1,404 research outputs found
Teachers’ evaluation on school principals’ supervision
This study aims to analyze school principles’ supervision practices according to teachers’ opinions. The study employs phenomenology design out of qualitative research methods. The data of the study were gathered in 2019-2020 academic year from 16 teachers who had been working in state schools for 16 or more years through face to face interviews via a semi-structured interview form. The study attempted to reveal participating teachers’ opinions on school principles’ supervision based on their experiences with regard to teachers’ professional development, motivation, affectivity and objectivity of supervision. The first finding of the study reveals that school principals’ sharing experience, mutual work, being organized, overcoming insufficiencies and satisfaction contribute to teachers’
professional development. Second finding of the study states that support, constructive criticism, appreciation and communication increase teachers’ motivation. According to the third finding of the study school principals’ administrator role, supervision knowledge, supervisor role and continuity are factors of effective supervision. Last finding of the study explains that impartiality, equity, sense of mission and meticulousness are needed for objectivity of supervision. Results are discussed and suggestions are provided
Clinical outcome of multidisciplinary patients hospitalized with the decision of emergency physicians
Aim: In this study, we aimed to compare clinical outcomes of multidisciplinary patients who were admitted by the decision of emergency physicians (EPs) with that of patients, who were admitted after the consensus decision of consultant physicians in terms of number of consultation, emergency department (ED) and hospital length of stay (LOS), need for intensive care unit (ICU), transfer status after hospitalization and outcome.
Material and Methods: This was a retrospective observational study. The multidisciplinary medical patients who were above 18 years of age and need hospitalization were included. The patients were divided into two groups: Group I consisted of those who were hospitalized by the decision of EPs, and Group II consisted of patients who were hospitalized after a consensus reached between consulting physicians. Mann-Whitney U test and Chi-square tests were used for comparisons.
Results: Of the 1143 hospitalized patients. 204 (17.85%) were in Group I and 939 (82.15%) were in Group II. Group I patients needed more consultations in the ED, had higher ED-LOS, need more ICU, and were more commonly transferred to other departments after hospitalization. As the number of consultations increases, the ED-LOS increases accordingly in both groups. Although Group I patients seem to be more commonly transferred (p = 0.001), overall hospitalLOS between the two groups was similar (p = 0.1 43). The transferred patients in Group I had a higher hospital-LOS compared to non-transferred patients (p = 0.001).
Discussion: The authorization of EPs to hospitalize multidisciplinary patients to the most related department seems to be feasible because overall hospital-LOS does not change
Foreign language learning anxiety: A comparison between high school and university students
This research aimed to identify the differences in foreign language learning (FLL) anxiety levels between high school and university students based on some variables such as gender, current educational status, parents’ (father and mother) educational status, and monthly income of families. The survey model was adopted in the research. The research included high school (n = 333) and university (n = 341) students from Nigde and Afyonkarahisar provinces. In the research, “Foreign Language Learning Anxiety Scale” (FLLAS) was used in order to collect data. For the analyses of the data, independent samples t-test and one-way ANOVA were performed. The results of the research indicated that gender, fathers’ educational status and monthly income of family variables did not have a significant impact on foreign language anxiety levels of high school and university students. It was also found that students’ educational status as well as their mothers’ educational status variables influenced their FLL anxiety significantly
This study aimed to compare whether TGTM or CLT was more effective in teaching English language grammar and vocabulary. The participants of this study were sixty-eight 9th grade students attending to a high school. Mixed methods research design was grounded comprising a pre-test and post-test quasi-experimental design. The results of the pre and post-tests, quizzes and the oral productions of the participants were analyzed based on error analysis. It was observed that the students, who were taught English grammar via TGTM made fewer errors than those who were taught via CLT in both their written and oral productions. Additionally, vocabulary production was higher for the students who were taught based on TGTM than those in CLT. As a result, the quantitative and qualitative findings of the study suggested that TGTM was more practicable and productive than CLT in teaching and learning English grammar and vocabulary
Technoeconomic Analysis of 1 MWp Grid Connected Solar Power Plant in Konya (Türkiye)
Global warming is seen as one of the most important problems that trigger climate change in the world. The leading cause of global warming is the high amount of greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere. Countries are creating policies to encourage the use of renewable energy sources to control greenhouse gas emissions. Many universities in Türkiye have enough campus areas to generate electricity from renewable energy sources. The main purpose of this article is to analyze the feasibility of developing a solar power plant at Necmettin Erbakan University. This article proposes a 1MW solar power plant in Necmettin Erbakan University Köyceğiz Campus located in the city of Konya, which has the largest surface area in Türkiye. The technical feasibility of the proposed PV plant was analyzed using PVGIS, PVWatts, and PVsyst software. For this purpose, the economic and environmental aspects of the power plant to be established on campus were investigated through the production data. 1 MWp solar power plant can generate approximately 1685.78 MWh of electricity per year while reducing 820.21 tCO2 greenhouse gas emissions. The technical data obtained in the analyses made with PVGIS, PVWatts, and PVsyst software are similar
Reducing Short Circuit Current with a Novel Approach Model in Wind Power Plants
Wind energy from renewable energy sources, the share of electric power system is increasing faster than other sources. This requires the analysis of the effect of the wind power plants have on the power system in connection with the network. The wind produces energy-dashed and variable power, which can cause some disruptive effects. In this study, a short circuit analysis was performed using the DIgSILENT PowerFactory program. Minimum short circuit analysis calculations have been performed for 15 wind turbines and 19 bus-bar wind power plants. The error current has been reduced to a minimum by changing the transformer connection and ground resistance for the most commonly encountered phase-to-ground short circuit analysis. This application has been developed against more complex and costly methods. This prevents the generators from switching to island mode after a phase-to-ground short circuit current is affected by the fault
Procjena utjecaja nekih značajki sliva obilježenih dominantno šumarstvom i poljoprivredom na otjecanje vode i produkciju suspendiranog erozijskog nanosa
Topography, geological structure and land use play a determinative role in the streamflow and total suspended sediment yield of watersheds having similar climate, soil and vegetation characteristics. In order to facilitate sustainable water resource management and effective land use planning, there is an increasing need for research investigating the effects of these factors. This study was carried out in forested and agricultural dominated subwatersheds of the Big Melen watershed in the Western Black Sea Region of Turkey. Hazelnut plantations are grown on most of the agricultural areas in both watersheds. The forested watershed has a steep topography and its geological structure consists of sandstone-mudstone and sedimentary rock. The agricultural watershed area is larger and unlike the forested watershed, there is argillaceous limestone in its geological structure. The precipitation, streamflow and total suspended sediment yield in the watersheds were measured for two years. The total precipitation of the study area over the two years was 2217.3 mm. The water yield of the forested watershed was 867.6 mm, while that of the agricultural watershed was 654.9 mm. In the two years, the total suspended sediment transported from the forested watershed was 19.51 t ha-1 and from the agricultural watershed 7.70 t ha-1. However, except for the high values measured after an extreme rainfall event, the unit surface suspended sediment yield of the agricultural watershed was found to be higher than that of the forested watershed. These findings showed that watershed characteristics such as slope, geological structure and rainfall intensity may be more effective on the streamflow and total suspended sediment yield of the watersheds than land use.U ovom smo radu istraživali utjecaj različitih značajki sliva na otjecanja vode i na produkciju suspendiranog erozijskog nanosa u slivovima obilježenih dominantno šumarstvom i poljoprivredom (lješnjak), te smo na taj način željeli doprinijeti održivom upravljanju vodnim resursima. Istraživanje je provedeno u podslivovima sliva rijeke Big Melen u zapadnoj crnomorskoj regiji Turske obilježenih dominantno šumarstvom i poljoprivredom. Istraživani slivovi imaju slične klimatske karakteristike. Tlo sliva uglavnom je plitko i ima visoki udio gline. Tipovi uporabe zemljišta u poljoprivrednom slivu sastoje se od 27% šume, 70 % poljoprivrednog zemljišta, i 3% naseljenih mjesta, dok se šumski sliv sastoji od 64 % šume i 36 % poljoprivrednog zemljišta. Topografija šumskog sliva je strma, a njezina geološka struktura sastoji se od pješčenjaka-muljnjaka i sedimentnih stijena. Područje poljoprivrednog sliva je veće i za razliku od šumskog sliva, u njegovoj strukturi nalazimo argilitni vapnenac. Oborine, otjecanje vode i produkcija suspendiranog erozivnog nanosa u slivovima mjereni su od siječnja 2014. do prosinca 2015. godine. Tijekom dvije godine ukupna količina oborina u području istraživanja iznosila je 2217,3 mm. Za određivanje otjecanja vode u slivovima kreirali smo regresijske jednadžbe koje pokazuju odnos između izmjerenog istjecanja i razina vode. Vrijednost R2 jednadžbe za oba sliva bila je iznad 0,98. Dvogodišnji izračunati prosječni koeficijent otjecanja u šumskim i poljoprivrednim slivovima bio je 0,39, odnosno 0,30. Otjecanje vode u šumskom slivu iznosilo je 867,6 mm, dok je u poljoprivrednom slivu iznosilo 654,9 mm. Glavni razlog za visoku stopu otjecanja vode po jedinici površine u šumskom slivu kako u vlažnim tako i u suhim razdobljima, u usporedbi s poljoprivrednim slivom, leži u činjenici da su vrijednosti za nagib sliva, nagib glavnog kanala, gustoću mreže vodotokova te frekvenciju vodotoka bile visoke. Tijekom dvije godine, produkcija suspendiranog erozivnog nanosa transportiranog iz šumskog sliva iznosila je 19,51 t ha-1, a iz poljoprivrednog sliva 7,70 t ha-1. Međutim, s izuzetkom visokih vrijednosti izmjerenih nakon ekstremnih oborinskih događaja, produkcija suspendiranog erozijskog nanosa po jedinici površine u poljoprivrednom slivu pokazala se višom od one u šumskom slivu. Ovi rezultati pokazuju da značajke sliva, kao što se nagib, geološka struktura i intenzitet oborina, mogu imati veći utjecaj na vodu i ukupnu produkciju suspendiranog erozijskog nanosa slivova nego što to ima način uporabe zemljišta. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da bi za bolje razumijevanje utjecaja različitih načina uporabe zemljišta na otjecanje vode i produkciju nanosa u uparenim slivovima značajke slivova trebale biti slične
Factors Affecting Students’ Academic Achievement according to the Teachers’ Opinion
The aim of this research is to reveal the ideas of teachers serving in high schools regarding the factors that affect students’ academic achievement. For this purpose, the aim is to investigate and reveal in depth the thoughts of teachers serving in high schools. The research was designed with the case study type of qualitative research method. The study group of this research consists of 11 female, 9 male branch teachers employed in high schools. The participants’ professional experience ranged from 1 to 13 years. The participant group consisted of 5 Turkish language and literature teachers, 5 mathematics teachers, 3 English teachers, 2 history teachers, 1 biology teacher, 1 information technology teacher, 1 chemistry teacher, 1 physics teacher and 1 physical education teacher. The study group was determined with the criterion sampling type of purposive sampling method. The criteria determined for this research were that teachers should be working in high schools, be branch teachers and be serving in schools in the province and district. According to the research findings family education level effects students’ academic success in terms of academic support, being a role model, concern, intellectual and motivation dimensions; school’s physical conditions effects students’ academic success in terms of learning, motivation and creativity; School Management effects students’ academic success in terms of operation and attitude. School Environment effects students’ academic success in terms of motivation, social effects and socio-economic effects. Teacher effects students’ academic success in terms professional competence, being a role model, communication, attitude, motivation and guidance
COVID-19 pandemi döneminde acil servise yapılan tekrarlayan başvuruların değerlendirilmesi
Objective: Coronavirus disease-2019 has resulted in changes in healthcare and management services. One of these changes is
related to in patient presentation to emergency departments (ED). This study aimed to investigate the rate of recurrent presentations
to an ED during the pandemic period compared to the pre-pandemic period.
Materials and Methods: Patients that presented to the ED of a tertiary hospital again within 72 hours of their first visit were
screened from the hospital information management system for the pre pandemic (June 1-November 30, 2019) and pandemic (June
1-November 30, 2020) periods. So, hospitalization rates were compared between the two periods.
Results: In the pre-pandemic period, the number of ED registrations was 67,414, of which 3,463 belonged to recurrent presentations,
while in the pandemic period, these numbers were determined as 43,636 and 2,238, respectively. The rate of admission to any
hospital ward (n=521, 16.4%) or the intensive care unit (n=56, 1.8%) nearly doubled during the pandemic. Six of these patients died
in the ED in the pandemic period, while no death was observed in the pre-pandemic period.
Conclusion: Although there was a decrease in the number of both hospital and ED presentations during the pandemic, an increase
was observed in the number of patients with recurrent presentations to the ED. As a result of this patient group postponing visits
to the hospital for their acute problems due to the fear of being infected, their need for hospitalization and intensive care follow-up
increased.Amaç: Koronavirüs hastalığı-2019 (COVID-19) sağlık bakım ve yönetim hizmetlerinde değişikliklere neden oldu. Bu değişikliklerden
biri de acil servis hasta başvurularında yaşandı. Bu çalışmada pandemi döneminde acil servislerde tekrarlayan başvuru oranlarının
araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.
Gereç ve Yöntemler: Pandemi öncesi dönem (1 Haziran-30 Kasım 2019) ile pandemi döneminde (1 Haziran -30 Kasım 2020) 3.
basamak bir hastanenin acil servisine ilk başvuru sonrası 72 saat içerisinde tekrar başvuruda bulunan hastalar hastane bilgi
yönetimi sistemi üzerinden taranmıştır. Hastane ve acil servis başvuru sayıları, demografik özellikleri ve hastaneye yatış oranları
her iki dönem açısından karşılaştırılmıştır.
Bulgular: Pandemi öncesi dönemde acil servis kayıt sayısı 67.414 olup bu hastalar içerisinde 3.463’ü tekrarlayan başvuruyken,
pandemi döneminde kayıt sayısı 43.636 olup bunların 2.238’i tekrarlayan başvuruda bulunmuştur. Dönemler arasında istatistiksel
olarak yaş ve cinsiyet açısından farklılık tespit edilmemiştir (p=0,143). Ancak tekrar başvuruda bulunan hastalar arasında yatarak
takip ve tedavi edilmesi gereken hasta grubunun yaşı pandemi döneminde daha yüksekti. Pandemi döneminde herhangi bir kliniğe
(n=521, %16,4) veya yoğun bakım ünitesine yatış (n=56, %1,8) oranlarında yaklaşık iki kat artış oldu. Bu hastalardan 6’sı pandemi
döneminde acil serviste ölümle sonlanıma sahipken normal dönemde ölümle sonlanım görülmemiştir.
Sonuç: Pandemi döneminde hem genel hastane hem de acil servis başvuru sayılarında azalma olmasına rağmen acil servise
tekrarlayan başvuruda bulunan hasta sayısında artış olduğu tespit edildi. Bu hasta grubunun enfekte olma korkusu nedeniyle akut
gelişen problemlerini ertelemesi karşısında herhangi bir kliniğe yatış ve yoğun bakım ünitesinde takip edilme ihtiyaçlarının artığı
Comparative anatomical and ecological investigations on some centaurea (asteraceae) taxa from Turkey and their taxonomic significance
This research was partly supported by the Research Fund of Artvin Coruh University, project No. 2011.F15.02.16The anatomical and ecological characteristics of 7 Centaurea L. s. l. taxa (C. urvillei DC. ssp. stepposa Wagenitz, C. pseudoreflexa Hayek, C. simplicicaulis Boiss. & Huet, C. pecho Albow, C. hypoleuca DC., C. cheiranthifolia Willd.var. purpurascens (DC.) Wagenitz, C. woronowii Bornm.), which three of them are endemic (C. pseudoreflexa, C. pecho, C. woronowii) to Turkey has been carried out. Cross sections of stem, leaf blade and midrib and peripheral sections of the leaves, and pH, total N, P, K and organic matter contents of soil samples have been investigated. Variance analysis and Tukey's Honest Significant Difference test were performed on ecological and anatomical data. Ecological characteristics obtained in this investigation were found mostly similar. On the other hand, anatomically important differences were determined in diversity of anticlinal cell walls, length and width of abaxial epidermis, number of bundles in the midrib and number of stomata per mm(2) both on the epidermis of the leaf, and the shape of transverse section of stem. According to Tukey's Honest Significant Difference test, especially length and width of abaxial epidermis, number of stomata both on the adaxial and abaxial epidermises have displayed three distinct groups. These results are in accordance with sectional delimitation in the Flora of Turkey and also support upgrading the sum of species of the genus Centaurea
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