26 research outputs found

    A cadaveric histological investigation of the prostate with three-dimensional reconstruction for better results in continence and erectile function after radical prostatectomy

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    In this study our aim is to increase the understanding of the prostate and related organs anatomy for better continence and erectile function results after urological surgery. Prostate and related organs were dissected from seven cadavers. After dissection, 165 serial sections with 300 μm thickness were derived at a 100 μm interval. The histological images were examined and imported to the computer. Three-dimensional (3D) remodeling had been performed. The findings were evaluated into three categories: macroscopic, microscopic and 3D reconstruction. Striated muscle fibers had been detected at the anterior fibromuscular stroma in histological sections. In 3D remodeling, urethra seemed to be a complete functional unit, beginning from the trigone up to the membranous urethra. The neurovascular bundles run under the pelvic fascia on both sides and go through to the bladder neck at 5 and 7 o'clock. Computer remodeling demonstrated that neurovascular structures had a close association with the bladder neck and the seminal vesicle. Computer program made it possible to rotate all 3D-reconstructed figures by 360° and examine them from all possible angles. All reconstructed structures can be examined together at the same time or one by one. Surgeons must pay special attention to the continence area described as a single unit, beginning from trigone to the membranous urethra, during the surgery. Meticulous dissection of the neurovascular bundles, especially close to the seminal vesicles and bladder neck, during the radical prostatectomy is necessary. These reconstructions can be used for the educational purpose of medical students as well as the urology surgeons

    Effect of testosterone propionate on hippocampal pyramidal neuron number in female rats

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    INTRODUCTION The hippocampus is an important region of the brain that regulates cognitive and emotional functions. In this study, we examined the impact of perinatal administration of testosterone propionate (TP) on the number of pyramidal neurons in the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampi of female rats. METHODS Five groups of rats were used in this study. Three groups of female rats were administered TP in either both the prenatal and the postnatal periods (Group 1), only the prenatal period (Group 2) or only the postnatal period (Group 3). The other two groups of rats included control females (Group 4) and control males (Group 5). The rats were sacrificed on postnatal Day 120 and their brains were analysed for hippocampal pyramidal neuron number using stereological methods. RESULTS Control male rats (Group 5; p = 0.043) and TP-treated female rats in Groups 1 (p = 0.012) and 2 (p = 0.037), but not Group 3 (p > 0.05), had a significantly higher number of pyramidal neurons than control female rats (Group 4). The rats in Group 1 had the highest number of pyramidal neurons among the female rats. CONCLUSION Perinatal TP treatment has an augmenting effect on the number of pyramidal neurons in the hippocampi of female rats. We also found gender-based differences in the hippocampi of male and female rats, with a higher number of pyramidal neurons seen in male rats. Continuous TP administration during the prenatal and postnatal periods is more effective than administration only in the prenatal or postnatal period

    The Role of Soil Beneficial Bacteria in Wheat Production: A Review

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    Free-living plant growth-promoting rhizobacteria (PGPR) have favourable effect on plant growth, tolerance against stresses and are considered as a promising alternative to inorganic fertilizer for promoting plant growth, yield and quality. PGPR colonize at the plant root, increase germination rates, promote root growth, yield, leaf area, chlorophyll content, nitrogen content, protein content, tolerance to drought, shoot and root weight, and delayed leaf senescence. Several important bacterial characteristics, such as biological nitrogen fixation, solubilization of inorganic phosphate and mineralization of organic phosphate, nutrient uptake, 1-aminocydopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC) deaminase activity and production of siderophores and phytohormones, can be assessed as plant growth promotion traits. By efficient use, PGPR is expected to contribute to agronomic efficiency, chiefly by decreasing costs and environmental pollution, by eliminating harmful chemicals. This review discusses various bacteria acting as PGPR, their genetic diversity, screening strategies, working principles, applications for wheat and future aspects in terms of efficiency, mechanisms and the desirable properties. The elucidation of the diverse mechanisms will enable microorganisms developing agriculture further

    Aortic distensibility and coronary artery bypass graft patency

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Aortic distensibility is an elasticity index of the aorta, and reflects aortic stiffness. Coronary artery disease has been found to be substantially associated with increased aortic stiffness. In this study we aimed to retrospectively analyze the association of angiographically determined aortic distensibility with the patency rates of coronary bypass grafts</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The study was conducted in the Cardiology department of the Applied Research Centre for Health of Uludağ University. The coronary angiograms of 53 consecutive coronary bypass patients were analysed retrospectively. Aortic distensibility was calculated using the formula: 2 × (change in aortic diameter)/(diastolic aortic diameter) × (change in aortic pressure). The number of stenosed and patent bypass grafts and the patient characteristics like age, risk factors were noted.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There were 44 male (83%) and 9 female (17%) cases. Eighteen cases had only one saphenous vein grafting. The number of cases with two, three and four saphenous grafting were 18, 11 and 1; respectively. In the control angiograms the number of cases with one, two, three and four saphenous vein graft obstruction were 15 (31.3%), 7 (14.6%), 1 (2.1%) and 1 (2.1%) respectively. The aortic distensibility did not differ in cases with and without saphenous graft occlusion (p > 0.05). Also left internal mammary artery (LIMA) graft patency was not related to the distensibility of the aorta (p > 0.05). We also evaluated the data for cut-off values of 50 and 70 mmHg of pulse pressure and did not see any significant difference between the groups in terms of saphenous or LIMA grafts.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this study we failed to show association of angiographically determined aortic distensibility with coronary bypass graft patency in consecutive 53 patients with coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG).</p

    Three-dimensional computed tomography of a complete stylohyoid ossification with articulation

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    The stylohyoid chain presents considerable anatomic variability. Three-dimensional (3D) CT is accepted as the method of choice for morphological assessment of the stylohyoid complex. We present volume-rendered, 3D multislice CT images of an unusual, incidental case of bilateral complete stylohyoid ossification with articulations. © Springer-Verlag 2008

    Injection of specific amyloid-beta oligomers (beta1-40:Beta1-42510:1) into rat medial septum impairs memory retention without inducing hippocampal apoptosis

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    Objectives: Because of the well-known neurochemical interactions between the septum and hippocampus during memory processes, we investigated the effect of amyloid-beta (A-beta) injection into the medial septum (MS) on the behavior in Wistar rats. We also assessed whether the observed effects were functional or due to apoptosis. Methods: Specific A-beta oligomers (beta1-40:beta1-42 510:1) were injected into MS for seven consecutive days. Behavior was assessed with the Morris water maze task. Results: Compared with the control group, rats that received A-beta oligomers exhibited significant memory retention impairment (P &lt; 0.05) without apoptosis in the cornu ammonis (CA)1 and CA3 regions of the dorsal hippocampus. Discussion: These data indicate that septal injection of A-beta impairs memory retention, even in the absence of hippocampal apoptosis. This result might bring new insight to spatial memory-related disorders like Alzheimer's disease (AD). © W. S. Maney &amp; Son Ltd 2013

    Adana'da kaza dışı yaralanma olgularında adli raporların değerlendirilmesi

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    Bir kişinin sağlığının bozulmasına neden olan kişiler meydana getirdikleri zararın ağırlığına göre sorumlu tutulmaktadır. Hekimlerden istenen adli görevlerden biri; adli konum kazanmış bir olay sonrası, kişilerde meydana gelen ruhsal bedensel zararın saptanması ve bunun ağırlığının belirtilmesidir. Bu çalışma, 1994 yılında Adli Tıp Kurumu Adana Adli Tıp Şube Müdürlüğüne, adli makamlarca gönderilen, kaza dışı yaralanma öyküsü veren olguların özellikleri ve olgularda saptanan lezyonların ağırlık dağılımlarını ortaya koymak amacıyla planlandı. Kaza dışı yaralanma öyküsüyle başvuran 1937 olgunun 1536'sı (%79.3) erkek, 401'i (%20.7) kadındı. Vücutta meydana getirilen yara türlerinin dağılımı incelendiğinde; en büyük grubu %74.3 ile kunt travmatik yaraların oluşturduğu, bunu %20.3 ile kesici-delici alet yaralarının izlediği görülmektedir. Lezyonların ağırlık derecelerine göre dağılımları incelendiğinde; olguların %92.9'unda 0-10 gün kapsamında ve %2.6'sında hayati tehlike meydana getiren ağırlıkta bir lezyon saptandığı belirtilmektedir. Önceki raporlarında; hayati tehlike olmadığı belirtilen 3 olguda hayati tehlike meydana getiren ağırlıkta bir lezyon olduğu, hayati tehlikesi olduğu belirtilen 2 olguda ise bu ağırlıkta bir lezyon olmadığı saptanmıştır. Elde edilen veriler ışığında, hukuki delil niteliğindeki adli raporların düzenlenmesi ile ilgili sorunlar tartışılmaya çalışılacaktır