447 research outputs found

    The philosophical foundation of modernity’s claims of rationalism and universalism

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    Kavramının içeriği konusundaki belirsizliğin aşılabilmesi, kavramın iki ayrı aşamada incelenmesiyle sağlanabilir. Birincisi, modernlik kavramı, yenilikçi ve ilerlemeci bir dünya görüşünü ifade etmektedir. Bu dünya görüşünün temeli beşinci yüzyılın sonunda, Yeniler-Eskiler ayrımının ilk belirdiği tarihte aranmalıdır. İkincisi, modernlik kavramı, akılcı ve evrenselci bir dünya görüşünü ifade etmektedir. Onyedinci yüzyılda Descartes’ın bilgi kuramıyla ortaya çıkan bu görüş, insanların doğayı, kendilerini ve toplumu algılayışlarını köklü bir biçimde değiştirmiştir. Bu makalede, modernlik kavramının içeriği, yukarıda belirtilen nitelikler dikkate alınarak, tarihsel ve felsefi olarak incelenmektedir. Amaç, modernliğin ne olduğunu ve neden eleştirildiğini daha açık ve anlaşılır hale getirmektir.To overcome the ambiguity about the content of the concept of modernity, the concept should be analyzed in two stages. First, the concept of modernity denotes the renunciation of the past, the appreciation of the new, and the celebration of the idea of progress. Second, the concept of modernity implies a rationalist and universalist worldview, whose rise was coincident with Descartes’ rationalist epistemology. This paper examines both historically and philosophically the content of the concept of modernity and intends to elucidate what modernity is and why it has recently been criticized

    Quantum fisher information of a 3 x 3 bound entangled state and its relation with geometric discord

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    Recent studies on quantum Fisher information (QFI) have been focused mostly on qubit systems within the context of how entanglement helps surpassing the classical limit of separable states and the limit that a given entangled system can achieve for parameter estimation. However, there are only a few works on bound entangled systems. In this work, we study the QFI of a system of the smallest dimension that bound entanglement can be observed: A bipartite quantum system of two particles of three-levels each. An interesting property of this state is that depending only on a parameter, the state can be separable, bound entangled or free entangled. We show that QFI exhibits a smooth and continues increase with respect to this parameter throughout the transition from separable to bound entangled and from bound entangled to free entangled regions. We show that in any region, this state is not useful for sub-shot noise interferometry. We also relate the QFI of this state with its geometric discord and show how these two properties exhibit a similar behavior throughout this transition.Publisher's VersionAuthor Post Prin

    Turkey Foreign Trade Interaction with Cross Exchange Rates: Beneath the Currency Wars

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    In recent years, due to global crisis and economic slowdown, major countries have been pushed to make economic actions. Currency wars have been debated and summoned again as before used in economic history to deal with economic slowdown by developed and emerging countries such as US, China, EU and Japan. Their actions on exchange rate policies would affect their bilateral trade balance as mentioned previous literature. Previous literatures have investigated bilateral country trade balance. This study, differs from previous ones, has investigated whether these countries’ cross exchange rates have an interaction with Turkey foreign trade. Data started from 2012:01 to 2019:09 which was one of milestone of currency wars. By help of ARDL econometric model, different level of stationary series have been used in same model to understand the long run and short run relationships among variables. It seems that, in long run EU, US and China economic actions on currency policies might be affected Turkey’s trade volume, externally. EUR/CNY currency has statistically insignificant results for two analyzed trade market

    An empirical analysis of financial fair-play: The case of Russian Premier League

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    The real impact of financial fair play (FFP) came along with the break-even rule which prevents clubs from over-spending through a variety of sanctions. As UEFA limited clubs’ expenses with their incomes, the transfer market took a hit. This paper demonstrates the impact of FFP on Russian Premier League teams’ transfer activity, examines how transfers’ demography and career profiles changed and investigates the changes in competitive balance after break-even. A regression discontinuity design is conducted in order to estimate the policy impact. The empirical results suggest that Russian clubs have been severely affected by break-even in terms of transfer expenditure and balance and started to transfer more U21 players and players from lesser leagues of the world. Furthermore, competitive balance in the Russian Premier League deteriorated in favor of the giants in the league as a result of break-even.Scopus - Affiliation ID: 6010507

    Classifying the european football leagues by using balance-performance matrix

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    European football has transformed over the last two decades both financially and athletically. Although the aggregate revenue generated by the European football increases, some leagues grew richer than the others. The inequality in the distribution of revenue caused the talents to accumulate in the Big 5 leagues and left the others with no chance to compete. Especially after the introduction of Financial Fair Play, teams from other leagues became in desperate need of transfer income which accelerated the accumulation of talent. This paper proposes a matrix, the Balance-Performance Matrix, for classifying leagues with respect to their transfer balance and sportive performance. As the results of the matrix illustrate, some leagues indeed became suppliers for the Big 5 and they have lost their competitive edge whereas some are still competing despite losing their best talents.Scopus - Affiliation ID: 60105072Nisa