18 research outputs found

    University students’ views about genetically modified organisms: A case study

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    Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is a popular socio-scientific issue today and views on this issue directly shape people’s behaviors. This study aims to investigate university students’ views about GMOs. A total of 200 university students from different faculties of a state university participated in the study. Face-to-face interviews were made with the participants. The sampling technique of convenience sampling, a purposeful sampling technique, and the maximum variation sampling technique were systematically used together to determine the participants of the study. Data were collected using an interview form developed by the researchers. The study was designed as a holistic single-case study. The data were analyzed using descriptive analysis and content analysis. NVivo12 software, a qualitative analysis software, was used to organize the data and the analysis results were presented in frequencies and percentages. Excerpts from the themes were also included. The results revealed that the university students’ sources of information regarding the issue are mainly news, social media, and lessons-school. It was nonetheless found that they do not rely on news and social media. They indicated many food products in which GMOs are used, plants in particular. However, they confused situations like growing the aforementioned products in periods different than seasonal periods and using hormones and additives with modifying genetics. The content analysis results showed that the university students’ views were collected under five different themes: Genetically Modified Products, Purposes of GMO Use, GMO’s differences from other products, advantages of GMOs, and damages of GMOs. At the end of the study, the university students’ views were discussed in light of the literature and the related suggestions were given

    A sample implementation of teaching molecular structure of DNA in the classroom and the opinions of teacher candidates about it

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    The purpose of this study is to carry out sample classroom applications in the teaching of the molecular structure of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA), which is the basis of the field of molecular biology, and obtaining the opinions of teacher candidates on these applications after they are completed. This is a basic, qualitative research study. The study was conducted in the fall semester of the academic year 2021-2022 at the Faculty of Education of a state university in Ankara. The participants from whom the data were collected were determined by the convenience sampling method. The research study group consisted of 15 teacher candidates, who were third-year biology students taking the molecular biology course. The interview form, developed by the researchers themselves and containing three questions, was the data collection tool for the study. Classroom applications used for the purposes of the study span a seven-year period. Teachings and other activities throughout the process were explained in detail. Thematic analysis, one of the qualitative analysis techniques, was used to analyze the data. In this study, an exemplary teaching practice/method was developed in DNA teaching. The findings showed that teacher candidates who took part in the application had positive views about the teaching of the subject and the process. In the future, various other teaching practices for other abstract concepts in biology can be developed and the views of prospective teachers explored. The effects of these classroom practices on the academic achievements, attitudes and motivation etc. of teacher candidates can be examined

    Onkogenik Agrobacterium tumefaciens A281 hattı ile çivit otu Isatis constricta Davis bitkisinde tümör oluşumu

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    Bu çalışmada, Isatis constricta çivit otu bitkisinden çimlendirme sonucu elde edilen in vitro gelişen yaprak ve yaprak sapı eksplantları Agrobacterium tumefaciens’in onkogenik A281 hattıyla inokule edilmiştir. Tümör oluşumu, eksplantlar inoküle edildikten 15 gün sonra başlamış olup, 4 hafta sonra GUS analizi yapılmıştır. En fazla tümöt oluşumu yaprak sapı eksplantında 50 mg/l kanamisin içeren aydınlık 16 saat ışık fotoperiyodunda denemesinden elde edilmişti


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    Bu tez kapsamında M. muscarimi (endemik), M. macrocarpum, M. neglectum ve M. adilii (endemik) türlerinin in vitro çoğaltımı çalısılmıstır. Eksplantlar, her türde farklılık göstermekle birlikte ikili pullar, in vitro'da elde edilen soğanların ikili pulları ve yaprak ayaları, farklı konsantrasyonlarda BAP-NAA, KIN-NAA ve TDZ-NAA içeren MS ortamında rejenerasyona alınmıstır. M. muscarimi'de en fazla soğan 19 adet ile 4 mg/l BAP–2 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamında, en büyük çapa sahip soğanlar ise 1,24 cm ile 1 mg/l BAP–1 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamında bulunmustur. M. macrocarpum'da en fazla soğan eksplant basına 6 adetle 2 mg/l KIN–0,5 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamında görülmüstür. En büyük çaplar 1,39 cm'de 4 mg/l KIN –2 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamından alınarak MS ortamına aktarılan soğanlarda gözlenmistir. M. neglectum'da en fazla soğan 8,25 adetle 0,1 mg/l TDZ–2 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamından elde edilmistir. Ancak; 0,47-0,48 cm ile en büyük çapa sahip soğanlar, 0,15 mg/l TDZ–0,5 ve 2 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamında bulunmustur. M. adilii'de ise, en çok soğan 15,75 adet ile 4 mg/l BAP–0,5 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamından elde edilmistir. 1 mg/l BAP–1 ve 2 mg/l NAA içeren MS ortamında 0,58-0,54 cm'lik soğanlar en büyük çaplar olarak tespit edilmistir. Elde edilen M. muscari soğanların köklendirmesi 1 mg/l IBA içeren MS ortamında, diğer 3 türün köklendirmesi ise MS besin ortamında yapılmıstır. Bu çalısma sonucunda soğan üretim hızını artırarak bu soruna çözüm getirilebileceği düsünülmektedir.M. muscarimi (endemic), M. macrocarpum, M. neglectum and M. adilii (endemic) were studied in this thesis. Explants obtained from different species showed variable behavior; twin scales, twin scales from in vitro regenerated bulblets and lower portions of leaves were cultured on MS medium containing different concentrations of BAP-NAA, KIN-NAA and TDZ-NAA. The highest number of 19 bulbs were regenerated on MS medium containing 4 mg/l BAP-2mg/l NAA in M. muscarimi. The largest bulbs of 1,24 cm diameter were recorded on MS medium containing 1 mg/l BAP–1 mg/l NAA. The maximum number of 6 bulbs were noted on MS medium containing 2 mg/l Kinetin-0,5 mg/l NAA in M. macrocarpum. The largest bulbs with 1,39 cm diameter were recorded on the bulblets cultured on the MS medium containing 4 mg/l Kinetin-2 mg/l NAA and transferred to MS medium. The highest number of 8,25 bulbs were recorded on 0,1 mg/l TDZ-0,5 mg/l NAA in M. neglectum. However, the largest bulbs with 0,47-0,48 cm diameter were recorded on MS medium containing 0,15 mg/l TDZ- 0,5 and 2 mg/l NAA. Maximum number of 15,75 bulblets were regenerated on MS medium containing 4 mg/l BAP- 0,5 mg/l NAA in M. adilii. The maximum diameter of 0,58-0,54 cm was noted down on MS medium containing 1 mg/l BAP-1 AND 2mg/l NAA. M. muscarimi bulbs were rooted on MS medium containing 1 mg/l IBA. The bulbs of other three species were rooted on MS medium. It is expected that the results of this study will help in increasing the production speed of the plants

    Developing the Web 2.0 tools awareness scale and determining the Web 2.0 awareness levels of the pre-service teacher

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    This research aimed to develop a scale to measure pre-service teachers' awareness of web 2.0 tools and examine it based on department and grade level. The study included pre-service teachers from a state university across different grades. A scale was developed with 431 participants from the mathematics and science education department, and 125 participants were then assessed using the scale. Data analysis was performed using exploratory factor analysis with IBM SPSS 26. The resulting ‘pre-service teacher awareness scale for web 2.0 tools’ consisted of 18 items and two factors on a 3-point Likert scale, showing good internal consistency (Cronbach's alpha = 0.86). The scale was administered to pre-service teachers in various teaching departments. The study revealed that pre-service physics teachers had the highest average awareness (M = 25.96) among the departments, and 1st-grade pre-service teachers had significantly higher awareness (M = 24.31) compared to other grade levels. This research provides a reliable scale to assess pre-service teachers' awareness of web 2.0 tools and highlights the need for tailored interventions and support in different educational contexts

    Efficient in vitro Clonal Propagation of Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex. Ten Using Thidiazuron- α Naphthalene Acetic Acid

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    Muscari neglectum Guss. Ex Ten, is an ornamental, herbaceous perennial plant species that grows in the Mediterranean countries with attractive and scented blue-colored flowers. The plant has low seed output, seed dormancy, low germination and propagation rates. This study aimed to develop a reliable microclonal propagation protocol for M. neglectum using TDZ (Thidiazuron)-NAA (α Naphthalene acetic acid) to induce bulblets, roots, and acclimatization of the regenerated bulblets. Maximum number of bulblets per explant (8.25±0.05) was noted on MS medium containing 0.0454 µM TDZ-5.37 µM NAA. The bulblets regenerated in each type of culture medium were very vigorous, and acclimatized easily following rooting on a subculture. Here we show that this protocol is a useful clonal micropropagation system for this important ornamental plant

    Determining the learning approaches of Biology teacher candidates : Learning approaches of Biology teacher candidates

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    Learning approaches refer to the differentiation in the purpose that students consider and the activities they choose to perform a particular learning task. Many studies have been carried out at university level, in various grade levels and fields, in order to determine the learning approaches of students and to enable them to learn to learn by enabling them to gain effective learning approaches in the light of these determinations. In this study, it was aimed to determine the learning approaches of biology teacher candidates. The study group of the research consists of 12 teacher candidates studying in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades of Gazi Education Faculty, Department of Mathematics and Science Education, Biology Education Department in the fall semester of the 2022-2023 academic year. The teacher candidates were selected to be 3 teacher candidates from each grade level and 9 of the candidates were girls and 3 were boys. This study is a qualitative research and the data of the research were obtained by using a semi-structured interview form consisting of 5 questions developed by the researchers. In the analysis of the data, content analysis was used in qualitative data analysis methods. When the statements of the teacher candidates were examined, the results of the research showed that one of the learning objectives of the teacher candidates was the sense of curiosity and they aimed to improve themselves in the process based on learning. The results obtained as a result of the research indicate that some of the teacher candidates aim to get high grades, organize their studies, plan their time consciously and avoid memorization

    A review of the research on assessment preferences: The case of Turkey

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    As educational programmes evolve in the twenty-first century, there is a need to adapt measurement and evaluation practises to align with the changing landscape of accessing and producing information. Selecting appropriate measurement tools is crucial to obtaining accurate and relevant data. This study aims to provide a comprehensive review of research on assessment preferences in Turkey, focusing on the methodological aspects, with the goal of guiding future studies in this area. Using a systematic compilation method, published studies on assessment preferences in Turkey have been gathered from ULAKBIM, the National Thesis Search Centre, and Google Scholar. The study seeks to answer two main research questions: ‘What methods (research method, participants, data collection tools) were employed in studies on assessment preferences in Turkey?’ and ‘What research topics are needed to address the gaps in the literature on assessment preferences in Turkey?’ Analysis of the research findings reveals a notable increase in studies focusing on assessment preferences in Turkey since 2005. The majority of these studies employed quantitative research methods, with survey models being the dominant research approach. Data collection relied heavily on the use of scales as measurement tools. Based on this study's results, it is recommended that future studies in this area consider employing models such as meta-analysis, causal-comparison, and action research to advance understanding and contribute to the literature on assessment preferences in Turkey. This study provides a valuable compilation of existing research, shedding light on the current state of assessment preferences in Turkey. The identified research gaps and recommended methodologies will serve as a guide for researchers seeking to expand their knowledge in this field. By addressing these gaps and employing diverse research approaches, scholars can enhance their overall understanding of assessment preferences in the Turkish context and contribute to evidence-based educational practises