131 research outputs found

    The mediating role of perceived administrative support for the effect of job motivation on organizational identification

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    In this study, the mediating role of perceived administrative support for the effect of teachers’ job motivation on their organizational identification perceptions was investigated. For this purpose, in mind, the opinions of 320 kindergarten teachers in 304 schools from 13 different school districts of Şahinbey/Gaziantep were received. However, 233 scales were taken into consideration. The research data were collected through Job Motivation Scale (JMS), Organizational Identification Scale (OIS) and Perceived Administrative Support Scale (PASS). Descriptive statistics, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis were used in data analysis. Analysis results revealed that the job motivation perceptions of teachers were high. In addition, it was revealed that the participants also had high scores for organizational identification and perceived administrative support. Correlation analyses yielded positive, moderate and significant relationships between the research variables. Path analysis uncovered that perceived administrative support had a “partial mediating” role for the relationship between job motivation and organizational identification. Based on research findings, it was concluded that the effect of job motivation on teachers’ identification with their organizations was realized through perceived administrative support, albeit partially

    Segmentation of Social Media Users for Destinations: A Clustering Approach

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    This is a study into the segmentation of social media users interested in traveling into groups and aims to ascertain if differences exist in benefits among segments. It is based on a survey that examines the benefits they see social media as having before, during, and after a trip to a destination, using their responses to generate a data-driven segmentation. Data from a total of 218 questionnaires were analyzed using factor and cluster analysis in sequence, specifically applying a hierarchical cluster analysis using the Ward method and a Kmeans algorithm. The analysis led to the identification of four useful types of social media user: info-seeker, communication-seeker, interaction-seeker, and hybrid segments, each of which seeks different things from social media and use it in different ways (e.g., to seek information, to see what other people have said about a destination, or to post their own experiences). As such, the implications of our findings offer useful insights for both scholars and destination marketers, highlighting the significance of offering appropriate marketing strategies for each type of segment

    Roma Medeni Usul Hukukunda Formula Yargılaması

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    Roma Hukukunda : Actio de Peculio

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    Multi-regional Adaptive Image Compression (AIC) for hip fractures in pelvis radiography

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    High resolution digital medical images are stored in DICOM (Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine) format that requires high storage space in database. Therefore reducing the image size while maintaining diagnostic quality can increase the memory usage efficiency in PACS. In this study, diagnostic regions of interest (ROI) of pelvis radiographs marked by the radiologist are segmented and adaptively compressed by using image processing algorithms. There are three ROIs marked by red, blue and green in every image. ROI contoured by red is defined as the most significant region in the image and compressed by lossless JPEG algorithm. Blue and green regions have less importance than the red region but still contain diagnostic data compared to the rest of the image. Therefore, these regions are compressed by lossy JPEG algorithm with higher quality factor than rest of the image. Non-contoured region is compressed by low quality factor which does not have any diagnostic information about the patient. Several compression ratios are used to determine sufficient quality and appropriate compression level. Compression ratio (CR), peak signal to noise ratio (PSNR), bits per pixel (BPP) and signal to noise ratio (SNR) values are calculated for objective evaluation of image quality. Experimental results show that original images can approximately be compressed six times without losing any diagnostic data. In pelvis radiographs marking multiple regions of interest and adaptive compression of more than one ROI is a new approach. It is believed that this method will improve database management efficiency of PACS while preserving diagnostic image content

    Okul Yöneticilerinin İnsancıl Yeterlikleri

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    This study aimed to clarify the humanity level, one of the qualifications of school principals who work in elementary schools. The research is in the model of case study, one of the qualitative research methods. Study group consisted of school principals and teachers who worked at elementary schools in Gaziantep. Study group was derived through purposeful sample methods as maximum variety samples. Data were gathered by semi-structured interview technique. Whilst analyzing the data, descriptive and content analyzing techniques were used which are commonly used in qualitative analyses. In this research, it was found that in-company communication, taking care of team work, enhancing staff motivation, taking care of the expectations and demands of the staff, defining the standards for evaluating company staff, and about the attitudes of school principals towards participation in school management are generally compatible with humanist qualification indicatorsBu araştırmada,  ilköğretim okullarında görev yapan yöneticilerinin sahip olması gereken yeterliklerden birisi olan insancıl yeterlik düzeylerini ortaya çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Araştırma nitel araştırma desenlerinden durum çalışması modelindedir. Çalışma grubunu Gaziantep merkez ilçelerinde görev yapan ilköğretim okul yöneticileri ve öğretmenleri oluşturmaktadır. Çalışma grubu,  amaçlı örneklem seçim yöntemlerinden maksimum çeşitlilik örneklemesine göre belirlenmiştir. Veriler yarı yapılandırılmış görüşme tekniği ile toplanmıştır. Verilerin analizinde ise nitel araştırma analizlerinde kullanılan içerik analizi yöntemi uygulanmıştır. Bu araştırmada kurum içi iletişim, ekip çalışmasını önemseme, çalışan motivasyonunu arttırma, çalışanların istek ve beklentilerini önemseme, kurum çalışanlarını değerlendirme ölçütlerini belirleme ve kurum çalışanlarının yönetime katılmaları konusunda okul yöneticilerinin tutumlarının insancıl yeterlik göstergeleri ile genel anlamda uyumlu olduğu sonucuna ulaşılmıştır

    Kablosuz Vücut Algılayıcı Ağları Ve Uzaktan Hasta Takip Sistemi

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    TÜBİTAK EEEAG Proje01.07.2017Bu projede, kalp yetmezligi, yüksek tansiyon, diyabet ve kronik obstrüktif akciger hastalıgı(KOAH ) gibi kronik hastalıklara sahip hastaların uzaktan izlenmesi için günümüz bilgi vemobil iletisim teknolojilerini kullanan bir teletıp sisteminin gerçeklestirilmesi amaçlanmıstır.Çalısmanın baslangıcını 2010 yılında dünya saglık örgütü (WHO) nun tele-tıp alanındagereksinim duydugu arastırmalar ve aynı yıllarda Eric TOPOL un yaptıgı bir dizi konferans vekitap yayınları olusturmustur. Ancak son yıllarda bu alanda yapılan yayınlar, konferanslar veendüstriyel girisimler öyle artmıstır ki; yaptıgımız çalısmanın öneminden çok endüstriyelyeterliligimizin ve akademik girisimlerimizin gölgelenmemesi endisesi ile projetamamlanmıstır.Proje içeriginde Bluetooth ve Zigbee gibi alternatif teknolojilerde karsılasılan güç tüketimi vegirisim problemlerinin üstesinden gelebilecek IEEE 802.15.6 radyosu yazılım ve donanımıylabirlikte gerçeklestirilmistir. Söz konusu standart 2.36 ile 2.4 GHz arasında 600 kHz likkanallarda sadece saglık verilerinin aktarılabilecegi haberlesme kanallarını öngörmektedir.IEEE 802.15.6 standardının öngördügü haberlesmeyi gerçeklestirecek radyo ve uygulamalarıdestekleyecek yazılımın mevcut olmamasından dolayı projenin önemli bir is yükünü buçalısmalar olusturmustur. Projeyle birlikte uygulamaların gerektirdigi cihazlar arası otomatikhaberlesme, ag kurulumu ve servis tanıma gibi makinadan makinaya haberlesme protokolüde gerçeklestirilmistir. Projenin hedefledigi kablo esdegeri güvenilirlik ve düsük güçlü radyoihtiyacı önemli ölçüde karsılanmıstır.Projenin diger iki temel bileseni insan vücudundan saglık verisini toplayacak algılayıcılar vehasta ile saglık personeli arasında iletisimi saglayıp, saglık personeline yardımcı olacak karardestek sistemi yazılımıdır. Algılayıcılar olarak EKG, Solunum, SPO2, tansiyon, vücut ısısı,agırlık ve ivme ölçüm sensörleri gelistirilmistir. Karar destek yazılımı iki ana bölümdenolusmaktadır. Bunlardan birincisi ölçülen verilerden alarmların üretilmesidir. Burada daha çokEKG verisinden alarm üretilmesine yogunlasılmıstır. Ikincisi ise, EKG aritmilerininsınıflandırılması ile olusturulan karar destek yazılımıdır.This project involves development of a telemedicine system utilizing today's information andmobile communication technologies for remote monitoring of patients with chronic diseasessuch as diabetes, asthma, heart attacks and high blood pressure. Initialization of this study isbased on the publications of Eric TOPOL and The World Health Organization about theimportance of telemedicine and remote patient monitoring in 2010.An important part of the project involves to develop software and hardware for the emergingstandards IEEE 802.15.6, since the power consumptions and interference problems ofZigBee and Bluetooth technologies, which are main rivals for the health industry, are foundunsuitable for a business model of remote patient monitoring. IEEE 802.15.6 offers acommunication highway for health data in 2.36 to 2.4 GHz with 600 kHz of its channels.However there was no hardware and software to implement such a communication andsupport applications required for health industry based on IEEE 802.15.6 standards. So, animportant part of the project is dedicated to implement the required hardware including radioand software. The software also realizes machine to machine communication to implementdevice to device communication to collect health data, as a fashion of machine-to-machinecommunication. The aim of the project, which is obtain a cable equivalent reliablecommunication for health data, has been mostly achieved.Other two essential part of the projects are sensor devices to measure the health data anddecision making system from the measurements. The circuits for ECG, respiration, SPO2,blood-pressure, body temperature and acceleration sensors are developed in a way that theirperformances equivalent to devices used in an intensive care unit. And, a software forgenerating alarms and classification of the disease during the remote monitoring of patientsis developed in order to assist health personnel. The obtained accuracies are published inseveral conferences.Keywords: eHealth, telemedicine, tele-monitoring, IEEE 802.15.6, BAN, M2M, ECG,respiration, SPO2, blood-pessure