17 research outputs found

    IFSIM Handbook

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    This handbook explains the simulation model IFSIM. IFSIM is an agent based simulation model written in JAVA. The model is constructed for analyzing demographic and economic issues. The aim of the model is to include the main consumption and production patterns over the life-cycle and thus being able to test demo-economic interactions.agent-based modelling; simulation model; JAVA; demogrphy; economy; demo-economic interactions

    Intergenerational public and private sector redistribution in Sweden 2003

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    We describe intergenerational redistribution in Sweden the year 2003. The high Swedish tax ratio of around 50-60 percent of GDP per capita is partly explained by every individual getting a lot back in terms of transfers and part in government consumption. Another reason is that most transfers are taxed, which results in double counting some tax payments. Here we attempt to correct the age profile of net tax payment for these effects and compare these to the gross profiles. On a per capita basis we find, using this netting, that the mean age of tax payers drops from 55 to 48 and that the taxes paid falls by 23.2 percent. We also look at age profiles of private and public consumption, and net private consumption, i.e., the difference between private disposable income and private consumption. We find that private net redistribution flows mainly from middle and old age to young ages, while net public transfers flow to both young and old.Intergenerational; redistribution

    Ungdomar, demografi och konflikt

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    Med tanke pÄ alla konflikter som finns i vÀrlden söker denna uppsats ett statistiskt samband mellan konfliktintensitet och andel ungdomar av den vuxna befolkningen i Nigeria, Afghanistan, Algeriet och Filippinerna. För att svara pÄ frÄgestÀllningen har undersökningen en kvalitativ, komparativ metod dÀr det statistiska resultatet tolkas med hjÀlp av Henrik Urdals teori kring konfliktuppkomst, som anpassats efter denna frÄgestÀllning, sÄ att ekonomisk tillvÀxt, sysselsÀttning, analfabetism och avsaknad av demokrati Àr det som analyseras. Det slutliga resultatet Àr visar ett, förhÄllandevis vagt, samband mellan konfliktintensitet och andelen ungdomar, men delvis svÄrtolkat med hjÀlp av teorin som valts. Anledningen till detta diskuteras i slutet av uppsatsen tillsammans med rekommendationer för framtida forskning

    Blir du intresserad?: Ekonomiska och kulturella resurser som förklaringsfaktorer pÄ politiskt intresse

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    Bakgrund Tidigare studier visar pÄ en förÀndring i vilka ungdomar som deltar i politiken. De ekonomiskt starka individerna verkar inte lÀngre vara de som i högst utstrÀckning deltar i politiken. Ett skifte har skett dÀr individuellt erhÄllna resurser som tillgÄng till kultur i hemmet visade sig kraftigt samvariera positivt med flera former av politiskt deltagande medan ekonomiska resurser tappat sin position som enskilt största förklaringsfaktor. Syfte Förklaringsfaktorerna bakom intresset för politik Àr inte sÄ vÀl utforskade varför denna uppsats kommer undersöka om de tendenser som gÀller det politiska deltagandet Àven kan överföras till de politiskt intresserade ungdomarna. Kommer det politiska intresset att öka ju mer kulturella resurser som finns i familjen eller Àr ekonomiska resurser den viktigaste förklaringsfaktorn bakom politiskt intresse? Metod Genom data frÄn undersökningen IEA Civic Education Study som besvarades av 18- Äringar Är 2000 kommer statistiska analyser att utföras genom regressionsanalys. De oberoende variablerna kulturella och ekonomiska resurser kommer dels att testas mot politiskt deltagande, dels mot politiskt intresse för att undersöka vilken pÄverkan de olika resurserna har. Resultat GÀllande det politiska deltagandet har kulturella och ekonomiska resurser ungefÀr lika stor pÄverkan pÄ de undersökta ungdomarna, vilket Àr i linje med tidigare forskning. DÀremot visar sig kulturella resurser ha betydligt större positiv pÄverkan Àn ekonomiska resurser pÄ det politiska intresse

    Mapping of European transmission system operators

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    Since the 1990s, the European Union has implemented various directives aimed at harmonizing the electricity markets of the European countries. The European countries complete the directives in their own national legal framework leading to significant differences in how national electricity networks are structured, managed and operated. This research focuses on comparing European transmission system operators (TSOs) with the Swedish TSO Svenska kraftnĂ€t to identify areas for potential improvement. Different methods are employed, combining quantitative data from a survey of European TSOs and qualitative insights from detailed interviews with selected TSOs. The survey covers aspects such as managed voltage levels, ownership structures, and coordination with distribution system operators (DSOs). Key findings reveal that Svenska kraftnĂ€t operates the highest proportion of extra-high voltage (400-380 kV) lines in the EU and has no responsibility for lower voltages such as 132-50 kV lines, which is rare for a European TSO. This responsibility structure requires Svenska kraftnĂ€t to collaborate extensively with DSOs, potentially leading to coordination challenges. Interviews with TSOs from Germany (Transnet) and the Czech Republic (ČEPS) provide contrasting perspectives on the benefits and drawbacks of this arrangement. While Transnet views the lack of lower voltage responsibility as an advantage, ČEPS shares similar coordination difficulties as Svenska kraftnĂ€t. The study concludes that Svenska kraftnĂ€t could benefit from adopting best practices from other European TSOs, particularly in enhancing data exchange and collaboration with DSOs. Continuous benchmarking and regulatory adjustments are recommended to maintain a secure, efficient, and resilient electricity network in Sweden. The findings offer strategic insights for improving the integration and performance of national and European electricity systems

    Noise control CB 90 : A Study of the Transporter Room in a Noise Perspective

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    The main focus of this thesis has been the noise level inside combat boat 90, CB 90H acommon boat in the Swedish navy. The stakeholder of this project has been Dockstavarvet,the developer of the boat. Almost all parts of the project have been carried out at thecompany headquarters in Docksta, except some testing which occurred at a laboratory atLuleĂ„ University of Technology. The development of these aluminium boats are goingtowards having higher speed with more powerful engines and at the same time tougherrequirements for the noise level. This thesis aimed to evaluate the transporter room wherethe marines are stationed while transport. The current noise level is above 85 dB(A) whichexceeds the recommended noise level for hearing protection which is 80 dB(A). In recentyears the fire regulations have increased, to meet these stricter regulations Dockstavarvetwanted to see an improvement without using anything that could be classified asflammable. This limited the project to focus on changing the aluminium structure andusing the fire approved viscous compound Noxudol, which is used for noise control today.To evaluate the situation two research questions was necessary to answer”where does thenoise origin and how does it propagate?” To answer these questions a large study ofpervious noise control assessments was conducted and a search for similar projects.Through the research it was determined the CB 90H has two sources contributing to thehigh noise level, water streaming against the hull and the engines, two water jets. Each ofthese sources contribute with a high noise level, the hulls contact with water gives thehighest dB(A) value while the engines contribute with a low frequency noise and thehighest dB value. In this thesis the goal have been to lower the dB(A) level which for themost parts are the requirement in a new development of a vessel. Therefore the main focusof this thesis has been to reduce the noise from contact with water and secondly the enginenoise. A literature study was conducted to understand how these noises could be dampedand if there is any suitable methods. The research showed increasing the stiffness of themain girders would attune the vibrations from the engines. To reduce noises which occurfrom the contact with water, weight needed to be added for parts of the bottom hull plates.After this point the engine noise was unprioritized and the focus was put on detaildevelopment for the radiated noise from hull plates. Due to practical reasons, testing on aCB 90H in water wasn’t possible. Therefore a test rig was built; the test rig was a section ofthe lower hull structure in the transporter room. The test contained three differentconfigurations, bolting plates on the bottom hull plates, adding a layer Noxudol betweenthe plates and finally spraying the test rig with Noxudol. The test showed an expected effectwith the added plates but also showed that the viscous compound had no effect betweenthe plates and small effect when it was sprayed. The effect from adding the plates werenotable and will improve the situation but with a cost of some additional weight. Therecommendations for Dockstavarvet is to further examine the possibility to increase girderstiffness in engine room and search for an more effective way to reduce the radiating noisefrom hull plates.Validerat; 20150910 (global_studentproject_submitter

    Feedback of experience : A way to better offers

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    Detta examensarbete har gjorts i samarbete med JM Entreprenad som Àr ett helÀgt dotterbolag till JM AB. JM AB Àr ett av Sveriges största byggföretag. Arbetet har gÄtt ut pÄ att hjÀlpa JM Entreprenad Region Hus med att undersöka hur erfarenhetsÄterföringen mellan Kalkylavdelningen och produktion ser ut samt att komma med förslag till förbÀttringar. ErfarenhetsÄterföring handlar om att samla in och ÄteranvÀnda de erfarenheter och kunskaper som kommer frÄn olika delar av organisationen för att sedan ha dessa som utgÄngspunkt för förbÀttringar av det framtida arbetet. Det finns i nulÀget inga fastslagna rutiner för hur denna erfarenhetsÄterföring skall genomföras vilket Àr en stor brist i organisationen. För att förÀndra detta bör företaget strÀva efter att bli en lÀrande organisation och skapa tydliga rutiner för hur detta arbete skall lÀggas upp.This thesis has been done in collaboration with JM Entreprenad, a wholly owned subsidiary of JM AB. JM AB is one of Sweden's largest construction companies. The task has been to assist JM Entreprenad Region Hus with an investigation concerning how the experience feedback between Calculus Department and Production is working and to make suggestions for improvements. Experience feedback comprises collecting and reusing the experience and knowledge which comes from different parts of the organization and to use this knowledge as a basis for improvement of future work. There is currently no established procedures for how this experience feedback shall be carried out which is a shortcoming in the organization. To change this, the company should strive to become a learning organization and establish clear procedures for how this work shall be organized

    En Konceptuell Processmodell över AffÀrssystemsuppgraderingar : Ett Induktivt Examensarbete om Uppgraderingar av AffÀrssystem

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    Att uppgradera affÀrssystemet Àr en av de mest centrala delarna av affÀrssystemets livscykel. Uppgraderingar krÀver stora investeringar och beskrivs som en svÄrhanterlig process. Det finns lite litteratur om hur uppgraderingar gÄr till och den litteratur som beskriver hur uppgraderingar gÄr till misstÀnks vara förlegad dÄ affÀrssystemen har utvecklats mycket sedan den publicerades. Syftet med uppsatsen Àr att öka förstÄelsen för hur affÀrssystemsuppgraderingar gÄr till. Genom en induktiv forskningsansats undersöks en organisation som nyligen genomfört flera uppgraderingar. Genom analysen presenterar vi en processbeskrivning som i viss mÄn skiljer sig frÄn den tidigare litteratur. Utöver skillnader i stegen/aktiviteterna kommer vi Àven fram till att flera av dem tycks ske parallellt vilket tidigare litteratur inte adresserat. Det visar sig Àven att Incitamentet till uppgraderingar tycks ha ett stort inflytande pÄ uppgraderingsprocessen vilket presenteras som ett förslag för vidare forskning

    16 GS/s Continuous-Time ΣΔ Modulator in a 22 nm SOI Process : a Simulation and Feasibility Study

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    With a reference specification model in terms of 8 GS/s Sigma Delta Modulator in a 28 nm CMOS process consuming 890 mW, the purpose with this thesis is to construct a similar and simpler model but with higher specification demands. In a 22 nm SOI process with an input signal bandwidth of 500 MHz sampled at 16 GS/s with a power consumption below 2 W, the objective is to design a Continuous-Time Sigma Delta Modulator with verified simulated functionality on a transistor level basis. This specification is accomplished - with a power consumption in total of 75 mW. The design methodology is divided into an integrator part along with a quantizer and feedback DAC part. A top-down strategy is carried out starting with an ideal high level Verilog-A model for the complete system, followed by a hardware implementation on transistor level

    Improving Decision Making Through the Use of BI&A and a Data-Driven Culture

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    Background and problem: Today, businesses act in an increasingly complex environment, that requires organizations to be more adaptive. This increases the value of data analytics and decision support systems such as Business Intelligence & Analytics (BI&A) for decision makers and enables them to make better and quicker decisions. At the same time, there is a lack of understanding of the data-driven cultures that support the use of BI&A and BI&A in relation to the decision process itself. Research aim: To expand the understanding of organizational decision making under the presence of BI&A. Research questions: “How can a data-driven culture support the use of Business Intelligence & Analytics?” and “How does the use of Business Intelligence & Analytics, facilitated by a data-driven culture, support the decision process?”. Research design: The research questions were studied using an exploratory approach with semi-structured interviews. Three Swedish organizations active in the logistics sector were interviewed as well as an external BI consultant. Through this approach, detailed information on how BI&A and data-driven cultures affect decision making were collected from the different organizations and was complemented with general knowledge on the topic from the BI consultant. Discussion and conclusion: The findings suggest that the influence of BI&A supports decision making, whereas the extent and type of support depend on the organisational level of the decision. Further, the findings highlight the importance of a data-driven culture, which supports the use of BI&A by facilitating data-driven decision making. Similar to prior research, a data-driven culture is found to be built on a set of enabling factors, although some new aspects are identified