13 research outputs found

    Estimation of Snow Depth in Northern Sweden: Using Gaussian Markov Random Fields

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    The goal of this dissertation is to estimate the amount of water in snowpacks at the areas Kultsjön and Rensaren in northen Sweden. A model is built using spatial statistics, and the estimations will be done by Integrated Nested Laplace Approximations (INLA). Then a validation process was done by removing data from the data set to create a validation set, and compare the estimations done by INLA to a simple linear regression. Finally the model is applied to the areas of interest, and the results are analysed

    Sintering Inhibition of Silver Nanoparticle Films via AgCl Nanocrystal Formation

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    Electrically conductive films are key components in most printed and flexible electronics applications. For the solution processing of conductive films, inks containing silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) remain important because of their relatively easy processing and generally low resistivity after a sintering procedure. Because the commonly used, moderate sintering temperatures of 150-300 °C are still too high for most low-cost flexible substrates, expanding the knowledge of surface-ink interactions that affect the sintering temperature is desirable. It is known that chloride ions can assist the sintering of AgNP films by displacing capping agents on the surfaces of AgNPs. However, very little is known about other possible Cl-AgNP interactions that affect the resistivity and no interaction having the opposite effect (sintering inhibition) has been identified before. Here we identify such a Cl-AgNP interaction giving sintering inhibition and find that the mechanism involves the formation of AgCl nanocrystals within the AgNP film. The AgCl formation was observed after inkjet-printing of AgNP inks with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP) as the capping agent onto papers with quick-absorbing coatings containing 0.3 wt % KCl. Our findings show that chloride can have opposite roles during sintering, either assisting or inhibiting the sintering depending on the prevalence of AgCl formation. The prevalence of AgCl formation depends on the absorption properties and the capping agent

    Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome among children in northern Sweden—A retrospective review from 2004–2018

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    Aim: To describe clinical presentation and development of tolerance among children with Food protein-induced enterocolitis syndrome (FPIES) in a population in northern Sweden. Methods: A retrospective review of medical records of children presenting with FPIES symptoms from 1 January 2004, to 31 May 2018. Results: Sixty children (65% boys) with FPIES were included. The estimated incidence gradually increased to 0.45% in 2016–2017. The most common food triggers were cow's milk (40%), fish (37%) and oat (23%). Symptoms presented in 31 (60%) children before 6 months and in 57 (95%) before 1 year of age. The median age for FPIES diagnosis was 7 (range 3–134) months and for fish FPIES 13 (range 7–134) months. By 3 years of age, 67% of children with FPIES to milk and oat but none of the children with fish FPIES had developed tolerance. Allergic conditions like eczema and asthma were reported in 52% of the children. Conclusion: The cumulative FPIES incidence was 0.45% in 2016–2017. Most children presented with symptoms before 1 year of age, but the diagnosis was often delayed, especially for FPIES to fish. Tolerance development occurred at an earlier age when FPIES was triggered by milk and oat compared to fish

    Lean Tissue Deficit in Preterm Infants Persists up to 4 Months of Age : Results from a Swedish Longitudinal Study

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    Background: At term-equivalent age, infants born prematurely are shorter, lighter and have more adipose tissue compared to term counterparts. Little is known on whether the differences in body composition persist in later age.  Methods: We prospectively recruited 33 preterm infants (<32 weeks gestational age, mean gestational age 28.1 weeks) and 69 term controls. Anthropometry and body composition (air displacement plethysmography) were monitored up to 4 months of age. Nutrient intakes from preterm infants were collected from clinical records.  Results: At 4 months of age preterm infants were lighter and shorter than term controls (mean weight-for-age z-score: –0.73 vs. 0.06, p = 0.001; mean length-for-age z-score: –1.31 vs. 0.29, p < 0.0001). The significantly greater percentage of total body fat seen in preterm infants at term-equivalent age (20.2 vs. 11.7%, p < 0.0001) was no longer observed at 4 months. A deficit of fat-free mass persisted until 4 months of age (fat-free mass at term-equivalent age: 2.71 vs. 3.18 kg, p < 0.0001; at 4 months: 4.3 vs. 4.78 kg, p < 0.0001). The fat mass index and fat-free mass index (taking length into account) did not differ between the groups. Nutrition had little effect on body composition. Higher protein intake at week 2 was a negative predictor of fat-free mass at discharge.  Conclusions: At 4 months corrected age, preterm infants were both lighter and shorter than term controls and the absolute fat-free mass deficit remained until this age. Little effect of nutrition on body composition was observed

    Mast Cells Limit Ear Swelling Independently of the Chymase Mouse Mast Cell Protease 4 in an MC903-Induced Atopic Dermatitis-Like Mouse Model

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    Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a complex, often lifelong allergic disease with severe pruritus affecting around 10% of both humans and dogs. To investigate the role of mast cells (MCs) and MC-specific proteases on the immunopathogenesis of AD, a vitamin D3-analog (MC903) was used to induce clinical AD-like symptoms in c-kit-dependent MC-deficient Wsh−/− and the MC protease-deficient mMCP-4−/−, mMCP-6−/−, and CPA3−/− mouse strains. MC903-treatment on the ear lobe increased clinical scores and ear-thickening, along with increased MC and granulocyte infiltration and activity, as well as increased levels of interleukin 33 (IL-33) locally and thymic stromal lymphopoietin (TSLP) both locally and systemically. The MC-deficient Wsh−/− mice showed significantly increased clinical score and ear thickening albeit having lower ear tissue levels of IL-33 and TSLP as well as lower serum levels of TSLP as compared to the WT mice. In contrast, although having significantly increased IL-33 ear tissue levels the chymase-deficient mMCP-4−/− mice showed similar clinical score, ear thickening, and TSLP levels in ear tissue and serum as the WT mice, whereas mMCP-6 and CPA3 -deficient mice showed a slightly reduced ear thickening and granulocyte infiltration. Our results suggest that MCs promote and control the level of MC903-induced AD-like inflammation

    A comparison of field assessment methods for lucerne inoculation experiments

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    Effective and practical measurement methods for assessing field inoculation experiments are needed to identify inoculants that could improve lucerne establishment. In this study, assessment potential of different existing measurement methods (plant height, Dualex 4 Scientific leaf-clip meter, GreenSeeker handheld crop sensor, drone-acquired orthomosaic calculation, yield, nutrient analysis and nodule assessment) were compared across 12 inoculation treatments applied to lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) at 3 sites. F-values were used to compare the potential of different methods to separate inoculation treatments. The handheld GreenSeeker measuring normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) showed the greatest potential for separating inoculation treatments in fields where lucerne had not previously been cultivated, followed by visible atmospherically resistant index (VARI) and green-red vegetation index (GRVI) from drone-acquired orthomosaics. These methods are non-destructive, low cost, require low labour input, fast, and do not require sample preparation, and thus are efficient measurement methods for disaggregating treatments in field inoculation experiments

    Selective laser sintering of inkjet-printed silver nanoparticle inks on paper substrates to achieve highly conductive patterns

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    Development of cost-effective and environmentally friendly manufacturing methods will enable important advances for the production of large-scale flexible electronics. Laser processing has shown to be a promising candidate that offers a fast and non-destructive way to produce highly conductive patterns on flexible substrates such as plastics. However, an emerging option with a lower environmental impact is instead the use of cellulose-based flexible substrates, such as paper. In this work we investigate the use of laser sintering of silver nanoparticle inks, which were inkjet-printed on three different types of paper. Patterns with a high conductivity could be manufactured where a special care was taken to prevent the substrates from damage by the intense laser light. We found that the best results was obtained for a photopaper, with a conductivity of 1.63 107 S/m corresponding to nearly 26% of the bulk silver conductivity. In addition, we demonstrate laser sintering to fabricate a fully functional near field communication tag printed on a photopaper. Our results can have an important bearing for the development of cost-effective and environmentally friendly production methods for flexible electronics on a large scale.

    Low energy intake during the first 4 weeks of life increases the risk for severe retinopathy of prematurity in extremely preterm infants.

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    OBJECTIVES: Poor weight gain during the first weeks of life in preterm infants is closely associated with the risk of developing the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and insufficient nutrition might be an important contributing factor. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of energy and macronutrient intakes during the first 4 weeks of life on the risk for severe ROP (stages 3-5). STUDY DESIGN: A population-based study including all Swedish extremely preterm infants born before 27 gestational weeks during a 3-year period. Each infant was classified according to the maximum stage of ROP in either eye as assessed prospectively until full retinal vascularisation. The detailed daily data of actual intakes of enteral and parenteral nutrition and growth data were obtained from hospital records. RESULTS: Of the included 498 infants, 172 (34.5%) had severe ROP and 96 (19.3%) were treated. Energy and macronutrient intakes were less than recommended and the infants showed severe postnatal growth failure. Higher intakes of energy, fat and carbohydrates, but not protein, were significantly associated with a lower risk of severe ROP. Adjusting for morbidity, an increased energy intake of 10 kcal/kg/day was associated with a 24% decrease in severe ROP. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that low energy intake during the first 4 weeks of life was an independent risk factor for severe ROP. This implies that the provision of adequate energy from parenteral and enteral sources during the first 4 weeks of life may be an effective method for reducing the risk of severe ROP in extremely preterm infants

    Low energy intake during the first 4 weeks of life increases the risk for severe retinopathy of prematurity in extremely preterm infants.

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    OBJECTIVES: Poor weight gain during the first weeks of life in preterm infants is closely associated with the risk of developing the retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) and insufficient nutrition might be an important contributing factor. This study aimed to evaluate the effect of energy and macronutrient intakes during the first 4 weeks of life on the risk for severe ROP (stages 3-5). STUDY DESIGN: A population-based study including all Swedish extremely preterm infants born before 27 gestational weeks during a 3-year period. Each infant was classified according to the maximum stage of ROP in either eye as assessed prospectively until full retinal vascularisation. The detailed daily data of actual intakes of enteral and parenteral nutrition and growth data were obtained from hospital records. RESULTS: Of the included 498 infants, 172 (34.5%) had severe ROP and 96 (19.3%) were treated. Energy and macronutrient intakes were less than recommended and the infants showed severe postnatal growth failure. Higher intakes of energy, fat and carbohydrates, but not protein, were significantly associated with a lower risk of severe ROP. Adjusting for morbidity, an increased energy intake of 10 kcal/kg/day was associated with a 24% decrease in severe ROP. CONCLUSIONS: We showed that low energy intake during the first 4 weeks of life was an independent risk factor for severe ROP. This implies that the provision of adequate energy from parenteral and enteral sources during the first 4 weeks of life may be an effective method for reducing the risk of severe ROP in extremely preterm infants