6 research outputs found

    FjĂ€llstuga som permanentbostad : Hur kan fritidshus med permanentbostĂ€ders krav gynna Åre kommun i framtiden?

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    PĂ„ cirka 130 Ă„r har Åre gĂ„tt frĂ„n ett mindre jordbrukssamhĂ€lle till en storskalig turistort med ett stĂ€ndigt ökande utbud av aktiviteter och vĂ€xande nĂ€ringsliv, vilket gör att antalet turister och personer som bosĂ€tter sig permanent inom kommunen ökar. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur bostĂ€der inom kommunen kan utformas för att fungera som bĂ„de fritidshus och permanentbostĂ€der, dĂ„ grĂ€nsen mellan de olika boendeformerna sĂ€gs suddas ut alltmer och dĂ„ allt fler fritidshus inom kommunen antas bli permanentade i framtiden. Studien har avgrĂ€nsats till ett antal teorier som behandlar fritidshusets utveckling och Åres byggnadshistoria för att undersöka grunden till de problem som behandlas i rapporten, samt relevanta lagar och regler som beskriver skillnaden pĂ„ de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ fritidshus respektive permanentbostĂ€der. En intervju har genomförts för att fĂ„ svar pĂ„ hur Åre kommunen förhĂ„ller sig till de lagar och regler som behandlas i teoriavsnittet samt för att ta del av hur de stĂ€ller sig till att allt fler fritidshus permanentas inom kommunen. Vidare har en enkĂ€tundersökning gjorts för att undersöka hur privatpersoner vill utforma sina permanentbostĂ€der och fritidshus inom kommunen, dĂ€r svaren har legat i grund till en idĂ© av hur en husmodell kan se ut för att fungera som bĂ„de fritidshus och permanentbostad speciellt anpassad för ÅrefjĂ€llen. Resultatet av intervjun visar att kommunen ser mycket positivt pĂ„ att fler fritidshus följer permanentbostĂ€dernas krav. I dagslĂ€get försöker kommunen fĂ„ allt fler fritidshus att nĂ„ samma nivĂ„er av krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ permanentbostĂ€der dĂ„ fördelarna Ă€r mĂ„nga. DĂ€remot begrĂ€nsas kommunens strĂ€van att uppnĂ„ högre krav pĂ„ fritidshus av svensk lag, dĂ€r fritidshus och permanentbostĂ€der fortfarande separeras efter dess nyttjandegrad. Anges en nyttjandegrad pĂ„ under 25 % i bygglovsansökan betyder det att bostaden klassas som ett fritidshus och omfattas dĂ€rför av ett antal undantag av PBL:s utformningskrav pĂ„ byggnader. Av enkĂ€tundersökningen stĂ€rks teorin av att allt fler önskar samma bekvĂ€mligheter i sitt fritidshus som sin permanenta bostad. Till viss del skiljer sig önsmĂ„len kring önskad utformning för de olika boendeformerna, vilket i en husmodell kan regleras genom olika tillval som flexibel rumsindelning, utvĂ€ndig huskomplettering och olika inrednings- och möbleringsmöjligheter. SvĂ„righeterna Ă€r inte att utforma ett fritidshus efter permanentbostĂ€dernas krav, det Ă€r att motivera personer att bygga fritidshus efter högre krav Ă€n vad lagen krĂ€ver. Vilket kan betyda en begrĂ€nsning vid utformning och högre kostnader vid uppförandet av bostaden. Slutsatsen för studien Ă€r att det gĂ„r utmĂ€rkt att utforma en bostad som fungerar som bĂ„de fritidshus och permanentbostad genom att följa de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ permanentbostĂ€der och genom god planering med smarta lösningar. För Åre kommun och för fritidshusĂ€gare anses det vara fördelaktigt att fritidshus utformas efter permanentbostĂ€ders krav ifall de i ett senare skede kan komma att anvĂ€ndas som permanentbostĂ€der.In about 130 years, Åre has gone from a small agricultural community to a largescale tourist resort with an ever-increasing range of activities and growing business, which means that the number of tourists and people who settle permanently within the municipality is increasing. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate how housing within the municipality can be designed to function as both holiday homes and permanent housing, as the boundary between the various forms of housing is said to be blurred more and more and more holiday homes in the municipality are assumed to become permanent in the future. The study has been limited to a number of theories that deal with the development of the holiday home and Åre's building history to examine the basis for the problems addressed in the report, as well as relevant laws and regulations that describe the difference between the requirements for holiday homes and permanent housing. An interview was conducted to get answers on how Åre municipality relates to the laws and rules that are dealt with in the theory section and to take part in how they view that more and more holiday homes are made permanent within the municipality. Furthermore, a survey has been conducted to investigate how private individuals want to design their permanent homes and holiday homes within the municipality, where the answers have been based on an idea of what a house model can look like to function as both a holiday home and permanent home specially adapted for ÅrefjĂ€llen. The results of the interview show that the municipality views very positively that more holiday homes follow the requirements of permanent housing. At present, the municipality is trying to get more and more holiday homes to reach the same levels of requirements for permanent housing as the benefits are many. On the other hand, the municipality's efforts to achieve higher requirements for holiday homes are limited by Swedish law, where holiday homes and permanent housing are still separated according to their degree of utilization. If a utilization rate of less than 25% is stated in the building permit application, this means that the home is classified as a holiday home and is therefore covered by a number of exceptions to PBL's design requirements for buildings. The survey strengthens the theory that more and more people want the same amenities in their holiday home as their permanent home. To some extent, the wishes differ regarding the desired design for the different forms of housing, which in a house model can be regulated through different options such as flexible room division, exterior house additions and different interior and furnishing options. The difficulty is not to design a holiday home according to the requirements of permanent housing, it is to motivate people to build holiday homes according to higher requirements than what the law requires. Which can mean a limitation in design and higher costs in the construction of the home. The conclusion of the study is that it is excellent to design a home that functions as both a holiday home and a permanent home by following the requirements for permanent housing and through good planning with smart solutions. For the municipality of Åre and for holiday homeowners, it is considered advantageous that holiday homes are designed according to the requirements of permanent housing if they can be used as permanent housing at a later stage.Betyg 2021-08-18</p

    The change in the grading system in 1995 and 2012 : And how it reflects the political approach to knowledge

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    This report describes a comparative study of the change in grading system in the year of 1995 and the coming year of 2012. The objective is to analyze and compare the political debate from two Swedish parties, the Social democrats and the Moderates, from a number of the parties political periodicals. Futher the objective is to show, from the periodicals debate, what approach to knowledge the parties are presenting. The theoretical base of this study is rooted in the political background of grading system and in literature defining different theories about knowledge and approach to knowledge. The investigation is qualitative and the main research method is text analysis. The conclusions is that the parties overall stood their ground and kept their opinions throughout the two debates and the change in grade systems. Although a small change has been detected in the way the Social democrats in the recent debate opened up for earlier evaluation of students. Futher on the parties approch to knowledge is a complex question and cannot be answered in just one word. And the conclusion of the parties approach to knowledge consists of many forms of reasoning and complexity.  

    FjĂ€llstuga som permanentbostad : Hur kan fritidshus med permanentbostĂ€ders krav gynna Åre kommun i framtiden?

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    PĂ„ cirka 130 Ă„r har Åre gĂ„tt frĂ„n ett mindre jordbrukssamhĂ€lle till en storskalig turistort med ett stĂ€ndigt ökande utbud av aktiviteter och vĂ€xande nĂ€ringsliv, vilket gör att antalet turister och personer som bosĂ€tter sig permanent inom kommunen ökar. Syftet med detta examensarbete har varit att undersöka hur bostĂ€der inom kommunen kan utformas för att fungera som bĂ„de fritidshus och permanentbostĂ€der, dĂ„ grĂ€nsen mellan de olika boendeformerna sĂ€gs suddas ut alltmer och dĂ„ allt fler fritidshus inom kommunen antas bli permanentade i framtiden. Studien har avgrĂ€nsats till ett antal teorier som behandlar fritidshusets utveckling och Åres byggnadshistoria för att undersöka grunden till de problem som behandlas i rapporten, samt relevanta lagar och regler som beskriver skillnaden pĂ„ de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ fritidshus respektive permanentbostĂ€der. En intervju har genomförts för att fĂ„ svar pĂ„ hur Åre kommunen förhĂ„ller sig till de lagar och regler som behandlas i teoriavsnittet samt för att ta del av hur de stĂ€ller sig till att allt fler fritidshus permanentas inom kommunen. Vidare har en enkĂ€tundersökning gjorts för att undersöka hur privatpersoner vill utforma sina permanentbostĂ€der och fritidshus inom kommunen, dĂ€r svaren har legat i grund till en idĂ© av hur en husmodell kan se ut för att fungera som bĂ„de fritidshus och permanentbostad speciellt anpassad för ÅrefjĂ€llen. Resultatet av intervjun visar att kommunen ser mycket positivt pĂ„ att fler fritidshus följer permanentbostĂ€dernas krav. I dagslĂ€get försöker kommunen fĂ„ allt fler fritidshus att nĂ„ samma nivĂ„er av krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ permanentbostĂ€der dĂ„ fördelarna Ă€r mĂ„nga. DĂ€remot begrĂ€nsas kommunens strĂ€van att uppnĂ„ högre krav pĂ„ fritidshus av svensk lag, dĂ€r fritidshus och permanentbostĂ€der fortfarande separeras efter dess nyttjandegrad. Anges en nyttjandegrad pĂ„ under 25 % i bygglovsansökan betyder det att bostaden klassas som ett fritidshus och omfattas dĂ€rför av ett antal undantag av PBL:s utformningskrav pĂ„ byggnader. Av enkĂ€tundersökningen stĂ€rks teorin av att allt fler önskar samma bekvĂ€mligheter i sitt fritidshus som sin permanenta bostad. Till viss del skiljer sig önsmĂ„len kring önskad utformning för de olika boendeformerna, vilket i en husmodell kan regleras genom olika tillval som flexibel rumsindelning, utvĂ€ndig huskomplettering och olika inrednings- och möbleringsmöjligheter. SvĂ„righeterna Ă€r inte att utforma ett fritidshus efter permanentbostĂ€dernas krav, det Ă€r att motivera personer att bygga fritidshus efter högre krav Ă€n vad lagen krĂ€ver. Vilket kan betyda en begrĂ€nsning vid utformning och högre kostnader vid uppförandet av bostaden. Slutsatsen för studien Ă€r att det gĂ„r utmĂ€rkt att utforma en bostad som fungerar som bĂ„de fritidshus och permanentbostad genom att följa de krav som stĂ€lls pĂ„ permanentbostĂ€der och genom god planering med smarta lösningar. För Åre kommun och för fritidshusĂ€gare anses det vara fördelaktigt att fritidshus utformas efter permanentbostĂ€ders krav ifall de i ett senare skede kan komma att anvĂ€ndas som permanentbostĂ€der.In about 130 years, Åre has gone from a small agricultural community to a largescale tourist resort with an ever-increasing range of activities and growing business, which means that the number of tourists and people who settle permanently within the municipality is increasing. The purpose of this thesis has been to investigate how housing within the municipality can be designed to function as both holiday homes and permanent housing, as the boundary between the various forms of housing is said to be blurred more and more and more holiday homes in the municipality are assumed to become permanent in the future. The study has been limited to a number of theories that deal with the development of the holiday home and Åre's building history to examine the basis for the problems addressed in the report, as well as relevant laws and regulations that describe the difference between the requirements for holiday homes and permanent housing. An interview was conducted to get answers on how Åre municipality relates to the laws and rules that are dealt with in the theory section and to take part in how they view that more and more holiday homes are made permanent within the municipality. Furthermore, a survey has been conducted to investigate how private individuals want to design their permanent homes and holiday homes within the municipality, where the answers have been based on an idea of what a house model can look like to function as both a holiday home and permanent home specially adapted for ÅrefjĂ€llen. The results of the interview show that the municipality views very positively that more holiday homes follow the requirements of permanent housing. At present, the municipality is trying to get more and more holiday homes to reach the same levels of requirements for permanent housing as the benefits are many. On the other hand, the municipality's efforts to achieve higher requirements for holiday homes are limited by Swedish law, where holiday homes and permanent housing are still separated according to their degree of utilization. If a utilization rate of less than 25% is stated in the building permit application, this means that the home is classified as a holiday home and is therefore covered by a number of exceptions to PBL's design requirements for buildings. The survey strengthens the theory that more and more people want the same amenities in their holiday home as their permanent home. To some extent, the wishes differ regarding the desired design for the different forms of housing, which in a house model can be regulated through different options such as flexible room division, exterior house additions and different interior and furnishing options. The difficulty is not to design a holiday home according to the requirements of permanent housing, it is to motivate people to build holiday homes according to higher requirements than what the law requires. Which can mean a limitation in design and higher costs in the construction of the home. The conclusion of the study is that it is excellent to design a home that functions as both a holiday home and a permanent home by following the requirements for permanent housing and through good planning with smart solutions. For the municipality of Åre and for holiday homeowners, it is considered advantageous that holiday homes are designed according to the requirements of permanent housing if they can be used as permanent housing at a later stage.Betyg 2021-08-18</p

    VGLUT2-Dependent Sensory Neurons in the TRPV1 Population Regulate Pain and Itch

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    SummaryThe natural response to itch sensation is to scratch, which relieves the itch through an unknown mechanism. Interaction between pain and itch has been frequently demonstrated, and the selectivity hypothesis of itch, based on data from electrophysiological and behavioral experiments, postulates the existence of primary pain afferents capable of repressing itch. Here, we demonstrate that deletion of vesicular glutamate transporter (VGLUT) 2 in a subpopulation of neurons partly overlapping with the vanilloid receptor (TRPV1) primary afferents resulted in a dramatic increase in itch behavior accompanied by a reduced responsiveness to thermal pain. The increased itch behavior was reduced by administration of antihistaminergic drugs and by genetic deletion of the gastrin-releasing peptide receptor, demonstrating a dependence on VGLUT2 to maintain normal levels of both histaminergic and nonhistaminergic itch. This study establishes that VGLUT2 is a major player in TRPV1 thermal nociception and also serves to regulate a normal itch response