182 research outputs found

    La historia y evolución del fitness

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    Mankind has always maintained the mentality of vitality since its existence. Fitness was used to survive through hunting and gathering required by living conditions in ancient times, the movement arising from competition during the cold war period was seen as a propaganda tool in certain periods, and today as a mass sport that prioritizes muscle, beauty and aesthetics used commercially. In the modern world, fitness, which is done with external appearance and aesthetic concerns, has a very old history. This article will highlight historical events and influential individuals who shaped the history of fitness, from primitive man to the founding of the modern fitness movement. For this reason, the history of fitness in the research; In societies, body culture, primitive people and fitness, before and after the industrial revolution, between certain years (1920-1990), were gathered under the titles of today's fitness. As a result, fitness, which developed as a result of physical culture in the 20th century, has a large market in the world.Desde su existencia, la humanidad siempre ha mantenido la mentalidad de vitalidad. En la antigüedad, las condiciones de vida exigían que el fitness se utilizara para sobrevivir a través de la caza y la recolección, durante la guerra fría se vio como una herramienta de propaganda, y hoy en día como un deporte de masas usado comercialmente que prioriza la musculatura, la belleza y la estética. En el mundo moderno, el fitness, que se realiza con fines estéticos, tiene una historia muy antigua. Este artículo muestra los acontecimientos históricos y las personas influyentes que dieron forma a la historia del fitness, desde el hombre primitivo hasta la fundación del movimiento moderno del fitness. Por esta razón, el trabajo se estructura en la cultura corporal en las sociedades, los pueblos primitivos la revolución agrícola y el fitness, antes y después de la revolución industrial (1920-1990), y el fitness actual. En definitiva, el fitness que se desarrolló como resultado de la cultura física en el siglo XX, tiene un gran mercado global

    Role of Protocatechuic Acid (PCA) on Hepatoxicity and Nephrotoxicity Induced by 2, 3, 7, 8-Tetracholorodibenzo-P-Dioxin (TCDD) in Rats

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    It is known that TCDD, one of the most toxic dioxin compounds, causes oxidative damage by forming free radical in human and animal tissues. In this study, the protective effect of PCA, an important phenolic compound, was examined in rat kidney and liver tissues with TCDD-induced toxicity. For this purpose, 28 Wistar Albino rats (3-4 months old and weighing 280-310 g) were used. Rats were randomly divided into 4 equal groups (control, TCDD, PCA and TCDD+PCA). TCDD and PCA were dissolved in corn oil at doses of 2 µg/kg and 100 mg/kg, respectively. Subsequently, the substances were administered to the rats by oral gavage for 45 days. The test results showed that in both kidney and liver tissues, TCDD increased the level of malondialdehyde (MDA) but inhibited the level of glutathione (GSH) and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px). PCA administration was found to increase the enzyme activities and GSH levels, whereas it decreased the TCDD and MDA levels. In conclusion, it was observed that PCA decreased the TCDD-induced lipid peroxidation, increasing the antioxidant activity. Therefore, it might be suggested that PCA is a potential reducing agent for the toxicity caused by TCDD

    The protective effect of docosahexaenoic acid on the bilirubin neurotoxicity

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    Usually, all newborns demonstrate high serum unconjugated bilirubin (UCB) level. UCB may induce adverse effects in the central nervous system. We aimed to evaluate the cytotoxic effects of UCB and the protective effects of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on astrocyte cell cultures. The viability of astrocyte cells decreased after UCB treatment in a dose-dependent manner. Pre-incubation of DHA prevents the cells from UCB-mediated neurotoxicity. Our results shown that UCB leads to inhibition of antioxidant enzymes superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase and GPx activity and induction of apoptosis. But only 4-h pretreatment of DHA can suppress of UCB-mediated inhibition of antioxidant enzymes SOD, catalase and GPx activity and induction of apoptosis in astrocytes. Our results strongly indicated that DHA has a protective effect on UCB-mediated neurotoxicity through inhibition apoptosis and antioxidant enzymes activity of SOD, CAT and GPx in rat primer astrocyte cell line © 2013 Informa UK, Ltd

    A neonatal septic arthritis case caused by klebsiella pneumoniae: A case report

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    Septic arthritis is encountered very rarely during the neonatal period and its diagnosis can delay because of atypical symptoms, thus it may lead to serious sequelae. The sequale can be prevented by early diagnosis and concomitant treatment. In neonates, pain can be experienced as a result of pseudoparalysis and of movement of the effected joints. A 17-day-old neonatal patient was brought to our hospital with complaint of unrest and then diagnosed with septic arthritis due to propagation of Klebsiella pneumoniae in joint fluid culture was represented because of the rarity of such a case. © 2016, Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research. All rights reserved

    Risk factors and outcome in patients with bacteraemia secondary to ventilatoraAssociated pneumonia due to acinetobacter baumannii

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    Introduction: Acinetobacter baumannii is a multi-drug resistant (MDR), gram -negative, infectious nosocomial pathogen, commonly affecting critically ill patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU). Patients with ventilator -associated pneumonia (VAP) may contract A. baumannii bacteremia, which may significantly impair prognosis. This study evaluates the risk factors and outcomes in patients with bacteremia secondary to VAP. Materials and Methods: Two hundred thirty one VAP and bacteremia attacks secondary to VAP due to A. baumannii, followed in intensive care units over a six-year period, were examined. Risk factors and outcomes were compared from patient records. Results: The median age and gender distribution of the episodes were similar. In the bacteremia group, the ratio of peripheral venous catheterizations and total parenteral nutrition (TPN) use was significantly higher than in the non-bacteremia group (p= 0.001 vs. p< 0.001, respectively). The median APACHE-II score in the bacteremia group was significantly higher than in the non-bacteremia group (28 vs. 24, respectively, p< 0.001). However, median SOFA 1 (SOFA at ICU admission) and SOFA 2 (SOFA at diagnosis) scores did not differ from those in the non-bacteremia group (6 vs. 5, respectively, p= 0.173 and 9 vs. 9, respectively, p= 0.088). There was no significant difference observed in the distribution of the Charlson comorbidity index between the groups. The incidence of mortality was 2.8 times higher in the bacteremia group compared to the non-bacteremia group. Conclusion: Total parenteral nutrition and venous catheterization are identified as risk factors for bacteremia in patients with VAP caused by A. baumannii, with a 2.4 and 2.2 fold increase, respectively. While SOFA 1 and SOFA 2 scores may not hold significance in the presence of bacteremia, the APACHE-II score alone may be significant. Additionally, prolonged and unsupervised use of proton pump inhibitors (PPI) in critically ill ICU patients may elevate the risk of bacteremia and associated mortalities in VAP patients

    Comparison of Satisfaction of Body Parts and the Success Levels of the Teams That Participated in Universities Handball 2nd League Competitions

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    The study was conducted to determine and compare the satisfaction levels of the students participating in the Universities 2nd Handball League competitions on body parts and body features and the success of their teams. The study group consisted of n=213 (111 female, 102 male) students between 18-24 years of age who participated in 2016-2017 Universities 2nd Handball League competitions (8 Female Teams, 8 Male Teams). The “Body Parts and Body Features Satisfaction Scale” was used as the measurement tool. There are 26 items for women and 27 items for men in this scale. The One-Way Variance Analysis and Tukey Test were used in the comparison of the satisfaction scores of the male handball players from their body parts with the success levels in competitions, and the Kruskal Wallis Test and Mann Whitney U-Test were used in female participants.According to the satisfaction from body parts and features average scores, the differences between the male and female teams were found to be statistically significant (p<0,05). These differences were detected in İbrahim Çeçen, Erzincan and Doğu Akdeniz University teams in men; and in Atatürk, Sütçü İmam and Erciyes University teams in women.As a result, although there was a statistically significant difference between the average satisfaction scores of the teams, which were the 1st and the last in the tournament, in terms of body parts and features, it was also determined that this situation was not influential on the success rating of the teams

    Spor lisesini kazanan ve kazanamayan öğrencilerin yetenek test puanlarının karşılaştırılması

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    The purpose of the study was comparing the differences between the scores of the students who passed and who could not pass Aptitude Tests for sports high schools. The study was conducted with 101 students (male: n=67; female: n=34) who took and succeeded the Aptitude Test in 2017-2018 academic year among 206 students (male: 152; female: 54), and with 105 students (male: n=85; female: n=20)students who could not pass the test. The students participated in the coordination track, 30-m speed, standing long jump, rhythm tests, and received scores according to their performances. The Sports Player Background Scores (if any) were added to their scores and the Sportive Success Scores (SSS) were determined. The Sports Player Background Scores (if any) were added to their scores and the Sportive Success Scores (SSS) were determined. Mann-Whitney U test was used in comparisons to identify the difference between academic success and ability test points of male and female participants who passed or failed the test, and Kruskal Wallis H test was used to identify the difference among the groups. At the end of the study, the difference in sports ability test points of the female and male participants who passed the test and the ones who failed the test were statistically significant. Male and female partıcipants in third category had the highest point in sports ability tests and school placement.Çalışmanın amacı 2017-2018 öğretim yılında spor lisesi yetenek sınavına girerek başarılı olup kayıt yaptırma hakkı kazanan ve başarısız olup elenen öğrencilerin yetenek testlerindeki başarı puan farklılıklarını karşılaştırmaktır. Çalışma 2017-2018 öğretim yılında spor lisesi yetenek sınavına giren 206 (erkek:152; kadın:54) kişi arasından sınavı kazanan n=101 (erkek:67 kadın:34) ve kazanamayan n=105 (n=85 erkek; n= 20 kadın) aday ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Yetenek sınavına giren öğrenciler; koordinasyon parkuru, 30 m sürat, durarak uzun atlama, ritim testlerine katılarak derecelerine göre puan almışlardır. Bu testler tamamlandıktan sonra aldıkları puanlara ek olarak varsa sportif özgeçmiş puanları eklenmiş ve Sportif Başarı Puanları (SBP) belirlenmiştir. Sınavı kazanan ve kazanamayan kadın ve erkek adayların akademik başarıları ve yetenek test puanları arasındaki farklılığı belirlemek için ikili karşılaştırmalarda Mann-Whitney U testi, gruplar arasındaki farklılığı belirlemek için Kruskal Wallis H testi kullanılmıştır. Çalışma sonucunda; sınavı kazanan erkek ve kadın adayların kazanamayanlara göre sportif yetenek test puanları arasındaki fark istatistiksel olarak anlamlıdır. Üçüncü kategoride yer alan erkek ve kadın adaylar okula yerleştirme ve sportif başarı testlerinde en yüksek puanları almışlardır

    A simple and practical tool for indirect determination of the unconfined compressive strength of most common construction materials

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    Determination of the unconfined compressive strength (UCS) of construction materials in the laboratory is tedious and time-consuming. There have been many attempts to indirectly predict UCS using simpler tools and techniques. One of them is the nail gun. The scope of this investigation is to design a nailer which can be applied all construction materials whose UCS range from 1-100 MPa. In the research, rocks, bricks, and concretes prepared in different cement/sand ratios with different strength ranges were used as materials. The unconfined compressive strength of the materials used in the experiments was first determined by conventional compression tests. The nail penetration depths were determined by conducting experiments on the same materials using a nailer with two different energy levels. An empirical relationship was developed by using nail penetration depths, driving energies, and nail diameters as the independent variables and the UCS determined by the conventional method as the dependent variable. According to the empirical relationship determined by multiple regression analysis, the UCS of building materials can be estimated with significance level of 99% by the nail penetration method. The research also revealed that the UCS of rocks might have a coefficient of variation as high as 30%

    The rate of weight gain ın preterm ınfants who were fed with enriched human milk

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    Bu çalışmada; eoprotinin prematüre bebeklerde vücut ağırlığı artış hızına etkisi incelendi. Pamukkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi'nde 1999-2000 tarihlerinde Yenidoğan Yoğun Bakım Ünitesinde yatan 26 prematüre bebek çalışmaya alındı. Onaltı prematüre bebeğe zenginleştirilmiş anne sütü, 10 bebeğe ise sadece anne sütü verildi. Eoprotin (milupa, 3 gram eoprotin; 0.6 gram protein, 11 kkal enerji içermektedir) bebekler tam oral olarak beslenmeye başladığında 100 ml anne sütüne 3 gram olarak eklendi. Günlük kilo alımı eoprotin verilen grupta kontrol grubuna göre anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu. Vücut ağırlığı artış hızını arttırmak amacıyla prematüre bebeklerde eoprotin kullanılabilir.In this study; the effect of eoprotin on the weight gain rate of preterm babies were investigated. Twenty six preterm babies hospitalised in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unite of the Pamukkale University Hospital between 1999-2000 were evaluated. Enriched mothers milk was given to 16 babies, while the remaining 10 had only theirs mothers' milk. Eoprotin (milupa, 3 g eoprotin; 0.6 g protein, 11 kcal) was added in a dosage of 3 grams per 100 mililiters in expressed human milk when the preterm infants began to be fed fully enterally. Daily weight gain in the eoprotin group significantly increased compared to the control group. We suggest that eoprotin should be used in preterm babies to increase weight gain rate

    Bir Meslek Hastalığı Olarak Lateral Epikondilit

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    2Selçuk Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi, Fiziksel Tıp ve Rehabilitasyon Anabilim Dalı, Konya Lateral epikondilit, humerusun lateral epikondili üzerine yapışan ekstansör kas tendonlarının klinik inflamasyonudur. Aşırı kullanım ve sürekli tekrarlayıcı hareketler sonucu oluşur. Musluk tamircilerinde, ev hanımlarında, tenisçilerde, demir işlemeciliğiyle uğraşan- larda sık görülür. En belirgin bulgusu dirsek lateral ağrısıdır. Bu vaka sunumunda dirsek ağrısı şikayetiyle polikliniğimize başvuran lateral epikondilit tanısı konan hasta sunuld