68 research outputs found

    Bioaccumulation of aluminum by Lemna gibba L. from secondary treated municipal wastewater effluents

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    In this study, Lemna gibba as a sample aquatic plant was used to remove Al from a municipal secondary waste water effluence. Lemna gibba was acclimatized to the effluent in situ. The concentration of Al in the plant samples was examined for 7 days. Lemna gibba accumulated 500 μg Al g⁻¹ on the first day and reached saturation level with an increase of 100 μg g⁻¹ on the second day. The results indicated that Lemna gibba can be used as an effective aquatic plant at low costs for the treatment of municipal secondary waste water effluent. It was also noted that the plant should be harvested every 2 days for obtaining maximum efficiency

    The accumulation of heavy metals in Typha latifolia L. grown in stream carrying secondary effluent

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    Typha latifolia L. fromaquatic plants is widely found throughout Kehli Stream (Elazig, Turkey). This study examined the uptake of some metals by T. latifolia and the transfer from roots to other plant parts. The accumulation of Mn in T. latifolia L. can be suggested as a tolerance strategy due to its transfer factor higher than 1.0. The enrichment coefficients in the leaves of T. latifolia L. were higher than 1.0 for Zn and Mn and often lower than 1.0 for other metals. Similarly, the enrichment coefficients of all metals, except for Cr, in roots of T. latifolia L.were higher than 1.0. This study demonstrated that T. latifolia L. could be considered as either a bio-indicator or a bio-accumulator for sediments and water polluted by metals

    Bioaccumulation of uranium and thorium by lemna minor and lemna gibba in Pb-Zn-Ag tailing water

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    This study focused on the ability of Lemna minor and Lemna gibba to remove U and Th in the tailing water of Keban, Turkey. These plants were placed in tailing water and individually fed to the reactors designed for these plants. Water and plant samples were collected daily from the mining area. The plants were ashed at 300°C for 1 day and analyzed by ICP-MS for U and Th. U was accumulated as a function of time by these plants, and performances between 110 % and 483 % for L. gibba, and between 218 % and 1194 % for L. minor, were shown. The highest Th accumulations in L. minor and L. gibba were observed at 300 % and 600 % performances, respectively, on the second day of the experiment. This study indicated that both L. gibba and L. minor demonstrated a high ability to remove U and Th from tailing water polluted by trace elements

    The potential of Lemna gibba L. and Lemna minor L. to remove Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in gallery water in a mining area in Keban, Turkey

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    This study was designed to investigate removal efficiencies of Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in gallery water in a mining area in Keban, Turkey by Lemna gibba L. and Lemna minor L. These plants were placed in the gallery water of Keban PbeZn ore deposits and adapted individually fed to the reactors. During the study period (8 days), the plant and water samples were collected daily and the temperature, pH, and electric conductivity of the gallery water were measured daily. The plants were washed, dried, and burned at 300 C for 24 h in a drying oven. These ash and water samples were analyzed by ICP-MS to determine the amounts of Cu, Pb, Zn, and As. The Cu, Pb, Zn and As concentrations in the gallery water of the study area detected 67, 7.5, 7230, and 96 mg L 1, respectively. According to the results, the obtained efficiencies in L. minor L. and L. gibba L. are: 87% at day 2 and 36% at day 3 for Cu; 1259% at day 2 and 1015% at day 2 for Pb; 628% at day 3 and 382% at day 3 for Zn; and 7070% at day 3 and 19,709% at day 2 for As, respectively. The present study revealed that both L. minor L. and L. gibba L. had very high potential to remove Cu, Pb, Zn, and As in gallery water contaminated by different ores

    Standardization of Forensic Interview with the Child Victim

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    Child abuse which should be considered as a global public health problem, has become increasingly a topical issue due to rapid changes in social life and family structure, migrations. With the child advocacy centers system, which has been organized in our country since 2012, is aimed to manage the forensic and forensic medical evaluation process meticulously with a multidisciplinary approach. There are local differences in the practices of centers located in different provinces. In this study, it is aimed to improve the practice in the field by underlining the main points to be considered during the forensic interview of the cases brought with the claim that they were exposed to sexual abuse. In our study, a standard checklist which will be based on, facilitates the retention of informations that can be obtained through family interviews; it will also serve to improve both the self-regulation of the forensic interviewer and the awareness of the judicial authorities. Determinations were made by blending the information in the literature with our professional observations in our practice

    Antropologia de les poblacions neolítiques de Catak Höyük, d'Asikli i de Cayönü (Turquia)

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    The analysis of prophet stories and subjective reflections of the interfaith depiction on ottoman art of painting

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    İnsanlık tarihi boyunca tasvir, Paleolitik Çağa kadar uzanmaktadır. Çok tanrılı dinlere mensup Mezopotamya, Mısır ve Yunan tasvir sanatında kendi ilahlarını, tanrılarını ve tanrıçalarını şekle, biçime koymak, onlara tapınmak için yapıldığını görmekteyiz. Çok tanrılı dinler tanrılarını betimlemek için resim, heykel sanatını kullanmışlardır. Tek tanrılı dinlerde tanrı tasvirlerinin puta dönüşebilme ihtimalinden dolayı dinsel mekânlarda “istisnalar dışında” tasvir kullanılmamıştır. Her ne kadar, Bizans ve Avrupa Hıristiyan topluluklarında tasvir konusunda değişiklikler görülse Hristiyanlığın yasallaşmasıyla birlikte, Hz. İsa’nın öyküsünü, hatıralarını canlı tutabilmek için kiliselerde dini konulu tasvirler kullanılmışlardır. İmgesel tasvirlerin ve hristogramların (Hristiyanlıkta dini sembol olarak kullanılan monogramların) yerini almıştır. İslamiyet’in resmi din olduğu Osmanlı İmparatorluğu döneminde yazılmış eserlerde ve el yazmalarında tasviri görmekle beraber tasvirler, dinsel edebî metinlerle desteklenmiştir. Ayrıca dönemin eserlerinden Falnameler, Silsile-nameler, Zübdetü’t-Tevârihler, Siyer-i Nebîler ve Kısas-ı Enbiyalar gibi yazma eserler incelendiğinde; geçmişte yaşanmış olayları, hikâyeleri, peygamberlerin hayatları, alametleri ve mucizeleri gibi unsurlara tasvirlerde yer verilmiştir. Havva ile Âdem, Hz. Muhammed’in miraç hadisesi, ayın ikiye bölünmesi, Hz. Muhammed’in Hira Dağı’nda vahiy alması, Yunus peygamberin balığın karnından çıkması, Nuh peygamberin tufan hadisesi, İbrahim peygamberin ateşe atılması, İsa peygamberin göğe yükselmesi, Musa peygamber ve kardeşi Harun’un yılanı ejderhaya dönüştürmesi ile Firavun’un huzuruna çıkma hadiselerine değinilmiştir. Bu çalışmada peygamberlerin hayatlarından ve mucizelerinden yola çıkılarak dini temaları esin kaynağı olarak ele alan yağlıboya tekniğinde yapılmış resimlere ve çözümlemelerine yer verilmiştir.The depiction dates back to the Paleolithic Period throughout the history of mankind. In the art of Mesopotamian, Egyptian and Greek depictions belonging to polytheistic religions, it is seen that they put their own gods and goddesses in shape and form to worship. Polytheistic religions have used the art of painting and sculpture to depict their gods. The depictions have not been used in religious spaces due to the possibility that depictions of gods in monotheistic religions may turn into idols, with exceptions. Although, in the Byzantine and European Christian communities several changes were observed in the depiction and in order to keep the story and memories of Jesus alive, they used it in religious depictions in churches with the legalization of Christianity. As a matter of fact, these depictions have replaced the Imagistic depictions and the monograms used as religious symbols in Christianity, i.e. christograms. Depictions were also seen in works and manuscript works written during the Ottoman Empire, when Islam was the official religion, and the depictions were also supported by religious literary texts. In addition, when the manuscript works such as "Falname", "Silsile-name", "Zubdet al-Tevarih", "Siyer-i Nebi" and "Kisas-i Enbiya" were examined from the works of this period, it was determined that elements such as events, stories, lives of prophets, omens and miracles were included in the depictions. The events that are addressed in this depiction; Adam and Eve, the event of Miraj of the Prophet Muhammad, the event of revelation of the Prophet Muhammad while he was on the mountain of Hira, the Miracle of the splitting of the Moon, the event of the Prophet Jonah out of the belly of huge fish, The Noah's flood, the event of Abraham to be thrown into the fire, the ascension of Jesus Christ, the transformation event of a snake into a dragon by the Prophet Moses and his brother Aaron and the Moses And Aaron Before Pharaoh events. In this study, based on the lives and miracles of the prophets, paintings made in oil painting technique that deals with religious themes as inspiration and their analysis were included and evaluated

    Clinical aspects of renal cell carcinoma

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    Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) represents a heterogeneous group of tumors, the most common of which is clear cell adenocarcinoma. RCC accounts for 3% of adult tumors. The incidence has increased more than 30% over the past two decades. It is generally postulated that the increased incidence rates reflect earlier diagnosis at an earlier stage, largely due to more liberal use of radiological imaging techniques. However, advanced disease has also been diagnosed more frequently and the mortality rate has increased as well. Prevention of RCC should focus on smoking cessation and maintaining ideal body mass index. Familial forms of kidney cancer have been described on four distinct histological patterns: clear cell, papillary, chromophobe, and oncocytoma. Genetic forms afflict individuals at an earlier age with a multifocal and recurrent pattern; therefore, nephron-sparing procedures should be the treatment of choice for these patients. The yield of screening the general population for RCC is still relatively low and hence not cost-effective. Screening should be reserved for individuals who carry high risk for RCC. The classic triad of flank pain, macroscopic hematuria, and palpable abdominal mass is now detected in fewer than 10% of patients, and is a late sign. Today, most tumors are diagnosed incidentally. Paraneoplastic syndromes have been reported in 10-40% of patients and can be seen at any stage of disease. The indications and application of percutaneous biopsy for renal masses are limited and mainly used to make differential diagnosis with an infectious process, lymphoma and metastases to the kidney. © 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved