276 research outputs found

    Mudurnu Nehri’nde su kalitesinin bentik makroinvertebratlar ile belirlenmesi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Bu çalışmada, Mudurnu Nehri üzerinde belirlenen altı noktadan 2016 yılının Mayıs, Haziran, Temmuz, Ağustos, Eylül ve Ekim aylarında, altı ay boyunca ayda iki kez olmak üzere, bentik makroinvertebrat örnekleri alınarak Mudurnu Nehrinin su kalitesinin belirlenmesi hedeflenmiştir. Alınan bentik makroinvertebratlar örnekleri tür ve familya bakımından teşhis edilmiştir. Ve Bentik makroinvertebratlar, Trent Biyotik İndeks (TBI),Belçika Biotik İndeks (BBI) Biological Monitoring Working Party Score System (BMWP), Her Taksonun Ortalama Değeri (ASPT), Chandler Biyotik Skor İndeksi ve Shannon İndeksine göre değerlendirilmiştir. Elde edilen veriler değerlendirilerek su kalite sınıfları tespit edilmiştir. Sonrasında, teşhisleri yapılanBentik makroinvertebratlar ile kirlilik arasındaki ilişki araştırılmış,SPSS Statistic (Statistical Package for the Social Science) 21/2012 kullanılarak t-testi yöntemi ile analiz edilmiştir.İndeksler incelendiğinde Mudurnu Nehri için kullanıma en uygun indeksin Belçika Biyotik İndeks olduğu tespit edilmiştir.Sonuç olarak Mudurnu Nehri'in çevresindeki endüstriyel ve tarımsal faaliyetlerden etkilendiği tespit edilmiştir. Anahtar Kelime: Mudurnu Nehri, Bentik Makroinvertebratlar, Biyotik İndeksler, Su Kalitesi, SPSS Programı, t-TestiThe aim of this study is to determine the water quality of Mudurnu River through benthic macroinvertebrate samples taken from six stations placed on Mudurnu River throughout six months in twice a monthin May, June, July, August, September and October of the year 2016. The benthic macroinvertebrate samples received were identified in term of species and family. And benthic macroinvertebrates were assessed according to the Trent Biotical Index (TBI), the Belgian Biotic Index (BBI), the Biological Monitoring Working Party Score System (BMWP), the Avarage Score Per Taxon (ASPT), the Chandler Biotic Score Index and the Shannon Index.Water quality classes were determined by evaluating the obtained data. Subsequently, the relationship between the identified benthic macroinvertebrates and pollution was investigated and analyzed using the t-test method using the SPSSStatistic (Statistical Package for the Social Science) program version 21/2012. When the indices are examined, it is determined that the most suitable index for Mudurnu River is Belgium Biotic Index. As a result, it has been determined that the Mudurnu River is affected by industrial and agricultural activities around it. Keywords: Mudurnu River, Benthic Macroinvertebrates, Biotic Index, Water Quality, SPSS Program, t-Tes

    Applications of Subordination Principle to Log-Harmonic Mappings

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    MSC 2010: 30C45, 30C55The aim of this paper is to give some applications of subordination principle to log-harmonic mappings

    Some inequalities which hold for starlike log-harmonic mappings of order alpha

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    Let H(D) be the linear space of all analytic functions defined on the open disc D = {z vertical bar vertical bar z vertical bar ((z) over bar) = w (f) over bar /f f(z) where w(z) is an element of H(D) is second dilatation such that vertical bar w(z)vertical bar where h(z) and g(z) are analytic function in D. On the other hand, if f vanishes at z = 0 but it is not identically zero then f admits following representation f(z) = z vertical bar z vertical bar(2 beta) h(z) where Re beta > -1/2, h and g are analytic in D, g(0) = 1, h(0) not equal 0. Let f = z vertical bar z vertical bar(2 beta) h (g) over bar be a univalent log-harmonic mapping. We say that f is a starlike log-harmonic mapping of order alpha if partial derivative(arg f(re(i theta)))/partial derivative theta = Rezf(z)-(z) over barf((z) over bar)/f > alpha, 0 <= alpha < 1. (for all z is an element of U) and denote by S-lh*(alpha) the set of all starlike log-harmonic mappings of order alpha. The aim of this paper is to define some inequalities of starlike log-harmonic functions of order alpha (0 <= alpha <= 1).Publisher's Versio

    The Impact of Conscious Awareness and Consumer Uniqueness on Consumer Ethnocentrism and Demographics Comparisons

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    Purpose - This study aimed to interpret the differences stemming from the effect of demographic variables by analysing the relationship between conscious awareness, consumer uniqueness, and consumer ethnocentrism. Design/methodology/approach – A survey has been carried across Turkey on consumers over 18 to determine this relationship. The data obtained were interpreted through the SPSS package program. In the first part of the study, a literature review was conveyed to explain conscious awareness, consumer uniqueness, and consumer ethnocentrism concepts. In the second part, conscious awareness and the relationship between consumer uniqueness and consumer ethnocentrism are described. Thus, regression, t-test and ANOVA analysis were conducted. Findings - According to the analysis results, organizational consumer uniqueness positively affects consumer ethnocentrism. Besides, differences have been achieved between demographic variables and conscious awareness, consumer uniqueness, and consumer ethnocentrism. Discussion - The effects of consumer uniqueness, ethnocentrism and similar phenomena on consumption and purchasing habits are essential for marketing companies. In the analysis conducted in this context, it was revealed that there is a positive relationship between consumer uniqueness and consumer ethnocentrism, while no significant relationship was found between the conscious awareness perceptions of consumers and consumer ethnocentrism. In addition, the study is thought to contribute to both the literature and the sectoral field due to the limited number of studies on the concept of consumer uniqueness in the literature and the analysis results

    The Generation of Residual Stress in S355J2N Structure Steel and Its Influence on Mechanical Properties

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    Artık gerilme; çeşitli imalat yöntemlerinden sonra malzeme üzerindeki dış yükün kaldırılmasına rağmen mevcut olan gerilmedir. Artık gerilme; malzemenin mekanik özelliklerini önemli derecede etkilediğinden mukavemet değerlerinde değişime sebep olmaktadır. Bu çalışmada; kaynak uygulamasıyla oluşan artık gerilmenin mekanik özeliklere etkisinin belirlenebilmesi için; 6 mm et kalınlığında, S355J2N kalitesinde malzeme, EN standartları referans alınarak kaynatılmıştır. Tüm kaynak parametreleri kontrol altında tutulmuş ve kaynak yöntemi olarak MAG kaynak yöntemi kullanılmıştır. Böylece kontrollü olarak yapılan kaynak uygulaması ile artık gerilme oluşturulmuştur. Kaynak sırasında oluşan yüzeysel veya hacimsel bir hata artık gerilmeyi artıracağı için tahribatsız muayene yöntemleri ile kontrol edilmiştir. Ardından kaynak dikişinde hata olmadığı belirlenen numune tahribatlı muayene yöntemleriyle kontrol edilmiş ve mekanik özellikleri tespit edilmiştir. Tespit edilen mekanik özellikler, ana malzemenin mekanik özellikleriyle karşılaştırılmış ve artık gerilmenin etkisi ölçülmüştür. Artık gerilmelerin etkisi ile malzemenin mukavemet değerlerinde azalma olduğu ve malzemenin mekanik etkilere karşı dayanımının da azaldığı görülmüştür.Residual stress is stress that exist after all loads been removed over the material after various manufacturing processes. Residual stress has a significant effect on the mechanical properties so that one should consider different strength values higher than the reference strength values. In this study, S355J2N quality material with thickness of 6 mm was welded according to EN standards in order to determine the effect of residual stress caused by welding on mechanical properties. All welding parameters were kept under control and MAG welding method was used as a method. In this way, residual stress is formed in a controlled manner of welding. Samples were examined using non-destructive testing methods after welding to observe the planar and volumetric defects formed during the welding, which may increase residual stress. Then, the defect free samples were examined through destructive inspection methods and their mechanical properties were determined. The effect of the residual stress on the mechanical properties was measured by comparing the mechanical properties of the main material to the mechanical properties of the material including residual stress. Reduction of the mechanical properties due to residual stress was determined. Reduction of the resistance to mechanical effect was determine

    Hemşirelik bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin mahremiyet bilinci

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    Objective: This study was conducted in a descriptive design type to determine the privacy awareness of nursing students and associated factors. Material and Methods: The sample of this descriptive study consisted of 490 nursing students studying in Gümüşhane University Health Sciences Faculty Nursing Department and Recep Tayyip Erdogan University Health Sciences Faculty Nursing Department. The data were collected with the questionnaire developed by the researchers and the Patient Privacy Scale. To evaluate the data, continuous variables were expressed as mean, standard deviation, median (25th-75th percentile), and categorical variables as numbers (percent). A comparison of variables that did not show normal distribution between groups was evaluated by the Mann-Whitney U test, KruskalWallis, Post-Hoc Tukey test and the relationship between numerical variables was evaluated by Spearman correlation analysis. Results: The study revealed that gender, place of residence, and education on privacy were the factors affecting privacy awareness. The reasons for the violation of privacy were determined as "careless work of nurses", "heavy workload of nurses", "environmental deficiencies", and "emergencies". The privacy scale scores of the students who chose 'emergencies' as the factor causing privacy violation were found significantly high in the confidentiality of private life (p=0.021), sexual privacy (p=0.014), physical privacy (p=0.039), ensuring a favorable environment (p=0.014), and privacy scale scores (p=0.007). Conclusion: It was found that the students had high scores on privacy, and patient privacy was affected by the students’ level of knowledge about gender, privacy, and place of residence. We suggest that training for privacy practices should be repeated at regular intervals when students start the profession.Amaç: Bu çalışma, hemşirelik bölümünde öğrenim gören öğrencilerin mahremiyet bilincini ve bununla ilişkili faktörleri belirlemek amacıyla tanımlayıcı tipte yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntemler: Tanımlayıcı türdeki araştırmanın örneklemini Gümüşhane Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümü ve Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Üniversitesi Sağlık Bilimleri Fakültesi Hemşirelik Bölümünde öğrenim gören 490 öğrenci oluşturdu. Veriler araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen soru formu ve Hasta Mahremiyet Ölçeği ile toplandı. Araştırmadan elde edilen verilerin değerlendirilmesinde, sürekli değişkenler ortalama, standart sapma, medyan (25-75. persentil), kategorik değişkenler ise sayı (yüzde) olarak ifade edildi. Gruplar arasında normal dağılım göstermeyen değişkenlerin karşılaştırılması Mann-Whitney U testi, Kruskal-Wallis test, “post-hoc” Tukey testi ve sayısal değişkenler arasındaki ilişki ise Spearman korelasyon analizi ile değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Cinsiyet, yaşanılan yer ve mahremiyet ile ilgili eğitim alma durumu mahremiyet bilincini etkileyen faktörler olduğu görüldü. Mahremiyet ihlalinin nedeni “hemşirelerin dikkatsiz çalışması”, “hemşirelerin iş yükünün fazla olması”, “ortamdan kaynaklanan eksiklikler” ve “acil durumların olması” olarak belirlendi. Mahremiyet ihlaline neden olan faktörlerden “acil durumların olmasını” belirten öğrencilerin özel hayatın gizliliği (p=0,021), cinsiyete ilişkin mahremiyet (p=0,014), bedensel mahremiyet (p=0,039), uygun ortam oluşturma (p=0,014) ve mahremiyet ölçeği puanlarının (p=0,007) anlamlı olarak yüksek olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Araştırma sonucunda, öğrencilerin mahremiyete yönelik puanlarının yüksek olduğu, hasta mahremiyetinin cinsiyet, yaşanılan yer ve öğrencilerin hasta mahremiyeti hakkındaki bilgi düzeyinden etkilendiği görülmüştür. Meslek hayatına geçildiğinde mahremiyet uygulamalarına yönelik eğitimlerin aralıklı olarak tekrarlanması gerektiğini önermekteyi

    Effect of final irrigation with sodium hypochlorite at different temperatures on postoperative pain level and antibacterial activity: a randomized controlled clinical study

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    Objective: To evaluate the effect of final irrigation of root canals with NaOCl solution at different temperatures on postoperative pain level and antimicrobial activity.&nbsp;Methodology: 45 patients were randomly divided into three groups using a web program according to the irrigation selected: NaOCl 2ºC, NaOCl 25ºC and NaOCl 45ºC. First root canal samples were collected before treatment (S1). After chemo-mechanical preparation, final irrigation was performed with the selected irrigant (NaOCl 2ºC, NaOCl 25ºC and NaOCl 45ºC) and second samples were collected (S2). Samples were subjected to quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction to evaluate the levels of total bacteria. The root canal treatments were completed and the participants were given instructions to record postoperative pain levels at 24, 48 and 72 hours, 5 days and 1 week after treatment using a visual analog scale (VAS). Results: The reduction in the number of total bacterial cell equivalents from S1 to S2 was statistically significant in all groups (p&lt;0.001). The NaOCl 2˚C group reported significantly less postoperative pain than the NaOCl 45˚C group (p&lt;0.05). Postoperative analgesic intake was significantly higher in the NaOCl 45˚C group than in the NaOCl 2˚C group (p&lt;0.05).&nbsp;Conclusion: We conclude that final irrigation with NaOCl at different temperatures results in similar antibacterial effectiveness. Final irrigation with cold NaOCl (2˚C) is better than NaOCl 45˚C when comparing postoperative pain levels

    Evaluation of Viral Agents Detected in Children Admitted to Hospital Due to Lower Respiratory Infection

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    INTRODUCTION: Background\Aim: Viruses are among the most common causes of acute respiratory tract infections. In this study we aimed to investigate the viral pathogens detected in the nasopharyngeal swab specimens obtained from children in our pediatric ward being followed up due to acute lower respiratory tract infection and to analyse the distribution of the pathogens by age and months. METHODS: Method: This research was carried out between January 2019-January 2020, 289 patients (44.2% female, 55.7% male) admitted for acute respiratory tract infection were included. Patient records were reviewed retrospectively. Viral agents distribution was analysed according to age, sex and months (seasons/seasonall variation). RESULTS: Findings: In 117 (40.5%) of 289 patients viruses were not detected (negative) in the respiratory tract, in 172 (59.5%) they were detected (positive). In 148 (86%) patients a single agent, in 22 (12.8%) patients two agents, in 1 (0.6%) patient three agents, in 1 (0.6%) patient four agents were found. The most common virus detected was rinovirüs (HRV) (23.9%), the second most common was found to be respiratory syncytial virus A (RSVA) (16.3%). The most common agent in ages 0-3 was HRV, after 3 years the most common agent was influenza B virüs (IBV). IBV was the most common during the winter, HRV was the most common in the other seasons. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Results: In our study 59.5% of admitted children were found to have at least one respiratory virus. Multiplex PCR is a sensitive and specific method which detects viruses that are undetectable by classical methods, gives results in a shorter time compared to classical methods and also a method in which more than one specimen can be processed at the same time. With a faster method diagnosis of viruses, inappropriate use of antibiotics and development of antibiotic resistance can be prevented

    Cultural Propaganda Exhibitions of the British Council in Ankara in the 1940s

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    The axis and allied powers, mainly Germany and Britain, used propaganda in Turkey throughout Second World War in an attempt to persuade Turkey to become an ally. Britain was at the forefront of this movement and held films, conferences, language courses etc at the British Council, which was established in 1934, to promote English language, cultural accumulation, art and architecture. The council, the first office of which was opened in Ankara in 1940, succeeded in strengthening the diplomatic relationships between the two countries by extensively raising public opinion across the country through its activities. Exhibitions, which are a highly effective method of communication for large groups, were organized in the capital Ankara by the British Council during and after Second World War as a vehicle of cultural propaganda to exhibit art and graphics, architecture, educational institutions, books, urbanism, furniture and photography. The pro-British exhibitions provided the opportunity to establish close relations with Turkish Government officials; and so can be seen to have served Britain’s propaganda efforts to secure Turkey as an ally, both during and after the war. Although Britain actually failed to persuade Turkey to become a war ally, these exhibitions carried out by the British Council did succeeded in introducing the English language, culture and lifestyle to the country, and thus creating positive Turkish-British relations even after the war. While the British Council continues to conduct such activities, the exhibitions held by the British Council, which are the subject of the study, are limited to those of the 1940s. The study uses archive documents, news in periodical publications and information obtained from exhibition catalogues to address questions such as the dates of the exhibitions, the areas and works exhibited, the views of the Turkish government, the public, and the press of these exhibitions, as well as the relevance of the exhibitions in their period and how they compared to similar activities by other countries. The study, which is entitled “The Cultural Propaganda Exhibitions of the British Council in Ankara in the 1940’s” and focuses on the exhibition activities organized by the British Council in Ankara during the 10-year period between 1940-1950, concludes that reasons such as the propaganda that occured during World War II, the changing global political balances after the war, and the increasing importance of alliances, all lead the delegation to conduct an intense program of activities in Turkey during those years