26 research outputs found

    Employment and SMEs during crises

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    The persistent increasing duration of unemployment has become an issue during economic crises. Although lay-offs at large firms normally make headlines during crises, we still know little about the potential impact of firm size on adjustment behavior in a crisis. We studied effects of firm size on employment growth during economic slowdowns using a rich microeconomic database for the 1988-2007 period in Portuguese manufacturing industry. The results show that economic downturns affect firm growth negatively. This negative effect is found to be higher for larger firms, both during and immediately following crisis periods. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) emerge as potential stabilizers in downturn periods. However, larger firms seem to be able to quickly recover from downturn periods. Our results contribute to the scarce literature and to the understanding of the Portuguese case, where many SMEs secure most jobs. These first results may be useful, because SMEs play a determinant role in other European Union economies

    Traditional bead making in İzmir region and conservation proposals

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    Kültürel miras ait olduğu topluluğun günlük, törensel ritüellerini, gelenek ve görenekleri ile birlikte yaşam tarzını ifade eden bilgi ve belgelerden oluşur. Gelecek kuşakların atalarının yaşam biçimini, aynı zamanda kullandığı objeleri, nesneleri hangi ortamlarda, hangi nedenler ile hayatın içine aldıklarını anlamaları için katkıda bulunur. İnternet ağının yaygın kullanımı neticesinde iletişim ve etkileşimin oldukça hızlandığı günümüzde bireylerin birbirinin aynısı olmaktan korumanın yollarından biri de kültürel mirası korumaktır. Bu tezin amacı kültürel miras kavramı içine giren taşınabilir kültürel miraslarımızdan biri olarak kayıtlara geçen geleneksel cam ve cam nazar boncuğun gelecek nesillere aktarımı amacı ile yapılan araştırmaları kapsayan bir çalışma olarak hazırlanmıştır. Bu çalışma 3 ana bölüm olarak ele alınmıştır. Birinci Bölüm Camın Tanımı, Yapısı ve Tarihçesi, İkinci Bölümde Nazar ve İzmir Yöresi (Görece-Nazarköy) Cam Nazar Boncuğu Üretimi ana başlıkları altında değerlendirilmiştir. Ayrıca İzmir Cumaovası (Menderes) Görece’de Cam Boncuk-Nazar Boncuğu Yapımı ve İzmir Kemalpaşa Nazar Köyde Cam Boncuk yapımı açıklanmıştır. Üçüncü bölümde Koruma Kültürü ve Geleneksel Cam Boncuk Üretiminin Korunması, başlıkları altında irdelenmiştir. Değerlendirme ve Sonuç kısmında ise kültürel mirasın aktarımını nasıl sağlanabileceği konusunda günümüzde halen çalışır durumda bulunan geleneksel cam ocaklarının sürdürülebilirliğini sağlayabilmek için çözüm önerileri olarak kültürel turizm, çalışabilir durumda açık hava müzesi konumuna gelen ocaklarda workshop gibi cam çalışmaları öneriler sunulmuştur.Cultural heritage consists of knowledge and documents that express the daily ceremonial rituals, the lifestyle together with the traditions and customs of the community to which it belongs. It contributes to next generations for understanding the lifestyles of their ancestors, as well as the objects they used , in what environments and for what reasons they used them in life. As a result of the widespread use of the internet network, communication and interaction significantly accelerated nowadays, one of the ways to conserve individuals from being the same as each other is to conserve the cultural heritage. The aim of this thesis is to study the traditional glass and glass evil eye bead, which is recorded as one of our movable cultural heritage, which is included in the concept of cultural heritage, in order to transfer it to next generations. This study is considered as 3 main chapters. Chapter one presents the definition, structure and history of glass; in the second chapter, the main titles of evil eye belief and glass evil eye bead making in İzmir region (Görece-Nazarköy) were examined. Also the glass bead - evil eye bead making in İzmir Cumaovası (Menderes) Görece and glass bead making in İzmir Kemalpaşa Nazarköy were described. The third chapter was examined under the titles of the conservation culture and the conservation of traditional glass bead making. In the evaluation and conclusion chapter, for the transfer of cultural heritage; cultural tourism and glass works such as workshop in glass furnaces which became open-air museums are presented as solution suggestions in order to ensure the sustainability of the traditional glass furnaces that are still in operation today

    Cognitive, affective and environmental characteristics required in varous engineering fields

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    Evaluation of the effectiveness of some fungicides against fig endosepsis disease

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    The use of information technology in education: The opinions of the key policy makers in the ministry of national education in Turkey

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    Ph.D. - Doctoral Progra

    Economic violence against women: A case in Turkey.

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    The aim of this study was to determine the factors affecting the exposure of women in the 15-59 age group in Turkey to economic violence by their husbands/partners. The micro data set of the National Research on Domestic Violence against Women in Turkey, which was conducted by the Hacettepe University Institute of Population Studies, was employed in this study. The factors affecting women's exposure to economic violence were determined using the binary logistic regression analysis. In the study, women in the 15-24, 25-34 and 35-44 age group had a higher ratio of exposure to economic violence compared to the reference group. Women who graduated from elementary school, secondary school, and high school had a higher ratio of exposure to economic violence compared to those who have never gone to school. Women's exposure to physical, sexual and verbal violence was also important factor affecting women's exposure to economic violence. The results obtained in this study are important in that they can be a source of information for establishing policies and programs to prevent violence against women. This study can also be a significant guide in determining priority areas for the resolution of economic violence against women