17 research outputs found

    Physıcal activity level in element ary education second level children, physical self description and self-esteem İlköğretim II. kademe çocuklarda fiziksel aktivite düzeyi, kendini fiziksel tanımlama ve benlik saygısı

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    The aim of this study is to analyze the factors affecting the physical ego of children between the age of 11-13 considering the levels of physical activity and physical perception. According to results of 2010-2011 Çanakkale National Education Questionnaire; 11 schools which have high and low economic status were randomly selected. To determine the reason of the differences between groups, Post-hoc Bonferroni test was used when the variances were homogenous and Dunnett’s T3 test was used when the variances were not homogenous for the each independent variable. Pearson Correlation was used in order to find relationship between the independent groups. Alpha level was set to 0.05 for all calculations. According to the main findings of the research, it was found that the levels of physical activity, physical self description and self confidence of students differentiated in terms of gender and socioeconomic levels of the students. Extended English summary is in the end of Full Text PDF (TURKISH) file.  ÖzetBu çalışmanın amacı fiziksel benliği etkileyen faktörlerin 11-13 yaş çocuklarda fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel algılama düzeyine göre inceleyerek sosyo-ekonomik düzeyin fiziksel aktivite ve fiziksel uygunluk düzeyine etkisini ortaya koymaktır. 2010-2011 Çanakkale İl Milli Eğitim veli anket sonuçları çerçevesinde alt ve üst gelir grubuna sahip okullardan; merkezden ve ilçelerden rastgele 11 okul seçilmiştir. Gruplar arasındaki anlamlı farklılığın nedenini belirlemek için de her bir bağımsız değişken adına varyansların homojen olduğu durumlarda çoklu karşılaştırma testlerinden Post-hoc Bonferroni testi, varyansların homojen olmadığı durumlarda ise Dunnett’s T3 testi uygulanmıştır. Bağımsız gruplar arasındaki ilişki için Pearson Mometler çarpım korelasyonu uygulanmış, tüm istatistik hesaplamalarda anlamlılık düzeyi 0,05 olarak kabul edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda; 11-13 yaş çocuklarda fiziksel aktivite, kendini fiziksel tanımlama ve benlik saygısı düzeyleri, cinsiyete ve sosyo-ekonomik düzeye göre farklılaşmaların olduğu saptanmıştır

    Supply-Demand Interaction in the Formation of Freight Rates: China’s Trade Volume as Demand Side in the Dry Bulk Market

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    Freight revenues are a fundamental objective of the maritime industry, and provide a baseline for stakeholders to plan their current strategies and future investments. Reduction of uncertainty-induced risk is therefore essential for predicting market prospects and for achieving sustainable growth for sector participants. This can be achieved by conceiving the formation of freight rates as well as the macro variables that have the greatest impact on rates. This study aims to contribute to the existing freight rate formation literature by empirically testing the supply–demand balance of China, one of the world’s largest economies. The Baltic Dry Index (BDI) has been selected as a measure of freight rates, trade volume of China has been selected as a demand-side indicator and the dry bulk fleet has been selected as a supply-side indicator in the model. It has been hypothesized that a larger trade volume has the effect of increasing freight rates, while an increasing fleet capacity has the effect of reducing freight rates. Correlation and regression analyses have been applied to test the econometric relationships between variables. The results of the study have confirmed the hypotheses, and it has been found that freight rates reacted more vigorously to changes in the dry bulk fleet, which forms the supply side

    Aterosklerozun girişimsel olmayan tanısı yönünde tıkalı kan damarlarındaki basınç dalgalanmalarının büyük girdap simülasyonu.

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    Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease, in which plaque builds up inside a blood vessel, narrowing it down and forming a stenosis that adversely affects the flow. Because of the stenosis, turbulent flow occurs at the post-stenotic region, which causespressure fluctuations on the vessel wall. The resulting murmurpropogates through the surrounding tissue and reaches the skin surface. These sounds emitted from the stenosed vessels are evaluated as a sign of stenosis. In this study, large eddy simulations are conducted to investigate the turbulence- induced wall pressure fluctuations and resulting acoustic emission. In these simulations, the structures around the blood vessel are not modeled, the vessel wall is considered as rigid and only the flow inside the blood vessel is solved. Simulations are performed under both non-pulsatile and pulsatile flow conditions by using Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluid models. The two main parameters considered for this purpose are the stenosis severity and shape. The results show that stenosis severity under a certain level does not cause disturbance at the post- stenotic region. For stenoses above this critical level, increasing stenosis severity has an intensifying effect on the wall pressure fluctuations. Eccentric stenosis morphology causes more severe fluctuations than an axisymmetric one. Stenosis shape affects both the magnitude of fluctuations and the duration in which the pressure fluctuations are intense during the pulsatile cycle. Obtained pressure fluctuations are converted into sound and investigated in terms of sound levels and patterns. Sounds emitted from the blood vessels with different stenosis severities and shapes have different sound characteristics, and provide important information about the stenosis. Therefore, both the stenosis severity and shape must be taken into account to develop an acoustic-based diagnostic system.Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Antepfıstğının (Pistachia vera L.) bazı fiziksel özelliklerinin belirlenmesi

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    Bu çalışmada yaygın olarak yetiştirilen ve ticari olarak gelecek vaad eden,beş farklı antepfıstığı çeşidi (Kırmızı, Uzun, Halebi, Siirt, Ohadi) ile çalışılmıştır. Seçilen çeşitlerle, hasat zamanında Antepfıstığı Araştırma Enstitüsü'nün (Gaziantep) fıstık bahçelerinde dane ve salkım sapı kopma dirençleri ile ilgili çeşitli ölçümler yapılmıştır. Aynı bahçelerden alınan örnekler, 1 aylık, 2 aylık ve 3 aylık depolama sürelerindeki ağırlık, hacim, nem ve küresellik değerleri belirlenmiş ve örnekler farklı yönlerde (uzun ekseni boyunca, kabuğun birleşme çizgisi yataya paralel ve dik olacak yönde) ve farklı hızlarda (50 mm/dak ve 100 mm/dak) kırılarak, uzama miktarları, kırılma kuvvetleri, kırılma enerjileri, kırılma gerilmeleri, elastisite modülleri ve kuvvet-deformasyon eğrileri elde edilmiştir. Ayrıca 3 aylık depolama süresi sonrasında kritik hız ve yuvarlanma direnci katsayısı parametreleri ölçülmüştür. Çeşitlerin belirlenen fiziksel özellikleri kullanılarak hasat, sınıflandırma ve çıtlatma aşamalarının makina ile yapılmasını sağlayabilecek, bu sayede girdi maliyetlerini düşürecek ve ürünün ihracat payını artırabilecek sonuçlara ulaşılmıştır

    Large Eddy Simulation of Blood Flow Inside Vessels for Acoustic Diagnosis of Atherosclerosis

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    Atherosclerosis is a cardiovascular disease, in which plaque builds up inside a blood vessel, narrowing it down and forming a stenosis that adversely affects flow. Because of the constriction, turbulent flow occurs at the post-stenotic region, which leads pressure fluctuations on the vessel wall. The murmur caused by this interaction propagates through the surrounding tissue and reaches the skin surface. These sounds emitted from the stenosed vessels are evaluated as a sign of stenosis. In this study, large eddy simulations are conducted to investigate the turbulence-induced wall pressure fluctuations and resulting acoustic emission. The two main parameters considered for this purpose are the stenosis severity and shape. The results show that stenosis severity under a certain level does not cause disturbance at the post-stenotic region. For constrictions above this critical level, increasing stenosis severity has an intensifying effect on the wall pressure fluctuations. Eccentric stenosis morphology causes more severe fluctuations than the axisymmetric one. Different stenosis shapes affect both the magnitude of fluctuations and the duration in which the fluctuations are intense during the pulsatile cycle. Obtained pressure fluctuations are converted into sound and investigated in terms of sound levels and patterns. Sounds emitted from the vessels with different stenosis severities and shapes have different sound characteristics, and they can provide important information about the constriction. Therefore, both the stenosis severity and the shape must be taken into account for development of an acoustic-based diagnostic system

    Damarlardaki Daralmaların Oluşturduğu Akustik Yayılımın Büyük Girdap Benzetimleri ile İncelenmesi

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    Gerçek hastalardan elde edilmiş sağlıklı damar geometrileri üzerinde literatürden esinlenerek oluşturulacak olan gerçekçi daralmalar içindeki kan akışı OpenFOAM yazılımı ve Büyük Girdap Benzetimi (Large Edy Simulaton, LES) modellemesi ile çözülecek ve daralma sonrası oluşan akustik yayılım detaylı olarak araştırılacaktır. Sabit, sinusoidal atımlı ve fizyolojik atımlı akış koşullarında yapılacak olan çözümlerde su, Newtonsal kan ve Newtonsal olmayan kan kullanılacaktır. Bu sayede daralma geometrisi ve şiddetinin, akışın zamana bağlı değişiminin ve sıvının viskoz özelliğinin akustik yayılıma olan etkisi anlaşılacaktır. Uzun vadeli hedef stenoza maruz kalmış damarlardan yayılan akustik verinin girişimsel olmayan bir şekilde hastalığın teşhisi ve ilerleyişinin takibi için kullanılmasının mümkün olup olmayacağının araştırılmasıdır