144 research outputs found

    COVID-19 tedavisinde kullanılan bazı ilaçların reseptör ilişkilerinin modelleme çalışmaları ile değerlendirilmesi

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    It is important to investigate the interactions of drugs used in the treatment process of COVID-19 with cellular mechanisms. In this study, the aim was to investigate the interactions of Dexamethasone, Favipiravir, and Hydroxychloroquine drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19 with the estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), and human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2). Materials and Methods: Within the scope of the study, firstly, 3-dimensional structures of receptors and drug molecules were formed. Then the interactions of each of the receptor and drug molecules at the binding site were examined by molecular docking studies, which is a computer-aided drug design method, and their binding affinities were evaluated. Results: As a result of the analyses, it was determined that the drug named Hydroxychloroquine has the highest and the drug called Dexamethasone has the lowest binding affinity for all three receptors. In addition, it has been determined that Dexamethasone develops inappropriate interactions with ER and HER2 receptor active site amino acids. Conclusions: In this study, preliminary data on how receptor interactions can occur when normal individuals and breast cancer patients use Dexamethasone, Favipiravir, and Hydroxychloroquine are presented.COVID-19 tedavi sürecinde kullanılan ilaçların hücresel mekanizmalarla etkileşimlerinin araştırılması önemlidir. Bu çalışmada, COVID-19 tedavisinde kullanılan Deksametazon, Favipiravir ve Hidroksiklorokin adlı ilaçların östrojen reseptörü (ER), progesteron reseptörü (PR) ve insan epidermal büyüme faktörü reseptörü-2 (HER2) ile etkileşimlerinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Materyal ve Metot: Çalışma kapsamında, reseptörler ve ilaç moleküllerinin ilk olarak 3-boyutlu yapıları oluşturulmuş, ardından reseptör ve ilaç moleküllerinin her birinin bağlanma bölgesindeki etkileşimleri bilgisayar destekli ilaç tasarım yöntemi olan moleküler kenetlenme çalışmaları ile incelenmiş ve bağlanma afiniteleri değerlendirilmiştir. Bulgular: Yapılan analizler sonucunda, Hidroksiklorokin adlı ilacın her üç reseptöre de en yüksek bağlanma afinitesi gösteren ilaç olduğu ve Deksametazon adlı ilacın ise reseptörlere en düşük afinite ile bağlandığı belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca, Deksametazonun ER ve HER2 reseptör aktif bölge aminoasitleri ile uygun olmayan interaksiyonlar geliştirdiği tespit edilmiştir. Sonuç: Bu çalışmada, normal bireyler ve meme kanseri hastalarının Deksametazon, Favipiravir ve Hidroksiklorokin adlı ilaçları kullanması durumunda reseptör etkileşimlerinin nasıl olabileceğine ilişkin ön veriler sunulmuştur

    A novel treatment modality for myogenous temporomandibular disorders using aromatherapy massage with lavender oil: A randomized controlled clinical trial

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    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the effect of aromatherapy massage on pain intensity and maximal mouth opening (MMO) in patients with myogenous TMD. METHODS: Ninety-one patients were randomly assigned to three groups: Group L (aromatherapy massage with lavender oil, test), group P (massage with sweet almond oil, placebo), and group C (control). Participants were evaluated at T0 (before the intervention), T1 (immediately after the intervention), and T2 (2-month follow-up). Data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA, Tukey's HSD, and Kruskal-Wallis tests. RESULTS: For T1 and T2, group L showed the greatest MMO values (48.01 ± 0.85 mm; 45.67 ± 0.84 mm), while group C exhibited the lowest values (39.13 ± 0.49 mm; 39.66 ± 0.82 mm) (p < 0.001). For VAS, group L revealed the lowest pain values at T1 (2) and T2 (2) (p < 0.001). DISCUSSION: Aromatherapy massage with lavender oil was effective in the management of painful TMD conditions and limited mouth opening

    Assessment of Intra-Oral Repair Systems for Veneered Zirconia and Zirconia Only

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    The aim of this study was to compare bond strength resin composites to porcelain laminate veneers in the indirect repair method to composite resins used in the direct repair method for cases of porcelain veneer fracture of zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses. In the study, the groups were formed with different percentages of areas to be repaired to mimic porcelain fractures in the mouth. The experimental group of veneered zirconia were as follows: Group A = 100% Zr surface; Group B = 70% Zr, 30% porcelain surface; Group C = 50% Zr, 50% porcelain surface; Group D = 30% Zr, 70% porcelain surface; Group E = 100% porcelain surface. The repairs of the specimens were made using composite resin systems in half of the groups and using porcelain laminate veneers in the other half. Specimens were embedded in acrylic blocks before surface treatments and repairs were applied. After surface conditioning, laminate veneers were applied to the first half of the groups, and composite repair systems were applied to the second half of the groups. After all specimens were aged by thermal cycling, their bond strength values were measured using a Universal Testing Machine, and the obtained data were recorded. The specimens were examined with a stereomicroscope and classified according to failure types (adhesive/cohesive/mixed). Bond strength values were evaluated based on independent-samples t-test statistics. According to the comparisons among the groups, the bond strength of the indirect repairs made with the laminate material was higher than the bond strength of the repairs made with the composite. There was a statistically significant difference in favor of the indirect repair groups among all groups except for Group C. The highest bond strength was found in Group A in the indirect repair method, while the lowest bond was found in the direct repair method in Group E. Adhesive failure was mostly seen in the groups that were repaired with the composite

    Assessment of intra-oral repair systems for veneered zirconia and zirconia only

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    The aim of this study was to compare bond strength resin composites to porcelain laminate veneers in the indirect repair method to composite resins used in the direct repair method for cases of porcelain veneer fracture of zirconia-based fixed dental prostheses. In the study, the groups were formed with different percentages of areas to be repaired to mimic porcelain fractures in the mouth. The experimental group of veneered zirconia were as follows: Group A = 100% Zr surface; Group B = 70% Zr, 30% porcelain surface; Group C = 50% Zr, 50% porcelain surface; Group D = 30% Zr, 70% porcelain surface; Group E = 100% porcelain surface. The repairs of the specimens were made using composite resin systems in half of the groups and using porcelain laminate veneers in the other half. Specimens were embedded in acrylic blocks before surface treatments and repairs were applied. After surface conditioning, laminate veneers were applied to the first half of the groups, and composite repair systems were applied to the second half of the groups. After all specimens were aged by thermal cycling, their bond strength values were measured using a Universal Testing Machine, and the obtained data were recorded. The specimens were examined with a stereomicroscope and classified according to failure types (adhesive/cohesive/mixed). Bond strength values were evaluated based on independent-samples t-test statistics. According to the comparisons among the groups, the bond strength of the indirect repairs made with the laminate material was higher than the bond strength of the repairs made with the composite. There was a statistically significant difference in favor of the indirect repair groups among all groups except for Group C. The highest bond strength was found in Group A in the indirect repair method, while the lowest bond was found in the direct repair method in Group E. Adhesive failure was mostly seen in the groups that were repaired with the composite


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    Diş ağartma tedavileri estetik diş hekimliğinde sıklıkla tercih edilen tedavi yöntemlerinden biridir. Bu tedavilerde hidrojen peroksit ve karbamid peroksit gibi oksitleyici ajanlar kullanılmaktadır. Bu ajanlar farklı konsantrasyonda, farklı viskozitelerde ve farklı yöntemlerle uygulanabilmektedir. Bu yöntemler arasında diş hekimi tarafından muayenehanede uygulanan ofis tipi ağartma tekniği ve hastaların evlerinde uygulayabildiği ev tipi ağartma tekniği bulunmaktadır. Ofis tipi ağartma tekniğinde ağartıcı ajan olarak genellikle farklı konsantrasyonlarda hidrojen peroksit kullanılmakta, ev tipi ağartma tekniğinde ise farklı konsantrasyonlarda karbamid peroksit kullanılabilmektedir. Ev tipi ağartma tekniğinde birçok farklı ağartma ajanı kullanılabilmektedir. Bunların arasında ağartıcı diş macunları, ağartıcı jeller ve stripler (bantlar) bulunmaktadır. Ağartma tedavisi vital ve devital dişlere uygulanabilmektedir. Ağartma tedavisinin etkinliğinin artırılması amacıyla ışık ve lazer uygulaması gibi çeşitli teknikler de kullanılabilmektedir. Ağartma tedavisinin tamamlanmasının ardından etkinliğinin devam edebilmesi amacıyla hastaya renklendirici içecekleri tüketirken pipet kullanması, renklendirici yiyecek ve içeceklerin tüketiminin ardından ağızlarını çalkalamaları ve fırçalamaları tavsiye edilmektedir. Bu tavsiyelere ek olarak ağartma tedavisinin belirli periyotlarla tekrar edilmesi de gerekebilmektedir. Ağartma ajanları diş dokularında bazı değişikliklere yol açabilmekte ve bazı riskler yaratabilmektedir. Diş dokularında hassasiyete neden olması en önemli risklerdendir. Bunun yanı sıra diş eti irritasyonlarına, pulpa hasarına ve kök rezorpsiyonlarına neden olabilmektedir. Bu derlemenin amacı diş ağartma tedavilerinin ve bu tedavilerde kullanılan güncel uygulamaların gözden geçirilmesidir

    Amelogenezis İmperfektalı Çocuk Hastada Estetik ve Fonksiyonun Sağlanması ile Elde Edilen Memnuniyet: Olgu Sunumu

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    Amelogenezis imperfekta (Aİ) süt ve daimi dentisyonda diş minesinin formasyonunu tahrip eden kalıtsal bir hastalıktır. Aİ'li hastaların tedavisi hem hekim hem de hasta açısından zorlu bir süreçtir. Bu olgu sunumunda Aİ tanısı konulan altı yaşında bir kız hastanın tedavi süreci sunulmaktadır. Tedavi planlamasında, hastanın yaşı göz önüne alınarak ve büyüme ve gelişimi etkilemekten kaçınmak amacıyla hastaya hareketli protezler yapılmasına karar verilmiştir. Konvansiyonel tam protezler yapılarak, vertikal boyut artırılmış, istenilen estetik ve fonksiyon kazanılmıştır. Ayrıca protetik tedaviden memnuniyet, bir anket yardımıyla değerlendirilmiştir. Hasta ve ebeveyn memnuniyetinin yüksek düzeyde olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Aİ'li hastalarda tedavi planlamasında; hastanın yaşı, sosyo-ekonomik durumu, hastalığın şiddeti ve tipi, planlama yapıldığı süreçteki intraoral durum ve en önemlisi hasta kooperasyonu gibi pek çok faktör rol oynamaktadır.Amelogenesis imperfecta (AI) is a hereditary disorder that disrupts the formation of enamel in both primary and permanent dentition. Management of AI is a challenge for the patient and the clinician. This case report presents the management of AI in a sixyear-old female patient. Considering the patient's age, we decided to make removable dentures in order to avoid growth and development problems. Conventional complete dentures were made, vertical dimension was increased, and the desired aesthetics and function were gained. Additionally, satisfaction with prosthodontic rehabilitation was evaluated using a questionnaire. A high level of patient and parent satisfaction was obtained. Treatment planning for patients with AI is related to many factors including the age and socioeconomic status of the patient, the type and severity of the disorder, the intraoral situation at the time the treatment is planned and most importantly, cooperation of the patient plays a major role

    Thiadiazuron ve Zeatin’in Helichrysum Pallasii’de bitki rejenerasyonuna etkisi

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    The genus of Helichrysum comprises many species which have therapeutical effects and used in folk medicine. H. pallasii is one of these species, used in the region for traditional medicine and ornamental purposes. Therefore, optimizing alternative micropropagation protocols of tissue culture conditions and secondary metabolite production for these species needs attention. The effect of Thidiazuran (TDZ) combined with Zeatin (ZEA) on shoot regeneration in H. pallasi was investigated during this study. The leaf, stem and root parts taken from the seedling germinated under in vitro conditions were used as explants. As a result, the root explants were more efficient compared to other explants in inducing plant regeneration using 1 mg L-1 Thidiazuran (TDZ) + 0.1 mg L-1 Zeatin (ZEA) (88.9%) and 1 mg L-1 TDZ treatment (85.7%). The lowest plant regeneration percentage (16.7%) was found in control medium using leaf explants.Helichrysum cinsi, tedavi edici etkileri olan ve halk hekimliğinde kullanılan birçok türü içermektedir. H. pallasii yörede geleneksel tıp ve süs amaçlı kullanılan bu türlerden bir tanesidir. Bu nedenle, bu türler için doku kültüründe alternatif mikroçoğaltım protokollerinin ve sekonder metabolit üretiminin optimize edilmesi gerektirmektedir. Bu çalışmada Zeatin (ZEA) ile kombine edilmiş Thidiazuran (TDZ)’ nın H. pallasi'de sürgün rejenerasyonu üzerine etkileri incelenmiştir. İn vitro koşullarda çimlendirilen bitkiciklerden alınan yaprak, gövde ve kök kısımları eksplant olarak kullanılmıştır. Sonuç olarak, en yüksek bitki rejenerasyonu kök eksplantlarına uygulanan 1 mg L-1 Thidiazuran (TDZ) + 0.1 mg L-1 Zeatin (ZEA) (%88.9) ve 1 mg L-1 TDZ (%85.7) uygulamalarından elde edilmiştir. En düşük bitki rejenerasyon yüzdesi (%16.7) ise yaprak eksplantları kullanılan kontrol uygulamasından elde edilmiştir

    The utility of maternal mean platelet volume levels for early onset neonatal sepsis prediction of term infants

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    Objectives: This study is aimed to evaluate the role of maternal mean platelet volume (MPV) levels for antenatal prediction marker of early onset neonatal sepsis in term infants born to mothers who have low infection risk. Material and methods: A total of 62 pregnant women who gave birth in our hospital and whose neonates were admitted to a third level Neonatal Intensive Care Unit due to confirmed neonatal sepsis between January 2010 and May 2016 were selected as a study group. Within the same period, 68 women who gave birth to healthy neonates were enrolled as a control group. We compared maternal MPV values which were evaluated before delivery. The receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves were drawn to evaluate the values maternal MPV in the diagnosis of neonatal sepsis. Results: MPV levels were detected statistically higher in the study group than the control group (8.27 ± 1.85 vs. 8.98 ± 1.16) (p = 0.001). Conclusion: The maternal serum MPV level is a clinically useful, non-invasive and reliable marker in antenatal prediction of EOS

    Use of Membrane Separation Techniques in Dairy Technology and Its Effects on Dairy Products

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    Membrane separation techniques are used to separate certain components (protein, fat, water, etc.) in liquid products such as milk and to obtain these components in pure form, and also to remove microorganisms in these liquid products. In addition, these techniques are used to concentrate milk in the dairy industry. In membrane separation, components pass through pores of a certain size and are separated according to molecular weights. The basic principle in separation techniques is based on the fact that the liquid is passed through the pores of the membrane under certain pressure, the desired components (retantat) are kept in the pores and other components (permeate) pass through the membrane. The techniques used are grouped into four main categories: Microfiltration (MF), ultrafiltration (UF), nanofiltration (NF) and hyperfiltration (reverse osmosis). Among the advantages of the membrane separation technique are the low electricity consumption, the possibility of use in various areas, and the fact that it does not cause undesired changes in the product characteristics. There are disadvantages such as the cost of initial installation, fouling of the membrane pores, and the membrane cleaning takes a long time

    International Migration and The Rise of Islamophobia as A "New Racism" Type

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    The phenomenon of international migration is a problem that is more prominent than other types of migration today. It is observed that human mobility, which has increased due to various crises in the recent period, is especially concentrated in the prosperous and economically developed Western nation-states. This situation causes more people from different religions, languages, ethnic origins and cultures to meet and experience adaptation problems. In addition, these developments deeply affect the daily lives of Muslims, who are a minority in Western societies. In the process that evolved from xenophobia to a "new racism" based on Islamophobia, Muslims are now seen as members of an incompatible and dangerous religion. When evaluated together with these developments, the subject of the study is to examine the effects of dynamics in the encounters of people from different religions on their lives and understandings, which is one of the results of the phenomenon of international migration today. This study aims to analyze the rise of Islamophobia, one of the consequences of international migration, and the reasons for its transformation into "new racism" together with historical developments. A comparative historical sociological analysis method has been adopted. The most important findings of the study are that the phenomenon of international migration compares people from different cultures, languages, ethnic origins and religions more in Western societies with a higher socioeconomic level and makes integration problems more unsolved, especially with internal dynamics such as the far-right and the media. Especially in Western societies, in the context of historical crisis and developments of Muslim immigrants, xenophobia and a kind of new-cultural racism are more frequently encountered. This situation makes visible a dangerous process developing from Islamophobia to anti-Islamism