of the indigenous fish assemblage were observed among the three stations. In conclusion, the fish farm might have influenced species composition and relative abundances particularly at the downstream station

    Trophic interactions of two Ponto-Caspian gobies in the Turkish part of their native range

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    Several Ponto-Caspian gobiids have expanded from their native distribution ranges to Europe and North America. As knowledge on their bio-ecological features in their native range is still limited, the trophic ecology of monkey goby Neogobius fluviatilis and Western tubenose goby Proterorhinus semilunaris was studied in three natural lakes in the Marmara Region of NW Turkey using the stable isotopes of δ13C and δ15N. In two of the lakes, the trophic niches (as the isotopic niche) of the gobies were highly divergent with co-existing native fishes, with no overlap. Moreover, mixing models suggests considerable inter-specific dietary differences. In all lakes, the trophic niches of gobies were never significantly larger than those of co-existing fishes. These results suggest that when introduced outside of their natural range, the gobies might integrate into new fish communities via exploiting resources that are underexploited by native fishes or will initially share resources with these species before their niches diverge, perhaps through competitive displacement