2,441 research outputs found

    Aksaray Cıncıklı Mescid'in Ön Yüzündeki Geometrik Örgü Düzenlemelerinin Tasarımı İçin Bir Deneme

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    A Book on Gördes Carpets in Ottoman Period by an Historian

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    Osmanlı Dönemi Gördes Halıcılığı, Yazarı: Doç. Dr. Ertan Gökmen, Celal Bayar Üniversitesi Yayınları, Yayın No: 0013, Manisa 2014, Sayfa Sayısı: 248.In this issue Ömür Yazıcı presents a new book on Gördes carpets in Ottoman era written by an historian , associate professor Ertan Gökmen

    A Comparative Analysis of the Society and State Theories of “Ahlâk-I Alâî” and “Leviathan” Based on the State and Governance-Oriented Paradigms

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    Although Ottoman political thought has been studied in its own structure in many ways, the studies which demostrate its position against different political structures, at least, those in Europe are very limited. Acccordingly, in order to figure out whether this political thought differed in certain respects from one polity to the other, this study has attempted to analyse the society and state theories of “Ahlak-ı Alâî”, which was written in the second half of the 16th century by Kınâlızade Ali Çelebi, who was an Ottoman thinker, and “Leviathan”, which was written by Thomas Hobbes, who was a British philosopher and political theorist in England in the mid- 17th century, in relation to the state and governance-oriented paradigms in a comparative framework. Inspired by the American political theorist Sheldon Wolin, the study has been divided into three sections. The first section presents the socio-economic, political and institutional environment in which the works were written; the second section presents the methods applied in the works. And the last section describes the main message and common ground of the theories. This study has determined that differences and similarities of the methods applied as well as the views argued about the matters such as the legitimacy of the state, the base of the sovereignty, the rights, duties and governance principles of the sovereign based on the temporal and geographical differences in the two works. These findings have significant implications to see the differences and similarities of the Ottoman political thought against political structures in Europe

    Onarımlarda Özellikle Mimari Süslemeye Yönelik Tamamlamalar Üzerine Düşünceler

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    Graph model analysis of computer structures

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    Graph theory is applicable to the solving of problems in nearly every field of scientific study. The purpose of this thesis is to consider its applications in representing and analyzing digital computers. Fundamental graph theory definitions, the types and the properties of the directed graphs, the matrix representation, and several reduction techniques are discussed. The blocking gate method for diagnosing computer systems is described and applied to the Scientific Control Corporation (SCC) 650 for its fault-diagnosis. Microprogramming has been a significant trend in hardware and software designs of computers. Microprogrammed computers are discussed in comparison to conventional computers. A general scheme utilizing four nodes generates directed graphs for both types of architecture. The directed graphs are studied with respect to the flexibility and cost parameters --Abstract, page ii


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    Background/Objective: The aim of this review is to raise awareness among people about misuse or misuse of information about the most commonly used performance enhancing substances. Methods: In this study, the related literature was studied by using the screening model. Data were obtained from various articles and internet websites. Conclusion: Although the potential side effects of anabolic androgenic anabolic steroids are known, their unconscious use in different ways requires that this issue be considered as multidimensional. It is thought that societies will be more conscious with scientific studies about these powerful drugs by experts and sports performance coaches in this field. As a result, for any reason, human beings did not hesitate to use every method in order to look more aesthetically appealing and to strengthen physically and physiologically throughout history. It is important to explain to the people via scientific methods that they can reach their aims through natural methods and that most importantly is to stay healthy.  Article visualizations


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    The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of the 8-week high intensity circuit training method on circulation and respiratory system and body fat ratios, which is applied to university students and students with similar sports backgrounds. The participants of the study were at least 5 years of sports age (N = 60) who are educated in Istanbul University of Development and Physical Education and Sports (n = 30) volunteers who were randomly sampled by non-random sampling methods. Body Composition Measurements were analyzed by measuring the body fat ratios and body mass index in the Istanbul University of Development physical education and sports high school performance measurement laboratory and blood pressure was determined by the detection of diastolic and systolic blood pressure. Respiratory parameter measures were determined by cardiopulmonary respiratory function test at Chest Diseases Department of Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty. All measurements were performed before and after the 8-week program. As a result, pre- and post-training diastolic blood pressure results of participants were significantly different between forced vital capacity and forced vital capacity values of 1 second (p> 0,05), A significant difference was found in systolic blood pressure results before and after training (P> 0, 00). There was a significant difference (P> 0.00) between the body mass index results and the weight and fat ratios of participants before and after training. Combined resistance training in combined with high severity contributes to the use of fats as an energy source during exercise and to the weight loss process.  Article visualizations

    An invessigation of physicomechanic features of some animal material

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    Bu araştırmada, Aydın İli Karacasu İlçesi’nde meşe palamudu ile geleneksel yöntemlerle tabaklanarak üretilen vaketa ve sahtiyan derilerin, mamul deri eşya imalatı sırasında uygulanan germe, çekme gibi bazı fiziksel etkilere, ayrıca kullanım esnasında mamul deri eşyanın karşılaşabileceği bazı fizikomekanik faktörlere ne ölçüde dayanım gösterdiğinin tespit edilmesi amaçlanmıştır. Bu amaçla, İlçede vaketa ve sahtiyan deri üretimi yapan üç fabrikadan, onar adet vaketa ve sahtiyan deri örneği elde edilmiştir. Deri örnekleri kondüsyonlanmış ve fizikomekanik testler uygulanmıştır. Bu testler kapsamında, vaketa ve sahtiyan derilerin; kalınlık, renk, büzülme sıcaklığı ölçümleri yapılmış, kopma dayanımı ve uzama, yırtılma ve dikiş yırtılma dayanımı testleri, sırça dayanımı ve gerilebilirlik, bükülebilirlik ve cilt çatlama dayanımı testleri, derinin sürtünme aşınmasının belirlenmesine yönelik testler ve son olarak da su damlası testleri uygulanmıştır. Vaketa ve sahtiyan derilerde kalınlık değerleri sırasıyla ortalama 1,46 mm ve 1,19 mm olarak ölçülmüştür. Renk ölçümü neticesinde ise her iki deri türünün de sarı, sarı-kahverengi tonlarında renklere sahip olduğu belirlenmiştir. Vaketa ve sahtiyan derilerde büzülme sıcaklığı değerlerinin yüksek olmadığı bulunmuştur. Vaketa deri türü için, kopma dayanımı ve kopma uzaması değerleri, saraciyelik deri imalatı için uygun bulunurken; sahtiyan derilerde bu ölçümün düşük değerler aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Her iki deri türü için de, yırtılma ve dikiş yırtılma dayanımı değerlerinin saraciyelik deri imalatı için uygunluk gösterdiği tespit edilmiştir. Sırça dayanımı ve gerilebilirlik testi ölçümlerinde, vaketa ve sahtiyan deri tipinin yeterli dayanıklılık değerlerine sahip olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Derinin bükülebilirliği ve cilt çatlama dayanımı ölçümlerinde ise vaketa derilerden üretilen sandaletlerde kısa süreli kullanımda problem ortaya çıkmayacağı, uzun süreli kullanımda ise deri sırçasında çatlama ve delinme ihtimalinin yüksek olduğu sonucu ortaya çıkmıştır. Sahtiyan derilerden üretilen sandaletlerin cilt yapılarının bükülme hareketine çok duyarlı olduğu ve kullanım esnasında sırçada yırtılma, çatlama ve delinme ortaya çıkma riskinin yüksek olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Sürtünme dayanımı ölçümlerinde ise vaketa derilerde yaş, ter ve kuru sürtünme sonucu renk değişiminin kabul edilebilir değerlerde olduğu, sahtiyan derilerde ise; renk değişiminin yüksek olduğu ve kabul edilebilir değerlerin altında değerler aldığı tespit edilmiştir. Vaketa ve sahtiyan derilerde su damlası testine ilişkin sonuçlar incelendiğinde ise; vaketa ve sahtiyan deri sırçalarının suya karşı dirençsiz olduğu, suyu kolay emdiği ve kuruma sonrasında renk değişimi ve kabarma meydana geldiği tespit edilmiştir.In this research some strenght properties; such as tensile and tear strenght, have been investigated for vachette and sahtiyan leather types, which have been traditionaly tanned with valone extract, in Karacasu, Aydın. And also the physicomechanical properties of leather goods in usage, have been investigated. For these aims vachette and sahtiyan leathers have been taken from three leather fabrics in the town. The leather samples used in physicomechanic tests have been cut by the help of leather sample obtaining methods and ten samples of vachette and sahtiyan leather have been gained. After that these samples have been conditioned for tests. Within these physicomechanic tests; the measurement of leather thickness, colour and hydrothermal stability have been done and the tensile, tear and stitch tear strength, distension of grain, flexibility, rub fastness and blob absorbing measurement tests have been applied. Thickness rates measured 1,46 mm and 1,19 mm in vachette and sahtiyan leathers. It has been pointed out that both leather types have yellow and yellowish-brown colours in the result of colour measurement. It has been observed that hydrothermal stability is not high enough for the thermal applications for vachette and sahtiyan leathers. While tensile strength and elongation are suitable vachette leathers, this measurement has low rates in sahtiyan leathers in the point of saddlery leather. Both leather types are suitable in the point of tear and stitch tear strength rates for saddlery leather production. It has been observed that vachette and sahtiyan leather types have enough durability rates in distension of grain tests. There will be no problem in sandals, using in a short time, produced from vachette leathers but if used in a long time we can observe cracking and puncture in leather grain. Sahtiyan leather grains are so sensitive for flexing in the usage of them and the risks of puncturing and tearing are high. In the measurement of rub fastness there is an acceptable rate of colour changing as a conclusion of wet, sweat and dry frictions in vachette leathers, but the colour changing, after the result of wet, sweat and dry friction tests, is high and unacceptaple in sahtiyan leathers. After searching the test of blob in vachette and sahtiyan leathers, grains of vachette and sahtiyan leathers are low resistance to blob and absorbing the water easily. After drying, it has been observed that colour changing and blistering occured

    Les Déterminants Organisationnels de la Performance des Banques en Turquie

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    La recherche conduite a pour objectif d'identifier les déterminants organisationnels de la performance bancaire en prenant appui sur le cas des banques turques. Pour ce faire, un modèle spécifique au secteur bancaire a été développé: le modèle BANQUE-OPERA. A partir d'une analyse des correspondances multiples (ACM), utilisant les dimensions organisationnelles du modèle, nous avons pu caractériser les axes principaux qui expliquent les liens entre les dimensions du modèle. Au terme de cette analyse, les deux premiers axes mettent en évidence la forte rentabilité des banques commerciales étrangères occidentales et la faible rentabilité des banques commerciales turques placées sous l'administration du " Fonds d'Assurance des Dépôts de l'État ". Cette différence de rentabilité est expliquée, d'une part par les choix stratégiques effectués par les établissements bancaires notamment en terme de mode de collecte des ressources, d'autre part, par l'importance des moyens financiers dont disposent ces établissements.système bancaire; performance bancaire; organisation; marché émergent

    Position Error Compensation via a Variable Reluctance Sensor Applied to a Hybrid Vehicle Electric Machine

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    In the automotive industry, electromagnetic variable reluctance (VR) sensors have been extensively used to measure engine position and speed through a toothed wheel mounted on the crankshaft. In this work, an application that already uses the VR sensing unit for engine and/or transmission has been chosen to infer, this time, the indirect position of the electric machine in a parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV) system. A VR sensor has been chosen to correct the position of the electric machine, mainly because it may still become critical in the operation of HEVs to avoid possible vehicle failures during the start-up and on-the-road, especially when the machine is used with an internal combustion engine. The proposed method uses Chi-square test and is adaptive in a sense that it derives the compensation factors during the shaft operation and updates them in a timely fashion